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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

They're actually working on the rest of the characters but haven't finished yet plus working on other projects. There might be hawkeye, black widow, etc in a few weeks. Personally, I thought these were enough. :p And yeah she-hulk wouldn't be rule 63 because she's an entirely different character.

Also, you look so cute Copper! Even if I don't know who you're dressed as. lol
Re: The pics thread.

Strawberry Shortcake, right Copper?

I miss my Strawberry Shortcake cupcake dolls. They smelled good.
Re: The pics thread.

I only know strawberry shortcake from drawn together.
Re: The pics thread.

God, younglings! All of you! But yes, I'm done up as Strawberry Shortcake (the original version, not the newer one.) We still need to attach yarn to the hat to give me hair that's closer to hers, and the cat I was referring to, Ronny, is her cat, Custard, which we lucked into in a bargain bin at the local Spencer's. It's a Pillow Pet, but it works awesomely.

What was even more awesome were the pictures that I was asked to have taken (especially by women who weren't even part of the con. I loved that!) and I found that the vast majority of people who did recognize me *were* older women. It was actually a pretty jazzy feeling, to be a character that someone recognized who might just be getting dragged along to the thing by their kids.

What was also great was, by the end of the night, I'd had it with the cap, so I took it off and I'm sitting there in the dress and with my hair down and the panelist running the Intro to Yaoi panel that we were at catches sight of me and goes "Oh my God, are you Jesus?!" I lost it.

And, for reference, this is the character, from back in the day.
Re: The pics thread.

I'm not a youngling I just never watched Strawberry Shortcake, but it does seem a pretty good costuming by the picture you provided.
Re: The pics thread.

Dat Mass Effect pic...

Was I the only one that found Kelly the only acceptable replacement for the sexy space smurf Liara?

Too bad bOTH of her endings are just unsatisfactory... One a bit moreso than the other I'll admit... But... But... Likeable character~! And... Spoilerless posting~!

On to other subjects... I actually knew who Strawberry Shortcake was... I'm decently familiar with the TV programs from the 70's-80's... Well... As much as whats on Netflix and throughout childhood...

Actually I think my sis had a few old school shortcake dolls downs years back IIRC...

(If Netflix representatives should ever see this: Three ways you can improve the service YOUR ELDER AUDIENCE IS SEEKING THEIR OLD SHOWS- Kids know how to pirate Naruto subs at like 8 years old nowadays, stop with the crap animes- Update current shows faster)
Re: The pics thread.

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Re: The pics thread.

Happy Holidays to all the boys and girls and... others... at ULMF!


It's Tenta-Claus!:p
Re: The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

And on a similar geek note:

Chewbacca's actor gives us some special backstage snippets of the Star Wars original trilogy!
Re: The pics thread.

Dwenda from Hentai Foundry has finished my bust commission of Hagghaquur. At first I was a bit on the fence about their face, but it actually does justice to their duality in my opinion.

Warning: NSFW
Re: The pics thread.

Oh wow, that's really nice.
Re: The pics thread.

So I saw that (I know he goes by another name as I've seen his art posted in the shout before, but I can't remember where the art was hosted nor his other name/s at the moment) was offering a $10 quick sketch because he needed money for something and because I really like his art I asked if the slot had already been taken and if not could he draw Eleanor. The result was way more than I was expecting. Now I'm going to keep an eye on when he's next doing commissions so I can commission him to do Lani.
Re: The pics thread.

A map where the Disney cartoon movies takes place in.
Re: The pics thread.

A map where the Disney cartoon movies takes place in.

"Now, les see now. Whar is we figgerin' on goin'? How kin we be goin' some place is we dunno whar we's goin'?"

(I'm not sure if the live-action/cartoon mix here disqualifies it, but either way, this is the movie Disney wants us to forget about completely--though I suppose if we count live-action/cartoon hybrids you'd have to add Pete's Dragon and Mary Fucking Poppins.) (EDIT: Chicken Little, The Three Caballeros, and WALL-E all contain live-action as well... so there's that.)
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Re: The pics thread.

had some great songs though hope.

also that finding nemo place mark is off by like, 2000 kilometers. not a small number.
Re: The pics thread.

Really? I mean, it's just the water outside Sydney, plus they traveled pretty far throughout the movie.
Re: The pics thread.

in the movie they stuck to the coast between the GBR and sydney. that mark is half way to new zealand.