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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci shoots up out of his chair, his shotgun already resting on his lap while he relaxed, and takes cover in the doorway, pumping a round into the chamber and firing off his own blast into the hallway in the direction of the Dregs, his hat still lowered over his face as he acts more on instinct than actual sight
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci's shot hits the lead dreg in his right shoulder, rendering the unarmored limb useless. The man screams and drops his weapon before tumbling forward, spilling blood at a rapid rate beneath his prone body, which proceeds to be trampled over remorselessly by the crush of demented bodies behind him. The two acolytes already in the hallway estimate the downed dreg's chance of survival at zero by this point.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Do you know the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'? Lots of people don't like questions, Lili," Thiopia said to the hiver after she'd stopped talking awhile. "Perhaps you asked too many? Your first several have evidently set people out to get you. Perhaps you shouldn't ask very many more, for your own sake. Certainly, I can't answer them." Thiopia kicked her feet as she sat on her bed. "As for what I got out of protecting you... well, nothing, really, besides a little personal satisfaction. I just wanted to one-up those snotty enforcers and whoever sent those filth on the train for you. No finesse at all, so smug and brazen. Practically an insult!"


Growing exceedingly irritated (and a little drowsy) at the long, uneventful wait for this 'Argus' fellow that she was now not even sure that was going to show up, Thiopia was roused by a loud cry from the other room.

"Well, here we go." She unsheathed her knife and tossed it over to Lili, before picking up her gun, loaded beforehand with one of her big magazines, because of course there was going to be trouble. "Stay there, and stay away from any loose bits or vents."

There was much less fanfare from her as she opened up the door and pointed her gun in the direction of whatever it was making trouble for them, making sure she was pointed at something before she rattled off with it.

Step out and Aim down the hall at baddies, since I can't full auto this turn.
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Lili took this opportunity to duck down and hide on the far side of the bed, away from the commotion in the hallway. A further clattering from somewhere above them became more intense, though it was quickly drowned away in further gunfire as the acolytes unloaded on their would-be transgressors. A dog's bark could be heard from Gallus' room, and heavy clanking footsteps hurtled towards the door.

Meanwhile, Zieg was setting up for another quick action before the oncoming charge of hive scum...
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

From his point in the doorway, Zieg again lets off another loud *BLAM* with the shotgun at the dregs, gritting his teeth with a hiss. At least it sounds like the group had waken up, so at the plus side of things he did his job. Having known he was out of ammo, he ducked back into the doorway again, to prepare for his next attack.

Combat attack, and then half-move back out of sight.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

With a failed attempt to duck to the side, the leading dreg howled as the scattershot tore into his side, resulting in a spray of blood. It wasn't enough however to down him as Mordeci's salvo had brought low the first hiver parasite.

With a howl born of desperate rage, the dreg charged towards the doorway that Zieg had just shambled back through, rustling past the form of Mordeci, whose brimmed hat was pushed up just in time to see the club swinging towards his head. His instinct to duck served him well and the pipe scrap took a chip out of the decaying door frame right where his head used to be.

Mordeci is in melee combat with Dreg B

The next dreg caught sight of the rainbow-haired acolyte pointing a gun at him and knowing that he had no cover to speak of, he chose to rush her. His attack would prove to be ineffective as she stepped neatly back to observe the man tip off balance right in front of her, giving her an excellent opportunity to bring him low.

Thiopia is in melee combat with Dreg C

The ensuing dreg stepped over his fallen compatriot and put his shoulder into the door to Gallus' room. The weakly framed door shuddered. He pulled back for a second shoulder ram, but as he did so, the door swung open, and a metallic voice intoned loudly "Sic 'im!"

The dreg barely has time to utter an "Oh for Throne's sake!" before the cybermastiff is upon him, tearing at his side and taking a vicious bite out of his torso. The dreg howls in agony. Just about the only good thing his howl does is to change the position of his face just enough that an ensuing lascarbine blast from Gallus does not burn a hole through him just yet.

Two more dregs stand just behind him, looking on in abject horror.

Next round begins. Mordeci is up.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci ducks under the club, his right hand letting his shotgun drop from his hands and darting to his revolver, which he draws and shoots as quickly as his honed reflexes would allow, his experience as a gunslinger likely serving him well in this fight.

Drop shotgun as free action, draw revolver as half action, shoot Dreg B
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The dreg pivots and changes vector just as Mordeci's lasround discharges. The result is a smoking scorch mark in the floorboard, but no singing on his enemy, who twirls around erratically, attempting to club the gunslinger still with a savage, if uncoordinated effort.

The dreg dodged. Wasn't a high chance of it, but he rolled well. Remember that in DH, everyone gets a single reaction move each round to either dodge or parry. If you have the dodge skill, you dodge by rolling against your Agility score. If you are in melee and have a weapon to parry with, or are in unarmed combat with another unarmed combatant, you can roll WS to try to parry the blow. You may not dodge and parry in the same round.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

A quick backstep brings her to safety as her assailant overextends but a pace from her, and Thiopia pulls her trigger, using her grip on her lengthened magazine to (try) and keep her gun pointed away from whatever allies were in the hallway with them.


Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The recoil of her autopistol is jarring for the small framed adept. Her arm shudders and though her initial bullet does clip the dreg in front of her in his side, the rest of the gun's ammunition sprays into the wall, leaving a line of smoking holes.

Lili continues to keep her head down, covering her head and clamping her eyes shut as bullets and shouts swirl up around her.

Zieg is up next, then the Dregs, followed by Gallus and his dog.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Much like Mordeci, Zieg chucked his now-used shotgun from his hands, giving a bit of a angry snarl with his hands diving into his coat. With a quick flick of his hand, a revolver quickly slides free, aiming at the waster attacking the fellow hiveborn and letting a shot off to clear off the threat from him.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg's stub shot nicks the dreg cleanly through the leg, but it's not in time to stop the savage's swing, which connects against Mordeci's ribcage. However, the force is weak and not enough to slow the mercenary down.

Elsewhere, Thiopia's opponent misses her, while the mastiff rips at another dreg's clothing as his mates ineffectually hammer on the cyber-beast's metal plating. One of those hammerers gets a nasty shoulder burn from Gallus' ensuing semi auto burst from his lascarbine.

The battle seems to be going well. Though even above all the din, the pitter pattering from before can now be heard as it builds to a sudden intensity. None of the acolytes can quite make out what it is that they are hearing, but they do need to pay attention to driving these dregs off, certainly...

Next round, Mordeci is up.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci grunts as the club hits his flak vest, knocking him off-balance for a moment, before he levels his revolver, the barrel practically touching the Dreg's stomach before the mercenary lets loose a shot that tears through the Dreg's abdominal cavity, leaving a rather sizable hole on the way out.

Shoot Dreg B, and that's it for this round.
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia, meanwhile, continues to hold down the trigger. The recoil is proving difficult to manage, but hey, that's why she was using the bigger magazine.

Full autoooo.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The adept sprays her autopistol, keeping her finger squeezed tightly on the trigger, but the recoil of the rapid fire pistol was too much for her weak arm to handle. The fibers of her forearm muscle were numb and her wrist felt as though it were lead, and she could not bring the weapon to bear upon the crazed individual in front of her.

Lili cried out as the man maneuvered Thiopia back toward her, still swinging savagely, but wildly enough for the noble heiress to easily avoid provided she took several hasty back steps.

As she was forced back, Thio noticed that about five or six pinpoint fractures were appearing in the glass window at the far side of the room. And the mysterious skittering sounds were closer now, making an audible tick tack, tick tack on the wall.

Thio misses, fate point spent to prevent a jammed gun. 6 shots wasted. Lili doesn't move. It is Zieg's turn to act. The Dregs will act simultaneously, and this dreg has already missed and then maneuvered against Thio.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Do as I say and get closer to me, away from the window, Lili," Thiopia called out behind her, gun raised up defensively in front of her as she rapidly backpedaled back into the room - a lucky glance away from her opponent that didn't end with her head stoved in - granting her notice of the cracks and noises from the windows. Her eyes were on her enemy, and her firearm - unfortunately - was being clattered around as she used it to stop the man's blows, but it was better than getting bones cracked, she reckoned.

The windows were a dangerously ominous sign, but it wasn't killing them just yet, so it could perhaps wait. Still, Lili being closer to fleeing whatever was going to jump at them from there was likely to make it far more manageable.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

In the next matter of moments, Zieg moved forward, down the hallway, brandishing his stub revolver. Ahead of him, he saw the two dregs nearest to the cybermastiff turning tail and running. That left only the petite adept, Thiopia to be beset by an attacker, and she was the last defense between the savage and Lili.

The Arbitor raised his revolver and fired into the man's back. He stiffened immediately, and tumbled to the side, unable to break his fall, for the bullet had severed his spinal cord. Death followed in a matter of moments.

Elsewhere down the hall, Gallus finished off the poor bastard who was under the jaws of the mastiff, and the cyber animal immediately set off in hot pursuit of the fleeing dregs.

It seemed that the battle was won, save for the sudden crash of the window in Thio and Lili's room, where a tall, powerful humanoid in tattered rags, had hurled itself through the window, falling to the ground with brutish efficiency, upon both its bare feet.

When it stood, for it seemed much more an it than the man it had perhaps once been, the most notable feature were its gleaming red eyes. So inhuman was it, that those three souls who first laid eyes upon it were forced to steel themselves against it's horrid visage.

Its skin was pale, almost translucent, with a waxy, writhing quality to it, as if some power or force was living beneath the flesh and trying to work its way out. The tips of each toe and finger were encased in metal nubs, which in turn were connected by metallic sheathed wires that looked as though they belonged on a tech priest. These wires looped around the bulging muscles of the brute and entered into his body at socket embedded in each of his shoulders at the rear. It's mouth is sewn shut in a crudely stitched fashion, and it makes no sound, no roar, nor any battle cry as it stalks forward, intervening itself between Lili and Thio, though right now its eyes rest upon the adept...

Mordeci is up.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Oh, Throne." Thiopia muttered, slowly backing away.

"Get over here, we got a uh... a big scary thing!"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci bolts from the doorway he had been taking cover behind, hearing Thiopia's shout, turning into the doorway and stopping dead in his tracks when he sees the creature.

Full action move, nothing else because full action.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia once again levels her gun at a foe - quite different than her last, but foes were foes, and bullets were bullets. She squeezed the trigger, hoping she'd keep on target this time.

"Out, Lili!" She shouted, hoping the mutant would ignore the girl in favor of the one spraying it with lead.


Magazine is 12/30 currently.