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The Oil Arena

Re: The Oil Arena

Alex -> Alice

The sudden request was a bit of a surprise, and Alex couldn't quite understand why this frail looking thing had been dropped into this island of debauchery, but a challenge had been issued. Honor demanded that she accept. "If that is what you wish then I accept." A light wind started to pick up once Alex had finished, and the warrior knew she only had a few more seconds to speak before the pair were whisked away to some random location. "Maiming, no, but matches can be decided by beating your opponent into submission. I do believe some arenas won't allow that, however. We'll see what happens once we get there."

"Hmm..." Alice murmured as she considered what Alex had said. "Can we not beat on each other? Or rather, can you not attack me? I'm not much for physical fighting, and I'd probably just crumple to the ground after a hit or two. I'm trying to avoid being seriously hurt, you see" she said, and as she did so she suddenly found herself standing in a strange, oily substance up to the point halfway between her ankles and her knees. "Huh... Well that's odd..." she muttered, pondering the merits of such an arena.

"In any case, you may have noticed that I'm probably at a distinct disadvantage compared with you" she continued, lifting up the cloth strip that covered her eyes to partially reveal one empty, malformed eyesocket. "Would you mind terribly if I tried to even the field a little?" she asked, replacing the cloth and not waiting long before something... happened. Her shadow began to twitch and writhe, part of it expanding outward and then breaking off from the rest, beginning to coalesce into a pitch black... creature. The thing was grotesque and misshapen, as if it was trying to look something like a dog, but had only ever had mutilated, decayed subjects to base its impression off of. Alice reached out to pat it on its "head," as strange and deformed as it was, and said "he sees for me, since I can't see for myself. I might also like to try something else, depending on how strong he thinks you look."

Name: Alice
Class: Spirit
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 4
Mind: 20
Spirit: 8 + 8 + 30 = 46

Hit Points (HP): 4 + 10 + 23 = 37
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 2 + 20 + 23 = 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 2 + 10 + 46 + 20 + 30 = 108
Speed: Sqrt(40) = 6
Dodge: 35
Armor: 1
Resistance: 23
Perception: 23 - 10 - 10 = 3
Stealth: 2
Grapple: 4

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Additional Powers
Additional Powers
Massive Energy Pool
Soul Sense
Strong of Spirit
Strong of Spirit
Greater Energy Pool



Spirit Ceiling: 22
Shadows Made Manifest
Patch of Darkness
Dark Armor
Death Whip
Rupturing Shadows

to-hit = d20 + (46 + 12 = 58)

50 denarii
Staff [2d8 + (5 + 2 = 7)] damage, [d20 + 4] to-hit
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Personal Notes:


The OOC section:

Spend 4 EP on Shadows Made Manifest option #1 for purely RP reasons, am considering Dark Armor to make this an actual fight to some extent or other.
Re: The Oil Arena


Body: 40 10 + 30
Mind: 14 4 + 10
Spirit: 20 10 + 10

HP: 57
PP: 44
EP: 67

Speed: 20
Dodge: 43 [53 vs Magic/Powers]
Armor: 7 (8 equipped)
Resistance: 23 [33 vs Magic/Powers]
Perception: 15
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 43

[R] Pain Resistant AV +4
Natural Spirit: Dragonfire Adept Gains 3 Dragonfire Adept powers
Hard to Hit Dodge +10
Skilled Gain 3 Skills
Lucky Non-Damage Rolls +3
Greater Energy Pool EP +20

[R] Easy to Hit Dodge -10
[R] Obvious Stealth -10
[R] Open Soul EP Damage Taken +4
[R] Mutated
Honorable Character must keep their word

[R] Odd Skin: Scales on back and sides
[R] Tail: Can be used for foreplay/penetration
[R] Horns - Lv1

Mage-Hunter Dodge/Resist +10 vs Magic
Spirit-Oppressor Dodge/Resist +10 vs Powers
Knight Melee Damage/Melee To-Hit/Dodge/AV +3

Ceiling: 13
Draconic Transformation Cost: X, Upkeep: X; Melee Damage/Melee To-Hit/Grapple +3X; AV +X
Dragon's Pride Cost: X; Upkeep: X-3; Dodge/Resist +4X

Unarmed: (d20 + 46) {2d4 + 13} [Blunt]
Grapple: (d20 + 43)
Pleasure-Foreplay: (2d4 + 10)
Pleasure-Penetration: (2d8 + 13)
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2

As the girl commented on her own frailty Alex found herself in full agreement. The blind woman looked like she may snap in two after suffering no more than a simple punch, and physically beating such a weak creature just felt wrong. "Very well, we shall subdue each other using the far gentler method." It was mid-sentence when the arena finally revealed itself, and much to her surprise she found herself standing in what looked like a lake of some unknown oil. Thankfully most of the mud had been removed to ease into this new match, and it left her feet to soak in the substance. A few moments later a rather pleasant tingle started to settle into her skin, and the dragon bent down to gather some between her fingers. A little rubbing and a quick sniff led her to one conclusion. "Massage oil..." This should be far more enjoyable than her other matches.

As the girl continued and revealed her handicap Alex visibly cringed a bit before standing straight. It wasn't because the girl's eye was missing. It was the shape of what was left. The dragon couldn't tell if the human was either born that way or had been tortured. She hoped it was the former...

Those thoughts were interrupted when the blind woman began to conjure her creation, and what emerged was a horribly twisted thing that vaguely resembled something canine but was far too mangled to be based on any dog or wolf. When she explained that it would act as her eyes Alex had a few doubts on how a living shadow could manage such a feat. "I mean no offense, but your pet could be a little more refined." The thing was unsettling to look at, but past her voiced discomfort Alex would do nothing to prevent its existence. If...

Hm... She couldn't believed she forgot that. "My apologies for not introducing myself. I am Alexandra, daughter to the dragon Aureus." Introductions were important, and it was something she neglected at the start of her previous bout. She wasn't about to make that same mistake twice, and once she had her opponent's name she would simply stand and wait. If she had the power to overcome her relative weakness then Alex would give her the chance to do so.
Re: The Oil Arena

"Hmm? Refined? You haven't even heard him speak, how can you say he isn't refined?" Alice asked with a slight frown on her face, completely missing the point of Alex's statement. "I happen to think he's fairly sophisticated" she continued a tad defensively. That was when the dragonness chose to introduce herself, and Alice's smile returned. "It's no problem. I probably should have introduced myself earlier. Alexandra? That's a nice name, I like it" she replied, before turning to face Alex properly and bowing. "My name is Alice, and I'm not quite sure who I'm the daughter of, but I'm sure he wasn't as impressive as your father. It's a pleasure to meet you" she said, standing up as straight as she could and smiling warmly. "I'm told you're quite beautiful, by the way. I should probably feel honored that my first time will be with someone like that, and a dragonborn no less." As she spoke her shadow began to writhe again, this time starting to slowly creep up her legs. It covered her body in pitch-black darkness and steadied her shaky, weak legs, little tendrils of blackness wriggling off of the main body of the strange suit of armor. "I'm also told you look very strong. I hope you don't mind if I try my best to win, it wouldn't feel right just to give up right from the start" she said, walking more swiftly towards Alex than she had exhibited the ability to do in a long time, grabbing at her arms.

Put 20 EP into Dark Armor to give me 64 grapple, and try to initiate grapple.
Re: The Oil Arena

To think that this would be the girl's first time left Alex feeling somewhat guilty at the position she had been placed in, but she knew far too well that a maiden's purity could be stolen at any moment. If she would be forced to do so to her opponent then she would do so with the utmost respect. The flattery that followed only strengthened that resolve, and even when the shadows bled over Alice and steadied her frail form the dragon simply stood still and let the girl approach. Arm and shade both found purchase on the warrior woman's muscled arms, and even though a part of her knew that she would need to call on her father's strength to break this hold she simply took hold of the girl as best she could and leaned back. "I am honored you feel me worthy to be your first, Miss Alice." The pair would land in the shallow pool of oil if it were allowed, and as Alex landed on her back she would pull the girl close so they both would feel that pleasant sensation as the oil started to cover them both.

No evade
Re: The Oil Arena

Alice easily gripped Alex's strong arms, tendrils of her shadowy armor also reaching out and getting a much more firm grip, the sort that would actually matter in the "combat." She was surprised by Alex's reaction, simply wrapping her arms gently around the young shadowmancer and pulling her to the ground on top of her, covering both of them in the shallow oil. Of course, Alice was still clothed in her dress and the black armor, so mostly the oil just matted the clothes to her body, though she could tell it would be a nice feeling if she had been naked. She pondered for a brief second whether or not the dragonkin was taking her seriously as her hands wandered off of the strong arms that her armor would try to hold in place for her, and then the blind girl paused in a moment of awkward contemplation as her unseeing eyes stared down at Alex. She hadn't quite thought this all the way through, and she wasn't quite certain what to do now that she was pressed together with the dragonness, who could probably feel her heart beat a little faster in her chest. Finally her hands wandered down as she tried to lift herself up a little, awkwardly groping at Alex's breasts with one hand, her other hand trailing down in search of her flower.

Attempt foreplay!
Re: The Oil Arena

With the pair successfully landing in the oil and getting themselves messy one would think Alex was simply giving in. But she couldn't allow herself to simply forfeit the match like this, and now that they were both wrapped up in each other's clutches she started struggling in earnest. But there was no attempt to escape. Her hands rose to explore the girl's manifested armor, and they sought to look for any openings she could use to caress that protected body and work the oil on her fingers into the pale woman's skin. It was doubtful she would do much, but even if she utterly failed she was not worried. Even with the shadows crawling over her form and practically giving Alice free reign over that draconic body the warrior knew that somehow she would emerge victorious.

Attempt to Foreplay back (pretty much a failure)

Grapple: d20 + 43
Foreplay: 2d4 + 10 + 8 (Oil)
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats at start of turn
Alex: HP = 57, PP= 44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 84/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20

Alice spent 20 + 4 before this round to activate Dark Armor and summon a shadow.

Initiative: Alex gets 9, Alice gets 12

Alice's effective grapple so long as Dark Armor is active is 64.
Alexandra's grapple is 43

Grapple (Alice) : 7 + 64 = 71 vs 45 = 43 + 2 = Alice wins.
Foreplay: 4 + 2 + 1 + 8 - 11 = 4 PP.
Damage: 5 + 2 = 7 damage.

Grapple (Alex) : 11 + 43 = 54 vs 81 = 64 + 17, Alice wins again.

Stats at end of turn
Alex: HP = 50/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 64/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20
Re: The Oil Arena

Alice's armor had no trouble keeping Alex in check, not quite restraining her, but closing up and keeping her wandering fingers from finding even the blind girl's dress. Her own efforts, however, were only a little bit more successful. Her fingers attempted to grope the dragonkin's chest through her shirt with far too much timidity and indecisiveness, no doubt doing little if anything for Alex. Alice had a little more success with her other hand, managing to rub her opponent's soaked skirt up against her womanhood. The match had only just begun, and already the blind girl knew that her odds of defeating Alex before she tired herself out maintaining her armor were slim at best, but she was determined to keep trying. Perhaps it was vanity; the desire to at least look respectable to her opponent. Perhaps she really just wanted to make the dragonkin feel good. In the moment she couldn't say which it was, or if either of them were true at all, but still she tried to slip her hand under Alex's skirt, doing the best she could with her limited experience and technique to stimulate her pussy, aided in her task by the massage oil the two were covered in.

Re: The Oil Arena

Even inexperienced and hesitant as she was the girl's touch did have some effect on the much taller woman, and though she didn't mean to Alex let out a slight sigh and arched her body slightly to offer Alice's fingers easier access. Or maybe the shadows themselves were moving the dragon's body? Alex had tested her strength against their hold, and though she tried to force all her might into at least touching the blind girl's skin her body was held firmly in place. She was effectively pinned and helpless.

Her pride raged at finding herself unable to do anything, but there was little she could do about it now. She didn't have the strength to wrestle her way to freedom, and though she had the option to gain it she was loathe to do so. The girl's body was a rather delicate thing, even if it was encased in its shell. If Alex applied pressure to the wrong spot she may end up hurting the poor thing, and she had promised not to harm her in any way. This left her able to struggle uselessly within that armor's grasp, so struggle she did. But maybe she shouldn't. With every little move it was causing the smaller tendrils to shift across her form, and as they did the motions caused her shirt and skirt to rise higher bit by bit.

Stat Sheet for this match

Foreplay (which is really an unintentional Shift Clothes on self)
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats at start of turn
Alex: HP = 50/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 64/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20

Alice spent 20 + 4 before this round to activate Dark Armor and summon a shadow.

Initiative: Alex gets 7, Alice gets 17

Alice's effective grapple so long as Dark Armor is active is 64.
Alexandra's grapple is 43

Grapple (Alice) : 14 + 64 = 78 vs 58 = 43 + 15 = Alice wins.
Foreplay: 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 - 11 = 0 PP.
Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 damage.
A three eyed snake. '.'

Grapple (Alex) : 11 + 43 = 54 vs 72 = 64 + 8, Alice wins again.

Stats at end of turn
Alex: HP = 47/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 44/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20
Re: The Oil Arena

Once again Alex was powerless to keep those fingers from playing with her body, but Alice's inexperience was starting to show. Her touch was light, curious exploration of the creature bound beneath her, and though the dragon's body could feel slight tingles of pleasure her mind was able to keep them at bay. But that was all she could do, and all her struggling became nothing more than occasional jerks to test the strength of the shadowy bindings that held her in place.
Re: The Oil Arena

Alice frowned slightly when she didn't feel or hear much reaction from her opponent, and shifted herself around on top of Alex, trying to find a better angle. The dragonkin would be able to see out of the corner of her eye that the blind girl's shadow beast had edged towards them, the deformed thing peering at the two of them with eyes every bit as empty as hers; Alice nodded, almost as if in response to unheard words, and she became a little more firm in rubbing the oil into Alex's slit, finally prodding with a finger and slipping it into her pussy, aided by the slick massage oil. While her motions were still awkward and inexperienced, they were less tentative now that she could feel her energy begin to slip away, and she would try her hardest to pleasure Alex before she couldn't keep up her armor any longer.

useless foreplay, ho!
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats at start of turn
Alex: HP = 47/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 44/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20

Alice spent 20 + 4 before this round to activate Dark Armor and summon a shadow.

Initiative: Alex gets 19, Alice gets 11

Alice's effective grapple so long as Dark Armor is active is 64.
Alexandra's grapple is 43

Grapple (Alex) : 11 + 43 = 54 vs 75 = 64 + 11, Alice wins, no surprise

Grapple (Alice) : 8 + 64 = 72 vs 56 = 43 + 13 = Alice wins.
Foreplay: 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 - 11 = 0 PP.
Damage: 3 + 2 = 5 damage.

Stats at end of turn
Alex: HP = 42/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 24/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20
Re: The Oil Arena

"Alice..." Alex had noticed the frown that the girl had made. She didn't know why she was preparing to say what she would say next, maybe her mother's influence was stronger than she thought, but the dragon couldn't keep herself from letting the blind woman think her efforts were useless. "It's not that your touch does nothing..." It would be quite easy to see the warrior's nipples standing at attention, and the finger that penetrated her would find that she was slightly warmer that she otherwise would have been. "I can just suppress the brunt of it. You'll need to search for spots that I can't quite easily ignore."
Re: The Oil Arena

"Hm... That's good to know" Alice replied, the slight smile returning, "I'll try my best to make you feel good." With that she tried to worm her finger in deeper into Alex's pussy, rubbing around in an attempt to find some of the dragonkin's more sensitive spots, her thumb wandering around and searching awkwardly for her clit for a few moments before finally finding it, making a few gentle circles around the nub, trying to coax as much pleasure out of Alex as she could before she had worn herself out.

More useless foreplay, hopefully a little less useless this time.
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats at start of turn
Alex: HP = 42/57, PP= 40/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 24/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20

Initiative: Alex gets 13, Alice gets 5

Alice's effective grapple so long as Dark Armor is active is 64.
Alexandra's grapple is 43

Grapple (Alex) : 9 + 43 = 52 vs 65 = 64 + 1, Alice wins, no surprise

Grapple (Alice) : 11 + 64 = 75 vs 46 = 43 + 3 = Alice wins.
Foreplay: 1 + 4 + 1 + 8 - 11 = 3 PP.
Damage: 5 + 2 = 7 damage.

Stats at end of turn
Alex: HP = 35/57, PP= 37/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 4/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20
Re: The Oil Arena

Alice's efforts this time drew a bit more of a reaction out of Alex, and the blind girl could tell that she might be able to get somewhere, if only she had more time... But she didn't have more time. As her inexperienced fingers worked at the dragonkin, she could feel the last of her energy slipping away, and slowly the black armor receded down her body, letting go of her opponent and twisting down her torso and legs until it was all simply a part of her shadow once more. The shadowy beast she had summoned also disappeared, seeming to melt down into a pool of darkness and then slowly ooze towards Alice, entering into her shadow once more. With that she pulled her finger out of Alex and rolled over onto her back, knowing that any effort she attempted now would be useless against the strong warrior, and she tried to relax as she pulled up her soaked and matted dress, her other hand tugging down her panties, already transparent thanks to the oil, a bit, revealing her virgin flower. "I'm sorry I couldn't put up more of a fight, it takes too much out of me to control the shadows that way for long. I hope I at least made it decent" she said, essentially admitting her defeat now that her energy had run out.

Deactivate everything, shift clothing on self.
Re: The Oil Arena

"It's okay." With those shadows melting back into Alice's being just before the girl rolled away and bared herself to Alex. "Your strategy was sound, you just made the same mistake I did in my first match and overexerted yourself." As Alice prepared herself for her 'defeat' the dragoness approached, but instead of laying herself over the girl she gently looped an arm around that frail frame and pulled it closer so Alice lay exposed and laying on her back atop the tall warrior. "A little less effort wouldn't have put such a strain on your reserves while still keeping me mostly in check."

Even with the girl caught in her powerful clutches Alex couldn't keep this overpower urge to protect the weak human out of her mind. Maybe it was that vulnerability that reminded her of the nightmare she suffered during her days as a whelp. Maybe it was her honor telling her it would be shameful to bring pain to such a powerless thing when all the girl wanted was to make Alex feel good. Either way it left her hesitating for a few seconds as she tried to figure out how she would claim her victory.

After a surprisingly long wait where Alex simply kept the girl held by wrapping an arm around her waist a decision was finally made. "We can extend the match if you'd like. Make it the best of two out of three. That way you can return the favor. But before that..." Alex let her hands dive into the layer of oil, and shortly after they rose and landed on Alice's belly. A moment later she started working the oil on her fingers into the girl's skin, and with each pass she rose higher on that exposed torso until her hands began to brush against the blind woman's bare chest. Alex lingered there, her fingers working into that pliant flesh and making it slick as she tried her best to force a moan out of her opponent.

Stat Sheet

Foreplay: 2d4 + 10 + 8
Grapple: d20 + 43
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats at start of turn
Alex: HP = 35/57, PP= 37/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 37, PP = 45, EP = 4/108, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor 20

Initiative: Alex gets 13, Alice gets 5

Grapple (Alex) : 5 + 43 = 48 vs ah fuck it, Alex wins.
Foreplay: 3 + 4 + 10 + 8 - 12 + 4 = 17 PP.
Damage: 2 + 2 = 4 damage.

Stats at end of turn
Alex: HP = 35/57, PP= 37/44, EP = 67, Status = Grappled
Alice: HP = 33/37, PP = 28/45, EP = 4/108, Status = Grappled
Re: The Oil Arena

"Mhm, I probably could have gotten away with a little less intensive armor, but I realized that a little too late. Thank you for the advice" Alice replied, showing little reaction as Alex gently pulled the blind girl overtop of her. After a few seconds of waiting she started to squirm around a little, not exactly trying to escape, but tensing up as she was held by a powerful arm. "Hm. I would like to return the favor, though maybe not with the pressure of a match" she replied, taking a deep breath and holding it in in anticipation as Alex trailed off, briefly not being held at all, but making no attempt at escape as she awaited the dragonkin’s touch eagerly. The frail girl slowly exhaled when she felt Alex’s hands on her slim belly, gently massaging the oil into her skin, a little higher up her body with each passing movement. Alex would feel the girl relax her body on top of her, slowly releasing her tension as the dragonkin worked on her. After a while the massaging hands reached Alice’s modest bust, groping the soft flesh as no one had before. The inexperienced girl went almost limp as the warrior began to pleasure her, keeping herself contained for only a short while before she started to let out soft moans, her face starting to flush red.

Don’t oppose any rolls, besides applying resist to pleasure damage