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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?
Difficulty: easy/normal/hard
Obviousness of divinity:

The cause of local trouble: Mischievous spirits/malicious spirits/confused angel/enemy raids/monsters

Posting things if someone wants to pick up my mikoderping and do terrible things with it. No VR aspects here please, since that is silly.

Name: Kagura
Age: 20
Talents: Polearms II
Picture thingy: http://ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=881&pictureid=15819

Generic description thingy: Gentle, friendly and modest, like most miko are in her mind, Kagura is the caretaker of a small shrine near an equally small village. While blessed with a luscious body, she has had no real sexual experiences and is blissfully unaware of such things. One day, the need to see other places hits Kagura and she decides to say goodbye to the shrine, leaving it to the care of her junior assistant as she picks up her naginata and heads out to the world with a small assortment of traveling gear and her uniform, which she is just not ready to give up (Or the poster just has a thing for miko '.').

Also, since it might be a thing of interest/story idea seed, her religion is Fantasy Shinto basically. Everything has a spirit in it, natural places are holy, there are gods who created her country.

Noteynote: Usual no guro, scat or pissing stuff, normal wounding and such is alright, no issues with painful things/ryona either as long as they don't overshoot it. Also not too fond of futa or other heavier bodily transformation on character, NPCs can be what they are. Breast expansion, cumflation and other lighter aspects are fine, as long as they are temporary or negotiated I suppose, but no bimbofication cos that shit is dumb. Other than that, mostly open to the wide spectrum of the lewd.
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Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

While she had moved out from the safety of her shrine and village, Kagura was not quite ready to leave her province just like that, considering the ongoing tension between the neighboring ones and her own. Going around and listening to some local gossip while passing by on the road, she identifies several little issues that could be fixed to make life easier to the locals if they were looked into and solved somehow. Some of those were more relevant to her actual profession than others, and while there was certainly some interest towards the angel in her mind, Kagura saw it fit to follow her calling more. So, she would focus on finding more information about the mischievous spirits that were having their fun at the expense of the human population. Spirits were certainly a part of the grand picture of humanity and nature, but they too had limits that they needed to abide by, and this was something that the miko would set them straight on.

Humans: Y 5
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: Y 3
Birthing: Y 3
Non-consensual sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 2
Corruption: Y 2
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y 2, cumflation encouraged if applicable (No genderswap tho)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Situational I suppose.
Difficulty: Normal
Balkanization: Yes, I suppose I want Sengoku Jidai.
Obviousness of divinity: Very.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Cool air is blowing down from the mountains on this fine spring day, as Kagura decides that she should do something about the mischievous spirits. Finding out what they were doing would probably not be difficult - she could either go around the village, talking with people, or go to the local inn, where she would be a welcome visitor as usual. Alternatively, she could try speaking with some spirits in her shrine, to see what they know, though the spirits rarely had the same ideas about what constitutes of mischievousness as humans do.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Giving her decision some thought, Kagura considered her options for finding information about these spirits, mainly about what they had been doing and where, but she would keep her ear out for other little details as well. Maybe someone had heard or seen what they looked like, which was certainly a good thing to know as well, since she did not want to walk into a situation that was beyond her abilities to deal with. The inn was going to be her destination, but she would chat up some people along the way as well to get as much knowledge as she could before making her next moves. The people around here knew her fairly well, so the miko had no doubts about them being open and honest to her if they had something to share.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura moves through the small village, she suddenly hears a scream as a middle-aged woman flees from her house, chased by a floating carpet. No-one else seems all that enthusiastic about getting involved, though some of the children stop and stare.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

While she had been perfectly content just striding about the town and seeking people with info, it appeared that Kagura was needed for something as she heard the rumblings of some chaos nearby. Catching sight of an older lady fleeing and a floating carpet of all things chasing her, she knew that this was probably going to be her first contact with the trickster spirits that she had heard mention of. Making a beeline towards the scene, she would step in and block the mat from the lady, prepared to strike at it with her long weapon if the object showed hostility towards her. "Get back, children. It might want to harm you." she warned the kiddies along the way as well, hoping that they took some distance from the scene to avoid potential harm.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Surprisingly, the carpet stops in front of Kagura, appearing to examine her before making a dash past her to the right. The children reluctantly move back from the order of the priestess.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

For a moment, it looked as if Kagura had achieved some form of resolution to the situation as the carpet had stopped. Before anything else could happen, the thing zoomed away from her, which prompted the miko to give chase. She would trail after the possessed object, opting to not attack it unless it was taking an obvious hostile action towards any of the villagers. "Get back here! And stop harassing us!" she called after the thing as she went, somewhat wanting to find out the reason for the carpet's possession.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The carpet abruptly stops just outside the village and hovers several inches off the ground expectantly. Though the thing has no face, it seems almost smug.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The size of her chest made all the running somewhat awkward, but Kagura was fit and chased the carpet all the way outside the village. The thing just hovered there after it stopped, appearing as if it was looking at her with an arrogant look. Deciding to teach the thing a lesson, the miko bapped it with the stick end of her weapon.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

11 vs 11

The carpet rears back and then tries to wrap around Kagura, but she clumsily manages to avoid it, to the great amusement of an old farmer who watches from safe distance.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Despite the non-lethal nature and intent of her attack, Kagura still got a retaliation as the carpet shifted about and attempted to wrap her up in a somewhat awkward manner. Her escape maneuver was equally clumsy, but it got the job done. The whole thing was turning into a fight, so she decided to get serious, turning her blade around to bring the business end to bear on this rude carpet with an upward swing.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura 1 vs 2

The swing narrowly misses the carpet which drops down on the ground defiantly and ceases trying to grab Kagura. She gets the impression that the carpet wants her to sit on it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Doing hef quick attack, Kagura just barely missed the carpet, which seemed to be getting the idea about not messing with her. Still, it did not flee, instead turning friendly on the miko and almost asking her to sit on it for some reson. "Alright then, maybe this will get me some answers to what is going on." she reasoned, stepping on the carpet and taking a seat, but she remained careful and kept her weapon in her lap just in case.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Making sure Kagura is comfortable, the carpet slowly lifts into the air until it's above treetops, and then flies away to west, towards the mountains. From her high vantage point, Kagura notices a fresh clearing where the lumberjacks must have been working that's dangerously close to a blessed spring and the carpet stops to hover over it for a while to make sure she has noticed it. It then continues further west to the foothills of the mountains, landing near what appears to be an abandoned manor. It's been a long time since anyone able to afford such a grandiose living arrangement had chosen to live in such a poorly defended building, yet the mansion seems to have been abandoned only a few years ago. Though the carpet lands in front of the mansion and its grand portal, there's bound to be a servants entrance somewhere as well, or she could even try to get in through a window.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As strangely as it had been acting, the carpet appeared to be having intentions that were more pure than it's earlier behavior. The things it showed did not go unnoticed as Kagura was not pleased with the lumber operation going on and made a mental note to see to that sooner or later. But the more prominent issue was the estate she was dropped off at, a place that looked to be abandoned. But if the carpet dropped her off there, the location had some significance to her current situation. Getting off the carpet, she looked around the property for a way in, only taking a window in as the last resort if she could help it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Perhaps wisely, Kagura opts to find a servants' entrance, located at the back. The door features a sturdy lock, but opens from a push without so much as a whisper. Quite probably for the first time in decades or perhaps even centuries daylight shines into the shadowy hallway covered with a thick layer of dust. As soon as she steps inside, shadowy whispers just on the edge of hearing seem to fill the hallway as her footsteps kick up a cloud of dust. The short hallway takes her to a narrow staircase flanked by a pair of doors. Unless the miko misses her guess, one of the doors would take her into the kitchen and the pantry, while the other would lead to storage rooms and quite likely either would lead to a door taking her to the entrance hall. Suddenly the door behind her creaks eerily as the wind swings it shut, leaving Kagura in dusty darkness, surrounded by the sounds of distant whispers.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going around the property, Kagura found the entry she had hoped to find, managing to avoid the rather questionable window entry with that. The inside areas of the large house were rather spooky-looking, with the heavy dust cover revealing that it had not been used by any physical beings for a long time. Making sure to keep her attention on the whispering, the miko decided to make an effort on checking the surroundings first to avoid any surprise attacks. Thus, she decided to see what the rooms on the sides held in them first, only moving onward to the entry hall if she was sure the side rooms were clear of any potential hostiles that she would not want sneaking up on her while she advanced.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The door to Kagura's right reveals nothing but more darkness. The one to her left, however, lets faint light into the entrance hall, revealing a dusty looking kitchen. There's a large sack on one of the tables, and the windows look surprisingly clean. There's also two more doors that Kagura can see in the kitchen, as well as several ovens and a large roasting spit over a fireplace, complete with harness and mechanism for a dog to turn it. An unfelt breeze stirs the dust near the sack.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

After a bit of inspection, Kagura left the dark room be for now, not being sure if going there would be smart without any light source to provide at least the tiniest illumination. The other room was accessible though, and that was where she went. Noticing the sack, she used the tip of her naginata's blade to open the thing at least a little. Given what she saw or did not see, she would go to check out the other doors too after dealing with the sack and whatever was in there.