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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Deadpool is pretty cool, but I'd say my favorite Marvel character is still Wolverine. I still can't get over the one comic I read that was talking about the States getting into WWII, before showing a picture of Logan holding a German in the air with the bayonet on the end of his rifle thinking "Canada's been there for two years."

Probly just my patriotism that makes me love him so. Which reminds me that the movie bugged me a lot because they always showed him fighting in the American army... I can get over him in American uniform in the American Civil War and Vietnam (Canadians did go down to the states to be able to fight), but WWI and II he should have been in Canadian uniform... fucking producers.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I don't know if this was brought up recently in another thread and I don't know the accuracy of the claim, hell, I might even have heard it here and am retelling it, but supposedly, one of deadpools moves in Marvel vs Capcom 3 involves him taking the lifebar and beating his opponent with it.

America had logan fighting for the americans because no one can be more patriotic than americans. Any nationalism they feel is immediately extended towards Americans and we can show that whatever they do can be pointed to us, therefore we are the only true patriots in all of countries of pride.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Favorite dude in marvel by powers alone, by far, is a new guy named trauma. He's a psychic and a shape-shifter, but he can only use the powers together, and can only become what you fear most. Realizing that this was broken as shit, they had him have control issues at first so he scared the shit out of anyone who didn't keep a lid on it, and then had the person who helped him figure his shit out kind of turned him into a psychologist.

I'm okay with wolverine except he's kind of marvel's whore. He's on every team and they slap him on anything to make it more popular because everyone knows who he is. I swear to your higher power of choice that I saw a romance novel with wolverine on the cover, though where I saw seems to be a complete mystery as I can't find the image anywhere. Since that won't happen I'll do this instead:
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I just like Deadpool because he's not so serious like some of the others. Wolverine is well let's face it the ultimate badass, so it's hard not to like him. I like Gambit a lot as well but that could just be patiotism on my part.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I just like Deadpool because he's not so serious like some of the others. Wolverine is well let's face it the ultimate badass, so it's hard not to like him. I like Gambit a lot as well but that could just be patiotism on my part.

Nothing wrong with liking a character out of patriotism.

And yeah Toxic, I know why they did it, I just don't agree with it. The character is a very proud Canadian, and he should stay that way.

And about Deadpool beating his opponent with the lifebar... I've never seen it, but I believe it. He breaks the fourth wall fairly often I hear
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Here have another proud Canadian superhero in that case.

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I'm okay with wolverine except he's kind of marvel's whore. He's on every team and they slap him on anything to make it more popular because everyone knows who he is.

He's very canadian apparently
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love pre-nineties Wolverine. You know, when he wasn't fighting people like the Hulk, who obviously outclass him in every way imaginable on his own and still somehow being written so that he wins every fight. I blame Loeb, who is the same dipshit that created the horrid insult to comics that was Red Hulk and screwed up whichever season of Heroes it was that had Peters and Nathans dad as the main villain, for that. Not sure why though, I'm not sure if he's even ever worked that much on Wolverine. He did do Civil War too though, so maybe that's why.

After he got really popular, Wolverine was worse than the non-MAX Punisher under Garth Ennis, in that he fought and won against people he really has no right in even surviving against. That's also around the time he went through the sun and survived, I think. At that point, he ceased to be badass for me, and became just some annoying invincible thing that came in and ruined every comic he was in. Maybe it's the fact that Wolverine's never in any real danger anymore after they made him basically unkillable, or maybe it's because the layer of crap about being an incredibly skilled fighter they try to mantle him with, when he's never done much of anything on paper other than rush into stabbing range and ignore every hit that he takes.

Other than that, I love comics more by story arc than by character or writer. Annihilation, World War Hulk, and Civil War in Marvel, for instance, were all amazing, if the last was a bit mishandled. I'd say the same of the recent arc of DC, before the Black Lanterns showed up, and of Spawn before he went god-mode. Dark Horse did great with Witch Blade and the Darkness early on, though both of them are pretty meh right now. Walking Dead was incredible right up until the main character said; "We are the Walking Dead!" at the end of one issue. All in all, comics are in a bit of a slump with me, though that's probably not saying much since the only recent ones I've actually read lately are the new Frankenstein-Punisher ones.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Yeah I see your point, I myself stopped paying attention to the storylines a long time ago. Since like you pinted out they get ridiculous sometimes. Now I just base it off of who I liked when I was younger. When you didn't have so many goofy story lines.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Eh, latest Hulk vs. Wolverine comic I read, Hulk kicked Wolverine's ass. Ripped him in half at the beginning. It was interesting to see that happen, until later on when we see Wolverine as just a head and still alive, and even I was starting to think things were getting ridiculous.

As for other comics out there. I'm still enjoying Top Cow's Witchblade, I'm waiting for the next graphic novel of Walking Dead, and zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales, and Return to Wonderland series are rather entertaining takes on the old fairy tales of the Grimm brothers, and of Alice in Wonderland (respectively). Y: The Last Man was also a good series.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Gambit. Deadpool. Silver Surfer <3 and uh, Nightcrawler.

Oh, and Jubilee. No one likes Jubilee D:
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Y is an awesome series. Not too keen on the Grimm Fairy Tales, but that's just me. And are you sure it wasn't Marvel Zombies you were looking at, Sin? I know he runs around as a head in that one for a while.

Gambit, Wolverine, Longshot, Nightcrawler, Colossus for the men. Blink (Exiles Blink, that is), Dazzler, Rogue, British Psylocke, and Shadowcat for the women. And yes, I like Jubilee, too, though much prefer her in the Outback days than any other time.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

@ Chibi: That's because Jubilee's power is make sparkles. SPARKLES. Although, I guess she did come in handy for the Twilight movies...
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

@ Chibi: That's because Jubilee's power is make sparkles. SPARKLES. Although, I guess she did come in handy for the Twilight movies...

Actually, her power is to basically produce grenades that she can control and detonate with her mind. THAT is kind of badass. I read very little comics myself, and I only own Deadpool comics as well as the trade paperbacks of Hack/Slash by DDP.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Yeah, Wolverine's definitely not any sort of realistic character. I mean, he's a Canadian who's not a complete wuss.

[Before Sinful strikes me dead, I should probably mention that I'm kidding. Also, I should state that Wolverine has a warm place in my heart, though my favorite comic book character would have to be good ol' Spidey.]

In other news... I finally ordered The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD, and it arrived today. I didn't think I would like it this much... but I laughed my ass off at the first two episodes. It's awesome. I don't remember who referred me to it... I think it was Nunu... but thank you.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Actually, her power is to basically produce grenades that she can control and detonate with her mind. THAT is kind of badass. I read very little comics myself, and I only own Deadpool comics as well as the trade paperbacks of Hack/Slash by DDP.

I've said this a lot lately.

I love you. xD
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Yeah, I actually DO like Jubilee, and I know her power is badass, but more often than not, it just seems to me that she comes off as less-than-helpful. I mostly know X-men from the cartoon series, though, and even then I know I haven't seen EVERY episode, so maybe I'm missing out on some awesome point(s) where Jubilee just flat-out kicks major ass.

Against common thugs, sure, she's awesome, but up against most any of the other mutants, she just seems to be so dwarfed.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

It's better than one RP character a friend had. He glowed. That was his power. Like, he couldn't turn it off and glowed really brightly.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

It's better than one RP character a friend had. He glowed. That was his power. Like, he couldn't turn it off and glowed really brightly.

I guess you could say he lit up their lives?

He always had a bright outlook?

He shed light on tricky situations?

When everyone else failed, he shined?

He was a beacon of hope?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Yeah, I actually DO like Jubilee, and I know her power is badass, but more often than not, it just seems to me that she comes off as less-than-helpful. I mostly know X-men from the cartoon series, though, and even then I know I haven't seen EVERY episode, so maybe I'm missing out on some awesome point(s) where Jubilee just flat-out kicks major ass.

Against common thugs, sure, she's awesome, but up against most any of the other mutants, she just seems to be so dwarfed.

Well, Jubes was also rather athletic and a gymnast and being in and out of juvie halls taught her the little "streetwise" things every good Wolverine sidekick needs.

No, that's not a mistake. I don't remember where I read it, but that was something that was brought up with Wolvie. About how he always seemed to have a young, female "sidekick" that tagged along with him. Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde was the first, then after she got shipped off to England and the X-men were all considered dead, that's when he met Jubilee. She lasted through most of the 90's, I think. Not sure if anyone's quite picked up the mantle yet after this while House of M business.