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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Remembering the finer points of their conversation, but nothing of the 'arena' they fought in, Neri spends some more time in the grass with the closest thing she had to kin in this place. Though the Shadow Demon hoped otherwise, Six would probably have questions about Nerzalil's now assurely extinct species, questions she was at least somewhat obligated to answer.

It would come to an end eventually, though. Neri had things to accomplish, and she certainly didn't plan on having a 'proper match' with something that looked like one of her kind (- eugh! just the thought...!), so, unless Six wished to follow, Neri would eventually kick herself up from the ground, beginning to wander again, in search of her desired goal... a way off this island.

Six peered over the other Shadow Demon closer, examining the species that may as well be part of her birthright. Seems that like her, she also had the proper bodily equipment, though the thought confused her. "You're saying... that you were not sexualized before? No wonder my new mind detests such actions. Between the enforcement of orders and use of it as punishment for me, I could understand it as well, but I guess now I got yet another connection..."
Neri scowled, a largely knee-jerk reaction. "No, we did not used to be marred by these horrific mutations, nor did we reproduce through such a reprehensible method. Being on the losing side of an inter-demon war has its downsides." She looked over the creature she was currently conversing with. The deep scars in Six carapace had told Neri about as much as the once-human's own words. Neri knew more than enough of demon hospitality... granted, she had only been a conqured enemy for so long; eventually demons just came to see her kind as any other slave, though those first few months saw the survivors of her kind go through just about every debasement demons could think of. The one beside her had gone through much of the same - being warped, having their mind pressed upon by methods that could only be called hellish, trying to resist being broken into slaves... and they'd both succeeded in that respect; both escaped, both learned to detest sex, lust, and all it entailed...

"There are more traits to Shadow Demons than just those I listed, of course. I like to think we possessed a strong will... a quality I'd be proud to say has rubbed off on you."

Neri sat bolted upright at the mention of Six’s information. “Really? How, where did you get it? No, most importantly, what kind of demon, or who?”
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six, much like Neri, didn't mind the silence. It allowed her to think, and also meant she didn't object to her moving again. She knew this wouldn't end until the demon felt like it either, so she was content to enjoy the relatively-painless freedom she was given, though she felt that Neri may run into more problems, with her flat-out adamentation in comparison to Six, who could at least relent. Maybe that, she mused, was the best proof she wasn't pure shadow demon, she partly thought, before quietly climbing into the tree to rest. It had been such a busy day...

Contined conversations with Neri
Six flushed a light green shade at the compliment. This was the second time that someone told her she had some good points today, and it made Six both uncomfortable, but a little pleased. Even still, Neri seemed interested in how she learned about the island's origins. "Asking a few people. A dragoness here, a vampire there... I've been so far away from any sort of contact I've forgotten there was at least some decent people left," she admitted, head drooping against her arms a bit.
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

Luciana giggled as Iggy crawled over to her on all fours, showing the proper degree of submissiveness without having to be reminded. A soft sigh escaped her lips as he licked at the head of her cock, and then slowly took it into his mouth, beginning to finger her gently as he sucked her off. "Ahhh, that's a good slave. Nice and slow" she cooed out, running her hand through the foxboy's hair and leaning back to enjoy the experience. Even so it didn't take long for her pleasure to build to a peak after the session they had just come from, and with a quiet cry she came, spurting out her seed into Iggy's mouth. "Mmm, you're not bad at that. And now I've promised you a reward... I suppose I'll give you some say in what it is. Anything you'd like~"


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Tamonten
Auralice leaned back and blushed as the warrior-maid slowly penetrated her longing pussy, which at first tightened around the appendage as if to judge its girth with some rough squeezing and soon relaxed just in time for the member to tenderly rub back and forth against the serpent's insides.
Her breast soon caressed into lactating, a soft moan passed Auralice's lips, slowly raising her hand to stroke through the maid's hair as her milk is fed upon.
The innocent moaning quickly turned into sharp cries of lewd arousal as the warrior's member grew into a size more fitting for her strength and stretched the serpent's pussy to the brim while stabbing at her womb's entrance.
"Auuu~ so... good... hnnn~"
Auralice's pleasure soon hit even higher levels as her tendrils were forced inside her maid's orifices, lodging them deep inside and used as fuck-toys, her erect member soon worked upon as well the serpent wriggled in torturous ecstasy as her climax was imminent.
Tamonten's redundant warning did not reach Auralice's ears, whose womb was instantly ejaculated into. The thick, warm, cum, filling the serpent's insides, pushed her past her limit as her own seed and juices escaped her body and flowed into her pleasure-maid's openings.
The serpent's appendages milked dry, she almost passes out as her torso bobs in the spring while panting heavily, snapping back to her senses as Tamonten flops onto her body.
On staggering arms Auralice slowly leans up into a straighter pose, meeting the warrior's gaze with a blissful smile, she pulls the cuddly maid into her cleavage and pets the slave's head, kissing her forehead in the process.
"Are you still hungry? I can't recall the last time we ate a decent meal, I feel like I'm gonna drop dead from malnutrition any moment"
Having said that the couple wash away their love-juices and head to the café.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Neri’s continued search brought her out of the forest, and down to the shoreline. Normally she would feel worried with such a large open space… but not here, not when nothing could kill her – and not given what she was looking for; namely, a very strong opponent. So far all she had seen were the island’s inhabitants, and less than imposing competitors… but one figure stood out well enough.

“You there. Female… creature.” Alex would find a creature in much the same vein as Six asking her, as it approached fearlessly. “Are you as strong as you look?”


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Neri

With her mood still a little foul she couldn't bring herself to sit on the sand. So when she was approached she was standing at her full height, an imposing sight in itself had she not turned and glared at the creature who dared refer to her as 'Female... creature.' That glare gained a bit of curiosity when she noticed the woman walking forward looked strikingly similar to Six. Of course the question that followed put that glare back in full force, and the dragon turned to regard the little bug-looking woman. "I am what I am, woman. Do you wish to test that?" Perhaps a contest would help her rise out of her funk.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Iggy -> Luciana

Iggy continued to suck off the succubus to the point where she blew her load in his mouth. He blushes as he shamefully swallows her thick, sticky cum. Upon hearing that he was to recieve a reward, he starts wagging his tail excitedly. However, he was too excited to think straight, and unintentionally asked for something that played towards one of his more private, close-kept secret fetishes.

"C...c...can m-mistress t-take me for a w-walk...?"
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Mischievous Tamonten -> Trusting Tomoe & Ceiling Alraunes
The pale-skinned swordswoman offered a mischievous grin at the shrine maiden's compliance. She scanned for the perfect place to enact her little show of exhibitionism. A wide but short and smooth stone that bordered the pool they occupied, with, or what she at least hoped was, a perfect view for any nearby voyeurs. Tamonten aided the tired miko in their short trip, although the shrine maiden seemed perfectly capable of moving alone, partly because it was still her fault that the priestess had been sapped so and partly because she was impatiently horny. Her demonic length felt painfully hard to the manacled girl and, on more than one occasion during their walk, 'accidentally' rubbed against Tomoe's legs as the pale woman helped her. When they arrived at the edge of the waters, nearly-flat boulder, the pale girl only offered an impish; "Brace your hands on top of the rock."

The top of the boulder itself was slightly below arm level for the warrior maiden, but that was perfect for Tamonten's machinations. Assuming Tomoe did as requested, the white-haired girl would take a position behind her partner. The possessed girl teasingly rubbed her cock against the inside of the other woman's thighs. Both of Tamonten's arms, blackened and pale, wrapped around the easterner's midsection. The horny girl's mouth moved to within centimeters of the miko's ear and whispered; "Be careful not to let yourself slip." With that, the temporary futanari dropped down into the water, slowly as to slide her body against Tomoe's the entire way down. Hooking her arms through the other woman's legs, she began to slowly lift the eastern warrior's entire lower half up and into the air. The act would eventually leave the shrine maiden's legs resting on the pale woman's shoulders and Tomoe's only means of supporting herself, beyond Tamonten's assistance, as her own hands on top of the smooth stone. More importantly to the swordswoman, it left her face against the miko's lower lips.

It was a perilous position, considering that the pale-skinned, lustful girl could have just bent her partner over and eased the ache in her own loins, or even laid the woman atop the boulder on her back and still been able to pleasure her, but Tamonten believed firmly in showmanship. Or maybe she just had an exhibitionism fetish. Probably the latter. The white-haired swordswoman hoped that any watching would be able to see Tomoe's ample breasts from their position, as it would be a shame to keep them all to herself. Of course, she would do her part to try and draw a little bit of attention. Mostly, she would try to draw the voyeur's gazes by attempting to make the other girl moan aloud. The demonic girl began her ministrations by taking a deep breath, basking in the other woman's scent. She couldn't begin to understand how the other girl felt such shame about her body, everything about it had such allure to the swordswoman.

That same allure drove the pale-skinned girl to greedily begin attacking Tomoe's pussy. Her tongue lapped across the easterner's outer folds, still wet with the mixture of onsen water and her juices. Tamonten's arms moved to wrap around the miko's legs and grab onto her rear, accomplishing the dual task of better supporting the woman's otherwise airborne lower half and groping. As time went on, the long, broad strokes of her tongue became more and more focused on Tomoe's clit. It was an experience similar to the one in the arena, if perhaps at a faster pace. The pale-skinned girl was insatiable and merciless in her attempts to push the shrine maiden into yet another orgasm. Her tongue drew crosses and circles across the sensitive nub. She sucked on the eastern warrior's jewel. Tamonten's actions always fell back to one familiar pattern, however, stroking directly against the woman's clitoris.

Given Tomoe's spiritual exhaustion and the pale-skinned girl's own dislike of repeat performances, Tamonten eventually halted her ministrations in order to allow the easterner to get into a more comfortable position. She imagined that nothing would ruin the mood as fast as a partner's arms giving out, causing them to fall and crack their skull on a rock. Almost reluctantly, she allowed the other woman's legs to return to the floor of the hot spring. But she wasn't entirely done. Instead, the manacled swordswoman guided the shapely miko to turn around and lie on her back on the flat boulder. The possessed woman decided to sate another curiosity. Spreading the easterner's legs, she returned to her position between them. Tamonten's tongue greedily returned to lap at the woman's clit, but this time it was joined by a finger penetrating Tomoe's pussy. Unlike before, the pale appendage's motions were almost experimental in nature. It brushed against the upper part of the miko's inner walls, as if searching for something. Which was true, it was searching for the miko's G-spot.

When she found her small target, Tamonten's efforts only increased. A combination of lust, curiosity, and desire to satisfy her partner drove the woman on. She massaged the coveted spot inside Tomoe's flower even as her tongue flicked across her partner's jewel with steadily increasing power. The pale-skinned woman pleasured her former opponent relentlessly, impatient to bring the woman to her fourth orgasm since they had met. The horny swordswoman idly wondered whether or not the easterner would squirt from the stimulation. She even eagerly prepared for the possibility, readying herself to drink Tomoe's fluids. Regardless, from there the possessed girl continued right up until her partner had climaxed. Tamonten thirstily drank the warrior priestess's girlcum if the opportunity had availed itself, though never faltering in the task of fingering her former opponent. As the eastern priestess rode out another climax, the pale girl's eyes, all but grinning themselves, glanced up at the priestess. The green-eyed woman, as she had before, never stopped until the other woman's throes of orgasm were over. As the miko laid in the aftermath, the white-haired girl idly kissed at her legs.

The possessed girl didn't allow Tomoe too much time to recover before helping her back into the water, though, her own lust still far from sated. The pale woman pulled herself up onto the boulder, sitting next to the priestess. The demonic girl's cock twitched in the air outside of waters of the steamy hot spring. The swordswoman spread her legs to allow the easterner access to both of her sexes. She grabbed the base of her own cock with her pale hand, adjusting to bring phallus to Tomoe's mouth level. Suck, she considered ordering. What a selfish, shameful miko, cumming so many times when I've only cum once, her more dominating side pushed her to deride the priestess. Tamonten avoided saying any of that out loud, though, instead sheepishly asking; "Is it my turn now?" Unlike before, she was almost embarrassed at the situation.

Yet, if her stiff demonic manhood was any indicator, the swordswoman was still very eager.
Meido Tamonten -> Auralice

"Yes, mistress," she replied, beaming at the naga. By that point, she was so enthralled by the snake-woman that the human didn't even feel anything amiss at calling Auralice her mistress aloud. After a few more attempts at goading the serpentine woman into using her further, mainly accomplished by being very 'careless' in accidentally brushing against the scaly woman's cocks while assisting her mistress in washing up, Tamonten was off with the naga to the cafe. She followed the succubus like a particularly happy puppy, adoringly watching Auralice's everu movement and obviously happy, or at least enthralled, with her new-found role as maid.

Smut-free Tamonten -> Zaro "Come at me, bro" Alk.

The swordswoman nodded at her sparring opponent's words. She left the flint in the sand for the time being, having no practical place to store it that wasn't likely to end very painfully for her. The pale-skinned human brought herself to her feet and took a few steps away from the more imposing warrior. Tamonten brought her blackened arm up, waving the practice sword at her side, away from Zaro, though as it wasn't real steel the precaution wasn't really necessary, as if to test its new balance and weight. Pleased enough, the swordswoman looked to the dragoness again. Her pale hand brushed a few errant strands of milky white hair out of the way. Then, as abruptly as anything else she had done, the manacled woman settled into a fighting stance once more. The smaller girl's face became a mask of stoicism as she brought her 'sword' out in front of her and moved her right hand behind her back.

Tamonten shifted her feet in the warm sand as her training partner spoke. But Zaro's challenge didn't go unheeded. Only a few moments after the giant uttered her readiness for the match to begin, the pale-skinned swordswoman rushed forward wordlessly. That time, however, she was more careful. The mighty dragoness had her outclassed in both power and reach. Even if the shield-maiden was intent on remaining on the defensive, there was no excuse for the white-haired girl to get sloppy in her attack. She jabbed her sword towards the other warrior's legs a few times before dancing away. None of the strikes were intended to hit, merely to test her opponent's defense. The first barrage went low, aiming for the genetically bred female's legs, and then she backed away. On her return, however, she circled for the spear-wielder's left side, making a few more measured thrusts as she did so, then carefully backing off to approach from another angle. The possessed woman was determined to find the flaws in Zaro's defense, even if it took her the rest of the day.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro'Alk -> Tamoten.
Beach, Rocky End.

Smut-free Tamonten -> Zaro "Come at me, bro" Alk.

The swordswoman nodded at her sparring opponent's words. She left the flint in the sand for the time being, having no practical place to store it that wasn't likely to end very painfully for her. The pale-skinned human brought herself to her feet and took a few steps away from the more imposing warrior. Tamonten brought her blackened arm up, waving the practice sword at her side, away from Zaro, though as it wasn't real steel the precaution wasn't really necessary, as if to test its new balance and weight. Pleased enough, the swordswoman looked to the dragoness again. Her pale hand brushed a few errant strands of milky white hair out of the way. Then, as abruptly as anything else she had done, the manacled woman settled into a fighting stance once more. The smaller girl's face became a mask of stoicism as she brought her 'sword' out in front of her and moved her right hand behind her back.

Tamonten shifted her feet in the warm sand as her training partner spoke. But Zaro's challenge didn't go unheeded. Only a few moments after the giant uttered her readiness for the match to begin, the pale-skinned swordswoman rushed forward wordlessly. That time, however, she was more careful. The mighty dragoness had her outclassed in both power and reach. Even if the shield-maiden was intent on remaining on the defensive, there was no excuse for the white-haired girl to get sloppy in her attack. She jabbed her sword towards the other warrior's legs a few times before dancing away. None of the strikes were intended to hit, merely to test her opponent's defense. The first barrage went low, aiming for the genetically bred female's legs, and then she backed away. On her return, however, she circled for the spear-wielder's left side, making a few more measured thrusts as she did so, then carefully backing off to approach from another angle. The possessed woman was determined to find the flaws in Zaro's defense, even if it took her the rest of the day.

Quietly pleased with the more lither Humanoid's enthusiasm for practice, and only happy to exercise in good spirit with such a eager female, Zaro's facial features remained much the same as before in either the bout or mere talking; calm, watchful and predatory in a genetic manner. The broad Dragonic blew air out of her nostrils and awaited the inevitable if harmless assault to come; Tamonten took her position and posture, sword to the side and enacted that stoic expression that did not seem entirely genuine; a little mirth always seemed to reach her intelligent eyes.

Once again a quiet moment formed before physical confrontation began in earnest; the pale female shot forwards with noticeably more care and attention to her movements, striking at the Giantess' long and thick legs which, by Zaro's instinctive commands shuffled backwards as well as to bring the spear down, batting the initial strikes and then mossing the next volley that arrived much more quickly then the previous bout. This time she did not mentally psyche herself up, but the adrenalin of conflict, both lethal and painless, began to course through her veins. With the guard up and spear working to defeat the aggressor's forward strikes, Zaro began to shift around her foe in a circling motion, being forced to give ground just as before but tried not to allow Tamonten to gain momentum or to get too close - being larger and heaver allowed more force and range but her lighter counterpart had speed, the freedom of space and did not have to allow her own weight to help in movement. The Giantess was well aware that her own grace and agility came from effort and momentum, thus turning on the spot or reaching the ground was a slow affair then her light-footed 'enemy'.

The continued offence by the marble-smooth female was a contrast to the total calm of the beach and ocean itself, a soothing backdrop to a steadily intensifying ritual in a way. So far the defence held well, and so she watched and waited, her face giving nothing away of the plans forming in her mind...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan the pure -> Nadia the lewd

Nadia twitched just slightly at Bakan's initial response, but nodded as well. It was true enough... Even though she herself wasn't exactly the most firm follower of that particular philosophy, at least not here on this island. "I see.... Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. There are many beings here who would not be so.... Gentle, as I am sure you were. But, yes, it was wrong for the two of you were forced into that, particularly for her first time. I am only curious, but you seem a holy man to me, so might I ask if it was your first.... Experience, as well, Bakan?"

She listened intently, and brightened visibly at the mention of Ashloriel. "You are her charge!? You are extremely lucky, Bakan. She would want me to wish you well, if she knew that I had met you." She saw his dreamy expression, and smiled even more broadly, truest joy upon her face as she beheld the expression. It was an angel's mission in life to inspire such in mortal beings, after all, and even if she wasn't the cause of it, Nadia was happy all the same. "She's lucky to have you as well, it seems! Though, at your age, I don't think she would mind a lewd thought here and there!" She said, giggling slightly at the last part.

"You are correct, of course. Ashloriel is almost an archangel, and has never allowed darkness to touch her. I am.... Not so old, or so lucky, I am afraid. I am very young for my kind in fact, and have a less than stellar track record all things considered." Nadia said, also turning to look out into the woods once more, her expression similar, but with far less happiness about it than the blissful one Bakan had worn.
Bakan heated visibly as she asked him if it was his first time during the session with Tomoe. He hadn't thought much on the fact, but it was in fact the first time his member ever went 'there,' amidst all the other crazy happenings, though he still couldn't help but feel violated somehow in a match before that. He couldn't fathom why, however. "I'm far from a holy man. Maybe in a perfect world I would be, but the only one I know who'd fit that title is my brother. He cried when he accidentally killed a tiny insect, swearing that all life was precious. I tried to comfort him by telling him it wasn't a big deal, but he had none of it." Bakan laughed as he said that. "I truly wonder if I'll ever see that naive brother of mine. He's probably getting into trouble as we speak..."

Bakan nodded an agreement with Nadia at her comment to be lucky to have been paired with Ashloriel. But at her second mention, he had to be modest. "That's a rather bold statement, actually," he told Nadia, looking over to her. "Would an angel truly be lucky to carry a mere human being as her charge? And perish the thought of such intimacy between us, lest I be struck by lightning for merely glancing over the topic with her name."

Nadia seemed to take the conversation down towards a darker topic, causing Bakan to look ahead as well, and go silent as she spoke. He couldn't help but feel the bothersome sensation of pity for her at what he assumed she meant. "... I'm sorry," was all he replied in the end, turning his head away from her in an attempt to brush away the brief thought of the angel next to him suffering at the hands of the creatures which he had fought for the past 4 years, off and on as they came and went. He was not one to remain ignorant of the woman's plight during those times. Even the strongest of women were said to have been made victim of the beasts, among the other women even Bakan himself rescued; most of which were warriors themselves who were defeated. Claws, arrows, deadly tails, terrifying magics... Bakan recalled suffering injuries at the end of those dangers. And against the most terrifying of them all... He recalls Ashloriel, swooping down from the skies above, and laying waste to his foes when the moment seemed dire. The first time he saw Ashloriel's power, his stomach trembled as he fell to his knees, humbled by how insignificant he felt in comparison.

Eyes drooping down to stare at the earth below, Bakan tensed visibly, "Unlike my brother, I do not think all life is precious. I use my weapon with full intent to take the lives of monsters. I'm sorry that I could not have been there to protect you from the evil that reached you. I would protect everyone, if I only had the power to do so."


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Tamonten

Hotsprings -> Café
The starving serpent and her lusty maid enter the café and sits down in an empty corner, quickly ordering a 3 course meal for both of them.
Nomming down the appetizer in one bite, Auralice gets a naughty idea on her mind, slithering her tail up between Tamonten's legs, the serpent teases the maid's slit with the tip of her tail.
"If you can finish the meal without cumming, I'll give you a 'special' dessert~ and be sure to chew your food thoroughly, wouldn't want any stomach aches hmm?"
Auralice continues with her meal, giggling mischievously as she peeks towards the maid struggling with the challenge as the scaly tail rubs against her nether.
Soon done with the main dish, the fae-naga looks at the human and slowly eats the dessert, making very overacted actions as she taunts the maid by moaning and licking her lips erotically, taking her time with each bite at the delicious finish to such a fine meal to ensure it lasted until her slave swallowed the last piece of her own meal.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe, the agreeable miko -> Tamonten, smutty edition

It is another monument of smut! Run while you still can!

Going along with the suggestion of the other girl, Tomoe started paddling towards the other end of the pool and the spot she had been pointed towards. Even with her energy partially returned and the ability to walk there, the pale female offered a supporting shoulder to the priestess. "I... could've managed, but thanks.." she offered a few bows of the head, the trip made somewhat more awkward by the magical dick occasionally swiping her thighs as they went. Doing her best to ignore the conjured weapon, the miko advanced and eventually reached the chosen spot, an almost altar-like rock on the edge of the pool.

With both of them there, the pale female turned more assertive once more. She instructed Tomoe to set herself against the rock with her hands as support. It was more than a little suggestive, this pose the miko had to set herself in. The color-handed girl could quite conveniently set upon her from behind if such was her desire, brutally burying the demon-powered member inside either hole, such was the presentation she had been ordered to set her shapely form into. "This is... so embarassing..." the easterner thought as she posed for a quick moment. But another line followed soon after the first as the girl wrapped those funky arms around her midsection and whispered into the priestess' ear to maintain her balance and not let herself slip away from the flat rock. Following the instruction, Tomoe could feel the other female sliiiiiding down her work once more, doing some more skinship. It soon dawned on the easterner why she had been instructed to assume this position and maintain balance on the lightly wet rock slab. As the girl went down, the previously grabby arms looped around and went between the shrine maiden's legs, allowing her to be lifted off the water. With her shapely form now balancing only on the other's shoulders and her own hands, Tomoe felt extremely awkward as she could feel both the gaze and breath of the partner upon her womanhood.

Why the white-haired girl had chosen such a pose to initiate the next act was beyond Tomoe's comprehension, though she did briefly consider the amount of exposure such an awkwards set-up would offer. But those thoughts vanished from her mind as that slavering tongue once more found her pink flesh-flower and the tiny nub embedded into the upper portions, ravenously setting upon them with the dual intention of tasting and pleasure while those hands sought out her soft buttcheeks to rub into, the shrine maiden thought in her hazy mind as the almost acrobatic act went on. Only a few joyous minutes of tongue-lashing passed before the priestess was going on full moan-mode, the sounds of joy now somewhat louder than before. Despite her pleasure rising steadily and providing her with the reason to go on, the easterner couldn't help but think if the other girl was doing the whole difficult pose and moan-mode intensity on purpose. After a while, the whole deal began to feel strenuous on her arms. "Let me down.. please..." she pleaded at the pale girl, who actually seemed to have the same ideas in mind as the act stopped and she began to get lower towards the water once more. But as to not let the heat of the touching and licking die down, Tomoe was set on her back atop the stony slab, where the whole act started once more with an additional element of joy entering the zone. A few slender digits started an exploration inside the miko's womanhood, going around as if searching for something specific among the fleshy walls of her interior. After a tedious minute or two, it looked and felt like she found the sought after thing. A few rubs against a specific spot had Tomoe moaning like crazy, an insane wave passing through her shapely frame with each touch across that joy spot. Layed out on the smooth rock altar, the shrine maiden was going off again within a relatively short period of time, under the eyes of the girl who was nothing if eager to drink up the hot liquids that accompanied her 4th climax within the last couple of hours. As had been the case previously, the attentions did not cease until the eastern woman had lived down her release.

Feeling quite spent, Tomoe panted for breath on the rocky bed of sorts she had been set onto, those formidable breasts of her rising and lowering in the rhythm of her breathing. She was not allowed too much time however, and after a brief minute or so she was lowered down into the pool's hot waters. Once the busty eastern warrior lifted her head to see the other girl again, she realized that there she was, face-level with that demonic spear and the girl's honeyhole underneath as the partner had lifted herself up to the slab. She was spoken to again, the pale female asking if it was her turn.

Yet another awkward moment for the miko came up, she was supposed to provide the girl with pleasure this time. Having never done anything like this, it was a totally new thing for her to do. With a slight shakiness in her hand, Tomoe took a hold at the magical member, brushing away the owner's hand as she thought about different ways how it could possibly go. Supposedly some women pleased their males by taking them into their mouths, and this was what she would try to do. "I'm... not... entirely sure what... to do here, but I'll try..." the utterly unexperienced shrine maiden made excuses, stroking the stiff staff a few times before sliding her lips over it. Ignoring the taste and feel of the thing, she instead tried to maintain a level of pleasurable sucking to please the pale girl. While she did this, the miko sought set her own hand into the girl's flower, rubbing around the wet hole to increase the potential ecstasy she might be dealing out. Keeping up this set of actions, she varied the sucking with a little bit of licking as well, taking the member out and giving the tip a taste of her own tongue-lashings before taking it back in as dep as she possibly could. Once a certain level of pleasurable reactions had been reached, she would detach and move to another phase. Going as close as possible, the busty priestess planned on utilizing said assets, having heard of such a manner of pleasing as well. Placing the already worked demon dick between her ample orbs, she followed up on the act by wrapping up her arms around the deal, squeezing the erect tool inside a snug breast-pussy. Gauging up the reactions once more, Tomoe started sliding the breasts up and down in the tight squeeze to emulate a standard intercourse, only with boobies instead of the usual honeyhole. Once suitable gasps of pleasure started showing, she would clamp her mouth over the tip again, intent on driving home an orgasm on the girl who had so eagerly taught her to enjoy these kinds of acts. Even with her clumsy technique, the shrine maiden hoped she would be able to please. "Is this... good?" the raven-haired beauty inquired from her partner as she continued with the tight rub.


Mar 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

There was something overly hollow about Nerzalil as she approached the half-dragon. She nodded agreement to Alex, though she had rules to stipulate. “In combat, yes. We might be going to one of these sex arenas, but I only want to fight. If you can limit yourself to that… well, something tells me it won’t be a problem.”

(Teleporting to the mud pit if challenge is accepted)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan the pure -> Nadia the lewd

Bakan heated visibly as she asked him if it was his first time during the session with Tomoe. He hadn't thought much on the fact, but it was in fact the first time his member ever went 'there,' amidst all the other crazy happenings, though he still couldn't help but feel violated somehow in a match before that. He couldn't fathom why, however. "I'm far from a holy man. Maybe in a perfect world I would be, but the only one I know who'd fit that title is my brother. He cried when he accidentally killed a tiny insect, swearing that all life was precious. I tried to comfort him by telling him it wasn't a big deal, but he had none of it." Bakan laughed as he said that. "I truly wonder if I'll ever see that naive brother of mine. He's probably getting into trouble as we speak..."

Bakan nodded an agreement with Nadia at her comment to be lucky to have been paired with Ashloriel. But at her second mention, he had to be modest. "That's a rather bold statement, actually," he told Nadia, looking over to her. "Would an angel truly be lucky to carry a mere human being as her charge? And perish the thought of such intimacy between us, lest I be struck by lightning for merely glancing over the topic with her name."

Nadia seemed to take the conversation down towards a darker topic, causing Bakan to look ahead as well, and go silent as she spoke. He couldn't help but feel the bothersome sensation of pity for her at what he assumed she meant. "... I'm sorry," was all he replied in the end, turning his head away from her in an attempt to brush away the brief thought of the angel next to him suffering at the hands of the creatures which he had fought for the past 4 years, off and on as they came and went. He was not one to remain ignorant of the woman's plight during those times. Even the strongest of women were said to have been made victim of the beasts, among the other women even Bakan himself rescued; most of which were warriors themselves who were defeated. Claws, arrows, deadly tails, terrifying magics... Bakan recalled suffering injuries at the end of those dangers. And against the most terrifying of them all... He recalls Ashloriel, swooping down from the skies above, and laying waste to his foes when the moment seemed dire. The first time he saw Ashloriel's power, his stomach trembled as he fell to his knees, humbled by how insignificant he felt in comparison.

Eyes drooping down to stare at the earth below, Bakan tensed visibly, "Unlike my brother, I do not think all life is precious. I use my weapon with full intent to take the lives of monsters. I'm sorry that I could not have been there to protect you from the evil that reached you. I would protect everyone, if I only had the power to do so."
Nadia the lewd -> Bakan the about to be spanked

The angel tilted her head as Bakan mentioned his brother, watching him and listening intently. "He sounds like a wonderful young man.... I'm sure that he has managed to keep out of the wrong sort of trouble. If only more of mortalkind were like the two of you...." She replied earnestly, but trailing off and turning to stare back into the woods as she finished.

She turned back to him when he spoke so modestly of himself, meeting his eyes and smiling once more. With utter confidence, Nadia calmly replied; "Yes. The power of a thing is not the sole measure of its worth, Bakan. Many of the most wondrous things in the world are tiny and utterly powerless. Though most mortals might not be as powerful as a demon or one of my kind, that does humans worth any less." As she continued, Nadia adopted a slight glint in her eye; "There is no shame in such thoughts for one whom you love, Bakan. Quite the opposite, in fact. Angels are beings of love as much as they are of battle, purity and power."

After her slightly morose tangent and Bakan's apology for it, Nadia simply shook her head and adopted a serene expression once more. "Oh, don't be sorry. It was by my own folly that I fell, and I have long since recovered from what was done to me. But..... I thank you for the sentiment, all the same."

As the man turned to stare at the ground, she watched him for a moment, smiling sadly, and after a moment of silence, Nadia very quietly said; "It is a sad thing, what you say. But in this, imperfect world, it is sometimes what is needed." She paused again, staring at him for a moment, before she continued; "You really would, wouldn't you? I was right. Ashloriel is very lucky to have you." Nadia turned away, and stared off into the woods, but she was smiling again.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

Ione kept her eyes trained and focused on the other alraune, never letting her out of her sight as she remained pressed up against a wall of the hot spring. Being around other alraune was something the plant girl had long since avoided, her earliest memories leaking in making her shudder with a cold chill despite the warmth of the pool. She hadn't expected to cross paths with another, but now being in the same pool as one she didn't have a choice anymore. She could only hope that this one was... different than the ones she originally stayed with, and that she would be much more hospitable too.

From the sound of her nervousness, it seemed less likely that the other alraune would be like the ones she remembered, but it wasn't nervousness that made her certain of that. The sound of genuine concern coming from her was what finally put Ione at certain ease, as from her memories the ones she remembered never showed even a sign of concern over her well being. The softness and timidness of her voice helped as well, though she did remember a few of the more... mischievous ones faking such presentment. She'd still have to be careful in dealing with this one, in case she pretending as well.

Taking a breath to calm herself, Ione scanned the other alraune before speaking. "I'm... I'm fine. I didn't hurt myself." The plant girl stopped briefly noting the various openings in the bamboo wall and the other plant girl's proximity to it. 'Just what was this other alraune doing in here? From how she's flustered it's almost as if she were spying too...' Ione shook her head at the thought, both trying not to be drawn into the scene again if she could help it and to keep her focus on the plant girl in front of her. "I... I came here to relax. To clear my thoughts, but perhaps this wasn't the best place to... keep my mind off certain things..." Ione briefly glanced in the direction that the two others enjoying themselves were, and it should be no mystery to the other alraune just what Ione was alluding to.

At the assurance that the abruptly arriving visitor hadn't been harmed by the mishap, Lily nods with a simple polite smile, "I am glad then. I have slipped on wet rocks myself, and know how it can be." she says softly, happy to allow the conversation to move on and away from anything about what she had been doing just previously. Lily quickly working on calming down and recomposing herself. A sensual moan drifting over from the neighbouring pool doesn't do much to help this, garnering a noticeable twitch and fleeting glance. "Um... I woke here a short time back." She continues in an awkward effort to block out the enticing display she'd been given such a good view of. "A woman with pink hair has explained this place to me, but I do not feel I truly understand it yet. Uh..." She trails off as another long moan interrupts her train of thought for a moment. "I was not aware there were other plant kin on the island."

Pausing, Lily considers how to best ask about her unusually coloured bathing partner's actual race and colouration. She would have passed it off as simple irrelevant differences of colour and region, had it not been for the strange fact that she could not find any mental presence of Ione, that would normally be detectable via the link she shared with her kin back home. Before she could find the words however, unavoidable songs of pleasure sounded out from the pair just beyond the flimsy natural veil. Impossible to ignore and too loud to talk over, Lily sits and fidgets in her spot across the Alraune's pool. One hand lightly balled and held over her chest, and the other dropping bellow the water and seeming to move to cover her crotch. Although at this distance and angle very little could be seen bellow the water line. From her expression it looked like she would have been about to say something else to Ione, but upon the increasingly arousing sounds issuing from the human and half human lovers, she becomes uncertain where to look at all. Her gaze shifting downwards and in the opposite direction to start with, before watching the display with guilty and very clear interest. The vocal cries of pleasure. That wonderfully shaped body. Those enticingly curved hips, surely perfect for holding a litter of tiny young blooms...

Suddenly screwing up her eyes and casting her gaze down at the water again, Lily scolds herself mentally. Her look of embarrassment conveyed pretty clearly that she was stumped for what to do in this situation. Whilst she would have felt guilty in any case, the inclusion of an unfamiliar alraune arriving at this time only made things all the more difficult for her. Despite having considerably improved relations with the "Yellow Flower Troupe" she knew from back home, one thing she had never been able to take part in was discussions regarding was lusting over human females. She had always found the topic, the way they enthused about it, and their attitudes towards the women vulgar. This wasn't to say she didn't have her own thoughts and fantasies, but she kept them separate from the other plant kin, and was especially careful to never think of them too openly lest it be heard. Thank the stars that this bright bloom before her didn't seem to have any link with her right now. If it was anything like the others it would likely suggest any moment now that they both jump the humans together and seed them.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

"Hmm... I'm pretty tired, actually, so I don't think I want to go out and about for a walk. I was hoping for a nice, quiet evening... I do have an idea, though" Luciana replied, walking over to a closet and pulling out a few lengths of rope. "You look nice and fluffy" she muttered, walking over to Iggy and starting to tie his arms tightly behind his back. When they were secured she moved on to his legs, tying his lower legs to his thighs with another piece of rope, then tying that to the other around his arms, preventing him from moving. She stepped back for a moment, admiring her work, and then yawned with a little stretch. "That should work" she said, lifting the foxboy up and placing him on the bed. "You'll make a nice pillow." Iggy was angled a little strangely, but Luciana was satisfied with the comfort as she laid her head on the foxboy's tummy, her hands reaching around to pull his fluffy tail up next to her as she curled up. "Goodnight" she said with a yawn, slowly drifting off to sleep.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Iggy -> Luciana

Iggy blushes upon realizing he revealed one of his deep, fark personal fetishes to a complete stranger. His blush deepens upon being referred to as being fluffy, but his contented tail wagging quickly faded as he was jerked aside and had his arms tied behind his back. He squirms as his limbs were bound into a secure hogtie. Iggy squeaks upon discovering he was to be used as a pillow. He moas softly as the succubus's soft hair rested against his sensitive tummy. He whimpers as he laid there being used as a fluffy fox-boy body pillow.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

After a long night's sleep Luciana awoke, yawning and stretching as she got up from her pillow. Iggy seemed to have fallen asleep, and still was, so Luciana wondered briefly what to do. His debt to her was paid after the night, so he was no longer her slave, though she didn't want to untie him just yet... Instead she silently began to stroke his cock, waiting for him to wake up.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Iggy -> Luciana

Iggy moans lewdly as his manhood was stroked by the mischievous succubus. He awoke with a start and squirms about in his bindings.
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Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

Although still wary, the other alraune's smile and kind words helped assure Ione further, and to it she could feel herself relax somewhat in the presence of the other plant girl. As their conversation continued however, the sound of lewd moans drifting from the neighboring pool abruptly interrupted them, awkwardness filling the air between them. 'Wait... that sounded closer...!?' As the other alraune fidgeted across from her, Ione joined in those fidgets as she tried further to combat her lustful desires. If it weren't for the sudden injection of the other two people, the plant girl was sure that her conversation with the other alraune would have continued, briefly noting how she had seemed to want to say something.

As the sounds echoed about, eventually it became too much for Ione to ignore and she found her gaze slowly drift over to the sight of the pale woman and Tomoe. They were definitely closer now and in plain view as well, and even from where Ione stood in the water she could make out their movements in great detail. The alraune found herself frozen in place, her eyes going wide as she was entranced by the sight, watching intently as Tomoe was carried and eaten out by the other woman, and then laid down on a supporting rock, the treatment continuing. Feeling heat rising through her again, Ione managed to pull her eyes away from the sight of Tomoe's shapely form being worked on to look to the other alraune, only to catch her in the act of watching the scene herself!

Luckily, the other plant girl chose to glance down when she pulled her own eyes away from the sight, missing Ione's look of mild surprise at catching her spying. She didn't know why she felt surprise at catching her spying, other alraune usually enjoyed such acts, though perhaps not as much as she found herself enjoying them. For a moment, the position of the other plant girl's hands gave another jolt of surprise through Ione's mind, as from where she stood it almost appeared as though she reaching to her crouch to... 'No... no that can't... be what she's doing...' She thought to herself, though she had to note it would have been yet another act the alraune she remembered from her past didn't indulge so freely in front of her with.

Ione decided then and there to take a risk, and mustering a little courage she slowly moved toward the other alraune. Her movement through the spring disrupted the water sending waves here and there, and were mired by an obvious nervousness in her gait. As she finally reached the other plant girl, that very same nervousness was clearly evident on her own face, along with something else in her eyes that could only be discerned as distrust. Briefly another loud moan disrupted them, causing Ione to flinch at the sound with her face growing slightly brighter. Despite this, the alraune kept her nervous gaze on the other plant girl before finally finding something to say. "I... thought I was the only one as well. I'm not sure how to feel... about meeting another. It's been... a long time since I met... others. I wasn't planning on meeting others either..."

Ione felt a moment of tenseness fill the air as the remark left her, before turning to look at the other alraune inquisitively. "You... you do seem different though..." The plant girl made to say something else, but suddenly thought better of it, wrapping her arms around her chest defensively, still giving the other a nervous unsure look.