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The Paths of Adventure

Re: The Paths of Adventure

Onorthidox Strategy Taken: Cloak and attempt back attack.


The two gaurds were still surprised by the sudden appearence of the Ghost, so her sudden disappearence was an even bigger shock. She lept behind them, and quickly drew her rifle to fire.

Success Rate: 6 or lower on 10-side
Roll: 7

The bullet hits a gaurd, but not fataly, unfortunately.

The girl is cowering in the corner, and the two remaining gaurds are looking for the enemy agent now...


Main Actions-
1. Attack remaining gaurds
2. Take the girl hostage before escaping from the vents
3. Retreat
4. Suggested Strategy

Optional Actions-
1. DeCloak

50 Vit, 90 (+10 for 3-action regen, -10 for Cloak) Eng, Status: Normal
Weapon: Unequiped
Ammo: Unequiped
Inventory: C-16 Canister Rifle Advanced, Psyblade (2), C-16 Canister Shells (20)
Re: The Paths of Adventure

1.) attack remaining gaurds with psyblades for dicing action :D.
Re: The Paths of Adventure

Strategy Taken: 1. Attack the Terrans


Rearing her body back, she darts forward, the curved psyblades ready to strike.

Success Rate: 6 or lower on 10-side

The two didn't realize what had happened before she had stabbed into both of them, then ripped upwards, shreading thier fronts until they fell over, spurting bloods into the walls. When Nova looked over to the girl, she was cowering in the corner, seemingly thinking she was next...

Then you realized you were still cloaked.


Main Actions-
1. Talk to her
2. Leave into the Vents
3. Try the door
4. Suggested Strategy?

Optional Actions-
1. DeCloak
2. Hide bodies
3. Loot Bodies

50 Vit, 80 Eng (-10 for Cloak), Status: Cloaked
Weapon: Psyblade
Ammo: Unequiped
Inventory: C-16 Canister Rifle Advanced, Psyblade (2), C-16 Canister Shells (20)
Re: The Paths of Adventure

4.) Loot the bodies for ammunation and trophies such as an ear or genital, before decloaking examine room for any camera's and the such then decloak, then begin to talk to the girl and try to calm her down and find out what's been happening to her.
Re: The Paths of Adventure

Awww, we ignore the bodies that can have trophies and among other things ammo?
Re: The Paths of Adventure

3. Loot bodies
1. Decloak
1. Talk to her.
Re: The Paths of Adventure

Strategy Taken: Decloak, then talk to her as she loots bodies.


Nova swiftly decloaked, and the fact that the girl didn't blink or anything gave her the distinction that she hadn't even noticed the diference. As she went through the bodies, she asked one simple question: "Are you ok?"

Suddenly, the girl was babbling at her, in a language she knew nothing about, and couldn't understand at all.


Nova has found a Combat Knife, a Stun Baton, a Slugthrower, two clips of Slugthrower Ammo, and a Security Card Level 3


Main Actions-
1. Talk to her
2. Leave into the Vents
3. Try the door
4. Suggested Strategy?

Optional Actions-
1. DeCloak
2. Hide bodies

50 Vit, 80 Eng (-10 for Cloak), Status: Cloaked
Weapon: Psyblade
Ammo: Unequiped
Inventory: C-16 Canister Rifle Advanced, Psyblade (2), C-16 Canister Shells (20), Combat Knife, Stun Baton, Slugthrower, Slugthrower Ammo (2), Security Card Level 3
Re: The Paths of Adventure

2. Hide bodies.
1. Talk to her, and try to get her to calm down.
Re: The Paths of Adventure

3... i just realized that the Dranei is our enemy :/.. Well this is under the assumption that the person/thing is a Dranei.
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Re: The Paths of Adventure

((Wow, our first tossup. Currently, we got 2 to be nice to her and hide the bodies, and 2 to run away and go through the door. And I never said she was an enemy...))

Strategy taken: Hide bodies, talk to her as you examine the door. ((makes almost everybody happy!))


Nova found herself with quite a mess, though she still had the girl in here as well. After all, she WAS under accostment by her enemies.

She could be a powerful ally...

Still, the bodies. She started to push the bodies into the vent, making sure there was room to get in if needed. She then went to the girl, bending down to face her. "Can you understand me?" she said slowly. "If you can, nod your head."

The girl sat there, looking at her oddly.

Sighing, she went to look at the door- and gasped as she felt an alien presence touch her mind, curiously. She connected with the girl, but there was the major point of question- was she trying to communicate with her like a Protoss, or was she trying to get in to cause havok?


Main Actions-
1. Allow the mental contact with the alien
2. Panic and put up stronger mental barriers.

50 Vit, 80 Eng, Status: Normal
Weapon: Unequiped
Ammo: Unequiped
Inventory: C-16 Canister Rifle Advanced, Psyblade (2), C-16 Canister Shells (19), Combat Knife, Stun Baton, Slugthrower, Slugthrower Clips (2), Security Card Level 3
Re: The Paths of Adventure

Get closer THEN allow mental contact just in case she tries to mess you up you can still stab her.