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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Forest Cliffs
Six -/-> Tamonten/Zaro'Alk

Six continued her wanders, quietly listening. The forests were surprisenly quiet, even for a island. Not many creatures were stirring in this woods, which were concerning. If nothing was majorly stirring... was this island itself ran on magic?

The sudden crashing of weapons caused Six to perk up. Combat? Proper, uncursed combat? A sight for sore eyes indeed! Now she just needed to find it, she thought, listening quietly before stealthily moving herself through the forest.

Eventually, she came to a cliff ridge, and peered down to see a human- who for some reason could tell wass tainted, similar to her, however different- and a different dragon then the one she met before. Watching them spar, even if it wasn't fatal-risking, was a surprising comfort to Six. Normalcy at last, she thought, settling herself on the cliff edge, watching quietly. If the two warriors were to look properly, she would appear maybe at the top of the ridge, as mainly above her shoulders and her lightly-glowing green eyes and metal-shined hair, watching the spar intently with a interested look.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Tomoe & Ione

Her request to him came as a surprise to Bakan as he rose his head to look at her. "You're not... Angry?" he asked her, before smiling happily. "My name is Bakan. Once again, I apologize for..." he trailed off as Ione stood up, and revealed herself. Rather than surprise as to why she was there, he pointed at her and growled, "What's so funny!? And wait-what are you doing here too!?"

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Bakan & Tomoe

The plant girl stifled her giggle just a little longer before smiling warmly at the two of them despite Bakan's growls. "I could be asking the both of you the same question. I was here before either of you if I recall, my memory is kind of fuzzy though." Ione said, grinned mischievously as she approached the two of them. "You really are terrible mister Bakan. Letting a poor girl suffer alone in a room after beating her up. For shame~." Unable to hold it in, the alraune let out a cheerful laugh, feeling her own tension dissolve completely.

Calming once again, Ione let out a sigh as she regarded them. "I'm teasing Bakan, I tease. I'm actually glad you're around... I didn't want to be looking everywhere for you. I take it you still want an apology from before huh?" Scratching her head, the plant girl stopped for a moment, blinking several times before letting out a small gasp, turning her attention to the woman. "Oh! But where are my manners, I almost forgot to introduce myself to you miss. I am referred to by others with the name Ione. It is a pleasure... to meet you miss." The alraune said, giving the woman a polite bow of her own as she introduced herself.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Bakan & Ione

With her words, the man seemed relieved and shared his name. Before Tomoe could reply though, a third voice called out to the man. "There was another person besides us in the room?!" she thought, a furious blush overcoming her as she realized this third person had heard everything between the two. As her name was asked, the eastern warrior kinda blurted it out and left the room in a hurry, not sure where to go...


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro'Alk -> Pale Swordsman.
Rock-Beach End.

The Giant Demoness didn't have the same physical limitations as Tomonten possessed for the practice session for the taller woman was content to use the same limb and style to harmlessly fight. She did feel it was strange for the Swordswoman to willingly root herself to one place, and wondered why she did not attempt the obvious method against a larger, heavier foe; to move and not stop for any reason, to deny a bigger opponent the space and time to charge up momentum in a fight. Instead of relying on her apparent dexterity, the pale-skinned female merely allowed Zaro to have the advantage that she used without any regret. Thrusting the long, trimmed branch at her 'foe', the silver-scaled female detected the same thrill of conflict as many times before, hoping that Tomonten would put up a good fight, to make her exert energy to endure and execute skill rather then to flail - to practice as was the purpose of this exercise.

The impact of spear against sword was enjoyable, the momentum of the first set of rapid jabs carried through to the next volley, all forcing the smaller fighter ever-backwards, losing that advantage she foolishly failed to utilize - until soon after the last strike. Adrenaline pumped through the massive body and Zaro had to move back or sideways, not from the fear of being struck but simply to avoid being struck, although with a harmless tool like the training sword, she could have simply allowed the weapon to impact and ignore it to power through. But to keep within the spirit of the excercise, and to tempt the shorter one to over-reach herself, she avoided it with heavily weighted hops that caused the sand she landed upon to distort and shift into the air. This had been the moment she lost her advantage and wished to become more defensive, for Tomonten proved competent enough to avoid such a trap, the Gaintess fell back with that same bounce in her easy, rapid step. Zaro breathed easily, with deep and slow rise and falls of the shawl-covered chest while watching Tomonten with the same impassive visage, yet joy wormed its way into the pale yellow optics as subtle little glints of playful pleasure. Fighting was a natural act and this was beginning to become so much more then simply forcing an awkward foe back with a stick.

The nigh eight-foot tall beast of a humanoid emitted a deep, guttural growl for one long, drawn out moment that sounded so very bestial, inviting the Swordswoman to advance, and changed her posture after the bold challenge - lowering further onto bent anthropomorphic knees and reducing that former bounce to a shuffle, both hands now clutching the spear, effortlessly raised for balance and to side-swipe the sword if it was possible to strike the 'flat' sides of the 'blade'. A risky but useful tactic, one to force the smoother-skinned woman into being careful while allowing her to put to use her supposedly greater speed. At no point did she notice a witness, but was not so concerned - she, herself, had done the same not long ago.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe --> Big Demoness and Small, black-armed girl <-/- Six

Having spent time wandering around the island, completely lost in her thoughts after that utterly shameful episode at the hotel, the young shrine maiden eventually found herself on one of the many, many beaches. She was faced with an intriguing sight, two very different beings facing each other in mock combat. After what had happened to her some times ago on two different occasions, Tomoe wondered why these two had not been transported into some filthy place full of unsavory substances. But despite that, she had been interested by this battle and the two combatants. So she carefully approached them, not trying to stay out of sight but still maintaining a respectble distance so she would not be in the way of their exchanges.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia/Luciana

Pale smiles as she moves from washing Luciana's back to washing her hair: "Oh, violence is definitely possible. I haven't tried the limits, but my guess is that as long as it doesn't kill or cripple it's okay. Though I've noticed that all the bruises fade as soon as the combat is over."
"Oh? I hadn't noticed, but I suppose that the blow miss Tomoe dealt me did fade rather quickly.... Though the oil most certainly did not. Have either of you ever tried to clean vegetable oil from feathers? 'Tis an utter nightmare, I assure you. Still, I think the experience was likely well worth it." Nadia replied, conversationally.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice, Sleepy-Time Enigma

"Passed out?" Tamonten replied, relief plain in her voice. "Is that what happened?" That put her a little more at ease. For a while there, she had begun to believe that she had actually done all that with Enigma and Auralice. Of course she hadn't, she wouldn't! The matter of what she was dressed in silently fell to the curb. It was especially easy to forget as her mistress coiled around her and began to pet the pale-skinned human, causing her to share the naga's blush. "Yes, Lady Enigma and I have met. And you can call me by," She paused for a second, as though she wanted to say something other than her name but wasn't sure why. "Tamonten. It's an honor to meet you, m...milady."
Enigma --> Auralice --> Tamonten

Although appearing to have been asleep for the duration of their...reintroduction, Enigma would have more truthfully been engaged in a complex reassessment of the..."dream", perhaps "nightmare", she had found herself locked in for what had felt like an eternity. It was indeed a dream, right? There was no feasible way that, powers or not, she would allow herself to be reduced to...for lack of a better word, such a lascivious whore...right? Yet the clothes she wore now...the...soreness of her rear, along with other parts of her body...seemed to imply otherwise. Why? Dreams shouldn't leave a lasting impression in the physical world. Not to this extent at least. Was she in a dream within a dream...in yet another dream? Were lies being told here? Were her perceptions distorted? Or was her overthinking driving her mind to "create" every sensation she was suspicious of?... All so...confusing, maddening even!

Passed out? If that naga...Auralice, as she called herself, was correct, then perhaps it had been a dream. Yes, that would be the only way it would be bearable. Yet...these clothes. Why was she...and that warrior, Tamonten, in these clothes? It made no sense! As the conversation seemed to grow to a pause, it would be then that...no longer able to take it, Enigma would speak, rising from her faux sleep.

"...Milady Auralice, now that introductions are done, may I ask a singular question? Why am I, the wanderer Enigma as so kindly denoted by Lady Tamonten there, in this...outfit?"


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Nadia

Luciana eyed both the angel and the vampire as they spoke, before finally leaning back and whispering to Pale "I want to talk with you later, but there's something I want to do first." If Pale acknowledged her intent she would turn to Nadia and grin, saying "so, would you like to have a match against me? Any arena is fine."


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Nadia

Having finished washing herself, Pale nods at Luciana. "I guess I'll see you two later, then." Slipping out of the bath Pale walks to the dressing room and puts her now clean clothes on.

Seeing that the sun has now set, she decides to just walk around for a while.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Skye/Nadia (somewhat)

The cafe itself wasn't a rather grand building, and even the tables outside weren't that far removed from the tables within. So as soon as the conversation between the winged woman and the pirate started Alex found herself eavesdropping without any real effort. And quite an interesting conversation it was. Their names were quickly revealed, and the veiled hostility from the pirate soon led to the revelation that Nadia was an angel. This was a bit of a surprise to the dragoness. Angels were beings of nearly unmatched strength. Even the dragons of old treated them as equals. To find one trapped on his island meant that she was here by choice.

As the conversation continued the pair flirted around the issue of Skye's true identity, but the pirate herself brought that to an end when she lamented on being interrupted in the middle of a most exquisite bloodmeal. Alex rose a metaphorical eyebrow when she heard it. Another vampire? Those creatures were a rarity in their own right, maybe even as rare as the dragon-kin, so finding two on the same island was a bit of a surprise. But that was nothing compared to what Nadia offered, and Alex couldn't hold back her intrigue. The angel was offering itself to a vampire, and though it was merely a chance at feeding on the divine the dragon was actually waiting to hear how the good captain would answer.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale/Luciana

Nodding to her as she climbed out of the tub and looking upon her nude form without even a hint of shame, Nadia said; "Good day then, Miss Pale. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Nadia settled back after the vampire had left, and smiled wryly as Luciana asked for a match. The woman had seemed highly agitated, and it wasn't difficult for Nada to figure out the source of her excitement at the prospect of a battle. "Surely, Luciana... And I believe that this place is a suitable arena, though there are ... Additional rules, to be concerned about. I find them to be acceptable enough, and if you do, we may begin whenever you are ready." Nadia replied, lounging back against the wall of the bath. The tips of her breasts peaked out of the surface of the water as she leaned back, visibly hardened with excitement as she relaxed in her seat.

(Also, I see you there Termite. O.O )


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nadia

Mmm, what a naughty little angel Luciana thought, as she extended her tentacles from her back and began to wave them around in front of her. "I'm fine with the rules. Whenever you're ready."


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Forest Cliffs
Pale ->Six?

Wandering out of the village and into the forest, Pale let the soft voices of forest nightlife wash over her. Sometime later the sounds were drowned by loud clattering. Curious, she is drawn towards them. As she gets closer, she spots the silhouette of...something... against the starry sky. Her natural carefulness overtakes Pale and instead of walking towards the...thing...like a normal person would do, she slips from shadow to shadow, moving silently as the wind towards the figure.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Rest of the 'beach party' + Pale

Six passively continued her watching of the match, though even still, it was getting boring. Fights could only hold her attention for so long, until they lost grace. Utterly randomly, she'd start to driff off, which surprised her. Often she was in a hightened sence of security. Was it the fact the island she knew was 'safe' enough to let her calm down? Either way, she shrugged and let her body rest, though fear of at least something made her wish she stayed awake...

Until some strange sounds would come to her, just barely out of her hearing. Six stirred awake, her bladed tail twitching as she woke up and rose from her nightly nightmares. The reality at least was less threatening, she thought with a groan, as her torments were replayed in her head nightly. Even still, she knew there was some sort of visitor, and would turn around, facing the sound of the noise, her eyes seeming to glow in the comparison of the darkness as they scanned the underbrush...
Last edited:


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six & party

Seeing the creature turn towards her, Pale stops dead on her tracks. Realizing she has been noticed, she steps deeper into the shadows, waiting for a reaction.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Maya -> Ione & Vira

Vira -> Ione & Maya

Vira accepted Ione's offered hand without hesitation, rising to her feet and following right along as the trio made their way to the shade tree.

When the short trip was over, the Night Elf wasted no time in gently snatching Maya out of the alraune's arms and positioning the cat-girl with her back against the tree, staring hungrily into her eyes before locking their lips in a passionate kiss as she slipped her hands beneath Maya's dress, breaking the kiss for only a moment as she ran her hands up the woman's body and lifted the wet garment up and over her head, tossing it aside. She then locked their lips together again as she slipped a hand into her panties, sampling the natural wetness that the cat-girl had alluded to only moments before as they waiting for Ione to disrobe and join in in whatever capacity the plant-woman chose.
Ione -> Vira & Maya

Once they had reached the tree, as Ione went to say something she was surprised as Vira wasted little time in getting things started. Before she could react, Maya was suddenly taken from around her arm by Vira and pressed against the tree, the Night Elf hungrily moving to kiss and molest the cat-girl. Blinking a few times, Ione's giggle afterward erupted into a short laugh before her eyes narrowed on the sight of the two. "Aww... such a cute sight. But I think it's missing someone..." The plant girl said playfully as her hands went to undo her own clothing.

Feeling the clothing loosen and fall, Ione lowered herself to the side of Vira, intending to equally share herself between the three. Seeking the night elf's attention, the alraune let out a small whine before catching Vira's lips to her own, passionately kissing her for a time before pulling away to give Maya a knowing glance. In the next moment it would be Maya who would found herself suddenly taken by Ione's passion, lip-locked and gently pressed back against the tree because of it. All the while, Ione would guide Maya's own hand down to the plant girl's wetness, encouraging her to entice and explore it, while the plant girl's own hand would seek to do the same for Vira.

Letting out a small startled yelp as she finds herself snatched and suddenly pressed against the tree, Maya stares wide eyed back at Vira. Instantly melting into the kiss with a muffled moan, she pull the passionate night elf onto her, giggling playfully as her dress is pulled away before she even gets the chance to do so herself. Gasping softly at Vira's touch below, she rests her forehead on her partners shoulder as Ione enters the embrace. Taking her turn with Ione next, welcoming the Alraunes lips to her own. Though colours may be different, the familiar taste was exactly as she knew it. Needing little encouragement, she happily glides her hand down Ione's front and towards her sensitive area, rubbing into the plant girl boldly. After a moment of triangular fondling though, Maya seems to have a different idea. Sliding down without warning and holding a hand beneath each of the others crotch, she suddenly leans in and licks her way into Vira's slick "flower", drinking in everything she's given. Before much can be said or done, she then switches her mouth's attentions to Ione, slipping her fingers into Vira as she does so, and delving her tongue as deep as it would go. Getting both women's nectars slicked over her face in the process.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six paused, her eyes scanning the grounds some more, before, quietly but sternly, she spoke.

"If you do not seek ill of me, it'd be best if you got out of the brush. I have a bad habit of counterstalking those that hide from me," she said, though a slight hint of a hiss came from her words anyway, more then likely both in an attempt to sound more intimidating, and being interupted from yet another nap.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six & party

Sliding deeper into the shadow that was no longer just a shadow, Pale steps out from behind the demon and puts her hand onto her shoulder, still without a word.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

The hand had a instant, and in any other situation, fatal result. Six rapidly spun around, her limbs kicking from the ground as her tail started to move in a deadly arch, however it seemed the island would disagree, as when her tail got close it suddenly veered wildly away, leaving Pale unscathed and Six growling at her, curled on the ground and tail twitching wildly, a part of Six wondering why the creature wasn't beheaded. "What the fu-?!?"