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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Urged back, the wolf didn't put up much of a fuss. And given her breath and smell, Aiden would learn that she was very much a creature from the wilds. She was not bathed, voiceless, and uncivilized. She got back down from licking him and sat on her heels while her tail wagged happily, her nose moving forth and rudely sticking into his pack, as if smelling what he was going for. She began to growl and snarl at him, as if angry that Aiden was getting out some smoked fish, and wasn't giving it all to her, though her anger was silenced when she got her portion, which she devoured in one motion, not even savoring the taste as she swallowed it all without hesitation.

Her tail wagging, the wolf woman began sticking her face into his pack, as if searching for more food.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

If the wolf's nose wasn't hindered by the chili that had been thrown in her face, she'd be able to smell some snack Aiden had stowed away. Dried meat and fruit. Nuts. Herbs. More spicy powder mixes. There were mostly things that wouldn't interest a wolf though. Such as his book and various tools a woodsman might find useful while traveling far from civilization. There were also bits and pieces of things he'd collected for later use in craft projects or materials such as dry tinder in case it got wet and rainy. He didn't give her too much of an opportunity to nose around in his pack before picking it up and closing the container. While he did that with one hand, the other reached out and rubbed her side.

"There's food, but we need to save that. It'll keep longer than fresh food. Maybe we can catch something to eat and find some water to refill the gourd though."

Hopping to his feet Aiden slung the pack over his shoulders and prepared to set out in search of resources to satisfy his wolf companion's hunger and thirst. Taking his slingshot and prepared into his right hand, and prepared to travel for a spell, he waved in a direction guided by memories from the previous day's trek.

"I remember hearing some running water that way."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

When the bag was closed up on her, the wolf took her head back and almost looked angry at Aiden; however, that seemed to quickly not matter as she sat on her bottom and stared at Aiden while fidgeting about, and making growling noises at him. Her growling seemed to be impatience when she quieted down upon their moving to the river Aiden had in mind. Sure enough, there would be a river running through. Seeing it, the wolf ran using her hands and legs to throw herself forward before slowing down, and drinking from the water on all fours, with her naked rump sticking up in the air shamelessly.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

"Be careful putting your butt up in the air like that. Someone might take advantage. I heard there are turtle girls that like to, and we're by water."

Aiden supplied with a cautionary tone when he saw the wolf's butt thrust up into the air. Initially he kept some distance from the river. Turtle girl danger being a possibility, among others. Instead he inspected the area for mamono activity, looking for tracks and other tell tale signs. His wolf companion's nose was hindered by their encounter, and her thirst may be overriding caution so he took up the slack there. When he was satisfied the edge of the river wasn't likely to be an ambush side for some predatory monster he joined the wolf woman. Crouching down by the water he filled his gourd while his eyes continued to scan the immediate area for danger.

"I have an idea for trapping some fish. If you want to get a bunch of good sized stones to make it ..."

After his gourd was fill Aiden held his hand apart, about six inches or so, to give the wolf a visual.

"... I'll scrounge up some bait for the trap. Then we set up camp nearby."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

It soon became obvious that the mamono did not understand spoken words. After drinking her fill, and being talked to, it almost seemed like she was ignoring him, before she sat in front of him and simply stared at him as he spoke. Her head tilted to the side, as if confused or curious as to what he was talking about.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Aiden waited a moment, staring back at the wolf woman. He'd never had to deal with a language barrier. Except with animals and babies. After a time he got up and walked along the river bank looking for just the right spot for his idea. When he found a somewhat shallow spot with enough rocks nearby he nodded and began to rearrange them until a section of the river was blocked off and enclosed. The youth moved further afield to gather extra rocks as needed, and arranged for a route into the enclose where fish could swim into, but not escape from.

As he did this he tried to get the wolf involved. Handing her rocks to carry and pointing out places for her to put them. When it was all finished. Aiden moved his hand in the water, wiggling it like a fish swims. His hand moved to the entrance of the enclose, as if to demonstrate the fish entering, then he moved his hand back, as though to exit and showed her how hard it would be for a fish to leave.

After the enclose was made, all that was left to do was get some bait. That meant bugs. So Aiden looked under rocks and logs collecting the creepy crawling until he hand a reasonable amount. Then, laying them out on a rock, he used a small stone to mash them up before chumming the encloser's waters with the bug bits. When all was done, he looked over to the wolf and appraised her reaction to the work.

"Now we can let our food come to us, and do something else."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

When handed a rock at first, the wolf only gave the rock a single sniff before she looked away and sat down, seemingly with bored disinterest. After demonstrations aplenty and finalization of his work, he'd look over to see how well the wolf was paying attention, and would find that she was sleeping soundly on the riverside, not seeming to mind the few pebbles of rock that she laid on.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Aiden didn't have high expectations to begin with, so he wasn't upset when he saw the wolf sleeping. He watched her for a minute, checking to see if she'd come around now that he'd finished the project. Since she was soundly sleeping Aiden didn't interrupt, but instead used to time to setup some traps along game trails and forage for a few items. He finished up with a little scouting for possible campsites. Something that didn't show signs of danger, was defensible, and had at least two escape routes in case of mamono or predator attack.

In the end he wound up at the riverside. While he waited for the wolf to wake up Aiden worked on making some arrows for his future bow. He'd wait to work the bow after camp was settled. He'd need to make some preparations for that.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Out searching for a camp, Aiden would go unmolested. The smell of the area was faintly of the wolf, perhaps suggesting that this was her territory. He would find not much in the ways of defense unless he thought of something specific. The most he'd find in the open forest is a large hill with an open indent into the earth. It was just deep enough to provide some shade in the early morning for one person, and there was a rock as well to help hide said single person lying just in front of the indent. Two could fit, perhaps, but it'd be a tight squeeze.

Returning to the river, he'd find the wolf seemingly worked up about the trap he made. She was sniffing the water and staring into the water, though upon testing a paw into the water, she backed away seemingly in fear. Yet still, she seemed to want to get into the water. The result of that behavior was without a doubt the effects of a fish having been caught in his trap, trying to squeeze through his trap but unable to. It was a common trout, though a fish all the same.

When the wolf saw Aiden, she had one paw lifted up, whining at him in a high pitch, not unlike a dog. She did not like the water, but also 'really' wanted that fish.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Aiden stood back and watched the scene for a moment, regarding the wolf's reluctance to enter the water. He wondered if it were a personal phobia, or concern for a very real threat. One that he had yet to perceive. For now, there was no obvious danger in the water, and a fish that needed to be caught if either of them were going to make a meal of it.

Pulling his eyes from the monster girl he looked around for a shaft of wood with a branching 'v' at one end. Finding one that suited his needs, he trimmed it of excess foliage, and sharped the two branching 'v' into two points using his knife. With this improvised fishing spear he walked to the water's edge and petted the wolf a couple times on the shoulder before taking his stance. He eyed the fish, remembering the tricks water played on the eye. You needed to aim lower than you saw your target, he recalled ... and struck downwards with his pronged weapon until he hit the bottom of the river.

The youth waited for dirt to settled before withdrawing his spear. Carrying it and his catch away from the water. The spear was set aside and he went to work cleaning the fish before dividing it and offering half to the wolf girl.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

The wolf girl made a leap back, as if in defense, when he thrusted his wooden spear as it were. She seemed confounded as to what he was doing, but also half curious. Her confusion caused her to emit a growling sound from her throat, seemingly having a distaste for his new tool. Despite having a fish on it, she seemed to have no interest in being near his wooden spear. It was only after he removed the fish and began cleaning it that she approached, tail wagging happily. Given her half, she didn't even seem to savor it. She looked ready to eat any bones Aiden left behind, so he would have to clean those out so she wouldn't suffer internal damage.

After quickly eating her half, she would sniff in his direction, giving clear indication that she wanted his half too as she began crawling over him, sniffing the fish, pushing his body as she tried to casually go up and eat the fish.