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The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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A massive ship designed for battle, the Nasara is a Tank that can dish out a ton of punishment herself. Little else is known at this time about the ship, other than it's faster than any Starship ever created by the alliance thus far.

((There ya go Copper, a more appropriate thread for us))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

The ship leaving without much notice said something about it, especially given the size. Then again, no one really noticed when the Citadel was moving, either, even though it was almost always in a constant state of rotation.

The three with her seem content to follow along and gawk a bit, especially when they actually noticed the change in the space around them.

"That's the working theory, anyway." Given what Siphon said about Aya and her possible reaction to mention of the anomalies, she kept the conversation mostly professional. "Seeing as how the Omega-Four was supposed to drop us back into the Serpent nebula, damn near on the Citadel's back door. I've known the relays to do a lot of things but cross dimensions is not one of them." She'll pause at the mention of the Klarnell, shaking her head. "Doesn't ring a bell and I'm guessing that's a good thing. And, well, while I know Grunt looks the part, he's no T-Rex." The last part is added with a bit of a grin, resulting in a snort from the Krogan.

"I just find them fascinating." For as bulky as he is, Grunt's voice is actually rather smooth. "If they were smarter, I think they might make worthy adversaries."

"You take down one thresher maw and suddenly nothing's a challenge for you any more," Lilith chided which resulted in a chuckle from him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Aya seemed to visibly relax some at Lilith's words, nodding.

"Yes, very good news. The Klarnell ... they're very bad news. As best as we could tell about them, they came from somewhere either in the future, or they made use of the anomalies. They clearly had some means of detecting them when they opened up, but we never figured out how. Until now, there was no record of one having ever opened up in this galaxy, and for that matter, none of one having opened up in Pegasus since ... well, in millions of years."

She chuckled slightly at the Krogan.

"If those things keep opening up, you might try a Velociraptor. Smart, fast and lethal. There was actually a planet we sent some of them too when we came to Soltarus, er, Earth as you might know the name. Well before we built Atlantis."

((Leaving it up to you if Atlantis exists by name or otherwise in Lilith's dimension.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

((Just in the typical mythical sank into the ocean sort of state.))

"Sounds about right," comes from James, who has clearly been eavesdropping on the conversation as well. "If it's something that beats the odds, you can bet the Commander here will find a way to make it happen."


"I know." He held up his hands with a grin.

Grunt lets out a bit of a sound at the mention of the raptors. "Huh. Sound kind of like varren."

"If varren were a bit smarter," Lilith adds. "I'm sure there's somewhere we can find you some information on them." She looks over at Aya. "You sent them to another planet?" She's seen the stargate, so the 'how' doesn't seem all that odd to her. Seems more like the 'why' is what she's hung up on. Outside, of course, getting rid of velociraptors.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Aya nodded.

"When my people first arrived at Earth as you would call it, Soltarus to us, the planet was inhabited by a variety of life forms, dinosaurs as you'd call them. Our journey had been very long, and our supplies were low. We didn't have the resources to set sail so to speak and try to find another one, it had taken far too long to even find this one. However, we didn't want to simply eradicate another species that belonged there, even if they appeared to be dying off thanks to a large asteroid impact. Our elders decided the most humane thing we could do was to save a handful of the creatures from each species we could find, and preserve them with our stasis technology. It seemed a better fate than wiping them out, or simply waiting for them to all die out. Eventually, we managed to save those that we could and settled the planet, but it was millions of years before we found another suitable world for those survivors to be transplanted to, giving them the chance we were forced to take away from them. I don't know exactly where the planet is, but I do know it's somewhere in the Pegasus Galaxy, so someday, we might run into whatever they evolved into, assuming they all survived."

As she had spoken, she seemed to half drift off, as if this were more than just a story she'd heard of her own people's past. It seemed impossible, but the way she spoke and drifted made it seem almost as if she'd actually BEEN there. As terrified of the anomalies as it seemed she was, it was unlikely she'd have used one, unless that was what had made her afraid. Or was she truly that old somehow?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

She's also mentioning stasis technology, not to mention the anomalies, so while the span of time seems a bit on the incredulous side, it doesn't seem all that improbable. Not to mention Lil's aware of beings in the universe that have extended lifespans. Not necessarily that long, but species longevity isn't that new of a concept to her.

"Well, Noah, as long as you sent one male and one female, you were at least off to a good start," she replies with a bit of a chuckle. "There's a lot going on here that is probably going to take some time to wrap my head around. I just...find it odd that you...?" it's a bit more of a singular 'you' rather than 'your people,' "were around at the same time as dinosaurs. Definitely a big change from back home."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Aya chuckled, then turned a bit more serious as she thought of how to respond to the semi-question.

It's tough to explain the how without getting really detailed, but suffice it to say that Siphon and I both have a .... unique mutation in our DNA, at the Mitochondrial level that essentially keeps us from aging. That same one also grants us certain gifts and abilities, but that's a matter for another time. If you stick around long enough, you probably will get to see some of that at some point or another, or some of the craziness that can go around. Seems like every other week."

The last was said with a slight laugh, though she trailed off as something caught her eye out the window.

"It's hard to say with this new ship but ... I think we just slowed down some with the hyper-drive. We may be close to reaching Pegasus already."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

"Well, I'm used to being around folk who have been around a lot longer than I have. The Asari are particularly long-lived. Not that long, certainly, but when you're around someone who can talk about seeing various generations die out, it's a little...humbling."

As she mentions herself and Siphon being able to do things, not to mention the crazy, that gets a chuckle out of Lilith. "I'm not worried about any of that. Siphon mentioned the...fwoosh," she uses in lieu of actually mentioning Aya's ability to immolate things. "And, well, crazy's par for the course with my crew. In fact, it might be a slight downgrade."

"Hell," came from Jack, "we just saved the galaxy, didn't we? I'd say we earned the vacation."

"Suffice to say, I think my people can handle it," Lilith concludes with a smile.

She'll put her attention on the window as well, looking for some sort of difference in the gradient outside. "Color me impressed. Also, remind me to keep Tali away from the ship. Joker, too. He might develop a complex."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

For a moment Aya seemed confused, then a look of understanding crossed her face.

"Colorful way of putting it, I like it."

She shrugged with regards to the age comment.

"It is odd at times I admit, but sometimes, on occasion, it gets a little downing. Some of our people used to wish for immortality, but the truth is, when you've lived as long as the two of us have, it's not just entire generations you see die off, it's entire races. It's a bit ... depressing at times."

Jack's comment got another smile from her.

"I like that outlook. I don't know much about the place you came from, but I'd wager there's a chance you might be getting to see things, and places that you'd never thought were possible to go, or that may not even exist where you came from. If that isn't exciting, I don't know what is."

Glancing outside the window showed that the tunnel had taken on a more teal colored look, clearly different from what they'd been in before. Aya meanwhile had moved them to another area, where she glanced up at what at first seemed like a decorative piece above a doorway. However, a closer glance revealed that the symbols on them were changing every second or so, and some of them what seemed like every minute or so. After a moment, Aya finally spoke again.

"Time really flies when you're having fun. Forty nine minutes into the trip already, yeah, we're definitely in Pegasus now. If Siphon's estimate was right, and he usually is, we ought to arrive at our intended destination in a little over eleven minutes. If you folks want anything to eat or drink, we ought to do that now. Knowing him, he'll want to get down there as soon as possible, particularly since we don't know much about the planet the ship was found on. It isn't one with a Stargate, so he's going to want to get readings on it as well, determine what we may be up against."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

"Well, it looks like there's a lot that is similar but different. The Normandy's crossed the Milky Way several times over, so this," she'll incline her head toward the window, "is new but home turf, not quite so much. Look forward to seeing the differences, though. Provided they're not shooting at us."

At the comment about catching something to eat before planetfall, she nods. "Head for chow, troops. Be ready to move when we set down." Her attention goes back to Aya while the others head off to the mess for the time being. "If you can get us atmospheric readings before we head out, that'll be helpful, too. We've got breathers, if need be, but I'd prefer to know if we're going to need them before we leave the ship."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

They continued to walk onward as Aya responded to her.

"If I know Siphon he'll start scanning the second we drop out of hyper-space. He doesn't waste time, that's for sure."

She paused as there was another slight shimmering distortion that went through them, and a look out one of the windows showed a planet at a decent range away, but readily recognizable as being a planet.

"And we just dropped out of hyper-space. Want to beat him to the punch of calling us and head for the bridge?"

There was a slight smile as she said it, making Lilith wonder if perhaps the woman enjoyed being unpredictable at times and keeping others on their toes.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

"You go ahead. We'll be along. I definitely want to grab some chow before we set out. Always good to go exploring on a full stomach."

Seeing as they have a few minutes to nab something, that's what Lilith intends to do. Despite having grabbed chow on Peltas, seems a good practice, especially since the way James devours his grub, someone didn't get a chance to eat on the station. In fact, he's still munching on something when the Normandy folk join the others on the bridge. Grunt has a packet of cookies that may or may not be Oreos and he may or may not be popping them whole into his mouth two at a time.

"Don't give much time for sight-seeing around here, it seems," Lil will quip as she joins the Alverans on the bridge. "We close enough to get an atmospheric reading?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Aya nodded, giving her quick directions to get to the mess hall before making her way to the bridge.

By the time Lilith and the others arrived, it seemed there was a fair bit of information. It was Siphon who answered her, seeming a bit puzzled, and slightly concerned.

"We are. It would appear we have viable atmosphere down there, easily breathable for almost all humanoid species. Not much in the way of water down there though, seems much of the planet is desert. Probably has something to do with the fact this is a binary star system, which explains why there's no stargate. Given the proximity of the two stars, and that one is a class O star, blue super giant for those that don't know the classification ... well let's just say some areas on the planet may end up reaching over two hundred degrees during the heat of the day. For now, it's about eighty five, with both stars angled away from where we want to be. That however will change. In about five hours, the first sun will rise, bringing the temperature up to well over 130. Two hours after that, the second star will rise, and rapidly bring temperatures up to dangerous levels. Unprotected electronics will have issues with that heat, and so will most of us. So we have two options I think. One is that we go until almost second star rise, and we beam out a few minutes before. Option two is we try bringing a small power source with us, see if we can restore basic life support systems on the ship down there, which, in theory, should give us a lot more time, and the Nasara can still beam us out at any time."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

His remark about the degree levels on the planet's temperatures gets a bit of a snort-chuckle out of Lilith. "Because 130 degrees is just balmy."

"I think it's a dry heat, Lola."

Grunt chuckles. "What? You think you can't handle it?"

"I had normal summers, Grunt, not nuclear ones." She huffs a bit of a sigh. "It's Haestrom all over again. Direct sunlight would fry the shields, though weapons and omni-tools would remain functional. Frankly, if the Normandy's been baking in that weather for that long, I highly doubt anything's going to be functioning on it but it's worth a try. Let's go with option two and if it's not going to work, well, we can always fall back to option one."

"If we can't get our shit done in five hours, I'd say there's something seriously wrong." That from Jack and the cant of Lilith's head indicates her agreement.

"There's that, too. We've got a good window of time to assess the situation and if need be, we can always come back tomorrow, so to speak."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Siphon nodded.

"Agreed. If it looks like we need an engineering team to rewire and bypass conduits before we can gather anything useful, we can always come back after the engineers have had their fun. Let's ..."

He trailed off as several beeps from one of the consoles sounded out, moving over to look at them.

"Interesting. Those faint energy readings we detected earlier from the ship just spiked upwards before dropping like a stone back to almost undetectable levels. Something is still active down there, that's for sure. Can't tell what it is though, seems to be some kind of interference. However, I am detecting something that doesn't match with anything of what we know about your Normandy, or the one I knew about."

There was a small pause as he looked over a few more lines of information before he added, "there's a set of rings down there too, odd."

That snapped Aya out of her silence.

"Rings? That's not possible, from what I know of what you told me of her ship, and now what I've seen limitedly of Commander Lilith's here ... the technology would be incompatible. It'd blow out their primary power systems at best case scenario."

Again Siphon nodded, seeming confused.

"At least with Daina's ship yes, and we never did get past that problem. I've only seen what our station scans got off of your ship Commander, but it appears to be similar enough for me to make the educated guess your ship would have similar compatibility issues. Which makes the discovery of this ship all the more interesting. I suspect whatever we manage to find down there is going to be a surprise for all of us, maybe not a good one either. There's something odd about this. Grab a weapon before we beam down Aya, I want to be ready for anything."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

"That being the case, maybe we'll bring Tali with us next time. Unless you've got people on board for that, too. She knows the Normady better, though, not to knock your people."

"Rings?" Lilith echoes Aya's question, though it's more from not understanding the technology. She's seen the gate, but not the transporters. "And is it possible those are what caused the spike?" Seems the logical conclusion to jump to. "And, well, the Normandy's technology might not be able to handle having these things equipped but it doesn't mean you can't route power to them. There's a difference between using the drive core to run something than asking it to do everything else and run something you've cobbled together."

The Normandy folk don't have to be told twice to arm up. Lilith unhooks something from the back of her armor and in a matter of minutes, what was a metallic block has expanded into a rather wicked looking . James and Grunt have done the same thing, though with an and , respectively. Jack carries a , but the casual way she's holding it, clearly this is not her weapon of choice, so there's bound to be something else up the girl's sleeve.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Siphon nodded.

"The people I have are very good, but having someone more familiar with the ins and outs of the technology is always a good thing."

There was a pause, then he did his best to explain the rings to them.

"The rings are a different form of transporter system we make use of. They were designed to be able to transport people, or materials to a ship without the need to drop shielding, the matter stream simply attunes itself with the rings, seeks out another set of them on a partner ship, and then adjusts it's matter stream to pass through the shields. It's a much slower process than the transporter beams you'll get to experience shortly, but both are safe."

Again he paused before replying.

"The ring technology is incompatible with most power relays on ships other than our own of of Lantean design. There were designed to be powered a very specific way, and when you try to route power through them and use them with other systems ... well they have a nasty habit of blowing up. Which means either this ship got lucky not to be blown up or never activate them."

"Or someone found a way to make it work."

Siphon nodded at Aya.

"I suppose it's possible. Curious, indeed."

As they talked, they swung by a small armory where Aya grabbed some kind of energy weapon. Siphon himself appeared to have a form of energy pistol strapped to a holster at his side, the pistol resembling a large caliber Magnum more than anything. Once they were fully armed and ready, he'd lead them to the transporter room, which seemed to be almost right out of a movie.

Large, well lit and with a couple of consoles and a pad like area to stand on, there was no doubt what the devices were for.

"If you're ready, I'll set the coordinates and beam us down."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

"Well, right now that would require a trip back and since we just got here, I'll just be sure to upload as much as I can and she can take a look at it when we get back. Now I regret leaving her behind."

"Can't drag all of us all over the galaxy all the time," comes from Jack. "Just, y'know, toward black holes and into monster-infested bases."

"You had fun, admit it," James chuckled. "Sticking it to Cerberus."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get going. The less time we spend on this sand trap the better. I'll probably be spending a week cleaning sand out of my--" Lilith barked a cough. "Boots." Jack concludes, shooting her commander a smirk.

"We're not taking a shuttle?" This from James, who looks at the rings with a slightly dubious expression on his face.

Grunt barks a bit of a laugh and lightly chucks the marine in the shoulder. Since it's unexpected, it causes him to give a stumble-step. "Let's see you crash these ones."

"Ah, come off it." He recovers and lightly whaps the krogan with the butt of his gun.

"Boys, behave or I will make you stay on the ship," Lilith barks, though she seems amused by the banter. "Ready when you are," she'll tell the other pair.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Siphon shook his head, and noting the look at the rings smiled.

"No, and we're not using the rings either. We'll be using the other transporter system. Fair warning, you may see nothing for a moment when you transport. Depends on how your brain processes the act of transporting, everyone is a bit different. Stand by, beaming .... now."

After a moment, there was a sudden tingling sensation through them all, and then for a brief moment, nothing ....

((Making thread))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Nasara (Siphon's Ship)

Moments later, Siphon, Grunt, Lilith and Aya appeared back in the transport room of the Nasara. Once they were back on the ship, Siphon seemed to relax somewhat.