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The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

"So you say, but there is doubt in your heart yet, and I will never truly let the leash off your neck until you yield every last fraction of your heart to me." Suika said with skepticism in her tone. "You are something valuable, even an idiot would realize that after the lengths I went to capture you. What an idiot wouldn't know is the lengths I would go to ensure you don't escape," Suika informed Garret, before tilting her chest to one side, letting her breast roll along her chest, the point facing Garret, as if in offering. "You look at my body with almost every other word you speak, but when you swear loyalty to me, I want you to say it while staring into my eyes, and submitting your very existence to mine, forever. An Eternal promise... One that won't end with you dying of old age, but living an immortal life tirelessly with me... There is no reason for you to refuse. My love, my fortune, my power, it will wrap around you, and grant you endless bliss, if you'll let it."
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret looked up into her eyes, and stared into them with a yearning she had to know was there, the willingness to accept and swear. But he knew it was a falsehood even as she said it. She had already told him she would feed of of his energy until it killed him, there was nothing everlasting about that, and that realisation was like a bucket of cold water being poured over him.

"There is every reason to turn it down Mistress. You can see my doubt, I can see your hunger. Right now I'm only a possession, something you own and use for no other reason then I'm valuable, like a prize to be displayed, and that's... That's not enough" He said quietly, his eyes never leaving hers and his lust cooling in an instant, no longer seeing the stunning beauty before him, but the animal that had captured him. Casting his eyes low again, Garret did the unthinkable, refusing to move, look, listen, or speak. Simply staying bowed where he was as if in apology for telling her the truth. Immortality was a myth, and Suika... It pained him. He was confused and conflicted like he had never been before, having no idea how to proceed, but knowing that he was going to regret speaking out.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Suika suddenly laughed aloud, her head tilting back as she roared with amusement. "Your place is not in a display case, but by my side. " she replied. "What I want isn't glory or recognition. You are not a trophy, you are mine, plain and simple. Your doubt is an illusionary fog in your mind that you've created for yourself as a natural reaction of mental self-defense... Everything I've promised will be granted, so long as you cast that doubt aside and trust blind love." she announced.

"You have no reason to refuse... Even if you think you do." she stated coldly, before leaning up straight, and reaching over the table, giving Garret a quick, but wonderful glance of her well shaped ass that gave him so much pleasure yesterday, causing his dick to likely harden even more from the memory. Fetching a cup and kettle of tea, she poured herself a glass as a tail reached under the kettle, and heated it up instantly, giving her a nice steaming cup, while her tailed moved on their own, brushing against his arm and hip as they poured him a glass as well. "Don't even state your doubts. Just know that they are illusions, and uttering them into the physical world with your voice only gives them more solidarity. I know what your doubts are, and I don't need to hear them.

"Just know that you will never know the true bliss of being mine if you refuse to yield your heart. I won't marry a mere pet."
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

"A mere pet..." Garret said quietly, sitting up straight and taking the cup, refusing to be enticed physically as he sipped the tea, regardless of how beautiful she was. How perfect that ass.... STOPIT! Shaking his head a little, he thought very hard about his life, about Suika, and how he had been treated so far.

"You don't want a mate, you want a slave. I'm not a fool, you think life on the streets taught me to trust blindly? That will never happen. Luxury hasn't blinded me to my past, or what has taken place here so far. You already promised to feed on me until I died." He said quietly, getting angry now that he figured he was intentionally being lied to again. He had a pretty good bullshit meter.

"You found a man, who is painfully weak compared to you. In what way would that man make a good mate? That makes no sense, submitted or otherwise. You are Lying to me."
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

The only thing he heard was a low, deep growl, as if from a large beast, before Suika set her tea down, and Garret found himself pounced at, Suika slamming herself into him, and pouncing him to the floor. Her finger nails grew to deadly lengths, one hand touching those nails to his throat, while the other hand went against his forehead, holding his head straight so as to look straight up at her. A clatter was heard as Garret's tea cup broke, but Suika paid it no mind as her eyes became think like a feline's, and her open mouth made present the sight of a powerful and deadly maw.

"I don't need to lie to you." she announced, before he felt the hand on his forehead become red hot as he felt his mind suddenly being filled with thoughts that weren't his own. The only thing he could rationalize was that he was being possessed, as his body and mind began moving and thinking against his control.

"I'm sorry, mistress!" Garret suddenly spat. "I will be your slave! I will be your's!" he screamed, tears streaming from his eyes, not from fear perhaps, but from the anguish being controlled like this was causing him. "Forever your's, as a slave!"

"And that is exactly what I don't want." Suika replied. "I could easily make you into my slave. I could easily rip out your soul and FEED from it!" Suika growled, before the power in his mind faded slowly, and his body shivered in the afterglow as Suika's claws shrank, and her mouth returned to something more human, and giving him a calm, confident smile.

"I told you not to utter the lies filling your head.

"I want, Garret.

"Not a puppet.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret tried so damned hard not to react as he was leapt upon, refusing to speak until she used her power to force him, even as internally, he quaked with very real fear. It was no wonder the church called them monsters, given the display he was treated to and the way his mind was violated and controlled so completely, words rising unbidden from his throat until she backed off and he regained control of himself, only to continue remaining silent, even as the tears escaped his eyes.

He knew it was a lie, even if he was forbidden to speak it. That if he did so again, she really would remove his last chance. He still refused to speak. If she wanted a pet, he would act like one, like the dumb animal she apparently took him for. You didn't scare someone like that out of compassion, only greed, and he would stay silent until something changed, animals didn't speak.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Staring at him for a moment, Suika's head tilted to the side, watching him in silence carefully, before she shook her head, and sighed. "You're impossible. Do whatever you want. I don't want to look at you." she announced, raising herself from his body, and walking towards the wall, fetching a kimono and wrapping herself in it. Not angry anymore, but just from the way she moved, she seemed upset. "Go to the door opposite where we came in if you want to leave." was all she said, before stepping through the door into the bedroom where he came from, and slammed the door shut behind her.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret didn't even dare move from where he was until she had left, and even then it was only to curl up and sob, crying like a child, his mind to twisted for the moment to do anything else, the sensation of being so violently controlled too much for the thief at the moment, who had always believed such things entirely impossible, regardless of the tales.

After a while, he stood shakily, and wandered as if in a daze, trying to puzzle everything out, unsure as to what was going on, what Suika really wanted, as she had yet to tell him, and unsure as to where he stood in the middle of all this chaos.

This had to be a trap. A test, Something. She had already made it quite clear that he would not be allowed to leave her side alive... Calming himself, and taking the time to stretch and relax, the still nude man made his way outside to the grounds, and carefully looked around, looking at the mentioned door, before wandering around the grounds some more. Even if he left, she'd find him. Something in his gut told him so, from her fiery display to her coy teasing and then straight back to brutality, she was either fickle, or hiding her true nature or both.

Yorin was going to pay for this, one way or another, to toss a friend into the maw of the beast quite literally was something that wouldn't be forgiven or forgotten. Looking at the door again, he figured his chances carefully. He was in the nobles quarter, he was naked, he was a thief, and he was alone. Not Very Fucking Good...

Tired of the lies and the traps and the motions that had so completely gotten him turned around in his own head, he slowly moved towards the door, before realising he wouldn't be able to hide from Suika's nose anyway if it took after her wilder heritage and he simply moved, and sat in front of the door, thinking on everything and waiting for night to fall. At least if he decided to take his chances, nightfall would increase his odds...

It took him over an hour to realise he wasn't planning on leaving, not really. He didn't want to, and the thought made him chuckle, and then snicker, and as it slowly built, he was laughing loudly just sitting in front of freedom, and all of the misery it brought with it. Why was he being a moron, she scared the hell out of him, that was very true, but she had been right, she had no reason to lie. Suika had more then enough power to bend him like grass in the wind and then break him with no effort at all, and that more then anything had stopped him from seeing things the way she probably did.

Turning his back on the door, he made his choice and it made him laugh all the harder. Gods above and below what the fuck was he thinking. If this were the street... He would have hit the ground running like he always had, and now that someone he couldn't outrun had shown him the door and put it on a silver fucking platter, he couldn't take it. Finally calming down, Garret made another circuit of the grounds and went over everything one last time, just to be sure, wondering if the kitsune was watching him. She cared, enough to want him whole at least, and for now... Fuck it, that was enough. He didn't have to question his next meal, or wonder how he was going to sleep or stay warm, and he didn't need to be as paranoid as he had been.

And there it was, layed out for him as plainly as the exit as been. Cursing and wondering he had been an idiot, he realised he had just been afraid. This was all new to him, screw the crazy fox stuff, he was safe. And for someone not used to it, not really, then it could be just as frightening as anything else, simply another unknown he had to deal with. Sighing softly and forcing himself to relax, he headed back inside and to the room, and knocked on the door. If Suika answered, he would apologise, and mean every word. "I am sorry Suika. I... I don't adjust as easily as I let myself believe. Just... Please don't do that again, I have never been more afraid in my life. Please"

If she didn't answer, he would sit against the wall near the door, and wait there until he drifted off to sleep, waiting to offer those same words when he woke up, or when she was available next.

He'll apologise in the same way even if she interrupts his musings, just figured I'd let you know in a tab
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Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Before he even touched her door, Garret would hear a voice behind him announce herself. "I thought I said I didn't want to look at you." Suika reminded Garret, though when he apologized to her, she let out a small growl similar to before as she closed her eyes, frustrated rather than angry. "What I did to you was show you the truth of your situation, you intolerable idiot." she insulted him, clearly upset with him as she did so. "The mere fact that you approach me now and plead with me never to do that again is yet proof that you still don't trust me. I don't know why you came back, whether out of fear, or something else, but it obviously wasn't because you realized your mistakes." she snapped at him, before walking towards him, towards her door, and saying, "You are ill suited to be my husband," before opening her door, leaving it open, and walking inside, casually slipping out of her kimono before walking through the door in the back of the room, which lead to a hot spring, seemingly intent on cleaning herself.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Listening as she spoke, Garret gave no reaction until she had finished, answering quietly. "Trust is not something gained or granted over night. I may not have realized my mistakes, But I have at least seen the truth for what it is. I will be on the grounds if and when you wish my presence again Mistress" He said softly, averting his gaze and turning to leave when she exited her room to head to the spring. If she stopped him for whatever reason, he would do as he was asked or told. If not, he would be exactly where he said he would be, outside.

Heading outside, Garret would lift his head and look into the sky, before shaking it a little and starting to jog around the grounds, still nude, feeling the air move over his body as he endeavored to stay in shape, making full circuits of the property at a leisurely pace, his long strides eating up the distance as he let the motions of the run bleed away the stress and pent up frustrations that had built in the last 36 hours.

Walking to cool off for another complete lap around the property, his hands on the back of his head to slow his heart rate, Garret was nothing but smiles, twisting and stretching as he moved and sweating from the jog, in a far better mood then before as he finally took a seat on the steps. Suika was probably right, he was unfit to be a husband, but he was a thief, was that really surprising? Chuckling to himself, he decided it was never too late to learn, and gave Suika all the time she needed to do whatever it was she was doing without any interruptions from himself.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

"Your stubborn trust, perhaps." Suika replied to his lecture to her on trust. "I don't want to see you unless you can trust me blindly, as what will come next will require your complete trust, and very soon. I will be gone after dusk, leaving you for the Order to collect as I have no doubts that they have been told of my true identity. Leave this place or don't, you'll return to your miserable life of poverty without having to trust anyone, I assure you." she said as she dipped into the bath.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret sighed heavily as Suika slid into the bath, speaking her piece rather clearly. "Trust" He whispered quietly. Thinking for a moment, about his life, about everything, he walked around so he could look her in the eyes, whether she liked it or not. "Fine Suika. Trust. Complete and utter, without question or reservation from here on, without exception. I do hereby pledge myself to your service and your pleasure. And before you say i'm just lying again. Let me prove it to you the only way I know how." Moving slowly back towards her, he whispered what was probably his most closely guarded secret, something he hadn't spoken of, to anyone, ever, without exception. He gave her his real name, first, middle, and last. Whether such things held any power or not, he didn't know, but it was something he had never shared with anyone until now and he fervently hoped she appreciated the gift for what it was. "I am Garret Animus Umbra, Suika. And with my true name, I trust you."
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Despite appearing in front of her again, she didn't appear as upset as she might have seemed at him. With her elbow propped on the edge of the dry ground from within the spring, she rested her head against her knuckles while watching him follow her to the bath. When he made his statement that he did trust her, her eyes closed, obviously thinking that he was lying. One eye opened slightly when he did approach her however, and looked to him as he came in close to whisper to her. When he uttered his full name, Suika suddenly began laughing. "I already knew that after being inside your mind." Suika announced, before taking her elbow from the ground and dipping down into the water until her chin touched the surface of the water. "I can't believe you would trust such a fairy tale as a 'true name'. Controlling someone is not so easy..." she lectured him. "But despite such silly beliefs, I'll accept that." Suika told Garret, before suddenly grabbing his arm with one of her tails, and pulling him suddenly into the spring.

With a big splash, he fell into the hot water. And when he surfaced his head above the water, he found Suika splashing even more of it at him with her hands, and shielding herself from the likely counterattack with her tails. "You're treading on a thin wires, Garret," she said with a grin. "I'm still rather annoyed with you, so I want to torture and tease you a bit." she revealed, as a pair of tails came under the water, two running along his chest, teasing his nipples, and the other between his legs, running under his cock and balls, and between his pair of ass cheeks.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret let out a muffled yelp as the Kitsune dragged him into the hot water with a splash, resurfacing quickly and sputtering as she attacked him again. He was already blushing profusely with embarrassment as Suika told him his belief in the power a name held was childish, muttering that it was the only thing of value he had to give, whether she had taken it forcefully or not. Gasping at the sudden attention under the water however, he stiffened, standing straight up and down in the water, not moving to impede her in any way, meaning what he said.

His length stiffened quickly under the water as Suika teased him, but he was fairly certain she had no plans to give him release since she had mentioned torture, moaning softly as the tails trailed up his chest and between his legs, the teasing indeed a form of torture.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

When he stood up, Suika was quick to bring him back down in the water, tripping up his feet with her tails if she had to. "Unless you're going to salute me, sit down in the water." Suika instructed Garret, giggling a bit.

Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret snorts and salutes proudly before hastily sitting down in the water like he was told, probably enjoying the joke himself just a bit too much. But she had said! Looking at her blushing and panting softly, enjoying the heat of the water and the soft attentions of her tails, Garret simply waited, staying very still, unsure what to do.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Her tails continued to lightly squirm over his body, before a fourth joined, and lightly began to tease his tip under the water with her wet fur, leaving Garret with a longing feeling to have the rest of his shaft stimulated. "You honestly don't talk enough," Suika said suddenly. "Are you trying to get out of being punished by making it boring for me? I will have to start to get mean unless you start letting me hear what's on your mind, starting with how each sensation is making you feel~" Suika giggled.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

The problem with Garret at the moment, was that he'd already resigned himself to being teased to near insanity and had started singing a song to himself in his head to try and distract him from the mind blowing torment that was the bliss she was putting him through under the water, making him shudder and moan at the odd and delicious feeling of her tail under the water, making him want to beg for something far more substantial around his aching rod. But then she asked what was on his mind, and said he spoke too little.... So he immediately blurted out EXACTLY what was on his mind, like a good pet...

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts twiddle-e-dee! There they are a standing in a row~! Big ones small ones some as big as your head, a twist of the hip, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said. Oooo I've got a lovely bunch" And it just continued, on and on unless she stopped him, part of him taking a strange amusement at telling her exactly what was on his mind, and he did have a lovely bunch of coconuts he was rather proud of...
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Suika stopped when he suddenly started singing. With a slightly open mouth, clearly in surprise, she and her tails all stopped moving as he sang until, during the middle of his song, she suddenly started roaring with hysterical laughter. Her tails shrank and retreated back to her as her face fell forward into the water, even the liquid not doing well enough to muffle her laughter through all of the bubbles coming forth. With a splash, she pulled back out, looking renewed. "Priceless." Suika commented. "Though," she suddenly frowned, "That song takes away my sexual excitement. It is a terrible song." she commented.
Re: The Penalty for Stealing (Garret)

Garret couldn't help but smile as Suika burst into laughter, finding the situation just as funny as she did in all honestly, snickering hopelessly as she commented on the awful nature of the song and unable to continue. "Well then Mistress, let me give you a special treat" He said quietly, before Actually starting to sing.

It was a hidden talent of his, all of his running and exercise culminating in strong lungs and a soft baritone voice that was surprising to anyone lucky enough to hear it as he began what was probably his favourite song, an old ballad he remembered from his childhood in the same language he had gotten his name, the strange and hypnotic syllables flowing over his tongue with a practiced ease and skill that hopefully his mistress enjoyed. He was quite proud of it.