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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Vira -> Ione & Maya

Vira accepted Ione's offered hand without hesitation, rising to her feet and following right along as the trio made their way to the shade tree.

When the short trip was over, the Night Elf wasted no time in gently snatching Maya out of the alraune's arms and positioning the cat-girl with her back against the tree, staring hungrily into her eyes before locking their lips in a passionate kiss as she slipped her hands beneath Maya's dress, breaking the kiss for only a moment as she ran her hands up the woman's body and lifted the wet garment up and over her head, tossing it aside. She then locked their lips together again as she slipped a hand into her panties, sampling the natural wetness that the cat-girl had alluded to only moments before as they waiting for Ione to disrobe and join in in whatever capacity the plant-woman chose.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye sprawled on the grass, digging her fingers into the soil and looking up wildly. Blood dripped from her lips, and her copper eyes flashed like an animal.

The last she knew, the pirate vampire had been feasting on the most delicate flesh of her latest captive within the confines of her captain's quarters aboard The Seawolf. ...And now she was on the grass of a private beach resort? What horrible misfortune! Could those tales her eccentric navigator went on about have actually been true?

The redhead sprang up to her feet and glanced around the surroundings. Drugged and marooned at sea by her crew? She frowned skeptically. The worthless wretches... They couldn't have possibly. Not bothering to wipe the blood from her lips, Skye marched into the cafe and stared down the waitress malevolently, choosing to wipe the blood from her lips with her sleeve at the very moment, Get me the hardest drink you have, delicious. And make it quick! After watching the waitress scamper off, Skye glanced around the cafe dismissively and leaned back in her chair. She was keenly aware of her last meal's interruption, and she could sense the most interesting scents of blood all around the area. When the waitress finally returned with her drink, Skye took it and told her that she wasn't interested in any food that was on the menu. Her eyes sparkled with irony and the redhead smiled, though not wide enough to show the girl her fangs.

"They don't have much that you would like on the menu here, I'm afraid. They only seem to serve wine, which suits me just fine, but I think that you would prefer something a little stronger." A voice called out from a nearby table, as Nadia sat only slightly away from Skye. Smoothing her own crimson locks away from her eyes, the white winged angel smiling pleasantly to the grumpy, oddly dressed woman.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana

Seeing Alex leave, Pale turns back to Luciana. "You look like you could use a bath, too. Let's go." Without waiting for an answer, Pale grasps Luciana's hand and steps into a shadow, clearly expecting for her to follow. The trip was...weird. Each step seemed to take on a different shade of darkness without blinding them. Several such steps later, Pale emerges from the shadow at the bath house entrance.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale

Luciana blushed again as Pale grabbed her hand and started to take her to the bathhouse, following along behind her compliantly. It was bizarre, the way the shadows played around them and allowed the vampire to reach the bathhouse without coming into contact with the sun. "Hmm... I've never been to one of these. They don't really make them like this in Hell."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana

"I've never been to one quite like this, either. Let's see what it has to offer." Pushing open the door Pale steps inside and finds herself in a dressing room. Opening her shirt, she starts disrobing herself, not embarrassed by the other woman's presence.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale

Luciana followed Pale into the dressing room and stood idly, having no clothes to take off, though she did retract her many tentacles into her back again so that she wouldn't disturb any who happened to be using the bath at the time, as she wasn't sure if it were an open space or not.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana

Taking off first her shirt and then sitting down to pull off her pants, Pale hangs them from hooks provided for the purpose. Opening the door, Pale sees numerous pools ranging from ones just big enough for one to large baths meant to host a dozen or more, each made from white and black marble and decorated with gold, some with fountains and showers, others with only one or neither, in many different shapes.

Walking towards the middle, Pale chooses one at random, this one being oval-shaped and big enough for 5 or 6, though with only two seats at one end, the other one being slightly deeper and with underwater fountains providing massaging opportunities. Slipping into the pool, Pale finds the water to be enjoyably hot and with a light scent of lilies.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Vira & Maya

Leading the two eager girls away toward the tree, Ione was felt sparks of joy hit her as Maya clung and moved ever closer to her. Ione hadn't missed the girl's tells or how she had eyed the both of them, something that helped to promote a tell of her own, a soft fragrance begining to waft through the air. Sighing happily, the alraune quickened her steps a bit as she brought them to the tree, her own eagerness showing as she even seemed to pull Vira closer while going there as well.

Once they had reached the tree, as Ione went to say something she was surprised as Vira wasted little time in getting things started. Before she could react, Maya was suddenly taken from around her arm by Vira and pressed against the tree, the Night Elf hungrily moving to kiss and molest the cat-girl. Blinking a few times, Ione's giggle afterward erupted into a short laugh before her eyes narrowed on the sight of the two. "Aww... such a cute sight. But I think it's missing someone..." The plant girl said playfully as her hands went to undo her own clothing.

Feeling the clothing loosen and fall, Ione lowered herself to the side of Vira, intending to equally share herself between the three. Seeking the night elf's attention, the alraune let out a small whine before catching Vira's lips to her own, passionately kissing her for a time before pulling away to give Maya a knowing glance. In the next moment it would be Maya who would found herself suddenly taken by Ione's passion, lip-locked and gently pressed back against the tree because of it. All the while, Ione would guide Maya's own hand down to the plant girl's wetness, encouraging her to entice and explore it, while the plant girl's own hand would seek to do the same for Vira.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale, Luciana

Nadia reclined back into the pool, washing the oil from her body. Her wings had already been cleaned, for her no less, and she found the hot lily scented water highly relaxing. She opened her sky blue eyes as another presence slipped into the pool, and a wide smile spread across her face. "Greetings! This is a very pleasant place to relax, is it not?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Nadia

Luciana noted that the pool Pale had chosen for them wasn't unoccupied, inside was an angel, and she could barely keep herself from grinning furiously. I am going to decimate that pretty little angel she thought as she slipped into the pool next to Pale. Still, she had wanted to talk with the vampire, preferably alone... "It does seem rather nice. They really went all out with this place."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Nadia

"It certainly seems so. Gods, I feel like I haven't washed in a month!" Pale says with a smile on her face as she closes her eyes and just relaxes.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale, Luciana

Seeing Luciana enter the pool as well, Nadia settled back somewhat, and said; "A month you say? What have you done to become so filthy? With skin like yours, I would think that you preferred to treat yourself well, miss?"
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Nadia

"Wrestling. In mud. It was fun, but I very much prefer not getting dirty like that." Opening her eyes again Pale lifts up her leg and starts cleaning it. "Can you help with my back, please? I can't very well reach it myself."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia

Skye remained silent for a few moments. She leaned back in her chair deeply, her legs apart carelessly, hands resting on her thighs. Slowly, a twisted smile began to curl at the redhead's lips as she met the gaze of the crimson haired woman. "Why yes! It is missing an aroma I'm accustomed to. There's a certain... filthiness to how clean things are around here. Skye glanced around the room, eyes lingering on the waitress for a uncomfortably long moment before looking to Nadia once again, "And yes, crimson lass, I do prefer my drinks to be a bit thicker." She let that hang in the air for a moment, So who is this winged woman that seems to think she knows so much about me?
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Hotel

Iggy appears naked in his hotel room, covered in sticky caramel. He was laying on the ground panting heavily from his humiliating defeat the the tendrils of the slime girl. He sat up exhausted, most eager to take a bath, but unfortuneately the bathroom in his hotel room didn't have a bathtub. He found a small map of the island he was on, which shows that there was a place to bathe at, but unfortuneately it was public, and Iggy was very shy about being naked in public. Normally, he'd bathe in his underwear, but he saw no sign of his clothing, remembering that all of his clothes were stripped off in his recent fight.

Eager to take a bath more than anything, Iggy wraps a clean towel around his waist and makes his way to the public bathing spot.

The Baths

Upon arriving there, he found himself a nice spot all to himself to take a bath. But first, he looks around to make sure no-one was watching before removing his towel.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye

Nadia didn't seemed bothered by Skye leaving her legs open, but the angel kept her eyes on the pirate's face as she spoke. After taking a sip from a narrow glass that had been sitting in front of her, Nadia replied; "Oh, I don't claim to know anything about you, madame. I was merely informing you of the state of this place in regards to your choice of beverages. There might be another place for you to search for your preferred arrangements, if this place is too clean for you. My name is Nadia, and 'tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She hadn't seemed bothered by the other woman's demeanor, and had retained her quiet, polite smile.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia

Skye's twisted smile didn't leave her lips, but her copper eyes noticeably darkened. The pirate got to her feet and slowly approached Nadia, confidently. The redhead stopped just before her and bent down, gently nudging Nadia's chin with her finger to stare into her eyes, "Don't bullshit me pretty girl." She said icily. Then she sat down next to the crimson curled woman, "The pleasure is all mine.... Nadia. My name is Skye, Captain Skye of The Seawolf." She paused for a moment, "Surely you've heard of me?" She laughed to herself, "Don't believe everything you hear, only most of it. Perhaps it's your lucky day? I don't generally make anyone's acquaintance."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Nadia

Luciana quickly moved around to scrub Pale's back for her, quietly listening to their conversation. "So, how have you been enjoying this place?" she asked suddenly, mostly at the angel, curious as to how she would answer.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye

Nadia tracked Skye as she stood and approached, but when the woman touched her chin, the angel's smile faltered, and her face became completely neutral. "Well... Captain. You might say that I have heard of you, though I am afraid that your reputation does not inspire the fear that you seem to think that it does." As Skye looked into Nadia's bright blue eyes, they began to glow slightly, their brightness not enough to drown out the natural lighting of the cafe but noticeable enough. Very slowly, Nadia rose to her feet, her wings still held close to her body. "I do not have your reputation, madame, at least not on a personal level, but there are many beings here who are beyond what you may have faced before. I am one of them. You ought to be careful whom you threaten, even though the rules of this place forbid lethal violence."

Nadia -> Pale/Luciana

"Oh, it has been a pleasant enough place. Those I have met so far have all been at the very least interesting, so far, and you two are no exception. Which of you won? As you are both covered in mud, I must assume that you took part in this realms competition."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach

As Mitsuki appeared back at the beach after her handy defeat of the foxboy, she would slither off to the ocean, to try to wash off some if not all of the sticky caramel and semen from her. She would get far enough in to be up to her slimy bust, but not up to her neck. she would let the cool salty ocean waves wash over her, running her hands over her gelatinous form, before finally dunking the rest of her form down under the wanes to get as much of herself as clean as possible before finally slowly making her way out of the water and back to her beach towel, if it was still there, before reclining once again on her belly as she had been before the match happened.