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The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
  • In the near future, a prophecy will be made. A mutation will occur as man will turn to beast and plunge the world into an age so dark, there can be no light of hope. It's a curse, 1000 years in the making by Lucifer's 13th wife, Yylbralin... and it may have been discovered too late. Enter now the Irrumation Society, founded by ten psychics who've been given the sight of our doom only a decade ago. They all agree on one thing: the prophecy must be stopped! The way to break the curse is clear... to plant the seed of the chosen ones deep into the throats of the marked women thus creating a beacon that will cleanse the darkness around her. Some of the marked have come fourth to assist in the endeavor of the Irrumation Society but it's not enough! It's most unfortunate but some must be taken by force... that's where you come in chosen one.

  • They game is set in fictional modern day Snowmaple City in the fall. You'll be playing as a select man, (or herm if that's what you're into) known as a 'chosen one' who is sent out into the world on a very specific mission to throatfuck a very specific person with your team. The team being, of course, other players who decide to join. As the DM of this game I will be running the NPCs; describing scenes and basically creating the world around you. Becareful though! You can lose in this game, you're not immortal and you can get hurt. You will be facing challenges in the game to get to the target. Also, did I mention that usually there's an especially 'dangerous' and perhaps 'killer' NPC lurking around? Something evil is usually tracking the marked woman and they only get more dangerous. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

    Let me also add that throughout the game, after a mission is completed, you'll be given a chance to better your character... a "level up" if you will.

  • - All in-character posts, (IC) will be posted in the main story thread. Other out of character, (OOC) posts will be posted here.
    - It's true, I'll be creating the female targets that you're going after and I am a dude. More then likely, you'll be sharing said target with another dude. If this makes you uncomfortable then it's best to picture it like this: you're not RP-ing with me per say, I'm just writing an erotic story around what's happening. Otherwise, maybe this isn't the game for you? :/
    - Don't break the game please. If you're being sent to Hong Kong for your next target, don't pull of your clothes and go streaking out into the snow. Pretty much: don't be a dick... even if you are throat-fuckers.
    - Continuing from what I was just saying, if you decide to go down a rapist or evil route, it will reflect back onto the story. Causes and effects if you will. I'm not saying you shouldn't since it's your character and you're free to play him(herm) as you wish but just be aware is all.
    - Sex with team: How do I put this?... This is for the most part, a pretty 'straight' story. Sure, dicks might touch if you put them both into the same mouth like them pornstars do but that's the extent of it. If you are gay, all the power to you! I support your rights. However, for this story, it's a straight man-on-girl story so yeah. If you're a dick-girl, that's okay... do it if you want to. In fact, gives me a break from DMing I suppose, lol!
    - If you've already posted earlier, please be patient. At least give the other player a 12-hour window before you carry on doing what you're doing.
    - No character hi-jacking: It's usually a newbie mistake to make, (I've been guilty of it before) but please try not to take control of other characters. I know it's tempting if you find yourself on a sudden roll, but please resist.
    - Follow the forum's rules! I know I will.

    I think that's it. If you'd like to suggest anymore rules please post them in this thread.

Character Creation:
  • More simple than you realize. Do it like this:

    1) Pick a gender: Man or dick-girl?

    2) Choose a body-type: Athletic; Overweight; Scrawny; Average; Small; Scarred

    3) What was your job/career before being a 'chosen one' of the Irrumation Society?

    4) What is one skill or thing you're very, very good at? (You are an expert in this.)

    5) What are two skills that you're kind of good at? (You're pretty good at these.)

    6) What are three skills you're simply able to do? (You're capable at this.)

    7) Besides clothes and a wallet (w/ $40 in spendable cash), what 3 things would your character carry around with him/her often? (hint: Definitely involve the former profession here).

    8) Name your character.

    9) Optionally, you should also add a little backstory to your character. It's not required but will help with flavour and the game.

    That's it! You're done. If you have any suggestions; requests or questions about character creation, just leave a post here.

Dickgirl Rules:
  • - If you are playing a dickgirl in this game, you will be primarily female.
    - You are allowed to have the 2 sets of genitalia, (1 male, 1 female) or just have a big ol' dick.
    - You are allowed 1 set of balls if you want them.
    - Cock size, same as the men, will be realistically large.
    - Added note: Monsters and dickgirls aside, this will be a relatively realistic game... but clearly not a game based in realism. Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, I think that's all. Just keep in mind, all OOC posts will be made here.

To keep track of current items/inventory, please click here.

To see the guide for leveling-up your character, please click here.

To see rules for combat and taking wounds, click here .
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

We have a sub-forum now guys!! YEAAHHHH!!! Please repost your characters here if able please, thanks. :)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Eh what the hell I'll go ahead and give it a shot and see what happens. Also Blarg I like the Top Gear reference there, made me lol.

Name: Lilia Lotus. (age: 24, and stands about 5'5" tall, and has green eyes.) ( )

She's a futa.

She's athletic.

She used to be a computer programmer at a company, making all sorts of programs for them after college, which cost her quite a bit of money, so she often did porn flicks to make extra money to help pay for college, mostly with women.

She's very good at martial arts. (Specifically barehanded wushu martial arts styles.)

She's kind of good with a computer, specifically hacking and programming. She is also kind of good at improvising with her surroundings regardless of the situation.

She's alright with guns, at running, and at perception (i.e spotting anything out of the ordinary and whatnot).

Other than her purse since she's more girly and her clothes, she always wears a sword pendant necklace around her neck, that hides a 64 gigabyte flash drive with stuff on it for her laptop, which she also almost always has with her in a bag to hack and do other computer things. She also has a pair of goggles that can switch between night vision and thermal vision that she managed to get her hands on after saving a lot of money from her erotic movie making, as well as a concealed pistol on a leg holster with a couple of magazines for it of course since it'd be stupid to have a gun and no mags for it. (A Heckler and Koch USP compact firing 9mm bullets. Can find all needed info about it )

Lilia was born a futa and is quite girly in body and mind, though she swings more towards girls than men herself. She's a fairly nice girl and rarely lets her anger get the better of her, she tries to help those in need when possible, and isn't afraid to fight when necessary, though she will often try to find a way to keep from fighting if she can, but not always. She takes very good care of herself, but doesn't leave her home for much else other than to exercise and her work, and also for essentials such as groceries and whatnot. She exercises every day with a set of pushups and situps before breakfast and again before bed, and when she can she goes for a jog in the early morning, though when she can't she just does a few more pushups and situps. She is quite good when it comes to computers, writes all sorts of programs and whatnot, and she likes to collect weapons of all kinds, but she always carries her H&K USP compact pistol with her when she goes out anywhere as a just in case measure if her martial arts fail her. Speaking of which, she also knows many barehanded wushu martial arts styles and forms that she started learning from a very young age and just kind of kept learning more of them as she got older, to date learning and mostly mastering several. Another hobby she has is playing the fiddle, which she does when she gets the chance from work or whatnot. Also, even though she wears glasses most of the time, she only needs them for reading and not to be able to actually see.

After finishing school, Lilia kind of just kept her job as computer programmer since she was making pretty decent money to live on, and she still does on occasion perform in porno flicks. The story behind that is that her roommate at school, who was one of her best friends while she was at school, told her that she knew a way for her to make a good deal of extra money, so Lilia, who had nothing better to do and figured it'd be good to make some extra money decided to take her up on the offer. When she got there, Lilia was instantly adored for being a futa and when she did the deed she was again admired for her incredible libido which allows her to go multiple times before having to stop. So every now and then after college when she needed some extra cash or when she had nothing better to do, she would call her friend up and see if there was any work for her, averaging about one porno flick per month or so after leaving college, sometimes more sometimes less. While she was in college though she was doing as many as one to two per week, though it was good money and kept her well satisfied so she couldn't complain much really since it pretty much put her through college. She of course works for the Irrumation Society now.

[Let me know if this is a little too much]

A question I would like to ask is, will these supposed enemies we'll be doing battle with over said women rape our characters if we lose? Or something to that effect anyway? It would make sense that it probably would happen to me at least since you did state that there would be monsters of sorts in this game.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Think of said monsters as "wink murder". They're there but if you want to fight them, you'll need to discover who they are. I'll try me best to explain it when I DM during the game. As for monsters raping you? Haven't really put thought into that. For the most part, him/her/it/they will try and kill you if they find out your a threat.

The fact that the 'Irrumation Society' is a secret is to your benefit because if you do have an enemy during the game, they won't know who you are. Play your cards right, you might know who they are... and vice versa.

Also, reposting the character sheet jpg I made... no one is going to use it but whatever...


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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Goddamn my facefucking fetish, I'll bite. (did no one pick up on this or was it just not funny? <_>;)

Linnéa Alfhild Ljungstrand. Delicious Swedish girls.



They say she has five internal testicles, and she once crossed the Norwegian countryside with only a turtle and a Japanese animator as company. All we know is, she used to be... a STUNT DRIVER.

She's badass at VEHICLES. (Driving, hot-wiring, whatever - gearhead as fuck. Man can she fly, too, or would that have to be a different skill? Because flying would be pretty boss.)

She's pretty good with her SMOOTH, SILVERED TONGUE and PARKOUR. (I changed Smooth-talker to that because I also wanted to be rockin' at oral. >.>; I'm not sure if that's cool or not. Because man. Oral. Uuhhh also seduction kindaish.)


Besides clothes and her wallet, she has her KEYS to her unassuming sedan, her SMARTPHONE (Android!), and her awesome RUNNING SHOES.

In her undies!

In a swimsuit. Except like, she'd probably have a bulge.

Linnea is an adrenaline junkie, and aaa that's all I got. She could probably theoretically pass as a (very pretty) man, since she's pretty flat.


Fuck, all I can definitively pick out is that W's are V's, and 'the' are 'dee' and 'di' and very unemphasized and flown over and shit. Stresses are different, too, but I can't place the patterns well enough to emulate that shit. A's sound abbreviated I think?
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

I was contacted by Bloodshifter who said he was at a friend's house so he can't post anything today I think. Meanwhile, just waiting on plmnko to get back in touch.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Im a little busy right now making others post as i work, maybe i will post at a pair of hours


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

That's okay plmnko. All I really need from you right now is your character sheet copied to this thread. In the IC thread we're still waiting on Bloodshifter.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Name: Julia Stones





Acrobatics and Seduction

Lockpicking, Judo, and Running

Tools of the Trade, Catsuit, and Tazer.

Julia was a former Thief until she tried to rob the Society. It was all going well she had 'picked up' information that the Society had something 'special' locked away the woman wasn't too specific on WHAT was in there despite Julia's form of 'interrogation' running down on her luck she decided to try it anyways. Completely full of shit no prize was locked away only a cabal of nerds who think the world would end unless a few selected people go ahead and facefuck other women... not the craziest thing she heard considering Egypt and that 'blessing' from the Vizer. She decided from then on to take up running as a hobby to escape crazy men threatening from putting a penis on her and then sleeping with herm and the wife.

Well back home but its late so i'll post in the Morning. Sorry folks I traded ya for a 62" TV.:)


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

lol! No problamo Bloodshifter. You rest that weary head of yours.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Name: Lennet Something


Body: Small

Ocupation: Med. School Graduate

Very good at Explosives

Good at Pharmacology, Medicine

She is fine with Technology, Running and Hidding things (to use to hide myself and bombs, mostly)

Equipment: Bomb Kit, Chemisty Set, Doctor's Kit.

Backstory: After endeed her carrer she continue her usual hobby of bomb making and drug seller. Having an inspiration of do the best with both worlds so she could heal and blow up things if needed.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Fantastic. I will delete the old thread. Hopefully, we can officially get this game underway :)


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Bloodshifter will get the last post before I open the doors and everything is set in motion.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Ok, iim still half sleep anyway : p


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Uhh I think you might've got some names mixed up HK.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

OOPS! Sorry. There are a lot of Ls after all ^^. Fixed!


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

So it appears Bloodshifter hasn't appeared in 2 days now. With who we have now I think I'll simply continue the game and Bloodshifter's character can jump in later. Is that okay with everyone? If so, I'll make a post in a few hours.

EDIT: So, waited the whole day to give everyone enough time. Getting this party started.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Ok, i guess than we can continue this.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

If you see spelling errors in that manual page, I'm very sorry. I kind of hastily put it together.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

I just got a PM from Bloodshifter who's been unable to play because of personal issues unfortunately. If everyone's up for it I'll run this as a 3-man game but only for Chapter 1.