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The Long Nights (vampire: the masquerade fiction)


Nov 10, 2008
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So the other day I randomly got the urge to try writing a story, something I've never done except for grade school assignments. Too many influences on the story to name, but it's mainly based in the World of Darkness. Specifically vampire: the masquerade though some of the other creatures will make appearances. Also many thanks to Sinful for being my editor, and giving me the urge to write after reading her stories. Hope you enjoy it, and comments are welcome but please leave them here.



The brisk salt breeze from Lake Pontchartrain blew through the Spanish moss covered mansion that had stood for so long along its shores. Though the villa itself was dilapidated and it's once beautiful ivory paint was all but gone it still retained all its majesty. In no way did it compare to some of the beautiful palaces of his homeland he was still glad to call it home for a while. Well, almost home he actually lived in the old mausoleum tucked off in the back of the estate. He sometimes wondered if any of the other inhabitants of the crypt were far removed relations of his, an odd thought considering how much older he was than any of them.

Finally he awoke to the darkness that he knew all to well. Looking about the crypt he thought how it could us a bit more cleaning and perhaps some more luxuriant furnishings, but he had time after all he had only been here a month. Angelique had offered to help him with this quite often, but he had kept putting it off as he wasn't quite so obsessed with making everything as beautiful as she was. He had once been obsessed with having the best things in life, but over the centuries he had grown far more used to the darkness that always seemed to pervade his existence.

He sighed despite his nature as the image of his beautiful Adria came into his mind suddenly. Despite the centuries her image had never faded from his mind, her beautiful alabaster skin framed by the luxuriant dark curls of her hair as they descended over her shoulders and down her back. If only he could have persuaded her to come away with him and hide, but no she felt she had to join the others. How very similar in appearance she was to Angelique perhaps that's why he had been so drawn to her since coming to this city.

Shaking himself from his reverie he thought to himself how perhaps he had been spending too much time of late with Angelique. Her beauty was a thing to behold, but like most of her kind she was a bit too prone to distraction, something which seemed to be affecting him as well of late. He wasn't used to being so easily distracted he had always been a being of action. Not wanting to waste more time he finally heaved himself up from where he had lay during the night.

He quickly moved about the pitch black mausoleum as he busied himself with making sure his resting place had not been disturbed during the night. Finally sure that nothing had occurred he attempted to make himself more presentable for the night. Though he was sure Angelique would make some comment about him having forgotten to look in a mirror after he got up. Diego would probably join in the ribbing as well though he's definitely not much of one for all the decadence. He laughed to himself as he imagined Angelique being unable to use a mirror; it would probably drive her insane. Finishing with the necessary preparations, he moved towards the heavy marble slab that covered the entrance to the tomb. He stood concentrating for a few moments before his body seemed to melt into the darkness of the crypt and left his resting place for the night.

Outside the mausoleum he stepped from the shadows of the doorway as though he had been simply hiding in the shadows. Looking about to make sure no one was around he moved over the grassy yard to the front of the house to look toward the city before heading on his way. As he walked out of the fenced yard toward the brighter areas of the city he could hear what must have been the grand party that went on every year in this place. From the sounds of it Angelique must not have been exaggerating too much for once. No wonder she and Diego had been so adamant he come out tonight, after all it would be so easy for their kind to move about and feed on a night such as this. For him the trip through the dark alleys away from the celebration went quickly and before long he found himself at his destination.

He had only been here once before on his arrival to the city, when he had presented himself to the prince of the city as their laws dictated. They hadn't been happy when they learned who he was but he was granted permission to live and hunt here none the less. He knocked on the door and the cheery voice of Edgar answered from behind the door, "Who's there?"

"It is Jourdain, Edgar. I am supposed to meet with Angelique and Diego here." He answered.

The door opened slightly and Edgar's smiling face popped out, "Diego's already over in the sitting room." He said taking a quick look around the alleyway before ushering Jourdain in while closing the door behind them.

"So are ya looking forward to your first Mardi Gras," Edgar asked looking up at the much taller kindred who had just entered while they walked down the hall way. "I sure wish I could go out but someone has to keep the place safe. Makes me wish I weren't so important sometimes."

Jourdain smiled to his jovial companion, "Yes, I think I am. After all it has been quite a while since I even attended a normal party much less one as grand as this one has been described to me. I would have thought Angelique would have been here already, but she probably got distracted trying to put her face on."

"Trust me when I say it’s like nothing you'll have ever experienced before," Edgar said with his usual smirk before he parted to return to his post at the entrance. "Make sure ya let me know how it was this year, eh."

Jourdain thought to himself as he reached to open the door that Edgar must be one of the strangest Brujah he had ever met. He stopped just as he was about to grab the handle however for he could hear raised angry voices form the other side of the door. Deciding to listen a little before barging into some argument he could hear Diego snarling something to Sarah. As much fun as it would be to berate Sarah for raising her voice in Elysium he instead decided to continue listening.

"I'm only asking you to try to negotiate with them, Diego. Your sire would have done this for us without a thought, so why won't you," Sarah whined.

"Because, I'm not my sire and I don't like to fucking negotiate that's why," Diego said his voice more of a growl by this time.

Deciding to defuse the situation before bigger problems started Jourdain pushed through the door as if just arriving. He wasn't exactly expecting the scene that greeted him for Sarah's normal outfit of posh business suit had been exchanged for ragged jeans and a flannel shirt both of which were a little too big for her small frame, not to mention the mud that was caked in her hair.

"Oh, pardon my intrusion Sarah. I had no idea anyone but Diego was here at the moment. You see we were supposed to meet here before heading out to the festivities," he said with a bow and a rather poorly concealed smile. "Though to be honest I barely recognized you with your new look. I must say it fits you quite well my dear."

Sarah just stood there, staring at him as though she wanted to hurl something more than a pithy comment back but she couldn't. Finally realizing how stupid she must look, she just pushed her way passed him with a slightly bowed head. "That's alright, lasombra. I was just leaving anyway."

After the door had closed behind her, Jourdain moved to a seat opposite Diego and smiled, "Ah, what a wit the blue blood has. Would you not agree, Diego?"

"Indeed though I must say I'm glad you came in when you did, else I may have ripped her silly brown head from her shoulders," Diego said as he visibly relaxed from the rage that had been building up inside him. "I would have been glad to do it as well, Elysium or not."

"I could tell. Though I would much rather you did not do something such as that since you are one of the few who I can stand to be around here. So how much do you want to bet that Angelique is only half way prepared for the night? I think it is a wonder that she ever gets anything done at all, considering she has to change her clothes just to walk into the next room." He asked of his companion.

Diego responded with a smirk, "Even as a gambler that would have to be the worst bet I've ever heard of. I hope Angelique won't take too long though, as I'm a bit hungry after dealing with that bitch, Sarah."

"So have you any news from the last few nights? We have not seen you since Sunday." Jourdain asked nonchalantly as he absentmindedly played with a marble ash tray that had been lying on the table.

"Nothing really, though Sarah has apparently been having some sort of troubles with some kindred out in the bayous. Something about them not allowing her to investigate something the prince asked her to look into. Apparently Gangrel so she thought I might be able to speak to them for her. However I'm not much for diplomacy, unless the negotiations involve claws and teeth. Now you on the other hand you're probably the most diplomatic person I've ever met. Something tells me that she hoped I would ask for your help, since she would never do ask that of you herself." Diego said getting up from his seat and pacing the floor like a caged animal. "I don't know how you do it. I swear you could talk your way through a pack of raging Garou if you needed to."

"Yes well I was not always so diplomatic, Diego. In fact I was very much like you, ready to run off and fight just for the sake of fighting. I have just had more time to learn more diplomatic means is all." Jourdain responded, his mind once more wandering to distant memories of his past.
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Re: The Long Nights (a little VtM fiction)

Chapter 1​

The already brutal morning sun burned off the last of the mist from the base of Senlac Hill where Harald and his men had already drawn up their shield wall between the forests on both sides of the hill in preparation for battle. Willaume stared up at his enemy before turning to his sole companion. The young man had his helmet off, his short blond hair already wet with perspiration as he looked around warily.

"What do you think Jourdain, will I be king or is this a fool's errand," he asked removing his helmet as well.

The younger one turned his blazing brown eyes to his lord, "To be perfectly frank my lord, I think we're fucked. That doesn't mean we can't at least die trying to make you the king though."

As he turned his horse back toward their lines with a grim smile he said. "Those are my feelings as well but promise me if I do become king that we will teach you a more delicate way of putting things. One does not always wish his thoughts to be spoken so flagrantly. At least we have the advantage of numbers for once."

"Yes my lord." Jourdain said putting his helmet back on with a frown. Turning his horse as well, they silently rode back toward the front of the lines.

They were greeted by Odo, Willaume's half-brother, and the half-crazed Tylefor galloping up to them.

Quietly Odo said, "Willaume news from our scouts, the rest of Haralds army will be here from London by the morning. If you wish to become king we must carry the field today or all is lost."

Willaume frowned at this news, "I truly hate when I am wrong but unfortunately it is too late to give up now. Odo pass the orders to advance the army across the stream and form them up as we planned."

Odo turned and drawing his mace, galloped back to pass the orders, leaving Tylefor the mad to speak with Willaume and Jourdain. Tylefor turned to them with his grinning face, "My lord and my brother why so grim. Neither of you will die by the sword I'm sure. Just promise me dear brother that you won't forget to be careful of shadows in your twentieth year. Now I must cheer up the men, they're already weary and wary of death. So long my brother for we won't meet again. Please stay by our lord, for you never know I could be wrong, it's happened before."

With a salute and a turn of his horse he galloped to the front of the lines as they began to move forward. There he galloped back and forth singing and cheering on the men of the army. Willaume turned with a smile to Jourdain as the army passed them by, "At least your brother is optimistic about this endeavor."

"Yes, but it's easier to be optimistic when you've completely lost your mind, my liege." Jourdain answered as they both turned and watched the army pass by them to the base of the hill. Up came the Norman archers, followed by the infantry. The Normans in the middle flanked by the smaller Fleming and Breton contingents to the right and left flanks. Finally the Norman cavalry with a small contingent of Italian and French knights came up. Together Willaume and Jourdain turned to join the cavalry as it crossed the stream.

Putting his helmet on Willaume said, "Let us hope that he's not completely insane just this once."

Tylefor still galloped back and fourth at the front of the lines cheering the men on as the usual challenges were hurled back and forth between the two armies. When suddenly he stopped and drawing his sword charged directly at the Saxon wall of shields. The two armies stood dumbfounded as he single handedly attacked the Saxon line, wildly swinging his sword at any huscarl who got near him. Two of them dropped never to rise again before a blow from one of the huscarl's wicked battleaxes finally found its mark and he fell from his horse, the first death of the battle. With this brave but foolish act the battle began in earnest as Willaume ordered the archers to open fire.

The archers opened a continuous fire on the Saxon lines with little effect as the arrows fell either too short or bounced off the shields. They soon spent most of their arrows in the vain attempt and Willaume ordered the infantry to charge the Saxons. The infantry charged at the Saxons and broke on the shield wall like rain on a mountain side. Harald, knowing that he had to do nothing but wait for the bulk of his army to arrive in the morning allowed them to retreat down the hill without pursuit.

Twice more this occurred with much the same effect the powerful charge of the Norman infantry crashing into the Saxon lines and returning down the hill only to try again after catching their breath. The once peaceful hill was now littered with broken bodies and weapons from both sides. Still the Saxon shield wall stood as if it had been untouched.

Willaume realized he had to find some way to break the shield wall before night fell. He decided to try one more time before the midday lull, in the hopes of finding some way to break through. This third attack began much like the others before it with the infantry launching themselves at the Saxon shield wall. When suddenly the Flemish right flank seemed to lose heart and began fleeing in what appeared to be a complete rout. The Saxon wall on that side under Haralds brothers broke down as they unwisely gave chase to the fleeing men thinking they had won the battle.

Willaume seeing the opportunity he sought ordered the cavalry to charge at the Saxons who had given chase, crushing the Saxon flank in a thunder of hooves and spears. Very few of the Saxons made it back to safety of the shield wall and Harald’s brothers now numbered amongst the dead and dying on the hillside. Harald's shield wall now to weak to hold their original positions withdrew farther up the hill to strengthen his lines.

Unfortunately for Harald, Willaume now knew how he could defeat the shield wall, if he could get the Saxons to give chase a few more times he could crush them before the reinforcements arrived. The time was now noon and both armies broke away from each other for a time to eat and reorganize before the battle continued.

Willaume walked up behind Jourdain, who had stayed away from the other men of the army during the lull. He had remained at the stream looking up the hill with his helmet still on and bloody sword still drawn anxious to extract vengeance for his brother. "Take solace in the fact that Tylefor is in a much better place now, Jourdain. We both know that his life had never been to kind to him."

Jourdain simply stared for a moment before saying, "Have the troops finished yet, the battle isn't over?"

"They are reforming now but please try not doing anything foolish Jourdain, I need you and your brother wouldn‘t want you to waste your life." Getting on his horse he now rode up beside Jourdain. "Let us finish this now Jourdain."

Now the two armies stood facing each other once again on the now blood soaked hill ready to continue the battle. The Norman infantry once again charged forward at the diminished Saxons, while the archers having replenished their arrows began to shoot at a higher angle than they had earlier at the troops standing in the rear of the shield wall. The Saxon shield wall still showed no cracks as they beat off the attacking infantry which having received special orders during the lull now broke and fled as the Flemings had before. Any Saxons foolish enough to follow were quickly slaughtered by the Norman cavalry which now charged into the fray.

Twice more did the Normans attack in this method before a battleaxe of one of the huscarls felled Willaume's horse sending him unceremoniously to the turf where he lay unmoving. This soon created a panic as the cry of “Willaume’s dead” started to spread through the Norman lines. The Flemings and Bretons on the flanks both began to retreat in what could soon become a complete rout of the army.

Jourdain, who had become unhorsed in the latest melee as well, now ran to where Willaume had fallen turning the fleeing infantry in his path to face the huscarls of Harald’s own household as they finally broke from the protection of the shields. Reaching Willaume the small band of Normans stood defiantly to protect their fallen lord from the Saxon onslaught which was coming.

Willaume however had only been dazed and realizing what was happening leapt up and throwing off his helmet to show his men he still lived, cried. "Stand and fight, to retreat is your death."

The fleeing army turned at this and now the two charging armies crashed into each other like two charging bucks. Jourdain at the very front almost seemed immune to the axes and swords of the Saxons as men from both sides fell around him like sheathes of grain under a sickle. As the two armies finally broke from each other the advantage now belonged to Willaume as many of the more disciplined huscarls had been killed only to be replaced by the less disciplined Fyrdmen.

Willaume now upon a new horse looked at the much diminished Saxon line as dusk began to draw the end of the battle near. He gave the final order for an all out assault to be launched. The archers again fired into the rear of the Saxon lines while the infantry now led by Jourdain and the cavalry led by Willaume both charged for the Saxon lines. The two armies met with a terrific crash as men from both sides fell to their death. The Normans easily broke through the now less disciplined shield wall. Though it was by no means a rout as the stout Saxons refused to give ground, till suddenly the cry went up among the Fyrdmen that Harald had fallen with an arrow through his eye. The Fyrdmen quickly broke leaving the few huscarls left to protect their fallen king to the last man.

The battle was over and against all odds Willaume had won his kingdom at great cost for the hill was blanketed in the dead and dying of both armies.


“Jourdain are you alright,” Diego’s anxious voice suddenly cut into his thoughts. “You haven’t spoken for ten minutes now, and you seem to have crushed the ash tray that you picked up.”

Jourdain looked down at his hand at what was once a marble ash tray, “Yes, Diego I am fine. I was just remembering something is all.”

“Must have been some memory,” Diego said as he sat back down across form Jourdain. “Why don’t we head over and get Angelique moving. I’m beginning to feel like a caged animal.”

“I guess that would be all right though it may spoil the entrance she probably has planned.” Jourdain answered getting up from the chair he sat in as a faint smile crossed his features. “I am feeling a little impatient as well.”

Together the pair headed toward the door and after telling Edgar their plans in case they missed Angelique, they headed for her gallery on Dumaine Street. Leaving the building they quickly headed down Canal Street for The Rue Bourbon. As the pair turned onto Rue Bourbon, Jourdain stopped to take in the scene that greeted him. The usually busy street was practically filled to capacity with people from every walk of life. Many of them wore costumes and masks like the masquerade balls he remembered from his past while they rode on gaily colored floats of any design possible. Those not on floats danced and drank as they went down the street.

“Ah what a great night for hunting, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it but we really should get to Angelique’s.” Diego said with a smile before he dived into the massive crowd with Jourdain soon following.

Pushing their way through the crowd was slow going, but not too difficult as they made steady progress down the street. Jourdain however was taking a bit more time than Diego, as he enjoyed the sights and sounds of carnival going on all around him. It was almost overwhelming to his senses, and a bit too bright for his tastes. He could now see where Dumaine crossed Bourbon but had lost track of Diego as they moved through the crowd. Reaching the corner he stopped and was scanning the crowd for his companion, when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Turning he saw a grotesquely costumed being smiling at him. “Why I do believe it’s my old pal Jourdain De Senlac. I haven’t seen you in years.” The kindred’s raspy voice spoke.

Jourdain took a step back and looked around suspiciously as he knew an old friend might not be a good thing. “You seem to have the advantage of me, so which kind of old friend are you?”

“Yeah I guess I do have the advantage after all. It is kind of hard to recognize me in this getup after all. Though I don’t think unmasking me would be the best idea in this crowd. You know screams of fear and all that. Anyways it’s me Urchin, so it’s the good kind of old pal I guess.”

Jourdain stopped at this revelation, “But how did you survive the fire, I barely made it out and I was on the other side.”

“Oh yeah the fire, it was kind of a close call wasn‘t it. Let’s just say I followed some old friends, they always know the best way out of a trap after all. So what are you doing here last I heard you were still in Europe? Though come to think of it I haven‘t heard much about you in quite a while.” The costumed figure answered.

Jourdain smiled again, “You always were a hard one to trap. I only recently came here actually. I was trying to keep from being heard about after the fire, so it is no wonder that you had no news of me. So what brings you here?”

“I’ve been coming here around this time for the last couple of years. It’s not often I get to move around quite so openly you know.” Stopping and pointing over Jourdain’s shoulder he asked, “A friend of yours?”

Turning Jourdain answered, “Yes, allow me to introduce Diego Santeria one of the local kindred and one of my companions this evening. Diego this is Urchin a very old friend.”

Diego and Urchin nodded to each other in greeting though neither spoke to the other. Urchin turned back to Jourdain, “Well I don’t want to interrupt your plans for the night. If you want to get a hold of me I’m sure you still know where to look. Oh and keep an eye out my sources tell me there are some shady sorts around lately.”

“I will be sure to do that Urchin and I am sure we will see more of each other some time. It always was hard to keep us separated for long after all.” Jourdain answered Urchin before he quickly vanished into the crowd.

“Was that another old friend of yours?” Diego finally asked.

“One of my oldest, though it is a bit unusual to find him out and about. If he says to be careful we should follow his advice. So let us keep on our guard a bit more than we have been.” Jourdain said turning toward the Delancourt Gallery across the street.

Together the pair walked across the street and moved down an alley to the rear door of the gallery. Having made sure no one had followed Diego knocked but received no answer.

Diego growled as he knocked again more loudly, “I don’t like it. Someone should be here even if we missed her on our way over.”

“I think you may be right. Either that or I am a bit on edge after Urchin’s warning. You stay here and keep an eye out while I check inside.” Jourdain whispered while looking around for anyone before melting into the shadows and entering the gallery.

He soon found himself inside the darkened gallery quietly moving through the place he soon found himself in Angelique’s private studio. From there he moved toward the sole source of light he could see up the stairs. He stopped to listen at the base of the stairs and unable to hear anything slowly made his way upstairs. From the landing he could hear what sounded like someone crying, thinking that something may have happened to Angelique, he moved toward the half open door it issued from. Looking in he saw Angelique sitting on a bed crying into her hands with her back to him.

“Angelique what is wrong,” He asked stepping into the room quickly. Too late he realized his mistake as a powerful hand caught him by surprise from behind the door sending him across the room with a crash. He recovered quickly to confront his attacker his rage barely in control. Directly in front of him stood one of the lupines, one who looked very much like Angelique herself.

“No, please stop both of you,” Angelique’s voice suddenly cut through as she launched herself between the two of them. Turning to the lupine she begged, “Please father, he’s a friend and he can help us.”
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Re: The Long Nights (a little VtM fiction)

Chapter 2

The lupine stopped obviously conflicted by his love for his daughter and his hatred of the fiend she had become. With a slight sniff of the air he looked into her eyes and growled. “He stinks of the wyrm, joli un. You were always so naïve but for your sake he won’t be destroyed by me. How is it that he can help me though when I can‘t trust him?”

“Thank you father, Jourdain’s very clever and has always been honest with me maybe he can think of something we can’t. Now let me see to him and make sure he’s all right.” She purred as she took a handkerchief out and tried to wipe the blood tears from her face.

The lupine frowned as she wiped the blood from her face. “All right, if he’s willing to help I’ll tell him but only if he’s willing to make a similar promise.

Angelique turned and drifted elegantly across the room to where Jourdain was still standing. “Jourdain are you hurt?”

Jourdain drew himself up and gently taking hold of her hand kissed it. “No, my dear Angelique I am just a little surprised by everything is all. You may tell your father that I will do my utmost to help in any way possible. I doubt any promise I make would convince him of this however. We should also probably send Diego on his way before he does something drastic. He is waiting just outside the back entrance.”

“All right I’ll go to find him and do my best to convince him that he should go on without us. Thank you both and please behave while I‘m gone.” She said pleadingly as she looked from her father to Jourdain.

Finding themselves now alone together the lupine and Jourdain simply stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Finally Jourdain stepped forward and spoke. “Is there any way I can convince you of my sincerity or are we just going to stare at each other till your daughter returns?”

“Grr, no there is no promise of yours that I would believe so I guess your word will have to suffice. Did you make my daughter into the monster she has become?” The lupine snarled with a hint of malice.

Jourdain didn’t flinch at all at this question. “In that case I shall accept your word as well. She is of a different clan from I, we are just friends and nothing more. Now if that is out of the way perhaps we can get down to the business at hand. I would imagine that it‘s quite the problem to bring you all this way to find the daughter you most likely thought was gone.”

“My tribe was attacked two nights ago by leeches like you but not like you. They utterly reeked of wyrm taint. They seemed to be after something though I don’t know what that could be. All but I and two others of the tribe went to Gaia, though we sent all but four of them to death as well. Then yesterday more showed up who also were looking for something but they were more like you. We sent them away quickly without any problems though. Their funny leader who tried to offer us money to let them search fell in the mud ruining her fancy clothes.” The garou laughed heartily at the last part and clapped his hand on Jourdain’s shoulder almost like they were old pals.

Jourdain having listened carefully to the lupine’s dilemma flinched slightly at the clap on the shoulder. Soon however he too began laughing heartily as some earlier events suddenly became clear to him.

“Well I wasn’t expecting this scene when I returned.” Angelique said happily as she beamed at the pair from the door way. “Diego wasn’t happy but I got him to go on without us. So does this mean that you can help my father, Jourdain?”

As the laughter of the pair died down both of them turned and Jourdain anxiously spoke. “Yes I may be able to help your father, but I think we may need to get the Prince and the Primogen together to discuss the best course of action. Meanwhile I believe your father’s best course of action would be to return to his tribe for now.”

“It will be very difficult to get them together on such short notice with Mardi Gras going on, Jourdain.” Angelique answered with a worried look.

“Unfortunately I think it will be all too easy to get them together. We all must be very quick and careful from this point on. Angelique go to the opera house and tell Edgar that a Sabbat pack is going to be out hunting for fresh recruits but don‘t mention your father whatever you do. Just tell them you and I spotted an attack and after foiling it I gave chase and told you to report it.”

“What if they don’t believe me though? Most of them already don’t trust you as it is. Won‘t you giving chase and sending me back just make them trust you less.”

“They will and no they don’t but they won’t have much of a choice after I return to Elysium later.” Turning to the garou, who by now had a very confused look on his face, Jourdain extended his hand. “What is your name and how can I find you after you return to your tribe?”

The lupine growled but still shook Jourdain‘s hand, “My name is Reme and Angelique can get you to us but are you sure I should just return without help. What if the first group comes back before you can arrive?”

“If you slew most of them that attacked they will need to replenish their troops most likely. This means that tonight they will attack this city and won’t be able to attack you again till the next night at the earliest. Be careful while you are leaving though for once the call goes out their will be many kindred out hunting and they may mistake you for one of our apparently common foes. Now do either of you have any more questions.” He said explaining as quickly as he could.

When Angelique and her father shook their heads, Jourdain hurried them out of the gallery into the streets. There they all parted company to do as Jourdain had said.


“Are you sure it was him you saw Dracen? The heavily cloaked figure asked in a sultry voice as a slight drizzle started to come down around the pair.

The tall cruel looking man who stood beside her turned and retorted back in a thick Slavic accent. “Of course it was him. Do you think I wouldn’t recognize my oldest enemy? I can’t wait to finally kill him after all these years.”

“As I recall, you only have the chance to kill him after all these years because he spared your life the last three times.” A slight Arabic man said unsympathetically as he stepped up beside the pair from out of nowhere.

Dracen turned and glared at the smaller man angrily but said nothing.

“Enough, we have more important things to do than worry about old enemies. Avoid him we’ve already had enough setbacks as it is, and messing up more won’t be pleasing to our master. Where are Jayde and David we need to get started before they find out we’re here?” The woman said silencing the others.

The Arabic man answered coldly, “I think they already got a head start on us.”

“Then we should probably join them.” Dracen said as the three left the park and headed further into the city.


Jourdain hastily moved through the still crowded streets all his sense now on alert. He did his best to avoid the larger crowds of canaille, for he had yet to sate his hunger this night. He hoped the rain that had started falling would drive most of the people in doors but from the look of things they were too far gone in their revelries to care. Leaving Bourbon Street he crossed over several blocks towards one of several stashes he had hidden throughout the city. The neighborhood around the old Ursuline Convent was shadowy and seemed void of life; only the occasional streetlight lit his way. The recently restored church was used for little other than tours of its aged halls and chapel these days.

He moved silently up the steps of the darkened church, wondering if there were any late night workers for him to avoid. Entering quietly the only light that he saw came from Father Nicholas’ office but it was no problem for him to sneak past the open door where his naive assistant worked. Once he had moved past the office he slowly moved up the old stairs, even moving so slowly the ancient stairs creaked worryingly. He moved to the end of the hall and locking the door of the unused storage room behind him he quickly began to move several heavy trunks aside. He changed into a more appropriate outfit for his task this night, something that both kindred and kine alike would find unassuming. He next pulled aside some loose floorboards from where the trunks had recently sat and reaching in to the opening, pulled out a locked chest that lay within.

He suddenly stopped and listened as he heard a key inserted into the lock of the storage room. Flicking the light switch near the door he quickly turned his back and pretended to be searching for something in one of the other trunks, for he had one final preparation to take care of.

“Hello is someone in here. Oh Father Jourdain, pardon me I didn’t know you were here.” The other priest said somewhat relieved. “Are you looking for something? I do know this place a bit better than you after all.”

Jourdain turned and looking steadily into the others eyes spoke softly. “Hello Father Nicholas, thank you but I already found what I was looking for. I can get everything put back in here so you should probably go to sleep.”

Father Nicholas stood spellbound as he looked back at Jourdain, before his eyes slipped shut and he stood there asleep. Jourdain quietly peaked out the door and seeing no one else, closed it and locked it once more. He reached over and gently grabbed the other priest pulling his head to the side as he did so. With a callous smile he bent his head and felt his fangs pierce the other man’s throat. As the coppery taste of the blood poured down his throat he could hear a faint sound of pleasure from the other priest. Having quenched his hunger he set the priest down on the floor to rest while he finished putting the room back the way it had been before.

Opening the chest he had taken from under the floorboards, he reached in and pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment and tucked it into an inner coat pocket. “Hopefully I won’t need to use that but just in case.” Next he pulled out his most prized possession, Ruggine del buio; he strapped the sheath of the two foot long blade to his waist so that it was easily concealed by the long coat he wore. Finally he pulled out a more modern tool, tucking the Colt .45 into his coat pocket along with an extra clip.

He now picked up the priest from the floor and carried the sleeping man out of the storage room with him. Depositing him on the couch of his office on the first floor, he quickly changed the priest’s memory so that he would remember none of what had happened to him this night. Leaving the convent he swiftly headed into the city proper in search of his prey.
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Re: The Long Nights (a little VtM fiction)

Chapter 3​

“Yo bitch this our turf go take yo skinny white ass someres else you wan peddle that shit.” The gang banger yelled as he walked up and tore the wad of cash from the delicate looking blondes’ hands with a grin back to his fellows. “We preciate the donation though now git.”

The slender blonde smirked up at the large man in front of her. “Actually I think it’s my turf now, but I‘m willing to let you stay and work for me.”

“Bitch you crazy, but me and my homies will be glad to wipe that smirk off yo face.” He said grabbing her roughly by the arm as the other gang bangers got out of the car and started walking over.

The gangsters grin quickly disappeared as the petite girl punched him in the stomach faster than he could blink. She continued smirking as she pulled her gore covered hand out of what was once his stomach. The gang banger collapsed to the sidewalk trying vainly to hold what was left of his guts in. Moving her hand up to her face, she licked the blood off with a toothy smile that showed off her fangs quite nicely. “So do you fine gentlemen need another demonstration or is it agreed that you‘re working for me now?”

The three gang bangers looked warily between their dieing leader and the skinny girl before two of them nodded their heads in assent. The other one continued staring at the body of their former leader like a petrified rabbit.

“Good grab your chickenshit buddy there and get in the car.” She said reaching into the dead ones pocket and retrieving the keys before walking over and getting in. “Welcome to the gang boys I‘m sure you‘ll enjoy it.”

The two of them just shrugged and dragged the other one kicking and screaming into the car.


The couple strolled through the park hand in hand after leaving the festivities on Bourbon Street. They had only met just this night, but had hit it off perfectly, almost just like a fairy tale. Susan smiled up at his happy features while she babbled on about law school, and her parents back home in Delaware. Meanwhile the striking man on her arm responded by telling her happily about his upcoming first role on Broadway. Suddenly Susan stumbled and grabbed onto his arm a little unsteadily as they neared a lonely park bench.

“Hey you okay, let’s sit down for a while. I think we both had a few too many long islands tonight.” Alan said steadying her as best he could while leading her over to the bench.

“Thanks I’ll be all right, I just don’t usually drink this much is all.” Susan responded with a smile as she rested her head on his shoulder before looking up at his face.

With a look around at the dark and deserted park, Alan said. “Kind of a creepy city when you get away from the busy areas isn’t it?” Looking down at her he made a funny face and added, “Almost like you expect a bunch of monsters to jump out of the bushes or something.” He stopped though for she had a look of pure terror on her face as she looked over his shoulder.

Susan watched frozen in terror as a hideous creature grabbed the man from behind, his screams soon drowned out as the creature’s shark like maw bit down on his handsome face. The creature sucked loudly at the blood that poured from the now faintly struggling Alan. Before long, his struggling stopped and the creature gnashed at its own wrist and held it to Alan’s mauled face. With a scream, she jumped on its back and futilely beat at it with her fists. The creature reached up and behind him and effortlessly yanked her off and held her to the ground with one hand as it licked at its wrist.

“Be quiet or I will kill you myself, kine.” The creature responded in a surprisingly refined voice as it slapped its other hand over her mouth while continuing to hold her down with the other.

She continued to struggle with all her might, when suddenly it let her go and shuffled over toward the park bench. Susan stared at the creature and backed up to where Alan had been lying. When the frightening creature didn’t move to stop her she turned around slowly to try and help the Alan in some way.

“Oh thank god you can still move, come on we have to get out of here to a hosp-” Her voice was suddenly cut off as the now revolting Alan tore into her throat with his teeth and drained her of the blood that he instinctively sensed coursing through her body.

The creature watched and clapped as Alan finished draining Susan of her blood. Alan stopped with a look of disgust at what he had done on his now deformed face. “That is always my favorite part to watch of an embrace.” The creature chuckled, “Now allow me too introduce myself, I am Kristoff Van Rijn. Your name is not really important at this time for we need to make haste to our rendezvous. Now come along like a good little child.”

Alan looked from Susan’s face to Kristoff with a frightened look on his face before he got up and followed him toward the other side of the park. “W-what happened to me, w-why did you do this to me?”

Suddenly from the area of the park they had just left they heard a dog bark and a man yell, “Take care of the mess, Star. Tibur and I will hunt the perpetrators down.”

Kristoff hissed and grabbing Alan hurried him on as fast as they could move, “No time to explain they will kill you if they catch us, now hurry up and get across the street.”

They both burst out of the gate knocking over a slightly inebriated person in one of the grotesque costumes that many people wore for Mardi Gras. They quickly disappeared down the alley on the other side of the street as the fellow they had knocked over got up and quickly replaced his mask as it had fallen off in the tumble. He mumbled to himself in his raspy voice, “Talk about rude people didn’t even stop to help an old guy up.”

Suddenly a huge bear of a man erupted from the park with a large Doberman beside him. The drunken one looked over and realized that the man was actually one of his fellow Kindred. “Oh hello there, hey what’s this?” He hissed as the larger one grabbed him roughly.

“You’re coming with me to see the prince, Sabbat scum. Unless you wish to die right here that is.”


Katrina shivered in the dark alley as the rain mixed with the warm tears running from her eyes. “Oh why did this happen to me,” she said looking down at the razor blade in her palm. She remembered how quick her rise to the top had been and how it had come crashing down even quicker. It was almost like someone unseen had it out for her, destroying everything she had worked so hard for.

“No, I can’t,” She yelled through her tears as she threw the blade away from her. “I don’t know how I’ll do it but I won‘t give up that easy.”

Getting up from the ground, she began walking toward the street while staring at the shadows of the alleyway. For some reason she felt like she was being watched. Just as she had almost reached the entrance the shadows seemed to move as if by some trick of the light. She took a frightened step back but relaxed as she looked at the smiling face of a young brunette standing before her. Katrina smiled with relief. “Oh dear you gave me a fright. I didn’t see anyone standing there.”

“Oh it’s quite alright; it’s probably not a bad idea to be afraid of the shadows in such a dangerous place as this after all.” The brunette said calmly as she took a step forward into the entranceway.

Katrina felt the hairs at the back of her neck rise for something about the woman’s appearance just didn‘t seem right to her. Though she couldn‘t quite place what it was maybe it was just how pale she looked. Looking around the alley at the full trash cans and old bags of god knew what she smiled nervously. “Yeah I guess this probably isn’t the best pace for someone to hang out in but I had to find someplace alone where I could make some important choices.”

“Yes very dangerous, I must say I’m glad you decided to keep trying after I destroyed everything you held so dear Katrina. I do so hate when I waste my time on a potential who just gives up.” She said smiling vindictively as the shadows in the alleyway suddenly jumped as if trying to grab Katrina.

Katrina turned to run a look of horror frozen on her face as several dark tentacles whipped out at her. One of the tendrils whipped into her legs knocking her to the ground hard as her glasses went flying off in another direction. She quickly got to her knees and began to desperately crawl away from the woman. She felt something wrap around her ankle and start dragging her back toward the brunette as she screamed praying that someone would come to help her. She was dragged steadily as more and more of the shadowy strands wrapped around her. Soon she was unable to struggle at all bound as she was in the shadowy coils. Looking up she found herself held face to face with the woman who had done all this to her. “Why? What do you want with me if you’ve already taken everything I have?”

“Oh I haven’t taken everything just yet.” She said exposing her fangs and smiling. “Don’t worry though I think you’ll find your new existence to be so much better, if you survive these next few nights that is.”

Katrina screamed as the woman’s head shot forward sinking her teeth into her neck and began voraciously to drain her of life. Her screams soon faded as a wave of pleasure overwhelmed her.

She awoke suddenly, with a hunger the likes of which she had never felt before, to the sounds of fighting from further into the darkened recesses of the alley. She looked hungrily as the woman who had changed her dove away from the sword slash of a tall blond dressed in black. She got up and began to crawl towards the pair hungry for something she could sense in them.

Jourdain hadn’t arrived in time to prevent the embrace but at least he could prevent the creature before him from repeating it again. They stood facing each other like two starving coyotes fighting over a meal. Jourdain reached down with his free hand and threw one of the heavy trash cans effortlessly toward the woman.

She dove out of the way with amazing speed and rolled to her feet with a predatory grace. “So nice to finally meet you dear brother, I guess you aren’t quite a myth after all like our elders would have us believe.”

“I‘m not your brother any more than I‘m the myth your elders fear, vampire.” Jourdain sneered derisively as he broke into a run directly at the woman.

The woman angrily turned and sprinted like a cheetah for the other exit to the alley easily outpacing him with her supernatural speed. He heard her call back as she turned out of the alley “So long Jourdain I do so hope we meet again when I have the advantage.”

Jourdain gave up the futile chase and sheathed his sword before hurrying back to check on the newly changed kindred. She leaped from the shadows for him her fangs bared. He had barely managed to dodge away from the hungry kindred and continued to do so as she kept circling him. Finally he brought his wrist to his mouth and bit down to let the blood flow from the wound. Holding his wrist out to her the sight of the blood drove her wild; she leaped forward grabbing his arm and greedily sucked the blood that flowed from the wound.

She soon felt her hunger come under control as the blood flowed into her system. Realizing what she was doing she dove back away a look of horror on her face as she looked up at him. That’s when she noticed the collar at his throat and started crying hysterically as she looked around, “P-please father you have to help me. There’s this woman and the shadows attacked me. I don‘t understand. Please don‘t hurt me. I couldn‘t help myself really it was like I had no control.”

“She is gone now but we really must leave this place before someone comes to investigate. I’ll do my best to explain what’s going on as we take you to the prince.” Jourdain says peacefully before offering her his hand.

Taking his hand he pulls her from where she’s sitting and together they hurry from the alley.


The rain had finally stopped, but now the air was damp with a thick fog that blanketed the park. The ranger tried to work as quickly as possible picking up the trash that was laying everywhere as he grumbled. “Damn tourists it’s bad enough trying to keep this place clean without them adding to the mess. You would think they would be busy enough making a mess down the festivities.”

He spun at the sound of someone calling from somewhere further into the preserve. He stepped forward trying to figure out where it came from in the fog. He kept moving forward slowly as he followed the voice in the fog not sure of his footing on the marshy ground. “Who’s there? Are you hurt?”

The voice came clearly from off to his left and he moved as quickly as possible toward it. With a couple more steps he was into the trees looking around with his flashlight. Suddenly he found nothing beneath his front foot and unable to stop himself he crashed hard into a muddy pit.

“Son of a bitch, who the hell would dig this out here,” He said as he looked around at the pit he found himself in. He shuddered as he realized it was almost exactly the size of a grave. He climbed out of it clumsily as the sides were slick with the rain and fog. Finally making it he sat on the ground next to the pit and looked around as he breathed heavily from the exertion.

“What the hell is this some kind of joke? “ He muttered as he saw the pile of dirt with a shovel stuck into it. Next to the dirt was a disc player with speakers attached from which the voice he had heard calling out issued. Clambering to his feet as quickly as he could he started to move away from the pit, when something powerful hit him squarely in the chest knocking him back to the ground beside the pit.

He lay there unable to catch his breath in fear for standing in front of him was a large growling wolf. As he stared the wolf suddenly changed into the figure of a tall cruel looking man, his long blond hair back in a pony tail and a merciless smile on his face.

“W-who, w-what are you goi- auaughg.” His scream was suddenly cut short as Dracen leapt forward and viciously sunk his fangs into the horrified mans throat. His struggles soon stopped as a wave of pleasure slipped over him. Dracen up and after wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand, he dripped a few drops of his own blood down the dying man’s throat.

Dracen stood and picking up the shovel from the dirt, brought it down across the man’s head before shoving him over into the pit. As he quickly shoveled the dirt into the hole he growled out. “Welcome to the pack.”


“Dracen is going to be rather angry at this little problem of yours Isabel.” Kristoff said to the coldly beautiful brunette. Jayde stood chuckling from her spot against the wall as one of the gang bangers finished draining his former partner of his blood. Alan stood against the wall between the pair whimpering softly as he held his head in his hands.

The brunette glared back icily. “I don’t care what Dracen’s going to be, he’s not the one in charge the pack.”

“True but who is in charge then,”Fadin said coldly as he stepped in with his childe from the doorway. “Not that it really matters as long as I’m paid.”

“What’s taking Dracen so long anyways?” Jayde asked before she delivered a kick to the whimpering Alan’s side. “Stop your crying before I give you a reason to you sniveling little sewer rat.”

Alan scrambled away from her as Kristoff turned hissing before smacking Alan across the back of the head. “Go kick your own shovelheads into line, I’ll handle him.”

Alan immediately cowered away from the pair but didn’t make another sound as the pair laughed callously.

“I wish I could tell you who our employer was.” Isabel huffed back to Fadin, “But I know as much about all of this as you do.”
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