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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Looking at the view before her appraisingly, Pale just stares for a moment. Pulling a leash from her bag, she moves quickly and collars Alex. "Luciana, this is Alice. She seems to like my pet. Alice, this is Luciana. Since you decided to stay, why don't we have a little chat before I join Luciana and Alex." With that, Pale hands the leash to Luciana and takes Alice's hand, leading her to the kitchen.

Stepping around the blind girl, Pale hugs her from behind gently, bringing her mouth near Alice's ear. With a quiet voice, almost a whisper, Pale speaks: "Tell me Alice, what have you done to deserve punishment? I do not wish to be unjust, but neither do I wish to disappoint, so be honest. Why did you stay?" Pale's lips touch Alice's ear and then her neck softly, but she doesn't do anything else.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Another day, much like the last. There wasn't alltogether much motivation for the Shadow Demon to get off of the rock she had called a bed; she could fulfill none of her goals on this island, the only activities truely available to her being fighting others, and 'fighting' others, when her lusts took hold of her.

Unfortunately, she had no actual desire for companionship at the moment, and had gotten absolutely nowhere in her efforts to break the Island's rules regarding killing - or escape. resigning herself to another probably-fruitless day, Neri rose in time to see the Island's newest arrival show up...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Luciana/Alex/Pale

Alice melted into Alex’s embrace, those strong arms wrapped around her feeling so right. Their bodies were pressed together tightly as they made out, and the blind girl wished the moment would never end. When the kiss finally broke Alex felt tense in her arms, and for a long moment there was silence. It was somewhat uncomfortable. She felt the dragon slowly relax, but the quiet was worrying. The blind girl wished dearly that she could see Alex’s face, really missing the visual cues that might tell her how the dragon really felt about her confession. Finally her lover whispered her name, and she knew that the answer was coming.

And then she heard Pale’s voice, and her heart sank. It felt like it was far too soon, and there was much more she wanted to do. "It’s fine" she whispered back, accepting the tight squeeze, knowing that her answer would have to wait. "Alright. Let’s go." There was a wavering to her voice, a fearfulness that would be obvious, but she was relatively under control as Alex took her hand and led her back over to the table, picking up her blindfold and laying it in the blind girl’s outstretched hand. "Thank you" she said quietly as she wiped the moisture away from the path of the cloth, but she knew there was no way she could keep it from getting wet. With a sigh she wrapped it carefully around her head over her empty eyesockets, a little relieved that she wouldn’t have to keep her eyelids consciously closed anymore. With that done, she allowed Alex to lead her out of the room by the hand, towards her temporary mistress. When she felt the dragon lower herself down she did the same, kneeling before what ended up being her two temporary mistresses. The way Alex was squeezing her hand didn’t seem particularly promising. While she obviously couldn’t see the demon, she knew it couldn’t be good.

"Hello, Luciana" Alice said quietly, not wanting to appear rude, and she let go of Alex’s hand as Pale took hers, being led away into the kitchen. She was more than a little bit afraid now that she was alone with this new, mysterious person, and she shivered as the vampire hugged her lightly from behind, whispering from so close to the blind girl’s ear that she could feel the warm breath. The talk of punishment didn’t help at all. "I… I stayed because… I love Alex, and I don’t want to be parted from her" she replied quietly, her legs shaking as Pale brushed her lips over her ears and against her neck, her legs shaking with the fear and uncertainty of it all.

Luciana -> Pale/Alex/Alice

"Mmm? Well, variety is good. I’m sure there’ll be at least a few things in there that’ll work well for what we’re doing" Luciana replied as she followed Pale, walking swiftly through the hotel toward the vampire’s room. When they entered the room there was no one there, but the demon could hear the sound of running water in the background. It wasn’t long before two figures walked into the main room from a door to the side. One of them was Alex, whom Luciana had seen before, but not naked. She was struck by how beautiful the dragon was. She was quite tall, with a long tail, frilled ears and forehead ridges, and scales all along her sides and the sides of her arms that couldn’t nearly conceal her strong muscles. Despite all that, she also had just the right amount of feminine curve to her otherwise lean and fit body. Luciana idly thought that she wouldn’t mind being on the other end of things with this woman. The other was a frail, twiggy girl the demon hadn’t expected to encounter. Something about the way she was blindfolded and carefully shuffling, being led by the dragon, told Luciana that the girl was blind. She leaned in to whisper to Pale "you didn’t tell me there would be a crippled little girl here… I hope you have plans for her."

She watched as Pale pulled a collar with attached leash out of the bag, and quickly moved forward to place the collar around her neck, and then introducing her to Alice. "Why, hello there Alice" the demon said, grinning at the somewhat wavering tone of the blind girl’s voice. She could almost smell the fear coming off of her, and was amused at how misplaced it was, at least as far as she was concerned. Pale soon put the leash in her outstretched hand and then dragged Alice off towards the kitchen, leaving Luciana alone with Alex. She grinned down at the beautiful dragon, still dripping with water, before tugging gently on the leash. "Come on, stand up" she said, moving closer to Alex when the dragon complied. "Your mistress seems to want me in on this, for a while at least, so you’re going to have to do as I say just as if I were her. If you aren’t prompt or compliant enough, you can expect punishment~" she said coyly, leaning in very close to the dragon, her tentacles waving around behind her, changing shapes and sizes at will. "I hear you’ve been a bad girl, in need of some punishment" she said, one of her tentacles coming between the two of them, becoming very thin and long, and Luciana gave the pale blue appendage a little lick. "Turn around, face down, ass up, and receive the first part of your punishment~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

It was the same dream again, she had no idea how many times she had seen the same dream, but it never changed...

A wide, seemingly endless sky, some sort of mist keeping the view from going more than a few miles in any direction. Floating rocks and islands dotting the skyscape, I was standing on such a feature, one with a flat top, nearly a hundred feet in any direction from the center. there were three others, myself a younger, intense-looking man in simple clothing, I somehow knew that despite looking out from my eyes and not being able to examine myself. There was a tall man in shining armour, a saint with a great shield and longsword at his hip, and a dwarven king in massively thick double-plate already taking test swings with a pair of large spiked maces. The last was female, and cloaked in shadows too much to tell anything else, though whether that was from my foggy memory, or something she herself caused, I could never tell. All four of us stood in a semicircle, staring at the same spot, as if waiting for something.

As if the realization caused it to happen, a rift opened up, and a single figure stepped through, looking around at the scenery before the four arrayed against him. "Brahms." The said said clearly, a statement, not a question.

"This isn't the right plane, did you four draw me here instead?" The figure asked in a nonchalant tone, his eyes solid black within their sockets as he turned to look at each of them in turn, gauging them. By all other appearances, the figure looked perfectly normal, exactly the human normal with the exception of his black eyes, and short hair of the same impossibly black shade. "Impressive, but the last plane I absorbed had at least twenty like you waiting for me at the gate, I don't see what the four of you are supposed to do." He said with a shrug and a smile, waiting for them to make the first move. I did it myself, pulling a large stone hoop, the Annulus, from behind my back and focusing my energies on it. Light seemed to flash from every feature of it in a wave, sparks and a thin wailing being let out from the thin crack on the one side as I poured my power and concentration into it. The others all drew weapons and readied themselves. the plan was set, all that mattered was buying enough time for it to work...

Brahms raised an eyebrow, staring at the Annulus. "Ah, now isn't that special. I can feel the threat emanating from that artifact, it's really almost tangible, but I can tell you need time for it to reach it's true potential, and that I simply cannot allow." He said simply, waving a hand in my direction. I felt the buildup before the wave of energy rushed towards me, and activated one of the powers I had prepared beforehand, disappearing and reappearing forty feet from where I had started, back and to the side, the other three between myself and him. "Oh, I see. Maybe you four are better prepared than I expected..." Brahms remarked, his other hand flicking up to knock aside a spell from the shadowy woman, who was already starting to cast again.

Brahms inhaled, and the draw of his power was noticeable to everyone as he tried a blast again, much more powerful than before, aimed to tear straight through everyone on it's way to myself. The Saint stood forwards and placed the shield in it's way, another artifact recovered for exactly this purpose. The energy Brahms unleashed nearly threw the braced Saint back, and caused a noticeable crack to appear along the length of the supposedly unbreakable artifact. As soon as the wave broke, the King rushed him, causing the figure to step back and aside, dodging easily. "I'm impressed once again, heroes." He said with a chuckle.

The fight went on for another forty seconds, much more intensely, everything becoming a blur in the dream as the Three fought to keep Brahms at bay long enough for me to charge the artifact and destroy him for good. In that time, great scars appeared on the chosen battlefield, and I was forced to split my attention and move twice more. The shield was destroyed utterly, shattering with the third massive strike the Saint had blocked with it. One of the King's weapons had crumbled to dust, and the woman was leaving blood behind as she continued to move and fling spells against the planeswalker. Brahms himself has suffered a couple nicks and scratches, gathering a few tears in his odd-looking clothing during the fight, but naught else.

With bare seconds left until the Annulus had reached the power necessary, Brahms managed to break through with one of the dozens on hits against my personal defenses. I staggered from the force, feeling a portion of my body melt away, it was impossible to tell how much in the dream-like state I was viewing it from.
"How unfortunate. And so close too..." Brahms said in a mocking tone of voice, feeling his final victory close in. The Saint saw the strike and reached out the few feet that separated us, gripping the Annulus himself with the hand the shield had been blown from, making eye contact as he dropped his own defenses. I saw our only chance, and traded minds with him, my concentration strained to it's limit from the incredible focus I had to maintain. Suddenly, I saw from his eyes, and the damage that had been done to my own body. My other hand had been sheared off at the shoulder, as well as half my chest and stomach and a portion of my hip on the same side, all of which lay where it had fallen onto the ground, in a single piece. My own body stared back at me, then the eyes rolled up in it's head, and it collapsed as well, dead.

The Annulus pulsed in my grip, my strength renewed as it reached it's full potential, a bean striking out from the empty center and striking Brahms full on the chest, even as he moved to avoid it. "No!" he screamed in anger, the three of us remaining watched as both the planeswalker and the artifact destroyed each other, fragmenting and disintegrating from the sheer energy shared between them. After a second, it was over, and my hand was empty, the great evil gone forever. I felt a pull in my head though, the connection I had shared with the Annulus to call on it's power pulled at me, as if from a great distance. The dream faded with a snap as I realized it hadn't been destroyed as it should have, Brahms must still be out there as well...

"Noo!" Alberik screamed, facial tentacles flailing as she sat up with a start, exactly the same as she had done every other time the dream had manifested. But this time truly was different. Looking around, she realized with a start that she was no longer in her room at the Academy, instead simply laying on a beach, appearing to be some sort of island. Reaching her mind out, she couldn't even make connection with the minds of anyone she recognized, the distance surely incredible, all other minds nearby seemingly blocked by some unnoticable force. She stood up slowly, looking around warily as she continued to take stock of her situation...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

That got Nerzalil up quickly. At this damnably early time, all of the normal competitors would be sleeping at the inn; only the more animalistic and anti-social of the trapped men and women here had reason to be on the beaches at this hour, and apart from Six, the Shadow Demon couldn't think of anyone like that who normally lurked near this beach.

The source of the distress wasn't hard to find; another was waking up on the sand, one Neri definitely hadn't gone to sleep with. Which could mean only one thing...
"'Ho..." she said quietly, remarking at the uncommon nature of the event rather than judging the newcomer's sexual promiscuity.

"You there, don't move!" the distance between the two wasn't great, and the humanoid bug was quickly at the... demon's(…?), side. "Tell me, quickly, is dying the last thing you remember? There isn't time to explain, tell me the last thing you remember before coming here - it's important!"

"Hum..." she remarked back in apparent displeasure, should the tentacle-mouthed woman speak truthfully to the mandible-mouthed one. I suppose she could have died in her sleep...?

"Alright - did you do anything so horrendously wrong and sinful that not even your death is a fitting enough punishment? Something to make you worthy of eternal torment? Don't give me that look, this is very important! I don't think you'll remember it for very long, so speak up!"

The demon's questions were probably beginning to worry poor Alberik, assuming the warped woman hadn't been disturbed by her appearance - but Neri really allowed no room for escape. Alberik's powers refused to work when tested, and Neri had hands to either side of Alberik’s body, allowing the plane-walker no way to escape bar testing her physical force against a visibly very well muscled opponent - not the most promising of possibilities.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The rules here, they're... Different... She hears the voice ponder, before it fades again. The encounter with the strange bug takes her attention though.

It crosses the distance to uncomfortably close rather quickly, speaking to her hurredly. It set off her warnings, but the same thing that stopped her from sensing the minds prevented her from raising a wall between them, her first reaction. "Whoa!" She said, trying something different. This time is worked, and she teleported fifteen or twenty feet away, holding her hands out as if to stop the much-larger-than-her shadow demon from approaching again. "I'll answer your questions, but I have a few of my own afterwards, alright?" She said quickly. Assuming the (woman? Yes, probably...) Was willing to stay put, she's start answering.

"No, as far as I know, I haven't died. Recently, at least, I'm not sure. I went to bed in a safe place, and woke up here, that's all I know." She said carefully.

She thought about the next question for a few seconds before answering. "Again, no. I've been fighting to push the Aliens from this world... That world? Regardless, unless the fighting itself is bad enough to warrant something like what you describe, then that shouldn't be it either. Unless it was something from before... I have only fragments of memories any earlier than the day before the invaders arrived at God's Reach, but most of them don't make any sense."

The large bug's first questions answered, she began to ask a few of her own. "Where is this place? More importantly, I fear, What is this place?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

A cry echoed into the empty night, instantly catching the annoyed predator's attention and causing Six to freeze a little. Her tail twitched, animalistic mind trying to think who the voice was joined with, but couldn't think who. Either way, it was better then what the demon had in store for her.

Even still, Six didn't want to outwardly show herself too early to whatever had screamed. She instead stuck to the fringe of the forest, keeping herself in the plentiful underbrush, and eying the terrain as she snuck along.

Eventually she drew close to the spot, and if Nerzalil would bother to look towards the forest, she might notice the greenish eyes glaring out of the woods, but otherwise, Six watched the goings on.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Assuming the (woman? Yes, probably...)
>Glowing breasts
>Glowing labia
>General feminine shape

If only that "yep, it's wood" pic came with a "yep, that’s a woman" variant...)

Nerzalil hadn't been expecting the other woman’s teleportation, given that the Island had blocked the use of most magic, and she hadn't actually seen anyone on the island teleport before. Thinking on it now, of course, the action was probably non-aggressive enough for it to fall within the Island's arcane rules.

"This world, that world? ...Alien invaders? You sound like the humans … -Oh... You are one, aren't you?" Neri looked briefly incredulous as the realisation of it hit her, finally noticing the subtle differences between Alberik's demonic appearance and the appearance of a true demon.
"...Wow. I knew humans looked weird, but I didn't expect some of you to look so much like us... or, like me..." Briefly, her concentration was off of the current situation, staring at Alberik's facial features and even briefly moving toward her, hand forwards as if wanting to touch the set of facial tentacles, placed so similarly to her own mandibles.
It was almost as if the mouths of the two women had been based off that of the exact same fictional predatory space-faring alien species, with subtle differences to make the copyright infringement less blatant...

Regaining herself, Neri shook her head. "No, you probably weren't damned for defending yourselves from our invasion, it would have to be something you forgot... if anything." Cogs turning in Neri's head, she suddenly developed a look of annoyed wariness. "Oh, that makes you a demon hunter. Greaat..." she muttered, getting a read almost as wrong as thinking Al to be a demon.

Neri, finally, gave the newbie time to form questions of her own. "Hah, those questions are exactly what I was just trying to figure out. If my own experience is anything to go by, this is a place for those so hopelessly damned that only infinite torture is fitting for their punishment... hence the questions."

The oversized bug sighed.

"I suppose I should start at the beginning... The spiel that all the people and servants here will give you is that we were all brought to this island by a daemon, to participate in a tournament; some say there's a prize, some don't, everyone's fairly fuzzy on that. Here's where the bad stuff starts. I'm fairly sure we're not on the same plane as your human one, and I also believe that there's no 'a' in the race of whoever is running this place. Case in point, this tournament isn't about fighting, although what it's about does start with 'f'. Fucking, fornicating... though really, I hope you like eating out women, because that's what you'll spend most of the 'competition' doing... -assuming you win; otherwise, well, I hope you like being eaten out. ...Though, I suppose a human would find not liking it a hard concept to understand..." the bug frowned somewhat during the fairly racist remark, but continued soon after. "You've also probably noticed that your clothes have become something far more fitting for a contest of debauchery." Actually, she hadn't noticed the change, but Alberik's clothes were certainly no longer something she would be keen to walk the academy's halls in, not unless she was looking to distract the majority of the student body...

"Either way, the female gender seems to be several times more represented in this place than the male one. You -can- try to fight your way through matches with your fists and the few powers you're allowed, but nothing stops your opponent from trying to force themselves on you. Did I mention that there's no way to hurt anyone outside of punches in a fight, and that they can't die, so there's no way to get rid of someone who likes violently raping you? Oh, and did I also mention that the fights are decided entirely randomly, throwing two competitors together at nothing more than the whim of the Demon running the show?" Neri laughed, and it was not a happy sound. "Even I've lost matches to some of the creatures here... and, well, no offence, but some of them can beat me. Even more of them will be able to beat you."

"...Heh. But you know what the best part of this joke of a contest is? ...Nobody knows how long it lasts, what the threshold for victory is - if there even is an end to the tournament, and we're not just trapped here at the perverse whim of a selfish demon. And to make matters better, nobody here actually cares; they act like someone took away their ability to see anything wrong with this situation. Even I, to an extent, don't really mind as much as I should. I have to guess that it starts soon after entering this place; you'll feel it shortly, if you don't already."

“So; rape, mind-rape, pain, and all of it unending. ‘Eternal Suffering’ seems to sum it all up nicely.”
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

((Oookay, thought the differences were a bit more subtle than glowing naughty bits, you can go ahead and ignore that previous thought process then. However, I'm now bretty sure I have even less idea as to the general look of the species as a whole... And she isn't modelled after them, she's becoming one, plus the requisite sexual characteristics they usually drop. She also has the skin and eyes, already. It's karma from a previous event. Also, please refrain from putting funny fourth wall comments in character, it's quite jarring...))

The newcomer listened intently, absorbing the new information. Some of it added up more than others, but it generally seemed... Believable, in an odd way. "We think I'm human, or used to be. I'm told this copies the effect of the magical taint to the soul that comes from run-ins of the sort you've described, and indeed further run-ins have made the features more pronounced, but as far as anyone could tell, that isn't how I gained them originally. I've come across no explanations so far, and don't expect to." She explains a little self-consciously.

"Not demons, or particularly hunting, either." Alberik corrected. "Aliens, arrived in gigantic living ships from beyond this world around two years ago, all over the continent. And in all that time, I have never seen anything of theirs that looks even vaguely like yourself. You say you're a demon? Perhaps time flows differently here... How long have you been here?" She asked thoughtfully.

The woman looked crestfallen as the nature of the place was revealed to her, slowly sinking down to sit on the sand once more, suddenly very aware of her odd clothing, the likes of which he had barely seen before, much less worn. Her battles had stripped her often enough, however, and she no longer felt any embarrassment from being exposed any longer. "No offense taken. I've been fighting in combat just like that for as long as I can remember, which admittedly, is not very long. But I've always relied on destroying them before they could reach me. If that route is forbidden, then I'm not sure what I could possibly accomplish, except stall for time. Seems I would make for a terrible combatant to watch, under these conditions..." She pondered, half at her greeter and half to herself.

"And with all this new information, I suddenly recall that we've both been very rude. I'm known as Alberik, most recently from the Academy of Mages is Crolia. You implied you were some sort of demon?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

(Ah, yeah, sorry about that. The non-canon nature of the Island has seen me play fast and loose with the normal constants of the story, especially the fourth wall. But I'll stop now that we're in serious mode.)

When Al announced that the Aliens had arrived two years ago, the Shadow Demon only became more confused. "Uh... yes, that would be us, two years ago leaving the portal from hell, finally escaping our demon enslavers at the head of their invasion into your world. What was the city...? Ar...Artimis? Something like that. If there was another bunch of aliens falling from the sky at the same time, I think I would have noticed."*

When the newbie asked her just how long she had been trapped here, the big bug was forced to admit the ugly truth that... well, she wasn't really sure. "Uh, well, you're right about time moving oddly; sometimes the day here lasts for what feels like a week, sometimes so does the night; sometimes it'll be dark for no more than ten seconds and it's suddenly daytime again. Even the rate I get tired at seems to be messed up. Still, I haven't been here that long. A.. a week? It couldn't be more than three... and certainly not two years!" Despite her words, the idea that she might have already been here two years had the demon mildly panicked. Did she really have that poor a grip on her own senses in this place...?

"If...If you're saying that your sky-aliens appeared two years ago, that means you must be at least two years ahead of me, because I never saw anything falling from the sky. I... like you said, there must be some difference in the way time flows, here... or something..."

Nerzalil watched the woman respond to the terrible nature of their situation with a degree of horror and disgust that she thought wholly appropriate. The fact that she had the presence of mind to see the wrongness of the situation was to her credit; it gave Neri hope that she could consider Alberik among the few people on the island actually worth talking to.

"Oh, I think most of the people on this island would find you a fine contestant to watch, and not because of your ability to win your fights." Coming from someone else, that might have been flirting, but the insectile demon had said it far too matter-of-factly, remarking more on the licentious nature of the island's inhabitants than the appeal of the magic-user.

When Alberik finally introduced himself, Neri quickly followed suit, though failing to seem even slightly embarrassed at her oversight. "I'm Nerzalil, of the Shadow Demons. ...Thanks to whoever brought us here, I suppose that should now be 'last of the Shadow Demons'."

Finally, on an absent-minded look around, Neri spotted the reflection of green eyes in the tree-line. If she hadn't already been using this spot as a camp for a few days, the appearance might have startled her - but she was used enough to the stalking presence of her strange almost-sister that she knew who she had to be looking at.

"Adding to our rudeness, we have unaddressed company." she began simply. "In the trees at the end of the beach. Called Six, looks like me, and a thousand times more frightened of you than you are of her."

With an expression that was unexpectedly soft for her alien, (and so far, normally scowling) features, Neri looked towards Six. She gave no other movement than the recognition of her warped lookalike's presence, waiting briefly to see what Six did, before turning back to Alberik. Whether the group was now three or two strong, she continued.

"Well, Alberik, now that you're well acquainted with the nature of your situation, what do you want to do? I'd recommend something, but when you take away the debauchery, sleep, and seemingly unnecessary consumption of food, this island is about as boring as... well, a deserted, lifeless island. There isn't much to pass the time but trade stories, and wait for the island to suck you into a match."

(*Lol, thread-time discrepancy)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

((Hehe, yep. I had considered rewinding Al to around the same time, but then she'd have nothing interesting to go on, as well as lose half her sheet.))

Alberik shook her head. "There must be some time disturbance then. I read about the event you described, it was at Artmirst, around four years ago. The city was a ghost town for a while, but the demons have returned and populated it, trying to make a bid to be considered a badarian lordship, or something similar. The few badarian lords still around and trying to piece the government back together after the disappearance of the lich-king, so they didn't much care. The city's called Acheron now, though I would call it more of a hive than a city, from all the accounts I've read. Or, maybe a den, don't want to give you the wrong picture, apologies. Regardless, the aliens I've been fighting are not demons, or even from another plane at all. They're from another planet, from what I've been able to gather, their sun died, and they started gathering soul energy to try and restore it somehow. Along the way they discovered that their method of collecting it granted them quite a following, so they are also creating an empire as they go as well."

Back to the nature of the contests on the island. "They could have gathered up housewives and serving girls that could have put up more fight than me, I imagine. Do they pick some of their targets simply to hamstring them?" She asked, almost rhetorically. She ran through her entire repertoire in her mind, and could come up with nothing except a couple ways to prolong the 'fights'. Giving a bit of a sigh, she moved on.

"Nice to meet you, Nerzalil. How can you be so sure you're the last? I've never seen your kind before, but I purposely avoid traffic with demons as much as I can manage, you shouldn't take my ignorance as an indication of anything."

Her head perked back up from where it had been staring at the sand in front of her at mention of the unannounced visitor, scanning the treeline with her eyes and other senses. She found Six's mind, blocked like all the rest, but even knowing exactly where to look, she couldn't spot them. She watched the direction for a minute, then looked away again, looking out over the water.

"Hmm... Is there anywhere on the island we're restricted from?" She asks after a moment. She didn't want to stay here, and if what Nerzalil told her was true, she needed to try whatever she could before she changed her mind on the matter...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alex -> Alice/Pale/Luciana
It was only when Pale started searching through the bag that Alex finally noticed it, and the leash and collar that were pulled free immediately put the woman on edge. She did give the vampire the choice, and acting as the pet was her idea, but to take it so literally? It made her wonder what exactly Pale thought of when she heard the word pet. But Alex had had offered herself to Pale, and she was quite literally the vampire's property. If this was what the Mistress desired then it was not her place to question it.

Once the collar was fastened, helped in part by Alex actually craning her neck for easier access, the dragon questioned what would happen next. The answer came in the form of Pale handing the leash to the demon before taking Alice into the other room for a chat. Alex couldn't keep herself from shifting slightly, the will to stand and watch over the blind girl running through her, but eventually she forced herself to remain where she was. Pale expressed a desire to speak with Alice in private, and the leash was now in the hands of another. That meant that control had been given to someone else. It was not her place to question it.

With Luciana given free reign to do as she pleased the demon wasted no time in issuing her first order. Alex rose as soon as she was told, and she watched with an imperious but somewhat anxious air as Luciana took her time appraising her new toy. With the tentacles waving around in the air and changing form as they did a greater sense of anxiety started to tickle down Alex's spine, but she suppressed that nervousness and forced herself to look the woman in the eye as some ground rules were laid down. They seemed simple enough. Disobedience resulted in punishment, and judging by the coy tone in the demon's voice punishment could only mean one thing.

But punishment could not be avoided. Luciana said as much, one of her tentacles becoming thin as it worked its way between the pair before receiving a little lick from its master. When the order was given to kneel face down with ass in the air Alex hesitated for a moment. This had gone beyond what she envisioned. She hadn't expected Pale to bring in someone else, and she hadn't expected whatever punishment was about to be dealt to be this sexual. But this was what Pale wanted, and if she wanted to leave the dragon in the hands of a succubus then Alex had no right to question it. So she turned and bend down to her knees, and once her face was nearly planted on the floor she thrust her hips as high as she could manage. It was far from the most comfortable position she could imagine, and it presented her lower half in possibly the most lewd way she could imagine.

But even then there was something that would get in the way, and Luciana would notice it right away. Alex's tail was laying relaxed, and it effectively hid her more intimate side from direct view. And that would most likely be unacceptable. It slowly rose through the air, the length of it straightening out before curling up and over her back. This would give the woman unfettered access, and as Alex sat and waited for whatever punishment was about to come she had to remind herself of one thing. This is what Pale wants...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

A quick rustling of branches as she was called out would cause the eyes to vanish from their view, as Six, blushing a little at being spotted, moved to a different part of the underbrush, trying to spot what was going on without being seen this time...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Neri was momentarily stunned when Alberik mentioned that the demons of Acheron lived in a hive, but the human corrected herself before Neri could ask just how the demons had managed to construct one, or why they would be mimicking the building style of her kind.

“Alright, yes, those invaders definitely aren’t us. …man, you humans have terrible luck; first the demons invade, and now that you’ve finally beaten us, something even worse shows up.”

The mutated woman’s musing about the island brought back the scowl to Neri’s face. “Yes, they could have chosen housewives, but I’m fairly sure they wanted to see the haughty broken; hence why so many of the people here used to have some ability or other they now can’t use. Even those of us who win are still being forced to punch and kick, like children more than warriors, and inevitably becoming filthy in the process. Oh, I forgot to mention that, didn’t I? The arenas we fight in are almost always covered in some manner of filth, and you’re quite likely to end up covered in it one way or the other. Yes, I’d say demeaning the powerful is probably high on the manners of torment this place provides.”

As the newcomer suggests that other shadow demons might still survive, Neri’s generally fairly harsh demeanour seems to erode somewhat, but only left her looking worn down rather than improving her attitude.
“…No, they’re all dead. My kind were not five hundred strong when I got dragged here, and I was the only one among us able to give orders. Shadow Demons… my kind, we’re supposed to be able to hear each other’s thoughts through the hive mind, but it was stripped from us by the demons when they enslaved us. I was never connected to the hive mind, so I already knew how to survive on my own, but the rest of my species can’t… couldn’t, bring themselves to so much as find food without the hive’s consensus. I was standing in for the hive mind, I was getting them to be– …but they weren’t–“ Neri cuts herself off with a cough. If she had continued, she might have started ranting. …Or crying.
“…They are dead.” She finishes, the statement quite definitive.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Neri began, continuing in the rather subdued tone she had used when speaking about her own kind, when her companion asked about restricted areas, “and it won’t work. I’ve tried everything I could manage, and there’s no way to fight this. Our mysterious host doesn’t actually seem to be anywhere on the island, unless they’ve disguised themselves as one of the guests. We can go anywhere we please – and, despite having tracked the length and breadth of this island, I’ve not seen anything even mildly important; there isn’t even wildlife to hunt, as Six can readily tell you. Trying to leave by flying or swimming in a line somehow just twists your heading back towards this prison. Our jailor does have some guards; mindless drones, as far as I can tell, in general human form – though I doubt they’re actually any of your kind. They seem to suddenly not be there when you try to hit them, and the one time I actually managed to land a fatal blow… well, something happened that I have no recollection of… but, I… really think attacking these things is a bad idea.” Neri was coloured by slowly increasing shades of distress, as she spoke about the serving men and women of the island. Whatever punishment she had netted for killing one had apparently left a noticeable scar on her psyche…
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Luciana/Alex/Pale

Alice melted into Alex’s embrace, those strong arms wrapped around her feeling so right. Their bodies were pressed together tightly as they made out, and the blind girl wished the moment would never end. When the kiss finally broke Alex felt tense in her arms, and for a long moment there was silence. It was somewhat uncomfortable. She felt the dragon slowly relax, but the quiet was worrying. The blind girl wished dearly that she could see Alex’s face, really missing the visual cues that might tell her how the dragon really felt about her confession. Finally her lover whispered her name, and she knew that the answer was coming.

And then she heard Pale’s voice, and her heart sank. It felt like it was far too soon, and there was much more she wanted to do. "It’s fine" she whispered back, accepting the tight squeeze, knowing that her answer would have to wait. "Alright. Let’s go." There was a wavering to her voice, a fearfulness that would be obvious, but she was relatively under control as Alex took her hand and led her back over to the table, picking up her blindfold and laying it in the blind girl’s outstretched hand. "Thank you" she said quietly as she wiped the moisture away from the path of the cloth, but she knew there was no way she could keep it from getting wet. With a sigh she wrapped it carefully around her head over her empty eyesockets, a little relieved that she wouldn’t have to keep her eyelids consciously closed anymore. With that done, she allowed Alex to lead her out of the room by the hand, towards her temporary mistress. When she felt the dragon lower herself down she did the same, kneeling before what ended up being her two temporary mistresses. The way Alex was squeezing her hand didn’t seem particularly promising. While she obviously couldn’t see the demon, she knew it couldn’t be good.

"Hello, Luciana" Alice said quietly, not wanting to appear rude, and she let go of Alex’s hand as Pale took hers, being led away into the kitchen. She was more than a little bit afraid now that she was alone with this new, mysterious person, and she shivered as the vampire hugged her lightly from behind, whispering from so close to the blind girl’s ear that she could feel the warm breath. The talk of punishment didn’t help at all. "I… I stayed because… I love Alex, and I don’t want to be parted from her" she replied quietly, her legs shaking as Pale brushed her lips over her ears and against her neck, her legs shaking with the fear and uncertainty of it all.

Luciana -> Pale/Alex/Alice

"Mmm? Well, variety is good. I’m sure there’ll be at least a few things in there that’ll work well for what we’re doing" Luciana replied as she followed Pale, walking swiftly through the hotel toward the vampire’s room. When they entered the room there was no one there, but the demon could hear the sound of running water in the background. It wasn’t long before two figures walked into the main room from a door to the side. One of them was Alex, whom Luciana had seen before, but not naked. She was struck by how beautiful the dragon was. She was quite tall, with a long tail, frilled ears and forehead ridges, and scales all along her sides and the sides of her arms that couldn’t nearly conceal her strong muscles. Despite all that, she also had just the right amount of feminine curve to her otherwise lean and fit body. Luciana idly thought that she wouldn’t mind being on the other end of things with this woman. The other was a frail, twiggy girl the demon hadn’t expected to encounter. Something about the way she was blindfolded and carefully shuffling, being led by the dragon, told Luciana that the girl was blind. She leaned in to whisper to Pale "you didn’t tell me there would be a crippled little girl here… I hope you have plans for her."

She watched as Pale pulled a collar with attached leash out of the bag, and quickly moved forward to place the collar around her neck, and then introducing her to Alice. "Why, hello there Alice" the demon said, grinning at the somewhat wavering tone of the blind girl’s voice. She could almost smell the fear coming off of her, and was amused at how misplaced it was, at least as far as she was concerned. Pale soon put the leash in her outstretched hand and then dragged Alice off towards the kitchen, leaving Luciana alone with Alex. She grinned down at the beautiful dragon, still dripping with water, before tugging gently on the leash. "Come on, stand up" she said, moving closer to Alex when the dragon complied. "Your mistress seems to want me in on this, for a while at least, so you’re going to have to do as I say just as if I were her. If you aren’t prompt or compliant enough, you can expect punishment~" she said coyly, leaning in very close to the dragon, her tentacles waving around behind her, changing shapes and sizes at will. "I hear you’ve been a bad girl, in need of some punishment" she said, one of her tentacles coming between the two of them, becoming very thin and long, and Luciana gave the pale blue appendage a little lick. "Turn around, face down, ass up, and receive the first part of your punishment~"
Pale -> Alice/Alex/Luciana

Pale is slightly taken aback by Alice's answer and for a while she simply toys with her, nibbling her ear and kissing her neck while her hands wander on the blind girl's body. "I was hoping for a different answer, but at least this'll make things interesting." As Pale speaks, her left hand moves onto Alice's breasts while her right slips between the girls legs, gently rubbing her sensitive parts. Her voice is but a whisper when she continues: "Are you scared? Surely you can't be afraid of the dark?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Luciana -> Alex

Luciana noted that Alex seemed to be rather accepting of Pale’s ownership over her. The demon thought she could detect a hint of anxiety and nervousness in the way her temporary pet shifted her weight, and in the look in her beautiful green eyes as she gazed into Luciana’s own. She knew that feeling. She knew it well. She had learned to cherish it over the years, to relish the nervous anticipation as she wondered what will they do to me? She was fairly sure that attitude wasn’t shared by the dragon before her, but she would try her damndest to plant the seeds of it.

When she ordered Alex onto the floor, the dragon hesitated for just a moment, Luciana staring at her intensely, her grin hidden by her tentacle, which was even now flattening out, becoming wider and thinner in preparation for what she had planned. The moment’s hesitation gave way to resignation, and Alex turned her back to her succubus mistress and got down on her knees, bending until her face was almost on the ground before thrusting her hips up high, giving Luciana the perfect view. Or she would have, if not for her long, scaly tail, resting lazily over her lower holes. Before she could say anything, Alex lifted the tail up high, straightening it in the air before it curled over her scaled back. Now it was perfect. The way the thick green scales of the dragon’s back thinned out slowly before ending in a wonderfully curvy, feminine rump, the way it was presented, thrust up into the air… the demon whistled her approval, walking a few steps forward and grabbing a handful of the pliant flesh, giving it a squeeze before backing away.

Another of her tentacles flattened out, as the others moved to make a sort of chair for her as she decided to make Alex wait, to give her a few moments of anticipation. "You’ve got a very nice ass, you know" she said, just out of the blue, waiting a few moments before her tentacles sprung into action. One flew through the air, actually whistling with the speed of it before whipping forcefully against Alex’s backside with a loud crack. A few seconds later the second tentacle impacted with the dragon’s other cheek, and then the improvised paddles retreated for a bit, giving Alex’s stinging ass some time to recover, but also to keep her guessing as to when the next blow would come. "I wonder if it’ll look just as pretty once it’s been turned red, or if it’ll look even more beautiful~" the demon teased, just as she liked to be teased when she was in these situations. She waited a few more moments before the tentacles rushed forward, the whistle as they flew through the air turning to silence as they stopped just before hitting their target, drawing back once more for a second or two before smacking against Alex’s ass, less hard than the first time, but still quite harsh. She continued with the teasing, irregular spanking for a while, each blow less heavy than the last, but even so Alex would feel her ass stinging and tingling with pain.

It wasn’t too long before Luciana dispensed with the teasing, beginning to smack Alex’s rear quickly and steadily, the short backstrokes leading to much weaker strikes, depending on the dragon’s already tender state for most of the stimulation. Soon the tentacles were only lightly tapping Alex’s backside, each one sending that tingling feeling running through her. With the right frame of mind it was a feeling that could be quite enjoyable, one that Luciana herself had enjoyed many a time… Slowly her tentacles lowered her to the ground and she walked up to Alex, asking quietly "have you learned your lesson?" She began to grope the red, tender flesh gently, massaging the dragon for a bit before running her fingers over her flower. "I wonder if you’re a masochist at heart, my dear little pet, or if you’ll have to be taught~" she teased, checking her fingers to see if she had gotten Alex’s juices flowing…

Pale's Kitchen
Alice -> Pale

Alice continued to tremble as Pale teased her, nibbling and kissing at her ears and neck. The nervousness was still there, not helped at all by the way the vampire was treating her. She was about to ask what sort of answer Pale would have preferred, before she felt a hand begin to grope her sensitive breasts. She had to stifle a moan as the vampire gently rubbed her sensitive flesh, the fingers rubbing over her nipples until they were stiff. The other hand snaked down to her crotch, stroking the blind girl’s lower lips teasingly. The combination of things was quickly getting Alice turned on, and Pale’s hand was slightly wet with her honey by the time she whispered her question. "Of course I’m scared" she whispered back, a frustrated tone in her voice as she tried not to show her arousal. "I’m… enslaved to you for the night… I don’t even know you… wouldn’t you be afraid if you were in that position?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alberik -> Nerzalil

"I... See." The fresh arrival says slowly. That didn't leave many options...

Sighing, Alberik stood and looked around once more. "I'm curious about these mindless drones you mentioned, but I suspect that can wait. I suppose trading stories should pass the time well enough, though you may find I'm woefully short on stories myself. Apart from bits and fragments, all I can remember clearly has been one long guerrilla war. What about yourself? You mentioned you were different from others of your kind, how did that come to be?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

As defeatist as the Shadow Demon made herself seem, Neri was still quite actively looking for a way off the Island. Trading information to bide the time wasn’t entirely an excuse to collect information that could help her, but it had that bonus. For instance, only because of Alberik did she know that, in the time she had been on the island, apparently two years had already passed back on the ‘normal’ world. The insect was far from a socialite, however, and the other woman’s inquiry caught Neri on her off-foot.

“Well… while I can’t say I don’t have a history, I’m really not the best at telling stories. You’ll probably be getting the raw end of this trade, I’m afraid. Still, let’s see…”

Should someone come upon the pair, they would simply notice the two women conversing, and think nothing more of it. But for those already present, the experience started to become something entirely different…

(Nerzalil, Alberik (… Six?) moving to the Unrestricted Zone.)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Paddle Room (Pale's Room)
Alex -> Luciana
When the tentacle started to flatten Alex actually felt a little relieved. She was expecting the succubus to take far different liberties with her exposed body, and with her ass presented as it was she knew a far more familiar form of punishment was coming. But the whistle and the roaming hand that soon followed reminded the dragon that Luciana was still a succubus. The sexual punishment would most likely come later.

When Luciana pulled away and sat herself down Alex wasn't able to get a proper view. So when the compliment suddenly sprung into the air it forced the warrior to pause. It was something unexpected, and it was enough to distract her before a loud crack sounded against her cheek. It made her flinch, and as her other cheek was struck just the same she nearly let out a small yelp at being spanked so fiercely. But that urge was shot down, and during the small pause where the demon chose to tease her victim Alex's dignity took hold. You're not some pathetic little child who cries whenever Momma spanks you. Show some damn pride!

When the spanking truly started in force Alex steeled herself, and even if the smacks were irregularly timed she simply grit her teeth and withstood whatever was thrown at her. But even then it still hurt. Luciana had whipped her with as much force as possible that first time, and even if they gradually weakened it was a slow process that left her behind screaming in near agony the longer it continued. Thankfully some consideration was shown, and as her ass become more sensitive the punishment it received slackened to compensate. By the time the gentle drumming had started Alex could tell her behind was a swath of red that made her cringe even at the slightest touch.

Soon enough even that came to an end, and as Luciana approached once more she asked if her pet had learned her lesson. The hands that took to massaging Alex's behind did nothing to ease the constant stinging that told her she would not be sitting for at least an hour, but when one slipped down to sample her untouched sex another question was asked. It caused her to freeze once more, and as it rolled around in her head her rage started to grow. All the muscles in her body started to tense, and Luciana would be able to see what kind of strength was starting to bubble to the surface. Her arms and legs looked like they were ready to punch through the floor itself, and the tail that had once hung over her back was now curled and taut, the end of it ready to whip forward and strike the demon in the head at a moment's notice.

"No." But retaliation never came. Those tightened muscles started to slowly relax, and Alex could be heard taking a deep calming breath even with her face planted on the ground. "Never." Even if it hadn't been a question she answered the demon without any hesitation in her voice. "I will never become a masochist." Though the threat of violence had passed a tension still hung in the air all around the prostrate dragon. Luciana would be free to continue however she pleased, but with the way the she-beast refused to waver it should be quite obvious that she would never allow herself to walk down that path.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alice/Alex/Luciana

"Aww...Poor child. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Much." With a quick movement Pale picks Alice up and gently lays her on the table. After letting the blind girl wonder about her intentions for a moment, the vampire moves around the temple and starts to gently massage her feet. "Hmm. I wonder what you taste like. Maybe I should try just a little..."