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The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)


Dec 9, 2008
Reputation score
As I stated in dungeon of pleasure v2. I had a computer break down on me and I lost all but a few files. (The stats, the basic general idea of v2, old creatures from v1, the map of v2)

Pretty much all weapons, all other details were lost. I plan to work out some kinks and either remove those things that I lost to make the game a bit more basic since I've been gone so long and it'll revive it in a new form. (probably that) or work on them basically and get them out.

If enough interest is shown, I'll look into getting a new role playing section or play by post was it? And work from there. I do apoligize but I probably won't be taking on as many people as I had before unless everyone is happy with pretty much not getting updated fast since I have so much to do lately. (was thinking 5-10 people)

So while I'm here, who would still be interested in having a 'verison 2' start? Will be a start from scratch though sadly. Since I don't think I can take on as many as I did before with time constraints so picking a few from before would be more or less favorisim, so just starting from scratch is easier.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

If the rush is slow, I'll throw my hat in, but I think it would be unfair of me since I didn't even go near it the first time 'round, ya know? If there's still spots tomorrow, I'll repost.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

-.- <(ZzZzZzZz)
-.- <)pop(
O.O <(It Lives!)
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

If the rush is slow, I'll throw my hat in, but I think it would be unfair of me since I didn't even go near it the first time 'round, ya know? If there's still spots tomorrow, I'll repost.

Well I can always put you as first on the list incase not the limit is filled without the ones from the first version. So such, saying you're a backup incase the limit isn't filled with first rounders. So yeah you're top of the back ups. ;) As yeah if enough of the ones from version 1 is still here, I would prefer them to be the ones first seeing as they were in the first they should be first but if I extend it or dont' have enough of the first timers, you're top of the list.

-.- <(ZzZzZzZz)
-.- <)pop(
O.O <(It Lives!)

I live? The Story lives? Uh.... ? :p
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

-.- <(ZzZzZzZz)
-.- <)pop(
O.O <(It Lives!)


Welcome back, sorry bout your lost data though, I had the same thing happen to PoA before, and it was a bitch of a time to redo it.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Welcome back, Wraust. :D

I know what it's like to lose a bunch of things in a computer death. Sorry that it happened to you too.

I'd tenatively be interested in hopping into DoP again, but let's be honest, I'm Unreliable (-2) and Hampered by Real Life Issues (-3). If you can put up with that, I'll raise my hand for this one again.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Put me as second on the list of people ready to sign up after the first-rounders.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Welcome back Wraust. :) DoP was fun, I'll sign up for v2.
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

hi, im glad than you are fine, i join your v2
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

interest shown
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Kinda late. I think Wraust got swine flu
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Go ahead and add me to the list!
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Add you to the swine list?
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

Oh no! Am I too late for this? =o
Re: The New Dungeon of Pleasure (?)

I'm not sure it ever got off the ground Mia, sorry. Far as I know, both Citadel of Corruption and Monster Girl Island have similar concepts though, if you wanna give them a peek ;)