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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Tis what plot bunnies do. They breed. Like rabbits. *rimshot* *flees*

And the plots they represent for you two is usually an attempt at breeding. Coincidence?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

And the plots they represent for you two is usually an attempt at breeding. Coincidence?

Not so. Unless we start delving into the scary scary world of Mpreg or whatever the hell it's called. Our plot bunnies just like to HAVE SEX.

And, keeping on topic, I love posting here. No html code crap. If I want italics all I have to do is push a freaking button! Gah. So annoying on other sites, especially since they all use different brackets and codings.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Not so. Unless we start delving into the scary scary world of Mpreg or whatever the hell it's called. Our plot bunnies just like to HAVE SEX.

And, keeping on topic, I love posting here. No html code crap. If I want italics all I have to do is push a freaking button! Gah. So annoying on other sites, especially since they all use different brackets and codings.

That's why I said attempt at breeding. This is also known as the act of intercourse. Sex. Rolling in the hay. Getting yer rocks off. Just straight up FUCKING. And it gets a good audience obviously. I mean, Chibi's nearly eaten her hand reading ya Copper.

And yeah, I agree with you on that second segment. Easy, convenient. And I like those two words brought into reality.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Not so. Unless we start delving into the scary scary world of Mpreg or whatever the hell it's called. Our plot bunnies just like to HAVE SEX.

And, keeping on topic, I love posting here. No html code crap. If I want italics all I have to do is push a freaking button! Gah. So annoying on other sites, especially since they all use different brackets and codings.

Not really. The only ones I've encountered use either php(like this one) or html. I assume by "other sites" you don't mean any forums? 'Cos almost all of those do it the same way it's done here. Except not with ALL CAPS.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

That's why I said attempt at breeding. This is also known as the act of intercourse. Sex. Rolling in the hay. Getting yer rocks off. Just straight up FUCKING. And it gets a good audience obviously. I mean, Chibi's nearly eaten her hand reading ya Copper.

And yeah, I agree with you on that second segment. Easy, convenient. And I like those two words brought into reality.
Nearly? It's gone to the elbow.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I stand corrected.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

*holds out arm stumps* i Love Copper THIIIIIS much.

So THAT's why you don't masturbate, and I was so worried you where innocent and evil at the same time, silly me!
Of course you wouldn't constantly divide by zero.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

No you don't, don't be silly, if you do then you're a member of the undead, I don't see enough rotting flesh for that, you only have a little!
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

What's funny is, the most I knew was love-talk between copper and chibi.. also some bunnies or something. That's what was going on in my head.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

No you don't, don't be silly, if you do then you're a member of the undead, I don't see enough rotting flesh for that, you only have a little!

Blood magick is a wonderful preservative, you know.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)



I love this guy's gorgeous blue/green eyes.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

No you don't, don't be silly, if you do then you're a member of the undead, I don't see enough rotting flesh for that, you only have a little!

You make it sound as though every undead creature has rotting flesh. If that's your belief, then I shall have to ask you to step outsi- wait, no, shit, the sun is out and I almost forgot about all those fuckers with silver - plated, mind you, it's hilarious... still stings like hell, though - bullets waiting outside. Umm, I think my basement will do...
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

You make it sound as though every undead creature has rotting flesh. If that's your belief, then I shall have to ask you to step outsi- wait, no, shit, the sun is out and I almost forgot about all those fuckers with silver - plated, mind you, it's hilarious... still stings like hell, though - bullets waiting outside. Umm, I think my basement will do...

Vampires still die if they divide by zero, it causes a highly intense beam to focus around the center for an amount of th- UUGH!, Just believe me, only Liches, Skeletons, and Zombies can do stuff like that and survive, maybe a few select others, but not Vampires.

Liches also have rotting flesh too ya' know, it's just better hidden, unless they're skeleton liches. *shrugs*
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Meh, believe what you want. I'll just be sittin' over here, dividing by zero. If you can't comprehend that I'm able to, then that's your belief, and who am I to question it.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Vampires still die if they divide by zero, it causes a highly intense beam to focus around the center for an amount of th- UUGH!, Just believe me, only Liches, Skeletons, and Zombies can do stuff like that and survive, maybe a few select others, but not Vampires.

Liches also have rotting flesh too ya' know, it's just better hidden, unless they're skeleton liches. *shrugs*

What about Banshees? Or the Dark Rangers (Like Sylvanus Moonrunner) from Warcraft? Or shades.