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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 1: The Idealist and The Tyrant

"You're mad."

That was the answer that the Mayor of the town, Rosana Leviela, gave to Aiden. Standing in her grand office of marble flooring, two story high long windows, and stone pillars as well as various paintings done in Rosana's honor, Aiden had finally been given the chance to speak with the Mayor of the town, and that was his answer to his proposition. As soon as he even suggested going out himself and speaking with mamono of other cultures, she responded bluntly, "You're mad," while giving him only half of her attention. Her other half was given to the papers laid out before her, reading them casually. One of which, Aiden's written petition, was set down in what was clearly a pile she was 'done with.'

"Perhaps in your youth, and after having had time with the normal women of this town, Aiden, you're confused and think that the women out there can be as easily handled. Mamono are monsters who merely look like women, do not so casually say that we can get along with those who think solely on their instincts. Rethink this idea of your's if you favor your dignity as a man, as nearly every mamono out there will be happy to rob you of it," Rosana said to him rather harshly, setting down the paper she was reading on top of his own, hiding it underneath, as if the aspect of him going out and speaking with the mamono outside the safety of the city was a thought quickly drifting away.

Despite all of this, it was clear she merely thought of Aiden as unfit for such a task. After all, he was fairly known, but to Rosana, all she would likely know is how he's 'been around' with various girls of the town. And most men like that often saw mamono in a similar light... And paid the price for it by being, at best, utterly and publicly humiliated.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The young man had expected such a response from the Mayor. Friends and family had warned him too. He wasn't crushed, or disheartened. The woman hadn't denied his proposal either. That was actually a positive, considering what he was asking. Aiden, dressed in a formal black on white attire for the meeting with their city's highest official, maintained a calm and self assured disposition. Confident, but not over confident. Rosana's harsh tone was met with a mild one from Aiden, though there was a dynamic energy behind it that would have lent itself well to any public speaker.

"They are monsters driven by instinct. But some are intelligent. Surely they can temper their instinct. Even animals can be trained out of bad habits."

Aiden could have backed down. He took in her advice, her warning, but he didn't relent. It was too important to let go of, to let someone else carry out his mission. The energy built in the young man's words, fueled by belief in what he was saying. There was the passion of youth behind the words, but tempered, held in check, and not allowed to spill out uncontrolled. Aiden's left hand rose in a gesture meant to draw in attention, and as he spoke his fingers slowly curled inwards as if grasping hold of a future that only he could see.

"Change is needed Madam Mayor. We cannot survive alone. The human race is an endangered species and will die out if our current course continues. We need allies; we need to make an effort towards social reform."

His hand clenched into a tight fist by the end of his comments. Now though he relaxed his fingers. Loosening his grip and opening his palm, as if to try and show Ronsana that future he envisioned. The intensity of his voice lowered, but not because the youth's dynamism had expired. It was another instance of control, using the right amount of personal presence for the moment.

"If I am unprepared to deal with Mamono, what can be done to better prepare me?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"We are separated from the Magi, the Order, and are completely on our own. You're right in thinking that this puts us in a tight spot, but like Lord Shen of our neighboring City, choosing a side is not so easy. Make friends with one side and you become enemies of the others." Rosana replied to Aiden, before leaning back in her chair and looking at him straight. The issue of needing to form an outside relationship was apparently an issue that has been weighing on her mind heavily for quite some time. Her hands in her lap, she did not show any casual gesture to him, appearing with the ever present dignity of the city's leader. "Do you understand the weight of the suggestion you're making?" she asked him in all seriousness. Though it was a question she expected an answer from, she continued speaking.

"You wish to extend our hand in request to the very creatures that have been the enemies of humanity for so long. If you went out there and were actually successful, you'd be inviting the hostility of the other factions. Do you actually believe that you could have the more powerful mamono out there, where men dare not tread, come to our aid and protection? Not even the greatest of men would dare, Aiden. But if you are still so stubborn despite that, I will give you a chance."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden actively listened to the older woman. His eyes worked from side to side as if reading words in the air while his mind worked around the political conundrum she proposed. He remained quiet until the Mayor talked of acquiring Mamono patrons who could protect them. At that point he was quick to speak up. Such an endeavor, were it to succeed, would no doubt bind his people to servitude, and Aiden desire more for them than that.

"No. The more powerful Mamono are too arrogant and would endeavor to turn us into servants."

His right hand rose and made a slow wave in the air as if trying to halt that line of thinking. The young man offered a small smile afterwards and gestured broadly, as if encouraging the Mayor to think in a new way.

"But the Magi have made a practice of integrating the more tolerant Mamono races into their communities, along with pure blood humans. It is this example I think we should try to emulate. Mutual tolerance and cooperation amongst races."

Aiden paused a moment and thought back over what Rosana had warned him about earlier: the political ramifications of siding with one group over another, and the consequences of making friends. The young man thought boldly, with big ideas for the future, but he seemed willing to take things slowly. One thought out step at a time. As he started to speak again, his words came out slowly. Gradually they gathered momentum like a snowball rolling down hill, collecting more snow, and growing larger as it went.

"Maybe it would be wise to first visit the Magi before making an active effort to garner aid from Mamono groups. I may be able to learn from their experience, and also gauge how they would view our cooperating with individual Mamono communities. If we work with care, we may be able to garner the friendship of the Magi, and form a larger alliance. On the way to the nearest magi settlement I could be testing the waters with Mamono communities I encounter; making contacts."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I would not use the Magi as a tried and true example of mamono and human kind living together peacefully." Rosana replied to Aiden calmly. "Even though mamono do exist within their mountain structures, only mamono too weak to be a threat to them actually roam about. Their relationship does not truly go beyond a scientist and a lab rat. Cohabitation is not their main goal, they merely borrow the benefits of mamono's power to try and ensure humanity's prosperity." Rosana announced. "Sure, some of the magi are kind to the mamono under their care and may treat them well... But should there ever be a problem, the mamono is... Put down. Do you understand? There is no... Correct choice that any of us are aware of, as far as choosing a side."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's lips curved downwards into a shallow crescent when Rosana gave her observation of the Magi. No, he wasn't pleased to hear more about slavery. The frown faded, however. If the alteration he had proposed was unsuitable, well, he had to hope his initial proposal to the Mayor was still their best option. Because there were many other good ones.

"Then ... they aren't much better than the Mamono who would use humans as a resource to be exploited. Thank you for that clarification Madam Mayor."

He'd already made his desicion to act and Rosana had given her consent. The exact course was the question now. Aiden realized he couldn't take up this woman's entire day talking about that, even if there was more planning to be done. The young man took up a determined expression as he went on; he would find a way that worked for his people.

"This cycle has to be broken. I will go forth in search of those we may be able to call friend. But I realize my understanding of the factions is incomplete. Do you know of someone who would be willing to advise me during this mission?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Your mission... As I'll accept it, will be to bring me evidence that you can bring a true alternative to our current situation. If you can bring me that much, I'll give you my support." Rosana acknowledged. "For someone to help you..." she thought for a moment, before grinning intently. "I think someone you know well would be fine. You should seek out the aid of Ryoko, our resident shrine maiden, and as you would know personally... Our resident pervert."

Rosana's giggling that followed would inform Aiden that she very well knew of Aiden's exploits with the named shrine maiden. As his first, and the woman who awoke him to his own power through contact with her own, the woman who popped his cherry was infamous as a 'man eater.' and was often regarded as a mamono. Lewd, pushy, and never one to take anything seriously, she was still a very powerful miko, and stands as one of the town's most powerful defenders, even though she's known for sleeping on the job, being drunk on the job, and having sex on the job. With a body like her's, as Aiden would recall, it's no wonder how she's laid claim to many men's first times.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden maintained a straight face when Rosana reference his familiarity with the infamous Ryoko. He might have had a few lovers, but he wasn't embarrassed by that, nor did he have no intention of letting that get in the way of his goal. Instead he maintained his poise, even as the Mayor's own dignified reserve was replaced with a momentary giggle. In response to his elder's defining his mission, Aiden formed his right hand into a fist. His fist he placed in the palm of his left hand, in front of his face. Then the youth bent forwards, performing a respectful half bow while his eyes remained on Rosana.

"Thank you Madam Mayor. I will speak with Ryoko and begin making preparations as soon as possible."

The half bowing pose was held until Rosana acknowledged, and excused him. At which point Aiden straightened up, performed a less than militant about-face, and withdrew from the Mayor's office. Only once he was out of sight did he let out a breath, a bit like a kettle over a fire releasing built up steam. Aiden smiled to himself as he walked on, think of the task ahead and what he would need. Amongst other supplies, a bestiary to help identify Mamono and a map wouldn't hurt. But first, it would be best to consult with Ryoko. So he'd visit her regular haunts.

Now if only he could manage to come up with a way to keep her mind off sex and booze, while maintaining her motivation ... that might be one of the more difficult parts of the trip ahead.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"You don't need to concern yourself with reporting to me until you have the evidence. This is not an official charge, this is merely you proving yourself worthy of your desired station. I hope we're clear on the fact that you are still yet merely a citizen of this town." She said strictly to Aiden. "Now, make sure that when you next return to me, you either have the evidence, or you're bringing some other very important matter that demands my attention. If you use the privilege of walking straight into my office carelessly, I will punish you."

"Now, be on your way," Rosana dismissed Aiden, before the guard escorted him outside, and followed up on what Rosana said as they lead him out of her governmental building. "Mayor Leviela has granted you permission to enter her office without an appointment. When you need to see her again, just walk right in." one of the guards announced to Aiden.

Once Aiden was free to roam about, there was actually several locations he could visit before finding Ryoko. Since he was setting out likely into dangerous lands, he could visit The Market and talk with Old Man Ken, as most of his patrons call him, to see about buying some items to properly arm himself for any dangers ahead. As he currently stood, Aiden was poorly prepared to face a mamono outside of town. Even though people who are armed still are reported to be made victims, having something is more than nothing.

Knowledge would also be useful. Though Ryoko would be likely to know a thing or two, she'd likely charge Aiden from a resource stored in his manhood and end up not telling him everything he would have wanted to know, only offering it if he would go another round. A work around might be to ask a mamono herself about what dangers he was likely to expect. Clarice would be good for that, although he would have to walk a distance out of the town borders to reach The Church that she works in. She may be a demon, but... She seems to be a kind of demon that isn't hostile to humans.

Perhaps even more damaging to Ryoko's credit, the shrine maiden may not be the most reliable ally Aiden has ever met. As any other boy, Aiden's youth was filled with awkward learning moments that bettered his character despite the bad memory they left behind. One such memory was of Maria, and more importantly, her fist. Said fist Aiden would perhaps remember flying into his face and making a rather painful collision after a minor mistake he made just after starting to get to know her. Even spending time with other girls soiled his reputation with Maria. But despite all of that, if Aiden could convince her, she would no doubt be a valuable ally, since Aiden would recall her visiting The Arena often, and that she was fairly powerful and talented with her quite large blade.

In the end, no matter what Aiden did, he would have to go to The Shrine and visit Ryoko to get some leads on where he could start his endeavor to satisfy the Mayor's conditions.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden had offered a nod of acknowledgment to the guard to informed him about his open door appointment with the Mayor. After his initial moment of relief after the meeting the young man's mind was at work again. Carefully comparing needs versus wants. Both short term and long. This left him too distracted for more than the polite nod. Outside the government building he considered the preparation he's need to make:

Ryoko would likely distract him, get him side tracked, or find herself bored if he tried to bring her along during his travel preparations. Going to the shrine to meet with her would be better saved until he was ready to leave the town. They'd both be happier that way, and he wouldn't be exhausted when it came time to make their first push of the expedition.

When he thought about the knowledge he would need to have f the dangers ahead, and knowledge was more valuable that fine jewels, his thoughts fell to Clarice. Not only a Mamono, but a demon. The latter being worrisome. Still, she seemed benign, though he had never met her. A Mamono would likely know more about Mamono than anyone in the town. But she stayed at a church outside of town.

Though he'd like to have spoken with her in the hopes of getting an idea of what equipment might be useful, it would be a waste of energy and time to go back and forth between the church and town. Besides, while it was only a short distance, away, it was still exposed. He best have some protection, and someone at his side wouldn't hurt either. She was bound to have her own price for any advice she gave as well.

As he brooded over the last bit, he realized then Ryoko might not be the most reliable companion. The price of her aid tended to be exhausting as well. When he ran through memories of who might be up to coming with them, Aiden's cheek suddenly hurt as he remembered one of the town's better combatant. Maria. They weren't on the best of terms, and it was his fault.

Maybe her civil pride and desire to aid her community would be enough for her to see past their past. Perhaps she would enjoy the challenge and opportunity to test her skill. The opperturity to learn new things mgith appeal to her. Then again, maybe she'd just want to hit him again. Aiden expected some form of challenge from the woman. So he had best be prepared when he met her.

Which brought Aiden to the market, where Old Ken sold his wares. The youth's feet had taken him there, even as he reflected over the people he thought could help him, or even join their fates with his for a time. Old Ken would surely have something that could help him stand up to the trials ahead. There was the price to be considered. Always there was a price with everything. Aiden just wondered if he could pay it. Entering Old Ken's place AIden raised his right hand in a gesture of greeting even as he raised his voice to do likewise.

"Hello Old Ken. How are you on this fine day?"
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Old Man Ken, a rather successful business man, was so successful in his days that his shop eventually evolved into a bar, inn, equipment store, medicinal store, and even a place for counseling from the man himself. As there was no such laws against making a monopoly in the city, Old Man Ken flourished, and ended up bringing more wealth to the populace than would ever be expected. As one might expect from this, the old man was kind, and Avarice be damned, was never touched by greed. Loved by all, the old man saw Aiden's approach, his store full of happy patrons as the tan, middle aged and bald old man waved Aiden down. He was always hunching over a bit, using a walking stick for support as a sign of his old age. Despite that handicap, his voice and gestures were quite youthful and energetic in nature.

"Aiden! My lad!" the man responded to Aiden, offering Aiden a seat at the front of the bar. "You're alive! Either you ran away from the old witch, or you were carrying a miracle in your pocket!" the old man joked. "So... How did it go? And what can I do for you?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When the old man proclaimed him alive Aiden looked down at his chest and patted at his torso and thighs in mock inspection of his well-being. Slowly he turned around one revolution, then headed over to the place at the bar where Old Ken had motioned his over.

"With nary a scratch as well !"

Settling into a seat the young man made himself comfortable. His demeanor relaxed, and comfortable as though he'd walked into his second home and was having a chat with an uncle or grandfather.

"It went about as expected. She was reasonable. Nothing official is taking place yet, but the Mayor is giving me a chance to prove myself and my ideas."

Raising his arms to the counter top, he rested his forearms on it's edge and leaned forwards a little as he went on.

"I always welcome advise Ken, but I'll be needing some equipment and supplies for the expedition. No destination is yet set in stone; I want to talk with Ryoko and Clarice before deciding. But I'd at least like some protection so I feel a little safer visiting the church outside of town. Do you have anything that won't leave me a pauper?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The old man smiled at Aiden when he announced that he was given a chance. "That's wonderful news, Aiden!" Ken replied with cheer. "Don't you worry about any such thing. This is for the survival of our wonderful city. We're about reaching that point where we're going to be under the danger of the other factions out there, looking to claim some territory. This is a good time to pick a side. I'll go ahead and get you what you need to at least be moderately prepared, but uh... Who are you thinkin' of siding with anyway? The magi? The monsters? I pray you haven't gone mad and thought the angels might help us?" Old Man Ken asked with a bit of fear for Aiden on the last choice. "Given the monster blood that runs in most of our veins, I hope to never, ever see an angel come here."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Thank you. Say, if you have any wares you'd like me to show off to other traders, or if you have a package that needs delivering, let me know. I'll try to work it in somehow."

The youth offered his elder a grin. He didn't want to accept something for nothing, but Aiden didn't have a lot of worldly wealth. Though when Old Ken asked about the faction he was leaning towards Aiden took on a more thoughtful expression.

"If you asked me an hour ago, I would have said the Magi were the way to go. But after speaking with the Mayor, I've come away better educated in their practices. No, the Magi are about as bad as the monsters who use humans as slaves ... and the Order is too ridged and hateful. I have to believe there is another way. That there are mamono and humans out there who want to work together. That's what I'll be looking for. Even if it's done by rounding up one small community that's open to inter-species cooperation and equality at a time."

With the last remark Aiden formed his right hand into a fist and thumped it down on the counter top in a gesture of determination.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Hmmm..." Old Man Ken hummed at Aiden's answer thoughtfully, before giving the younger man a look of doubt. "That doesn't sound like a very solid plan... You just plan on going out there to search at random? Why not search Zippangu? You know, the oriental lands to the north? They're close by, and rather powerful on their own, considering Ryu is their ruler. Anyway," Ken shrugs, before turning around. "Lemme fetch you some things." he announced, before going to the back of his store.

Upon returning, he had the standard kit for any adventurer going out into the lands of mamono. A fine sword, food and water, fairly basic light armor, a smaller knife in a holster with a strap to go in any easily reached place, and a shield decorated with strange marble spheres. "A sword is fine for mamono. They're tough creatures. You could whack one several times with this thing, and you could still find yourself pinned down by one. It's not the best, but it's lightweight, and good for travel. The smaller knife is good for if an alarune gets you, and this shield is absolutely essential. The marbles in it absorb magical threads. It's the only protection you could possibly have short of your own magical knowledge against a succubus. And the rest are self explanatory, heh." Ken chuckled.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden frowned when Ken translated 'I'm going to get advice from two knowledgeable people before deciding where to set out first' into random wondering. Old Ken was old though, so he cut the guy some slack. His advice was good too, and advice was what Aiden wanted. So after the initial frown he smiled again and reiterated the fact he was still investigating options.

"I'm going to talk with Ryoko and Clarice before deciding on an initial destination. From what I've heard Zippangu sounds like a good option though. Why hasn't anyone thought of approaching them in the past?"

When Ken got back the gear Aiden looked first to the shield. instantly curious. But as the older man introduced him to the key pieces of equipment the youth's attention soon turned to them, each one in turn. He inspected the mundane items, nodding with a mixture of thanks and approval until they came to the shield. Eyebrows rose when Old Ken told him it could help a person resist magic. The was definitely something special.

"Wow. It has a beautiful design. Where did you get something like that?"

The surprise at something so special and rare had distracted Aiden from Ken's other comment. The mention of Succubi. He paused for a few seconds before lowering his voice, which became tinged with concern.

"Do you really think I'm going to be running into Succubi?"

I'm not sure how much Aiden should realisticlly know about the world around him. So I'll try to make as few meta-insights as I can unless you hint otherwise.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Ryoko can be reliable when she's not drunk... So she's almost never reliable, and Clarice seems rather shady to me..." the old man said with clear skepticism. "That shield I gave you should protect you more than well enough against a succubus. And as far as what I think... I think you should be as prepared as possible when stepping foot into the unknown. But be careful, once they absorb so much energy, the marbles will likely explode. All of these tools you should only put to use as a last resort, besides food of course. If you see a mamono before she sees you, and she looks hostile, you're better off avoiding it. Even the small ones have been said to overpower men."

Ken let out a sigh as he quickly addressed another customer wanting another drink. While filling his mug, Ken glanced over to Aiden. "I hear a lot of stories in this business. I've learned to pick out the nonsense, but one thing is clear. Mamono are not to be taken lightly."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Alister found himself nodding when Old Ken commented on Ryoko's drunkenness. He'd already known he'd have to try and limit her intake. They'd be away from town, however, and if the woman's booze were to disappear during their trek she'd have no resupply. The youth found himself plotting this treachery when the old man paused to tend to a customer.

Clarice, he was just asking for information, unless she offered to come along. He wasn't sure how he'd respond if that offer were made ... he'd never met her before. But he wasn't in a position to refuse aid lightly. By the time Old Ken's attention came back to him, Alister's eyes were regaining their focus, his pondering coming to a conclusion.

"Ah, if only I could bring you along Ken. Unfortunately you're needed here."

After his comments he began gearing up with the equipment Old ken had given him. Starting with the armor. The sword and dagger found a home on either hip. The shield he wore on his back for the time being, and the supplies he carried on one shoulder. Testing the weight and mobility his gear allotted him Aiden rolled his shoulders, turned at the hip, and performed a variety of other small check. In the end he had no complaints worth voicing.

"Thank you again. Now I get out of your hair so you can get some work done. I'm going to head over to the arena and see if I can convince someone who doesn't like me very much to join the expedition."

Just thinking of Maria made his jaw hurt. Aiden found himself raising a hand to rub at the phantom pain and try to soothe it. A parting smile was offered to the business man before he made way for the door.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Ken bids Aiden farewell as he makes his way out of the shop. "I'm too old, even if I wasn't busy." he laughed, before seeing Aiden off.

Making his way through the city, Aiden found that the town found out rather quickly of the task he was going to set himself on. And in doing so, he discovered the opinions of the various townsfolk. The very first of course, was a woman shouting, "Pervert!" in a loud voice that various other men and women seemed to agree with. A man even made a gesture at Aiden as he drew nearer to the arena. "The girls of this town weren't good enough, eh!? Have fun kid! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" the middle aged man laughed, rousing up the three men who stood with him, obviously his friends. All of the reactions boiled down to the fact that no one thought Aiden was going to help them, and that he just wanted to have sex with mamono.

The woman he was looking for may be the worst of all those who were mocking him. In front of the arena, in the open training grounds, Maria was holding onto a horizontal bar and grunting as she performed pull-ups, straining to do as many as she could. When she saw Aiden approaching, she stopped her motions, and dropped down with a frown on her face. Giving him only a stare, she turned without a single word, and began walking to another section of the arena training grounds without giving Aiden a single word.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was, naturally, disappointed when so many responded poorly to the news of his personal mission. He did his best to ignore the hollers and taunts from the townsfolk. Maybe their minds would change when she showed his intent to be exactly what he said it was. Regardless, Aiden found his pace to turning to a brisk walk instead of his usual casual stroll. He wanted to get away from the hollering townsfolk in the streets before attracting too much of the wrong kind of attention.

When he found Maria at the arena, her reaction was better than he expected. She hadn't swung a weapon at him. Aiden took this as a good sign. Maybe there was a chance he could actually mend the divide between them enough for them to work together. Though the woman turned and walked away without a word, Aiden raised a hand in greeting and called out to her. Likewise he moved to follow her.

"Hello Maria. May I talk with you, please?"

Aiden jogged to catch up with the warrior woman, and tried to maneuver along side of her. Yet give her a comfortable bubble of personal space. Outside of her striking range.

"I don't know what I did to wrong you, but I need your help."