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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.


Just saw the (currently) featured image on rule34.


Re: The pics thread.

I dint know why but I cant stand to see family guy or Simpsons porn ads on porn sites I've visited before. Something bout it just turns me off. :p

Although that is kind of funny.
Re: The pics thread.

I know Snickers really satisfies, but it should've been a Butterfinger, for nostalgia sake.
Re: The pics thread.

I know Snickers really satisfies, but it should've been a Butterfinger, for nostalgia sake.

But, then it wouldn't make sense, since Bart is the character Butterfinger uses.

Plus, have you ever tried to put your dick in a Butterfinger wrapper? It's.....
Re: The pics thread.

I know Snickers really satisfies, but it should've been a Butterfinger, for nostalgia sake.

I agree, even if it was Bart that advertised Butterfingers, it'd still be a funny connection.
Re: The pics thread.

I didn't take any of these pictures.



Parking Area during a sandstorm
Re: The pics thread.

ah that windsock reminds me of the portion of my youth i spent flying gliders with my dad. sure i might have only been about 6 but its not something easy to forget.
Re: The pics thread.

Something about evenings and a kite always brings back memories to me. With my parents or without them, it's always such an innocent scene....unless your Ben Franklin.
Re: The pics thread.

yeah... i mean gliders as in the enginless planes that you sit in and use thermals to fly around all day.
Re: The pics thread.

Oh....my bad. Sorry about that Nunu ^ ^;
Re: The pics thread.

I think the Silence is- *looks away* Uhh... What was I talking about?
Re: The pics thread.


Pick your poison
(some of these are just dumb)
Re: The pics thread.

*headscratches* Speciailly as 'most curroption' wasn't near Washington DC.

Also, never really seen this place as a Beastiality haven. Sure, there's a fair few horse ranches in the countryside but it gets bloody cold outside round the fall-spring time.
Re: The pics thread.

Well, reading it "properly," I suppose you could say, then Washington is the *worst* at beastiality, meaning people there suck at it, so I suppose that's a good thing. Kind of like how Utah is the worst when it comes to using porn (Mormon's just don't get it, I guess...) If they wanted to insult the states, it should likely be something like "what's the worst thing you're best at" or something.
Re: The pics thread.

Well, reading it "properly," I suppose you could say, then Washington is the *worst* at beastiality, meaning people there suck at it, so I suppose that's a good thing. Kind of like how Utah is the worst when it comes to using porn (Mormon's just don't get it, I guess...) If they wanted to insult the states, it should likely be something like "what's the worst thing you're best at" or something.


"Be ashamed, you come from the state worst at rape!"
Re: The pics thread.

"Could you... Could you please...

This is a rape, come one, cooperate a little!

Come back!"
Re: The pics thread.

I say, good sirs and ladies. I happen to inhabit the province that is the most dreadful at being imbecilic. My word.
Re: The pics thread.

I was born in the state worst at getting AIDS I think.