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The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 12/34, EP = 34 Status: Horny; Sex Round 3

Rishia moaned into Aria's mouth. Her breathe was sweet and tinged with the smell of sex. She pressed up against Aria and Aria was almost bowled over this time. Only a quick grab of the ladder stopped her from sliding back. Rishia made up for Aria's loss, though. She continued the kiss, grabbing her neck with one hand to keep Aria's mouth pressed up against hers. Then she broke the kiss and pressed her lips up against Aria's throat and shoulders, sucking hard enough to leave marks on Aria's body. She seemed to crave Aria's taste, running her tongue on Aria's body.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria shuddered as she inhaled Rishia's scent, feeling it urge her onward. She met Rishia equally, kissing her passionately, craving that taste. Her fingers continued to work fervently buried in the girls sex as long as she could reach. She wasn't sure what kept her gripped to that ladder, keeping them from sinking into the pit below them, but it didn't waver, at least, strong enough to hold them as they currently were. With no free hands Aria was powerless to the woman's movements, neck twisting to exposed itself. "A-ah!" her eyes slid shut and she shuddered again, skin tingling everywhere that her tongue touched. She want more, wanted her to taste everywhere. "M-more," she murmured, trying to place herself against something to brace against Rishia's aggressive advance.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 33/34, EP = 34 Status: Horny; Sex Round 4

Rishia seemed only to happy to follow Aria's command. It became a problem, however. Aria, before she knew it, was on the cusp of a climax. She came, harder than anytime in her blessed life. There was no comparison to any kind of pleasure she had known before. But the intensity of it was too much. She slipped, taking Rishia with her to the floor. The slime on the floor instantly adhered to their skin as they began to slide, helplessly, towards the pool. Rishia was no help. She was too deep into it, now sucking on Aria's breast as a newborn might. If Aria didn't do something soon, they might be here until their bodies gave out and Aria suspected there might yet be more of those creatures left in the village.

Ouch. Rolled a 1 on the check when Aria came.
You've got one round to save the two of them. Otherwise they might be here for a while. Remember, you can do anything save stopping Aria from having sex.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria's eyes slid shut, she grew silent, hand gripped to the ladder still as Rishia practically worshiped her body. Suddenly she began to whisper quiet, panting, sounding like she was praying. "ohgod...ohgod" she murmured, it was coming closer, stronger than any other feeling she'd ever felt before. The orgasm erupted before she realized it was happening, explosive as it seemed to set every nerve on her body alight with desire. She regained some sense, body still burning for more as they slipped towards the pool. "N-no, s-stop!" She shuddered, tongue flicking out of her mouth as Rishia suckled on her breast sending electric tingles along her spine. Her body wasn't ready for a more, and yet she wanted it, needed.

It would be so easy wasn't it? Just slip into the pool, let their bodies entwine pleasantly bringing them again and again to further and further pleasure, that was the promise wasn't it? That's what awaited her if she just let it happen...how much simpler was that life?

No...no! She stirred, gripping Rishia closely to her as she hefted her out of the pool, unable to resist the desire to cling to her body but pushing away from the pool. She had to marshal her strength, keeping the shaky feelings out of her legs from the incredible orgasm as she went. That man she slew, was he one who was given an opportunity just like her and now to give in and couldn't help himself? Aria would be stronger than that!...if only slightly. Aria's impressive strength on display as she pressed Rishia to the wall, sliding her up until her legs were over Aria's shoulders. Aria moved to push the slime away from them as best she could, starting with Rishia's groin before burying her head between her legs and licking frantically. So long as it was away from the pool it was fine, right? She could indulge for just...a little longer.
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Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Bound, Gagged

Unfortunately, it all became too much. Aria was able to push Rishia above her but Aria sunk into the slime, inch by inch. Soon it was all she could feel. She even swallowed a little and that was a big mistake, said the part of her mind that had been locked in a little box. She could barely breathe, everything, everything, pushed her towards heaven. The feel of Rishia's feet on her shoulders, the slime filling every nook and cranny, the smell of sex in the air, everything was incredible. And it all faded, one by one, into blackness.

Aria awoke with a gasp. It was cold and dark but she was... clothed? She was also bound. She felt raw, as if her skin had been scrubbed with iron wool. She was also gagged. Then her senses began to take better stock of the situation. She could hear the crackling of a fire and realized she had been looking straight up, into the sky. There must be clouds, as she couldn't see the stars. She wasn't near to the fire but it kept her from freezing.

Presently, Rishia, also clothed, came into view. She looked at Aria carefully and said "A-are you okay? You kept me out of it but you were just so..." She blushed hard enough for Aria to see, even in the dim light. "I had to keep you like this so you wouldn't alert the creatures. Do you think I can take your gag out?."

Aria, being submerged in the alien slime, has taken 77 corruption damage
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

She would wonder lately if she was aware of her mistake, if she didn't realize the pool was so deep or that she hadn't moved far enough away. She later might question if she could have been aware of it, sinking further and further into the pool, feeling that sensation stronger and stronger until it consumed her. She wanted more, all of it, slowly but surely as she feel, even the barest feeling of contact was divine, bringing her to what felt like an orgasm or something close again and against. It was the only bit of memory she had left to look at as it all faded into darkness.

She gasped, feeling her tongue raw and dry touch against the fabric soaked through with her own saliva. She struggled, letting out a panicked sound trying to break her binds but only for a moment. She heard the fire, saw the sky, and clouds. She blinked and looked around, Rishia. Aria looked at her for a moment wide eyed with panicked before she began to speak and then she felt herself calm. The moments before began to wash over her and she felt a deep gripping shame. She had always believed herself stronger than that, better. Her pride had taken a serious blow, but it could have been worse couldn't it? Much much worse. Her eyes began to sting as Rishia asked her the final question and she nodded once.

Fortunately being bound hadn't awakened anything in her. The moment she was able to speak she would quietly apologize repeatedly, quickly. Aria was immensely grateful to her.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Rishia presently released Aria. After making sure she was lucid, she took off the bonds and handed her a water-filled canteen. Rishia realized she was ravenously thirsty and hungry and after she drained the canteen Rishia produced a bowl with some stew, probably made using the fire. That Aria wolfed down as well. Soon she felt tolerable. "T-thank you for saving me."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria panted our her apologies, going silent until she was fully released taking the cantine gratefully and trying to pace herself but ending up swallowing it all. She wished there was enough to just pour over her body. She could use a cleansing. She had ingested some of it hadn't she? She could feel it inside her, changing her...no effect but building to something terrible.

"F-food too?" The moment she smelled it her stomach growled loudly and she smiled faintly, still unable to meet Rishia's gaze. She took it when offered doing her best not to burn herself as she ravenously ate it. All of her muscles had ached, certain parts suggested a bit of horror as to what had gone on while she was unconscious. "T-thank you for the food, you're a really good cook." She said quietly. Where do you even begin talking to someone after someone like that happened? She was struggling to figure that out.

"A-ah, you don't need to thank me, who wouldn't help someone in need. I'm glad you are okay, t-thank you for...saving me as well. We can call it even, maybe." She ran her hands through her hair before glancing away. "A-ah maybe I owe you one still. You are okay? Not hurt or anything right?" Aria looked her over finally meeting her gaze, but blushing brightly when she did.

She took stock of their surroundings, wondering where they were.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

"N-no. I'm fine." Aria's body had been scrubbed clean by Rishia. No trace of the slime remained on the outside. The stuff she had swallowed... well... that was another story, though it didn't seem to be doing anything yet. "We're outside the village. I-I had to drag you before those... things found us. There was a river nearby and I brought us here." She shivered. The clothing and blanket weren't really that thick and the night was getting cold.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"I can't thank you enough...I feel normal again. More or less." Her skin may have been a bit chaffed by the thorough scrubbing she was very careful. A quick thought that made squirm, she had cleaned everywhere hadn't she? "I'm impressed you were able to," it seemed the day had faded away in that time.

Aria moved over and gave her a hug, pulling her close into a tight embrace for a long moment. "Thanks, again." It was true they hardly knew each other, Aria so rarely this forward in any sort of relationship but after what they had been through together the gesture felt entirely appropriate. "It's freezing out here," she noted realizing how much warmer it was close. "Are there any houses we could take shelter in perhaps?" Did Aria have her things? She had a bedroll and other camping supplies that might have helped them. For that matter, did she have her armor, her sword? "Stay out here and we might end up freezing to death," she giggled for a brief moment, amused at how quickly their danger had turned so mundane. The fire, their clothes, the blanket and closeness would help, but would it even be enough? Even that fire worried her for the potential it might draw others to them.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Rishia started but didn't pull away from Aria's embrace. "I-I am not sure about any of the houses. Any one of them could be hiding one of those... things." She shuddered.

Aria did indeed have her equipment laid out nearby. It had been wiped clean. Fortunately, her backpack hadn't been submerged, leaving all of it mostly taint-free. The bedroll was big enough that two people, if they were willing to get friendly, would be able to sleep in. Rishia blushed at the size of the roll. She weakly protested "I-I-I c-could just try the blanket. Maybe I'll be warm enough."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"While I'd rather no tangle with anymore they don't seem too capable, if we could find a place and lock it up we might be okay but..." she shuddered. "No I think if we're quiet and careful, out here can work fine." She set about fetching her things. "We could use the bedroll and the blanket, find some place to keep it hidden, I'm sure we'd be warm enough, as it fits two..."

Aria not even considering the implications paused and looked to her nodding when she objected. "O-oh, that's. Of course. Yes that's fine, but I insist, use the bedroll. I can stay up for a bit and keep watch make sure we're safe. I'm sure it will be warmer otherwise, and then I can use the blanket." She would have promised that she wouldn't do anything but she couldn't fault the girl for being suspicious of her. But still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy grip her again at that realization. Shame and embarrassment both. "I won't allow you to freeze, out of the question. Rather I take neither." She nodded firmly.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

There were a few more weak protests before Rishia accepted the bedroll. Aria and Rishia managed to find a place that was at least a little hidden and Rishia climbed into the bedroll. She fell asleep instantly. Aria felt the weariness settle on her like a big glob of... mud! Yeah, mud. She almost went in another direction there. She wasn't sure how long she was going to be able to stay awake. Maybe this place was safe enough? If she stayed up too late, she probably wouldn't be much use the next day anyway. The cold was bracing but little by little the blanket warmed her. She blinked.

She found herself on the ground, the blanket and bedroll spread over her and some cloth propping up her head as a pillow. Dawn had broke and another fire had been started. She could smell stew, like the kind she had eaten before, but Rishia wasn't anywhere to be seen.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria pushed, gently, but resolutely for Rishia to climb into the bedroll. She moved somewhere nearby, drapped tight in the blanket for warmth and set upon her vigil. She had expected that she was well rested from having 'woken up' but quickly remembered being unconcious was not the same of sleep. Big ol glob of...tantalizing mud. She rubbed her eyes trying to shake off the sudden spell of blearyness. The cold, that would do it. Ah, it was way too cold. She wriggled up a little close to the bedroll for warmth and soon--

A-ah! "Oh no," she said with a sudden start. She'd fallen asleep. Quickly she sat up, flailing for her sword as she looked around. Someone was cooking but Rishia was fine. her reasonable side told her that she had to be somewhere nearby but still a quiet panic set in. Aria climbed to her feet scanning around for her. "Rishia...?" She called out quiet at first but then a little louder, wary that she might alert danger. She couldn't have gotten far, right? Aria looked at the fire, had to be fresh.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

An examination of the fire showed that it had burnt low. Searching the area revealed little. Then Aria found footprints leading towards the town. Following them, she saw the footsteps double back, only to be overtaken by other footprints. Then the footprints, minus Rishia's, lead away. After some distance, they run into other footprints, then no more. Obviously they weren't still there but Aria could see no sign of anything that could have made the footprints. Rishia, along with whoever or whatever had taken her, were gone without a trace.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed that the fire had burnt low, Rishia had been gone awhile, but why? What could possibly make her go back there, alone!? Aria broke into a quick jog as she followed the footsteps towards the town, hand dropping to the hilt of her blade. A panic had set in, and she did her best to focus it to awareness as opposed to making it cause her to lose focus it. As she saw the second set of foot prints she glanced around fervently. They just...disappeared!? "What the hell...?"

She searched frantically for another moment, some sign, any sign of where she had been taken, a building, a roof, a hole somewhere. Did it simply swoop in and take her? "Rishia!" She called out again, pausing nervously as her blade was drawn free. She had abandoned caution for a moment...but if nothing appeared she'd call out once more about as loud as she could muster. "Rishia! Where are you!"

No no no, she didn't go through all that just to lose her! She couldn't! She wouldn't! Ah...! her panic gave in to a bit of fear, even if she had lost her, was doing this going to help her? Was she just putting herself out there unnecessarily?

But...where could she have gone? What happened...!
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Hours passed with no result. Rishia was gone. Aria had that fact pounded into her, minute after minute. Maybe she hadn't been taken by aliens. Maybe it was someone else. Aria had to hold onto that hope. The stew was good, even better than the one she had had the night before. But it was time to move on. If her god was smiling down on her, maybe she would run into Rishia once more. She could follow the wagon trail from the village or continue on a road that led away.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

It had taken awhile for her to give up the search, but not long enough to not feel some shame at the fact. She went back to the camp, and feeling the tug of hunger sat down to eat, hoping vainly that she might just show up again, but no, there was nothing. Nothing but her and the silence.

So far her journey had not begun well. She slew a man, tainted as he was, got into one of the most horrifically unsettling experiences of her life, and had lost the only person she could claim she had helped. Doing her best to not wallow in misery she began to pack up the camp, leaving a small marker pointing in the direction she was heading. Further on down the road.

She prayed quietly that Rishia would be okay, and began her walk, pursuing the wagon trail that led out of the village.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Leaving behind a village empty of the people who called it home, Aria followed the tracks. She had no idea how far they lead or how they moved at all. It was puzzling. Whenever they reached ground that would have made travel by wagon impossible, the tracks would disappear, only to reappear later, when the wagon could travel again. But Aria pressed on, pass the rocks and cliffs and hills. It took her a few days but she arrived at another village, this one completely fine, from the outside. Unfortunately for Aria, the wagon she had followed hadn't been the only one to arrive and she had no real idea how to tell them apart from each other. This town was full of hunters who traded the pelts and furs of various creatures. Maybe that explained why they hadn't been attacked. The hunters would have been much harder to defeat than the farmers. Some of the beasts they hunted were several times their size and the hunters were well used to working in teams, several of them armed with firearms. There was every amenity you might expect from a village of this size. The pub was much bigger, though, and there was a trading post set up nearby.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria traveled hard for days, setting a rather arduous path for herself. She came up with hundreds of theories for the wagons but rather frustratingly had been able to confirm none of them. But still she pressed on.

The sight of the village came with a hint of suspicion that would likely linger for a long time within the village, but she needed supplies, she needed information and maybe even a map. Maybe someone within would have heard some rumors or know something. She would keep her hand near her weapon at all time as she moved to enter the town, making way for the trading post first, but quickly realizing she had little to spend with or barter she'd make some attempt to trade some of the less useful parts of her supplies for some extra food, or perhaps finding some service she could provide as a capable fighter. If nothing notable turned up she'd make her way to the tavern to try to get some feel for the locals and get the lay of the land.

The wagon had to have gone somewhere. Rishia had to have been taken by someone, possibly even someone from here. Just as she had disappeared without tracks the wagons had, there could be no coincidence there, right?

There was a faint hope that she would be safe here, but it was weighed down by her own caution. Perhaps it was their talent that kept them safe, but she couldn't be sure.
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