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The Irrumation Society (IC)


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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// Before I begin, please note that this thread is for 'in character' posts only. All other posts like questions, comments, etc... can be made in the OOC thread here: Irrumation Society OOC Thread.. If you aren't a player feel free to watch as the action unfolds.//

Chapter 1: Make it or Break it.
"They always choose wrong... always the wrong choice.
It makes me so sad I want to cry. I wonder if she'll do it?
I wonder if she'll choose her own adventure? I wonder if she'll choose correctly?
... Heh, who am I kidding?
Bitches always choose wrong."
- A Mysterious Man

You find yourselves in Snowmaple City in the autumn season. It's a bustling metropolis during the day and the night life is just as vibrant. However, you have work tonight... your first job at the Irrumation Society. Instead of the night life pavement you find your feet on square marble slabs in a long, grey lobby. Looking around you see others, like yourself, playing the waiting game in the waiting room.

In front of two large oaken doors you can see a singular secretary at her desk, typing away and writing down words. She's rather pretty; short black hair with a sexy librarian type look to her. Those doors behind her though easily steal notice. What awaits you behind them? Your goal has been explained to you as has your purpose... but despite all that, it's your first mission. Are you perhaps nervous? Or maybe you have nerves of steel and ready for anything?

Minutes pass and it's not as if the waiting game can't be beat. What are you doing as time passes?


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

// plmnko wrote //

Unable to expect what she could see or do, Lenneth got inside the building cited by the instructions that she had received a week ago. All these new events had made her been completely distressed the last new days and she feared the worst could happen or somehow someone like her could accomplish this. She is short, below average height with a size of 1.54m; her feminine body has sexy curves and she always tried to be in shape, exercising everyday before her work and classes from the last year. These days she has been completely focused on clandestine hobbies where she makes bombs and drugs to sell to earn money. She's a complete expert and has so far gone unnoticed with her activities. She has kept her man-parts hidden during her scholarly life until suddenly she was called here.

She assumed the secretary would soon start to explain the mission, yet Lenneth remains mostly rambling, trying to comb and play with her long, blue and cyan hair and making her own green eyes look at her possible partners. Until she's given the orders, she will just sit and check her equipment, unsure of how to break the ice.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Looking around as she came in and sat down in a chair across from the short cyan haired girl, Lilia noticed that there were two other girls in there besides the one she was sitting near that are supposed to be like herself from what she'd heard, and she also noticed the quite sexy secretary lady sitting at her desk across the room, and the large oaken doors behind her which caught Lilia's eye also, where she figured the ones they would be working for were. Now Lilia is generally a very patient girl, but she couldn't help but feel slightly nervous, just like her first time on the set of one of her porno flicks she'd done, she'd been quite nervous then, but the girls she'd been paid to have sex with on camera were very friendly and helped her calm herself before going out by chatting and getting to know her.

But that was then and this was now, and Lilia decided that she would do something to occupy her time and so looked around at her companions, figuring it best to get to know them some since they were to be working together and all, her gaze stopped on the short cyan haired girl to her left since she was the closest at the moment.

"Hey there, I'm Lilia, Lilia Lotus. What's your name?" Lilia said, looking at the short cyan haired girl and reaching across the open area between them to shake her hand, but speaking loud enough so that the others could hear her as she glanced over to look around to the other two. "Why don't you two come on over here with us so we can get to know each other some before they come to talk to us or have us brought back there," Lilia said to the other two girls, shaking their hands as they came over if they decided to.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lin hated waiting. Waiting was the dead space between exciting things happening - waiting was going over everything that could go wrong and letting it eat away at your surety that it would all go right. Her hands were in her pockets as she slouched in her chair, and they were shaking.

They often did shake, the first time she did something that got her pumped up. She'd shook like this the first time she went sky-diving, shook like this the first time she'd hopped off a peaked spire to slide down an incline that ended on a ledge overlooking a several storey drop. Lots of people said such things were stupid, and she didn't blame them.

Now, she'd joined some kind of batshit cult, devoted to sticking her dick down random women's throats - and even cancelled out of her last contract and flown across the world to do it. Lots of people would've said such a thing was stupid, and she probably would've agreed.

But it was new. It was a challenge! Sure, she'd sweet-talked tons of girls and guys into sharing her bed with her, taken and given with both - a good number of 'em had been pretty wary of her completely unexplained (but very enjoyable) cock, but a lot of the time she'd worked her magic with her tongue , but she'd never done it with alleged doom hanging above her if she was spurned, or the prospect of having to rape them if they weren't interested. That meant she'd really have to step up her game. And that... got her excited.

Was she actually getting off on the thought of being a rapist...? Hmm... that was pretty sick. Well, she'd just have to make sure she was always good enough to charm her way into an invitation to take a stroll down the pink, fleshy carpet to Esophagus Street, wouldn't she?

She figured she should get some practice in. Rising, Linnea casually strolled over to the secretary. "Excuse me, if I could have a moment of your time...?"

It was a rather pointless question, which Lin used as an icebreaker to open up a conversation. She smiled and she gestured just right, to make the woman feel comfortable, showed her the right angles with the right look in her eyes to try and build attraction, and she slipped in a few compliments - minor ones, moving up to more flattering ones as she managed to draw the conversation out. Every now and then, she asked another question, to keep up the appearance that she required help from the woman, as she tried to make her interested in her.

I'm not smooth enough to ACTUALLY do that shit so I'll give a handwavey thing if that's okay. <_>
Would like to try to use dat silver tongue and stuff.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As Lilia approached the visibly nervous Lenneth, her shoes clicking against the marbled floor, Lin approaches the secretary. The librarian looking woman looked up at Linnea, removing her glasses to do so. "Mr. Roddinjam will see you in a minute" she replied kindly. She was about to resume working when she looked up at Linnea again and says, "you're that stunt driver aren't you? From the 'Silver Scorpion' movie?". The secretary smiled, clearly a fan of the said cult-classic. With Lin's skills and apparent, "star status" to the secretary if was easy enough to sweep her up in conversation.

From a closer point of view Lin notices the many folders stacked on her desk marked, 'Confidential' and 'Eyes Only'. On the desk was also a antique black rotary phone with symbols instead of numbers and a small bobble-head figure of 'Gabby', the lead character from 'Silver Scorpion'.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Though she was surprised, Lin took it in stride. "My, how could you tell? I was only a stunt driver - no face time at all!"

"Except for dat little snip in d'extras. I suppose it's good I only broke my arm in that crash - they vould have had to re-shoot it if I'd died like they thought at first, and it was a very good shot, ya?" She reached over the counter for a handshake. "Trevligt att träffas - Linnea, please to make your acquaintance. Might I have de pleasure of your name?"

Pushing the edge like she had that day did have the unfortunate consequences of often going very wrong when they did get out of hand - after all, the term was 'daredevil' for a reason. It wasn't so bad that time - with a little grit and a lot of fortune, she'd gotten back on the set to do a few more shots before it had been time to pack it in. Sans painkillers, of course. Anything strong enough to have helped would have clouded her reactions and just made it worse, so she'd waited until it was all done, and then had the on-set medical team bus her over to the hospital. Pretty fun day, all in all.

Oh well. It was the most fun when there was danger in it, anyway - so long as you played it smart and didn't take any stupid risks - the risks you could handle were fair game, of course - you'd usually be fine, barring freak events working against you. That knowledge that you had to be just perfect was what made it so worth it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As she was trying to get an answer for her little problem, a female voice call her attention. Lenneth turn to see from who that voice come, looking than brown haired girl get close her and for what it looks wants to shake her hand.

Nice to meet you Lilia, my name is Lenneth. The short girl shake the girl hand for a moment before let her continue asking to the others to come to talk between each other. Is this your first time coming to this place? for me this is all new and i have a lot of questions but maybe they will talk more with us. She stop talking for a moment to close her equipment. Do you eat something before come here, once they give us a mission we could go out to drink a coffee and eat an snack.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As Lenneth and Lilia were socializing, Lin was winning over the secretary. The girl smiled up at Lin, "I'm Vanessa and yes, I'm actually a pretty big fan of 'Silver Scorpion'. I know everything about that movie, including the stunt people." After revealing her name she leaned in, talking quietly, "you know... word around the office is that you guys are supposed to be some sort of new elite super-team. Is that true?" she asked. Vanessa rested her chin in her hand as she listened, clearly interested in what Lin had to say. Anyone with eyes and ears could tell that she was the office-gossip type of girl.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The black phone on Vanessa's desk rang, it's high-pitch mechanical bell vibrated throughout the room. She answered promptly, "yes sir, right away". She stands up and addresses all them, "Mr. Roddinjam will see you now". The large oak doors behind her now slowly open, beckoning the girls forward.

The next room was much more interesting then the lobby. The square room was lit by fluorescent walls and ceiling tiles. It was pleasantly bright, not harsh like some science-fiction interrogation room. At the center was a large wooden desk and behind that desk was a large leather chair. An old man was reading a folder full of stainless documents as he waited for the girls to come in. He sat with a straight-back on a chair that looked it could put most hard men to sleep with it's plushness. His stony face held a look of concern as he flipped through papers. Behind him were three bookshelves, an array of interesting objects in each of them. To those without a cool-head their unique nature perhaps seemed to invoke a feeling of dread if you stared at one for too long. How this old man, Mr. Roddinjam as he's called, managed to work so calmly everyday being surrounded by these strange artifacts is a mystery unto itself.

Vanessa looked to Lin, "I'll talk to you later. Good luck in there!"


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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea drummed her fingers against her chin as she thought how to reply, only to be cut off by the ring of desk's phone. She frowned, but then gave Vanessa a smile as she started to head through the door. "Förlåt, it vill have to vait for another time. Perhaps ve could go for coffee or something later, ya? Tack så mycket~"

When she walked into the room, she took a look at their presumed patron, but her eyes were drawn to the shelves behind him. The things arrayed there were, unusually, a little off-putting to look at, and not so much because they were ugly or gross looking, either. There was something strange about them, she reckoned... She thought it a good idea to examine them as best she could from where she was standing, to try and learn something of why they were so unsettling, or something of the sort.

After bowing and giving the man a greeting, of course.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

After have some talk with the mysterious glassed girl named Lilia, the whole group soon was taken to the next room where a strange old man was waiting for them. Lenneth take a time to see the whole fornitude of the room, some of the things were taking her attention a little, but for now she decide to focus on find out what this person would assign to them.

Giving a ussual greet, she soon place herself between the others girls, still unable to find out what they will do now and only having a little idea of their work after what she has manage to heard at the other room .

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Yeah I was just asked to come in for some reason or another, they said my expertise would be invaluable or something like that, and said they'd seen my movies and that I was perfect for what they needed. And yeah I did eat a little something before coming in, but I've got room left for a little something else after we get done here if you'd like to have a drink or something later hon," Lilia replied to Lenneth, shaking her hand and smiling at her and acting as friendly as she could.

While chatting with Lenneth a bit, but before they could really get into conversing too much, Lilia noticed the other girl, the Swedish one, talking with the secretary, who were also interrupted before getting into their conversation too much by a phone call. When the secretary beckoned them all forward and told them the boss was waiting for them, Lilia got up and nodded to the smaller Lenneth, offering a hand to help her up as she looked down at the smaller girl. Passing by the secretary, who seemed to have already taken a liking to the Swedish girl Lin, Lilia just quickly introduced herself as she went by, figuring she could talk to her later some more when they were done. Lilia's eyes were quickly brought from the old man in the chair to the interesting bookshelves behind him, where the strange items were sitting, that seemed to give all of the other girls pause she thought. She herself was normally calm and cool headed for the most part, and she didn't really believe too much in superstition to be honest, so the items didn't really bother her all that much... well maybe a little bit, but not a whole lot really... maybe she could take a closer look once they were through here to see what they were exactly.

Heading on into the room first, not that she really wanted to be or anything, but more just because she didn't really stop walking as she looked at the strange items he had on the bookshelves on her way in, "Hello sir, I'm Lilia Lotus. I believe we were all asked to come here for a very special job that we weren't really told all that much about to say the least, or at least I wasn't told all that much anyway. So... what are we to do exactly?" Lilia said to the man as she approached his desk cautiously, speaking in a calm and neutral tone and offering a hand to shake when she got to his desk.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Vanessa returned a nod to Lilia as she entered the office behind her. The girls had a lot of questions. They were new, the new ones always had questions but not all of them were ready for the truth.

He didn't stand for them. He had time for professionalism but apparently he had no time for hospitality. "Have a seat", he tells them as the floor in front of them opened up and 3 metal chairs arose. Lilia was more vocal about her concerns, "Hello sir, I'm Lilia Lotus. I believe we were all asked to come here for a very special job that we weren't really told all that much about to say the least, or at least I wasn't told all that much anyway. So... what are we to do exactly?" she asked. "I will get to that in a moment" was his reply.

For the girls who gazed at what lay behind him on the bookshelves, there was quite a bizarre arrangement of items. Most notable were: a black lion's paw; a jade skull; a two-headed raven; a crown of fangs; a bronze dagger; an albino cobra in a jar; a tribal mask that resembles a frog; a knight's helmet with three eye-holes and a leathery little man sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed... it appears to be breathing. There were more, such as actual books but these stood out the most. They all gave off the same foreboding aura. His desk, in comparison, was spotlessly clean. No coffee mugs; desk accessories or even a computer. On his desk were simply papers and a pen.

After a few seconds of quiet he began to talk. "For those who don't know me, I am Trot Roddinjam and yes, I am one of the ten heads that leads the Irrumation Society. You ladies have been drafted into a war and make no mistake, we are currently losing said war. Also yes, we're expecting to win against a darkness that no amount of bible thumping; prayer reciting or virgin sacrificing can hold back... except for what we do and what we expect you to do. You've probably studied our manual and thought to yourself, 'isn't there a better way?' and I can assure you girls there is no better way... this is the best way. This is why before I offer you this job, this mission, when the time comes and you begin to babble or weep for what you're about to do, remember this: Know the lives of billions are in your hands so you sack up and fuck whatever face lies before you with great abandon."

After a very intense speech he settles back down again and straightens his tie. "Now then, I will ask you to hold all questions until the end. However, knowing what I just told you and what our story is, are you ready to receive your first job? Because if you are not ready... I implore you to turn around now and forget this place. Understand?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Listening to the guy explain their purpose there, which was in effect the majority of what she'd read in the papers she'd been given beforehand, Lilia was a little concerned that he was asking them to go into this so blindly, which didn't sit well with her at all, and though she was also concerned about what they were being asked to do as well, it took a backseat to the former concern she had. She let him finish speaking before making her reply, thinking her words over a bit before talking again. "Well sir I'll go ahead and say what I'm sure we're all thinking at the moment and what most anybody would probably tell you... there is always a better way no matter what somebody says, you merely need to find it, but until we manage to find said way we'll have to do it like this. And if this will save lives, our own included, then I don't see how we have much choice if we're supposedly these rare sort of people the papers I received specified we were and that was why we were chosen," Lilia said, pausing afterward and indicating that she was willing to do this, though she only paused to take her seat, where she continued afterwards. "However sir, I and I believe the rest of us will probably need more to go on than just, we're supposed to fight a great evil by what will likely end up with us raping women and forcing them to swallow our seed, which is apparently special enough to stop the coming darkness somehow. Telling us to just sack up because we have to do it or else the world may end isn't going to cut it for me. So after you tell us our job, for those who stay, I believe we deserve to know some things. I hope you understand my concerns with this, because I am willing to help in what ways I can I assure you, it's just I don't like going into this whole situation blind without knowing as much as I can, both about you and your society, what sort of help we can expect from you, and our enemies of course... it just doesn't sit well with me. I suppose in a sense, to put it bluntly I'm saying I'll help, but on my terms, or at least some of my terms. I mean you're asking a lot of us, to fight and possibly die to help you, someone we don't even know, so you should at least be willing to give us a little in return," Lilia went on to say after her pause, speaking in a neutral tone the entire time to who was apparently their boss, or one of them. She hoped he didn't take her words the wrong way, but she meant each and every one of them, she was willing to do this, to fight the good fight as it were, but she wouldn't do so blindly, she would do it on her terms, not somebody else's.

As she waited for both his reply, which she hoped wasn't an angry one, and the other girls to speak up, Lilia took her glasses off and huffed on them, causing them to fog up a bit, where she then used her shirt to clean the insides of the lenses, then she repeated the process on the outside of them, wiping them again. Glancing over at Lenneth and then to Lin while she cleaned her glasses, Lilia wondered what their replies would be. Would they agree with her? Would the disagree with her? Or would they have their own concerns that they felt needed to be mentioned?


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lin elected to continue standing, her hands grasping the top of the chair that had come up for her to sit in. She'd seen them spy movies - there was always that one guy that said something dumb, and then their chair tilted back and he fell into a fire pit. Or an acid pit. Or piranha tank. She didn't know if a cult of facehumpers would have murderous features such as those, but... well, they DID have enough to inexplicably have metal chairs that rose out of the floor, so.

She also elected to shuffle slightly away from the other woman. She didn't want the gout of fire she may or may not be falling into shortly to singe her jacket.

Conveniently having taken up the middle space previously, she lightly hit the curviest of the trio, tipping her head just a little bit and whispering surreptitiously, "Did you get a manual??"


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Roddinjam stroked his beard and nodded as he listened Lilia and Lin speak. "Strange... I had assumed you'd all been given a manual. Luckily for you all, I have a spare". He opens a drawer under his desk and pulls out a small green book. He slid the book over his desk, a small thing that seemed like a pocket bible with a quarter of the thickness. "Keep this with you", he begins, "it will answer most of your questions, I assure you".

He waits for the girls to look it over.

"You girls are 'chosen ones' and only your seed can unlock the Beacons. Unfortunately, I don't have all night to explain 'Yllbralin's Curse' and the 'Council's Prophecy', that will have to come later and it's all in this manual", he taps on the small book. "However, I will add this: for every Beacon we activate, we weaken the curse and thus, save many, many lives... now then, for what dangers await you and what you're being led into tonight, I have it all in this case-file".

He looks to his right and a wall panel open ups which reveals a filing cabinet. The old man reaches out with his hand and the girls can see the cabinet open; a folder levitates out and seems to "fly" directly towards his outreached hand. He holds it sternly, "yes, this particular case-file here. So I ask again... are you prepared?".



RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea read the book quietly, holding it at about stomach-height, so the other two could lean over and look.

"Huh. You vould tink strange lights like dis vould show up on the news, or something."

Once she'd read about enough to satisfy her (just about the first page, really) and the others had finished up as well, Linnea shrugged. "Vell, I'm game. I hope our 'beacon' isn't a wrinkly old lady or something."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Amazing so you has made some movies!? I guess than that should be the reason for they know about you but honestly im most a common girl, its strange than they had call me for whattever they need us. Lenneth answer to the girl before be called to pass inside.


Once at the oldman room, the long talk between all was really interesting for the little girl. Yes, sure we will do our best to save as many lives than we can. She manage to say but the truth is than the little Lenneth has been so busy at her many works than she has forgoten to read the information than they had given to them. Indeed Lilia, there must be a better way to do this and rape someone is not what i would even had thinking to do to do our work, it is possible to just make them drink it without they notice it. Like placing the substance in a bottle or sedate them and then just make it drink at a pill? Lenneth say first to Lilia and then to the whole group, she in part dont believe in all this as something needed to do, but she suppose than maybe they have some kind of vacinne than all these people think as a terrible evil. Of course than this soon changed when she saw the levitation show. Ehm...yes im ready. She manage to answer to the old man, mostly in shock after see all this.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"I'm... pretty sure dat is still rape, friend. There are alternatives, remember - between the three of us, we have enough charm to bed any lady ve must, straight or no."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Oh yeah, I've been in some... movies. The more... erotic type if you would, but if you want to be blunt I've been in several porn flicks because I'm um... good at it you might say," Lilia replied to Lenneth, blushing a little, before they got up to go inside.


"Hmm, well as the others said I'd rather not rape anyone if we can help it, as it doesn't go a long way towards gaining their trust and whatnot even if we are doing it for the greater good and whatnot. But as Lin just said I'd say give us the chance to charm them into bed enough for that if we can... if it comes down to it and one of us must get our hands dirty in order to save our world... then I'll do it, I'd rather my team and my soon to be friends not have to feel bad about it afterwards," Lilia said, agreeing with the others that they wouldn't rape... unless they absolutely had to, deciding right there that she would be the one to do it if it must be done unless one of the others would rather do it themselves and had the stomach for it. She hoped it didn't come to having to rape one of the women they were to find and do this with, but if it did then they would just have to cross that bridge when they came to it.