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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I've never before chosen a specific part," the queen replied as Aiden jumped. She only gave a small coo in response to his leap, as if such didn't really shock her. Once he landed between her breasts, he would find himself being sucked and drawn in, trapped between her two slimy orbs, before he suddenly felt as if he were being held there. He would see through her slime that she was using her arms to press her breasts together, and rubbing them alternatively up and down, causing Aiden to receive all the friction as he was treated to having his whole body endure a slimy massage. The slime itself was powerful in that no matter where it passed over, it felt sexually stimulating to have it rub against him, as if the trait of being aroused wherever she was touched was passed onto Aiden. She would make him hard this way, before she'd pluck him out from between her breasts with one hand, holding him between her index finger and thumb as she looked at him, her large blue cheeks blushed with a tinge of red excitement. "If you aren't careful..." The Queen began to warn Aiden, before lowering him down to where he was standing, and then laying on his back in the slime.

She slowly moved her whole giant body forward, until all but Aiden's head was under her crotch. She was casually sitting on him. "I could easily swallow you whole," she announced, before slimy tentacles began to emerge from her lower body, each seeking to draw him in. "I've seen many mortified faces of man and woman alike when I've eaten in this way. Truly, being swallowed whole is a terrifying experience for some. I wonder if you'll survive?" she asked, before, in a strange sense of vore, Aiden was pulled into and swallowed into the queen's body. His presence inside of her was a bubble of a sorts, but it was no sort of protection. It was a bubble he'd realize was meant to cleverly operate the act of draining him, as made evident when the queen's form emerged into the bubble, taking on a size that matched Aiden's own.

The first thing she did, was place her large breasts on his waist and smiled up at him with a stunningly sexy allure. His arms and legs were free, as there was no need to bind them at all. Even if Aiden fought with all his might, the slime around him was odd in that it seemed to sap any energy he'd put forth, a strange form of digestion that dissolved not the body, but the spirit. "I find this is the best way to truly eat, don't you agree? This way, I can eat you on a more personal level~" the queen said to Aiden as he found himself simply floating in the queen's belly, his energy steadily seeping out of his body. Just laying there, he felt he could last for days, however, when she grabbed her breasts and began moving her glorious blue orbs up and down his length, his timeframe dropped to something far less manageable, as just the sensation of her breasts over his manhood sent a surge of pleasure that made Aiden's body quiver. It was as if the fluids of her body made him ten times more sensitive, as she was quickly building the desire to climax within him, and in such a short time.

"What are you going to do, Aiden?" she asked with a giggle, winking at him as she rubbed him. "I'm eating you~"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden wiggled excitedly between the two giant blue breast as they rubbed over him. But before long he was plucked up and moved through the air by the giant's hand. Initially his arms flailed as in strict drive him to find something to hold onto. Some solid support. But after a few seconds his limbs calmed and his eyes found the Queen's face as it got further and further away.

Once again on the slime covered ground Aiden settled back as she laid him down. His eyes widened though, when the blue giant descended on him. He was fearful she might crush him under her weight. But recalling how much control the Slime Queen appeared to possess over her form, he decided to trust her. His body smothered in slime nethers Aiden squirmed, twisted his body, and tried to rub up against the Queen. Not in an effort to get away, but rather to excite and stimulate her.

The way she talked, the size, the slime itself, and the tentacle .... he looked at them for what they were. She was showing him her nature. If that wasn't intimate, what was? When she mentioned how this terrified some, he smiled up at her.

"If you don't want to terrify your meals, I could help you work on that. Human sensibilities probably seem strange to you."

By the time he was sucked inside of the Queen, a truly bizarre experience, Aiden's fair skin was flushed with excitement and covered in sheen of perspiration. It got even more bizarre when he found himself floating in the Queen's stomach. He had air to breath, which a lack of was his main concern when he'd been drawn into her.

So he didn't panic. Instead Aiden took the experience in with the curiosity of an explorer, and looked around, poking at the bubble a little, until the mini-queen joined him in the digestive bubble. As her breasts were laid at his waist Aiden reached for them and kneaded the blue mounds. When she talked about this being her preferred eating method, he nodded at the mention of it feeling more person.

"More familiar and less intimidating."

When he noted her getting ready to put her breast to use Aiden relinquished his hold on them and smiled lustily at her. Caught off guard by the sudden surge of slimy pleasure his body quiver, squirmed, and his limbs spasmed. His hips bucked upwards fucking at the breasts in and animal fashion, and he let out a low guttural groan. The only this that kept his cock from exploding within the first thirty seconds was the fact he'd been worked over by the Queen's subjects earlier.

It took longer than that for him to get his body under some semblance of control. Though his legs continued to squirm, his near wild bucking hips found more of a rythme with the Queen's strokes. Or he tried to. His hands also found purchase at her shoulders and arms. He seemed to need something to hold onto. To grip into, rub and massage. If he didn't, who knew what his hands would be doing. Aiden was already panting from the pleasurable ordeal his body was subjected to, and though he seemed to want to answer more all he got out was:

"... going to ... cu-uh!"

... before the words were swallowed up in a sea of groaning and grunting sounds. It was only a short while later before release claimed him. A sharp cry was given, his back arched, and his fingers hooked into claws. Aiden's hips drove upwards with the instinctive need to burry his erect manhood deep with in a woman as seed spilled out in bursts that sent his cock throbbing.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

That wasn't the end of his trial. Not by a long shot. As Aiden shot forth rope after rope of his ejaculation, the white substance almost immediately vanished the moment it hit the queen, being digested with perhaps startling speed. "Well done~ But I'm still hungry~" the queen announced, before leaning up and holding Aiden by his cheeks, and kissing him on the lips. What first felt like her tongue soon became a tasteless fluid that was flowing into his mouth. She was force feeding him some of her slime, and with no other choice, Aiden ended up swallowing a mouthful of her substance. Once he felt the sticky goo in his belly, it felt as if it immediately began dispersing through his body, flowing through his arms and legs, before centering in his crotch, filling him with a newfound lust, and making his recently emptied sack was now full and ready to burst. Now with his length fully erect once more, the Queen giggled and laid by Aiden's side as she put her hand to his length, before stroking him at a steady pace. Her blue eyes, just as blue as the rest of her body, were staring at him intently the whole time. Every facial expression he made that displayed his pleasure drew a wider smile from the slime.

She'd use her hand, then her thighs, and then the back of her knee, trapping Aiden's manhood between the back of her thigh and her calf. The Queen showed just how skilled she was by making him cum using all manner of positions and methods, even using her slimy hair to wrap around his cock and give him quite a 'swirl'. Between the rounds of her ass, between her cheek and hand, against her stomach, the queen never made Aiden cum the same way twice. Eventually, she'd give a surprised look to him. "Oh? Are you passing out?" she'd inquire. Aiden would hardly notice it himself. Somehow, being inside the queen left him with an absurd sex drive, enough to keep his attention firm and senses aware until it finally hit him. The world went black seemingly for no reason, as if someone simply shut the light off from the world.

He'd next awake to the sensation of laying down on something soft and slimy. As he'd move around, he'd find himself laying flat between the Queen's thighs. It was in the middle of the evening, so the sight of the royal slime Queen was intriguing to say the least as she was shining in the moonlight. He would soon discover as well that his companions were sitting on her thighs as well. Venice was happily seated with her legs folded. Suika was sitting on her heels, Ryoko was lounging carelessly, and Maria sitting similarly to Suika, nervous of the slime. "Huzzah! He lives!" Venice cheered.

"I-Idiot! Why would you try to have sex with THAT!?" Maria shouted, pointing at the huge queen slime. "You deserved going into a coma for that! Idiot! Dumbass!" Maria shouted insults at him, but it was clear she was worried.

"Squishy-squishy~" Ryoko giggled, sexually rubbing herself on the queen's thigh, a pervert as usual.

Suika was silently sipping tea, holding a cup in one hand and a small plate in the other.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden tried to encourage and compliment the queen as she both ate and entertained him with her sexual prowess. But most of his sentences became broken sex sounds half way through. The kiss she pulled him into was welcomed, but the slime she forced into the youth's mouth shocked him, and initially he struggled. Then, when he found out what it did, he didn't seem to mind as much afterwards.

While he relished in the queen's expertise and the sensual feeling her slime itself gave off, he didn't lay back and drool. His hands and mouth were at work, as though he hungered to touched and feel more of the slime. Aiden stroked at her frame, caressed want he could, and when the opportunity presented itself he groped her chest and ass.

Aiden didn't even notice his strength waning until it was too late. The queen actually had to point out the fact he was loosing consciousness. He paused in massaging the slime's legs, raised an eyebrow, then darkness hit him. Later, with a snorting sound he roused to the presence of others near by. Eyes squinting he slowly stretched, greeted by Maria's scolding. Smacking his dry lips together he looked around for the water bottle he usually kept next to his sleeping space. Naturally he didn't find it on the Queen's lap.

"I worried about you too Maria. But that's no excuse for a lapse in manners. We're guests here."

Wiggling between the giant slime's thighs he endeavored to climb into a sitting position, only to lean his back against the queen's crotch. He didn't really try to 'fix himself up' other than to run a hand through his hair few times and straighten it out. Neither did he do anything to detract from the fact he'd just been fucked unconscious by a five story slime woman. Before speaking anymore he stretched his arms and legs out, only to let the flopped down on he slime's thigh's afterward.

"I take it everyone has been introduced ... so ... what did I miss?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A glob of slime was thrown at Aiden's face from Maria. "I WASN'T WORRIED! LOSER! IDIOT! RETARD!" Maria shouted angrily.

Then, one of Suika's tails brushed over Maria, causing the amazoness to lean off to the side looking lethargic. "Annoying," was all the kitsune said.

"We've all been well introduced," Venice replied to Aiden. "And I'm very pleased with the progress you made! Granted, the method you agreed to was impossible," Venice announced. "After all, there was no way in the world you'd satisfy 'her' lust. Then again, satisfying her wasn't the true goal of her intentions it seems." Venice glanced to the Queen as she said that. "Was it?" she asked with a grin.

"Perhaps if I had a hundred more men like him, I'd be satisfied," The queen replied with a wink at Venice. "But you are right, little pale girl. I wanted to see if Aiden could last through me without fearing me once. He satisfied my conditions, even if they were not the ones I conferred to him~" she chuckled. "If he has learned not to fear mamono, then perhaps other humans can learn to accept my cute and curious daughters."

"Death by boobies!" Ryoko suddenly shouted, before her huge pair of mammaries were squishing against Aiden's face while the rest of her collided into him and knocked him onto his back. He'd then feel pressure from her soft breasts as she pushed them together with both hands, squishing her orbs around his face. "Squishy-squishy~" she cooed.

"Ryoko was worried too," Venice added onto the fact that Aiden knew Maria was worried as well.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's head jerked back when the slime impacted with face. He froze for a few seconds, then used his hands and forearms to clean some of the goo from his face, starting with his eyes and mouth. But a healthy portion remained. All the slime he'd come into contact with thus far clung needily to him. As if it never wanted to part from him. Aiden had cleaned his eyes in time to see what the kitsune had done.

"Thank you Suika."

After thanking her for stepping in to calm Maria down, Aiden looked between Venice and the Queen Slime as they shared the with him the true nature of the Queen's intentions. There was understanding in his expression, but Aiden didn't seem to surprised by the revelation. Who wanted to be feared by their allies? Some, maybe, but not the type of people Aiden was hoping to bring together.

"Well, I trusted you, whatever your true aim was. Glad my trust wasn't misplaced. You could have easily taken too much and done me harm."v

He halted a beat, and reflected on one of the Queen's comments.

"They're your daughters? All of them? Wow."

Aiden barely had time to think on that before Ryoko assaulted him. Caught completely off guard ... though really he should have expected it, Ryoko did this at least three times a day ... the naked young man flopped onto his back. His arms stretched out at either side, flailed around like a bee furiously flapping it's wings to stay in the air.

"Dying ... dying .... dead."

After uttering that final word Aiden went limp, his arms splatting against the slime under him. He laid there, motionless. Seconds passed, then suddenly his hands shot up seeking out sensitive areas to tickle. With fingers wiggling over the woman's giggle spots he aimed to take her off guard, and roll over on top of her.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika gave no reply to Aiden following his thanks. She merely continued to do what she was doing and drank her tea while seeming as if she was in a meditative state.

The Queen giggled at his mention of trust. "I was prepared to fight your friends who followed you after I had swallowed you. I was a bit shocked that they did not make their move after I began eating you. A slime is at her weakest when she's feeding, after all." she revealed a weakness among slime kind. Then, the topic about her children. "Why yes, they are all connected to my slime in one way or another. The slime you see about the land are like veins around this terrain that connect me to them all. In this way, I know what is happening everywhere in my fields."

Ryoko meanwhile continued to attack Aiden with her sexuality, even after he muffled his words of passing before suddenly throwing her over. The sex crazed slut let out a giggle and her legs were thrown wide open before locking around his waist as if she wanted to suck all of the juice from his loins. Being tickled did not seem to deter her from her perverse nature at all, even though she was laughing and giggling like mad.

"Everyone is having such fun, but I think it is time to discuss the terms for our alliance?" Venice announced, before turning to the Queen. "All we need to do is make certain that our lands and yours will not consider each other enemies, and will aid each other with their troubles. Essentially, we're keeping our own ways of life separate so that the other party isn't disturbed, while at the same time, reaching out to each other and lending one another's strengths. I'm sure our city could use slimes to clean up the streets with their natural ability to stick to everything. And I do believe that your desire for human contact is no secret either. Something can be worked out, I'm sure, but the leaders should meet with each other~" Venice said with a gesture to Aiden, the man who had a connection to Rosana, the mayor of the city they came from.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Trapped in Ryoko's legs Aiden halted his tickle assault, but made no effort to escape. Instead he laid down on the woman as though she were a warm fleshy bed and used her breasts as pillows to relax on. While the Queen responded to his earlier comments he listened and did not interrupt. A nod was later given when Venice outlined the general idea of their proposal. Finding the missionary position a little awkward for holding a dialog with the group Aiden wiggled atop his living pillow and got into a comfortable position that allowed him to see everyone present. Except for Ryoko, who he settled for playing with her toes, as if they were little switches and toggles.

"Yes, that sort of arrangement would allow our people to get use to one another. I can also arrange a meeting with our leader as Venice suggested. Though, if you'd like to send an emissary to our city, we could escort her."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"An emissary would take quite a long time to escort, Aiden. I doubt your friends would have such patience, even if you did." The queen replied.

"Getting Rosana to speak to the Queen would be best," Venice acknowledged, before clapping her hands. "With that said, is everyone done playing in the slime? Be careful you don't turn into one, and let's get going!"

While Ryoko giggled and lightly kicked at Aiden, a pair of Suika's tails came out and separated them, before standing the both of them upright to walk. She said nothing as she stood up herself, and followed after Venice, with a rather stern expression on her face, seeming quite happy to have the queen of slimes at her back and going further away.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was surprised when Venice was intent on wrapping things up. Mamono diplomacy was, apparently, fast and straight forward. Or maybe he'd been out long enough for her to continue where he left off and this was just a wrap up for his benefit. While Suika broke up him and Ryoko up he mused on this quietly. Then, while Suika and Venice were walking off, he gave the Queen a half bow.

"Thank you for keeping an open mind. I enjoyed our time together. Goodbye your majesty."

With his fairwell given, Aiden padded over to the lethargic Maria. Grasping hold of one of the woman's arms he helped her to her feet and, if need be, lead her along with the rest of their group.

"Come on Maria. If you stay you'll have to start paying taxes."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Maria mumbled as Aiden went to take her, and help her along. "Mmph... Aiden... Get off that Holstaurus... You're more a cow than she..." she seemed to sleep talk.

As they traveled, Suika seemed relieved that they had distanced themselves from the slime queen. Aiden was free to inquire about it if he wished, but otherwise they were on their way back home without anyone raising much of a topic, unless Aiden chose to talk.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A dark brow rose curiously when Maria did some sleepy talking about him and a Holstaurus. So, the Amazon was having pervy dreams about him. maybe she had some kind of voyeur kink ... thing. After a brief pause to consider this he resumed his trek helping Maria until she was ready to walk on her own.

"I knew it. You're a closet pervert."

He had murmured this to himself. No doubt Maria would take offense and assault him had she heard. She was violent like that.

No, he hadn't pried. If she felt like sharing her ill feelings about the Slimes, she likely would have. Personal things like that tended to be best spoken in private anyway. During his trek, without clothes, Aiden naturally got chilly and reached a hand towards one of Suika tails once her mood seemed to improved.

"Do you mind if I borrow one of your tails?"

If consent was given, he'd wrap one of the Kitsune's tails around him to keep warm more so than out of modesty. Other than this, and other bits of similar casual conversation, Aiden didn't seem inclined to spark any conversations. Not anything deep anyway. He was tired from getting eaten by Slimes, and still hungry and thirsty too. Though once they were free of Slime territory he'd call for a break to get that hunger and thirst taken care of. As well as reclaim his gear, since it was unlikely any Slimes were around to dissolve it.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika turned to him with a sudden glare. "I mind!" she snapped at him, putting on a fierce front to ward off any desire to do such a thing with her tails. "My tails do not exist for your convenient comfort! Show some respect!" She claimed, and in doing so, revealed that even though she was relieved, she seemed no less irritable from having met with the slime.

"Ah, sorry Aiden!" Venice announced, before giving him his clothes. "They're not as comfortable as Suika's tails, but the sentimental value makes up for it, I hope." she said with a grin.

"It's a shame I'd get turned into slime! I wanted to have sex with that giant slime too~" Ryoko cooed, before squirming longingly. "Umu... It's been too long... I need to get laid~" Ryoko giggled like a true professional (and vulgar) pervert.

"Did you not have sex with Aiden... Two days ago?" Venice inquired.

"I usually have sex every day. I'm happy there's so many healthy young men where I live. They came in handy when Aiden stopped being a recurring customer~" Ryoko revealed to Venice as if in joyous casual conversation.

Venice chuckled with a tinge of nervousness on her tone. "And you're not even a mamono yet... If you ever transform, that will be scary to see."

"I'd like to be a bunny!" Ryoko gestured casually.

"You're so energetic, it'd suit you well." Venice nodded.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden stared a Suika quietly for a few seconds. Really, it was less about covering up, and more about being close to the Kitsune, who he felt like he might have been neglecting. Then there was the slime encounters on top of that. But, judging by the woman's mood, she seemed to need space instead. Finally he responded, his tone mild despite the harshness in the pink tailed monster's glare.

"I was going to offer to rub your feet later as a thank you, but ok."

... and at that he moved away to give Suika her space. With his clothing offered up by Venice Aiden collected them from her and beamed before declaring melodramatically.

"The hostages are finally released!"

The youth stopped and took a few minutes to cover himself up in the traveling attire. With shoes protecting his feet, he now traveled at a quicker pace. No having to be as careful about stepping on stone, twigs, or thorns. Curiously he listened in on the conversation between Venice and the pervy shrine maiden.

"Until you become a bunny, you can always dress up like one. Say, how would that happen anyway: Ryoko becoming a bunny? Just have sex with one, like with slimes?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika gave no response to Aiden, seeming far too focused on what bothered her to give further reply. Meanwhile, Venice was more than happy to give him a reply instead. "Mamono transformation can occur in many different ways, but the basics behind how it works depends on whether the transformation is forced or if the woman in question is of a personality that bonds well enough with the succubus curse. Succubus magic is all around us, though it's of weak enough concentration that intelligent beings can ignore it. Though, women who bond with the energies will turn into mamono themselves, depending on how compatible they are. After the succubus curse has found a factor of a person's soul that it can attach to, then what they will transform into depends on their nature. The results of this bonding can take a very wide range of time to surface. Though, now that I think about it..." Venice put a hand to her chin, and looked over at Ryoko. "I wonder why you're not a mamono already?"

"Hm?" Ryoko hummed in confusion, one of her black fox ears twitching with curiosity, and her six black fox tails with white tips squirming from the attention they received.

Fox ears.

Six tails.

"Oooh~!" Ryoko cooed. "I didn't notice I had these~"

Venice stood silent a moment, before shrugging and facing in Aiden's direction. "... The transformation usually has more impact on the subject than that." Venice stated, seeming rather in awe after having seen Ryoko suddenly lose her humanity as if she never had it to begin with... Though perhaps she never really did. "That reminds me. The reason Suika has been so grumpy is likely the fact that Ryoko was changing into a kitsune. Kitsune kind don't often get along together. Moreover, there's the difference in tails..." Venice looked to Suika.

Suika the red fox has five tails.

Ryoko the black fox has six.

"I win!" Ryoko cheered.

"SILENCE!" Suika suddenly shouted in outburst, her tails curling around her and their tips pointing at Suika as if they were snakes ready to strike. "The nerve of a lowly human like you undergoing the transformation and daring to sport a tail more than I...! Every droplet of blood in my body screams for your removal."

Ryoko cooed, but seemed to develop a similar aura of hostility herself as her tails poised around her body as well, as if such was a natural stance of hostility for a kitsune. "I was happy to walk away with my win already decided... But for some reason, you're making me really angry~" she giggled sadistically.

Venice hummed with worry. "On top of a kitsune's normal dislike for fellows of their kind, these two had a preexisting rivalry... Good luck, Aiden," Venice encouraged him, before vanishing away as if the area was no longer safe.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was attentively listening to Venice's monologue. Then as attention shifted to Ryoko he blinked. There was something off. Something ... different. He looked at her ears ... and slowly an eyebrow rose. Tilting his head he looked at the busty babe from the side and look in her tails. His eyes took special note of where and how they connected. There was no way they were fake ... and if they were how could she have gotten them on without anyone noticing?

When Ryoko expressed her surprise Aiden almost jumped as he raised his voice in congratulations for the unexpected event. His hands went skyward too, as if his body were trying to express how happy he was for Ryoko. This was a good thing, right?

"Alright! The moment I saw you in your kitsune costume I knew you'd make a foxy fox Ryoko!"

He paused, arms slowly lowering, as Venice shared her revelation about Suika's grumpiness. Then the two kitsune squared off and he was left standing in the middle of the rivals ... alone. Aiden's head turned, right and left as he looked between the women.

"Let Ryoko enjoy her transformation, will you Suika? I'll do what I can to help you get a sixth tail. Wouldn't you like that?"

As an after thought Aiden looked around at the women, curiosity overruling concern for a moment.

"How do kitsune get more tails anyway?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika looked over at Aiden with a firm gaze. "You're ready to take up that responsibility? You will come to me every day, three times a day to serve me with your body." She demanded.

Ryoko giggled. "Me too, Aiden! You'll help me grow more tails as well, won't you? Three times a day!" she announced with mirth.

Suika directed her finger at Ryoko angrily. "You don't need more tails, you mutt! Even one tail is more than enough for the likes of you!"

Suika and Ryoko began to toss words at each other, while Venice took to answering his question. "Through sex, basically. As they absorb more energy, their bodies become unable to handle the extreme amount of soul energy that they're building in their bodies, so they grow a tail to give their energy more room to flow. It's a natural process that occurs normally whenever they gather too much energy. As well, each tail they grow doubles the amount of burden they can store. Mathematically speaking, a nine tail fox is over two-hundred times more powerful than a kitsune with but one tail. In the case of Suika and Ryoko, due to the mamono corruption infusing with her current power, her current potential soared, and resulted in her having one more tail than Suika. Thus, Ryoko is twice as powerful as Suika, probably... I say probably because the tails just reflect how much their bodies have to compensate for the pressure, not exactly how much power they have, but the general idea of Ryoko's greater power still comes across, I think."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden arched a brow when Suika demanded he 'serve' her. The young man didn't seem to like that wording. The demand. Or the look on Suika's face. His expression said as much. When Ryoko spoke up, trying to take advantage of the situation he smiled. Mamono and their selfish natures. His hands raised as if calling for peace. Before speaking, he paused, and listened to what Venice had to say. It gave him an idea. First he spoke to Suika.

"Its nice to know I'm so desirable, but why settle for one man? I can introduce you to some energetic men when we get home Suika. It'll be up to you to charm them though."

There was a bit of a challenge in his tone. As if daring her to employ her feminine wiles rather than forcefulness. Then looking to Ryoko he gave the new kitsune a fond wink.

"You don't need any help Ryoko. Everyone wants to enjoy your company. Well, maybe not Suika right this moment. But I'm sure that'll change."

He only paused briefly before turning his eyes to Suika again. Aiden's right hand gestured to Ryoko as he spoke.

"After all, Ryoko probably turned into a kitsune because of your energy being around all the time Suika. She's kind of like a daughter. So, shouldn't you be proud?"

Aiden had settled into an oratory rhythm. The sort of vocal resonance that brought crowds into near-trance states. His hand swung like a pendulum, gesturing to Suika as he looked back to the shrine maiden turned Mamono.

"Suika could even act as a mentor to you Ryoko. I'm sure you could learn a lot about being a kitsune from her."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Promised more men, Suika still didn't look satisfied. She looked like a warlord being told to retreat with promises of other territories so long as she forsook the one she was trying to conquer, while Ryoko looked like a sly village elder that remained ever elusive of the ruthless warlord. She also looked more than pleased that the territory of the 'land', the land being Aiden, seemed to be destined to go to her for now. Indeed it was, as Suika reluctantly backed down. "Whatever..." Suika grumbled, before Ryoko ran up and glomped Aiden around his neck. Suika walked away with her back to the scene of Ryoko nuzzling her face into Aiden's neck. They seemed to maintain the lack of interest of being near one another, despite his efforts to convince them.

"Hoping for such a thing was rather too much, Aiden, but thankfully you did stop a fight from breaking out. That's the most I was hoping for," Venice praised Aiden, before stepping up next to him and giving him an encouraging pat on the back.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden looked back and forth between the two women. Cruel and demanding warlord Suika and sly enticing shrine maiden Ryoko. Both were powerful women, and suddenly the balance had shifted. They were rivals. But why? Because of him? How? He was there for both of them. What were they fighting for? Not his energy. His attention? Did their instincts drive them to have all of him, and never share? To possess completely? The questions popped into his head and though the matter resolved, for now, he didn't like the dejected air Suika possessed. Still, he wasn't inclined to reinforce the poor behavior she'd displayed by chasing after her.

"I suppose that means we won't be having any more threesomes."

There was a disappointed sigh to his voice as Aiden thought aloud, just before Ryoko attacked him with affection. His arms went around the newly transformed kitsune's waist and he held her to him, snuggling up against the woman with a smile on his face. He didn't want to rub Suika's perceived 'lose' in her face, but he wanted to support Ryoko and her new state of being. There was no reason Suika should ruin that for her.

"Congratulations again Ryoko. I hope you like being a kitsune. We'll have to do something fun with those tails of yours later."

The youth flash her a grin, then patted Ryoko between the shoulder blades. He paused and looked to Venice. His lips pursed together, but decided not to comment on the issue further. Instead he pried himself free of Ryoko and pointed into the horizon.

"Ok, enough drama. We still have some daylight. Lets make use of it and cover what ground we can before nightfall."