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The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)



Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Nnnng.... Nooo.... Too comfy... let me sleep..." Papi whined out as Diana tried to wake them. "ZZZZZZzzzzzzz" Mami snored out loudly obviously not phased by Diana's stirring. "Hnnn.... Huh.... Wha? Oh... M-morning already?" Ynissa asked out confusedly and sleepy, still a little bleary eyed. "Ah... O-Okay, Diana... Hold on... P-Papi, I just... need... to... move you a little bit, okay?" "Wha! Nooo! SWEEPY!" Papi whined as Ynissa would try to maneuver her so Diana could get out of bed. Eventually, Ynissa would have repositioned Papi so her herm friend could climb out of bed and see to her business. Once Diana finally made it to the restroom, she would look about for the waste bucket only to hear a giggle coming from the shower. "Looking for the waste bucket? You can just go in here if you want, sweet Diana~ Don't worry about hygine, as water nymph I can cleanse the water we use as well as make it. So why don't you come in here and relax, hmmhmm?" She flirted with Diana. If the young herm decided to enter the shower with Lucia, she would feel a pleasant flow of warm water, almost like a moderate rain cascade on them. At the same time, she would feel Lucia rubbing and lathering a film of lavender scented soaps over her nude form, her nipples hardening and cock hardening from the gentle sensual attentions Lucia was paying her body. Lucia would nibble on her neck and ear while stroking her hair, replacing the soap when it would get rinsed off. Eventually, the sensation would cause Diana to loosen up to where she would be able to relieve herself, "There, there Diana~ Good girl~ Just let it all flow out and relax. Consider it a parting gift for the wonderful time you and your friends showed us, hmmhmm?" She cooed in Diana's ear as she would finish reliving herself. Lucia would rinse off her real well one last time, before letting her exit the shower. When she got out she would see Ynissa in a towel, having just came from a bath, blushing deep red. After everyone was cleaned, dressed and fed, the trio nymphs would see her and Diana as well as all three harpies off with a kiss as they would continue on their way towards their destination.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, I'm comfy too Papi, but nature calls honey," Diana cooed softly in Papi's ear, kissing her on the cheek.

Seeing Ynissa stirring a bit, Diana smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Aye it is. Can you let me up hon, I really gotta pee. And I need to get cleaned up too I think," Diana told Ynissa, who thankfully helped move Papi and Mami off of her long enough for her to raise up and get out.

After arriving in the bathroom, she looked around for a waste bucket to find none, and sighed sadly, thinking she'd have to go outside to do her morning business. That was until Lucia giggling from the bath, or rather the shower. "A-Are you sure it's okay Lucia? I don't want to impose on your kindness," Diana asked timidly, though finding herself climbing into the shower anyway with the gorgeous nymph.

Diana couldn't help but get almost instantly hard when she felt Lucia's hands and body caressing her like they were. She got her relief soon enough and let it all out, sighing softly as she leaned back against Lucia, after which she smirked and looked back to Lucia. "Now you got me all hard like this. You need to take responsibility, hmhm," Diana giggled playfully at Lucia, turning around and pulling the nymph against her as she kissed her full on the lips.

Diana wasted no time and positioned her cock and impaled Lucia, going quickly and holding her in her strong arms and bouncing the nymph up and down her length until she came, lasting only a couple of minutes as she just wanted a quickie and wasn't trying to hold back. When she'd finished and Lucia helped her finish cleaning up, Diana hugged her and climbed out, where she hugged Ynissa too and let her friend help her dry off.

After she got dried off, Diana found the other nymphs had already cleaned up and gotten them some food cooked. She ate heartily and got a second helping even, being so hungry after last night. Once they had finished breakfast, Diana hugged all of the nymphs goodbye before turning to the harpies and Ynissa, where she nodded to them and headed out the door. "I do hope we see each other again girls. Also, if anyone serving a lady Pandora comes here, don't tell them about me okay, they'll try to enslave you most likely," Diana said to the nymphs, giving them a warning about Pandora before they left, with Diana mounting up on their horse and pulling Ynissa up too.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you for the warning, Diana! You lovelies also be sure to take care and watch out for yourselves too, okay?~" Lucia called after them with a happy wave. "Don't be strangers, loves! Please be sure to come visit our lovely little forest in the future!~" Willow called out blowing them all a kiss. "Bye, ladies! Be well! Stay safe!" Dahlia finished waving also.

After a maybe a few hours of travel later, the group would finally make their way to Corinth. It would be rather busy with children playing, farmers and other workers milling about, and shop keepers and businessmen tending to their business. There was a tavern, a couple of inns, and a few small shops including a smith, seamstress, and grocer. Diana would have to ask around if she would wish to find the legendary hero. Or she could see about acquiring supplies or setti g lodging arrangements for her and Ynissa; and the harpies if they stuck around.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"We will Lucia, and thanks again for letting us stay the night," Diana said softly to the nymphs, leaning in and kissing each of them on the lips one last time before they left. "And don't worry, after last night, we'll definitely come back, hmhm," she then called back on their way out.

Not too long after they left, Diana saw Corinth coming into view and breathed a sigh of relief. Passing by the farms and entering the city, Diana dismounted and led the way in, letting Ynissa stay on the horse as she did, and keeping the harpies close by too for their safety more than anything. Diana figured that she would help them find a cave nearby the city to use later, hoping to first make them friends of the city and stuff. She had heard rumors about Corinth through Pandora and her underlings that Corinth was open to all, not just humanity, but how true that was she didn't know.

First she found them an inn that she could get them a large enough bed for all five of them, or at least a couple of beds she could push together. After that she'd see about getting them some food.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

It would not be very hard at all for Diana to manage to find an inn for the group to sleep in until she could find a cave for the harpies, and in fact after just a short while of travelling and searching she would come across a rather nice inn across from the tavern. Also fortunately as it would turn out, the murmurings she had heard from Pandoras minions would turn out to be true as nobody seemed to give them or the harpies any guff as they traveled. Though they did get quite a few lecherous leers their way... However their luck would seem to be rather bipolar this time around for as they would enter the inn, they would see it was quite packed as the innkeeper would approach the group with an apologetic look on his face, "I am sorry, ladies. I am afraid we all booked out for the evening. I don't have anything available. You can try the inn across the street, though it is not quite as nice. However, it should be safe at least. Nobody would try anything brash in Hercules' hometown" he would say, if the group would decide to head out they wouldn't notice a trio of succubi hovering over the inn, apparently invisible to the other civilians...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Looking around, they managed to find an inn, and it also seemed that the rumors she'd heard around Pandora's town were true, the non-humans were being treated or seeming to be treated with the same respect that regular humans were. After going into the inn she first saw and finding it full unfortunately, Diana sighed and looked across the road at the other one he suggested.

"Well, I suppose we can go there, not that it truly matters where we sleep so long as we got a place to sleep. Thank you anyway sir, and I appreciate your kindness in telling us another place we could go. Also, do you know how I can gain an audience with lord Hercules himself? O-Or is he not here in Corinth at the moment? My friend Ynissa here, I met her on my journey here and her village had been put to the torch and everyone but her slaughtered, so I thought if anyone could help her, and myself, that he could," Diana replied to the inn keeper before leaving with the others to the other inn, asking the inn keeper of the other place for a stable for the horse and the largest room available for her and the others.

If no room was available for all five of them, then Diana would take a single room for herself, a single for Ynissa, and a group room large enough for the harpies to all be together. "I'm not overly picky so long as we all have a decent place to sleep," Diana would tell the inn keeper.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As Diana and her friends made their way to the other inn, they would find it to be in acceptable condition, if not some what smaller than the one they had checked first. Thankfully however, due to most of the visitors having migrated to the larger nicer one they had previously visited, this one was left with a few vacancies that the group could settle down in for the night. They were greeted by a nice looking but moderately dressed inn keeper, with short brown hair and a trimmed beard. "Greetings, ladies. I take it that you are here because the Golden Fleece was booked out, yes. It doesn't matter, I am thankful for all the guests and business my humble business can manage to get. Rooms run at 3 Dinarri per night per room. Dining is 5 Dinarri a meal; mead, wine or other beverages included. The stable is 2 Dinarri an evening." He informed the group with a kind and humble smile on his face. As the innkeeper would finish the group would be approached by a trio of very beautiful and allurring women, surprisingly dressed in rather fine clothes. "Innkeeper, me and my... sisters, can pay the costs for these lovely ladies' lodging. We were beginning to get bored and could certainly use some company, if you and your friends aren't opposed. By the way, my name is Lilitifa. Nice to meet you, sweetie~"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Aye we are, we aren't overly picky about quality so long as it's good rooms and all, and they have good bedding to sleep on and whatnot," Diana replied to the innkeeper.

Diana was preparing to pull out her money to pay for lodgings and whatnot when the trio of beautiful ladies stepped in and did so for them all. "O-Oh my, thank you so much ladies. I'm Diana, and this is Ynissa. And these three lovely harpies are some new friends that we made yesterday after we came out of the Stymphalus Swamplands," Diana said, introducing herself, Ynissa, and the three harpies with a happy smile. "Lilitifa, I would be honored to join you for dinner in your room or wherever you like, we've had a long journey, and I for one would be glad for the extra companionship of such nice and beautiful women as yourselves. What do you say Ynissa?" she then said, glancing to Ynissa to see if she liked the idea of joining them for dinner and preparing to take their things to their room or rooms, and then following Lilitifa to their room if they wished to talk some.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

(( Sisters: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=348&pictureid=5828, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=433&pictureid=6023, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=375&pictureid=5102 [Lilitifa] ))

"Not at all, sexy~" Lilitifa would wink at Diana before brushing her hand across her groin, getting her cock worked up, "Ooooh.... Somebody is really packing~ I hope you're licensed to carry such a weapon, love. Fufufu" She cooed in Diana's ear before grabbing her ass cheek in a strong grope, squeezing and rubbing her ass for good measure. She would feel a swat from Ynissa with a sharp command of "Hands off! We appreciate the offer, but we're not bar or brothel whores!" Lilitifa would gently grasp Ynissa's hand before bringing it up to her mouth and suckling on one her fingers, sending a strange chill of pleasure and apprehension through Ynissa's core. "Simmer down now, sweetie~ Me and my sisters mean no harm to you or your friend~ We were just getting bored and lonely, and wanted to share a bed. Besides, you have nothing to lose from this arrangement. You only stand to gain a free room and board, and a pleasant night of carnal fun. We won't cross any boundaries or hard limits, it's no fun to break people- unless they deserve to be broken" Lilitifa would whisper huskily into Ynissa's ear (out of Diana's hearing), causing her to shiver feverishly and actually start getting rather wet between the legs. "O-o-okay.... I-if you promise to k-keep your w-word and not do anything t-too bad..." Ynissa would comply with labored breath obviously turned on by the woman...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Ooooh, hmhm, do I have to be licensed to carry it? I wasn't aware that I needed to be," Diana giggled, cooing softly at Lilitifa's groping of her cock and her ass.

"C-Calm down Ynissa, it's alright hon. I don't think they mean us any real harm. Besides, t-they did pay for our room and board after all," Diana said to Ynissa, panting slightly before she looked back to the trio of lovely women and took Lilitifa's and her redheaded sister's hands and smiled. "Well ladies. To your room first? Or shall we get a bite to eat first, and perhaps something to drink as well?" Diana asked the trio and followed them to wherever they desired to go.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Hmmhmhm~ I don't see why we couldn't kill two birds with one stone, honey?~" The blonde 'sister' whispered into Diana's ear before nibbling on it and stroking her back gently. "We brought some food and drink with us. Were kind of on a business trip. Our employer lost something and sent us to fetch it" She said with a wink to her readheaded 'sister' "I'm Elanna, by the way~" "Yes, Elanna is right we have plenty, and while we do have a job to do, who says we can't mix business with pleasure?~ Right Lilitifa?" The readheaded sister confirmed as she gently rubbed Diana's hand as she held it. "Exactly. Don't you two worry at all, we've always known how to treat guests~"

Upon reaching the sistets' room, Diana and Ynissa would be surprised to find it was much larger than a room at this type of really had a right to be, not to mention much more luxurious. There were soft cushy couches with extravagant throw pillows and body pillows, scented candles, incense, myrrh, a large lush bed with black and red sheets; and a large banquet table filled with all sorts of food and drink. After a short pause, Lilitifa would snap her fingers and a magical field would surround the room keeping anyone not magically adept from hearing, opening the door, or intrude on the sisters and their guests.

A beautiful herm wearing a leather harness would also appear before bowing to Lilitifa, "Yes Mistress? How may I serve you?" "Maya, these two lovely ladies here are our esteemed guests. Make them feel at home and serve them as you would my sisters and me, understood? That includes their sexual needs as well~" "As you command Mistress." "Maya here is a gift from our employer, a defeated holy warrior who became a willing flesh slave. Don't worry, she's quite settled down into her new role in life, in case you think she's being held against her will. We also treat her very well. Now please help yourself to anything you see here you so desire; and I do mean anything.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"T-That's true... I guess. Though, Ynissa and myself haven't had a whole lot of food since we met really," Diana said, cooing softly as her ear was nibbled on. "A-And what did you lose? O-Or what did your employer lose I guess?" she then asked.

As she followed the group upstairs to their room, Diana sighed softly at the redheaded sister's touch. When they got inside the room, Diana gasped at the sheer... hugeness of the place. It was much larger than the inn should normally have for a room, even the best one in the place. After the other herm came over upon being summoned, Diana gulped softly and stared at her, and then to Lilitifa again. "U-Um... s-she's a slave? But... i-isn't slavery bad?" Diana asked, a little wary now, but seeing as how the trio hadn't really tried to hurt them just yet, Diana wasn't drawing her weapon... yet, though she was more cautious than before as she took a seat at the dining table.

When they had taken their seats, Diana glanced around and waited until they could speak to Maya alone, while she and Ynissa both began picking at their food some. "M-Maya, are you being held against your will? Do you... you know, really like being their slave?" Diana asked the herm girl quietly.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Lilitifa smirked softly and slyly at Diana's question, allowing her to sit down at the table before sliding in close to her and whispering softly, quietly, huskipy and seductively into her earlobe You. But here's the catch... My sisters and I don't really... see eye to with Pandora... She's tends to hog the spoils for herself. And we succubi practically live off sex and lust. Its like a farmer hogging the crops from his worker. We might not... Even tell her you're here, we might forget we even saw after were through. That is... If you can show us a good time... We've been chasing for you days. Were tired, pent up, horny and practically starving. So if you and your friend can leave us passed put and pleased, you won't have to worry about Pandora. Simple as that. Entertain us. Please us. And don't worry, well keep our end of the bargain." she finished as would begin to fluff her pussy. "The slavers who caught me treated me very cruelly. I was abused, locked, experimented on, and eventually turned to a dick girl against my will. When Pandora purchased me she would have me and cock fucked and milked dry regularly. I was about to lose my mind. But I was given to Mistress and her sisters as a reward for retrieving another runaway slave that Pandora favored. Her and her sisters are actually very kind to the charges. They let me return home and visit and write to friends and family on occasion. They would buy me things and treat me like a person and not an object. They fought me to love sex and my new dick. I only have to obey and swear to be loyal to them. A slaves life may not be ideal. But they're fair and take good care of me." Maya replied to her other question.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

At Lilitifa's words, Diana gasped and nearly fell out of her chair as she tried to scoot it back, a look of fear in her eyes, until Lilitifa finished speaking. Diana's cheeks flushed bright red, as she sat there and listened to Maya's response to her questions. Listening to Maya, Diana calmed down a bit more, since it seemed that these three were at least fair, somewhat. "L-Lilitifa, I accept your proposal... i-in that case. Do you mind if I um... y-you know, freshen up a bit first and eat to keep my strength up?" Diana said to Lilitifa after a few moments, blushing deeply as she accepted to please them all.

If Lilitifa and her sisters accepted, Diana would eat a hearty meal, before going to their bathroom and cleaning up from the travels of the road, where she would make sure she was squeaky clean before coming back out, completely naked, and her cock already hot and hard, ready for the succubi to conquer it, her body instinctively ready thanks to Pandora's training, and her mind urging her to follow along with these succubi. "I... please be gentle with me. Most of the other succubi she had training me constantly, w-weren't overly gentle sometimes," Diana said, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal as she walked over to their bed and laid back on it, beckoning them to her as her 12 inches of cock throbbed at their approach, likely with them knowing all about her collar and what it did, and the curse placed upon her to be unable to truly resist succubi.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Hmmhmm~ Feel free. We have plenty of time. Maya?" she would beckon to her futa slave, Yes, Mistress?" Once Diana finishes eating please attend to her in the wash room. Consider her the same as me and my sisters for today, understood?" she asked gently stroking Maya's already hardening cock. "O-oooh~ O-of course, M-Mistress..." she replied as Diana and Ynissa would begin to help themselves to the spread Lilitifa and her sisters had spread out "D-Diana... Are you sure its o-okay? I mean th-they do work for that succubus that is after you... How do you know we can trust th-EEP!" She would squeak out cutely as she would feel Elanna playfully pinch her ass, "We can heeear yoooou, you knooow~" she would tease Ynissa before swatting her ass, Think about it, sweets~ If we wanted to turn you in... Pandora would be here before you could even leave the inn. Even if you killed us, which is highly unlikely, If we really were going to betray you, it would be quick. Pandora... probably knows we're entertaining you... and will know we let you go, but... that's OUR problem. So chill." the younger sister would inform Ynissa before setting back down and taking a swig of wine. ”Elanna is right” the red headed sister would speak up, ”You really have nothing to lose here, ladies. You only stand to gain a free meal, a break from the hunt and some carnal fun and bliss. But eat up and get yourselves cleaned up first if you like. I am Jessa by the way.” Ynissa would stay silent, looking over expectantly to Diana, awaiting to see what she would have to say. If she would not press the issue farther then Ynissa would comply as well and begin eating whenever Diana did.

Once the two would have their fill their fill they would head into the showers, Maya following up behind them.
Once the trio of women were in the showers, Maya would set the water fairly hot, and allow the jets of water to cascade down their bodies, before picking up a body of lotion and applying a generous amount in her hands before lathering it up and proceeding to soap up and rub Diana’s back with it. "Does this feel good, Miss Diana? Just relax now, okay? I'll get you nice and clean all over and make you feel at the same time~" she said reaching around to Diana's belly and rubbing it gently and seductively, lathering the soap up her front. After a moment she reach up to her breasts and begin to lather them up, kneading the soft fleshy orbs, and tweaking her stiffening nipples. She would continue to to work up to her raven tresses, massaging the shampoo and wash into a nice thick lather, licking, nibbling and breathing hotily into her earlobe, drawing out long pleasure filled mewls of contentment from the tired hermaphrodite. After a moment, she would kneel down before instructing Diana, "Just relax okay?" She would then gently spread Diana's asscheeks open before sticking her tongue into her tight bunghole, introducing the herm to a new sensation. She would continue to probe her sphincter with her tongue for a few more minutes, before lathering two of fingers up with rose scented body wash and slowly and gently working her fingers into her ass, pumping them and out slowly, getting every crevice squeaky clean. Once she was finished with her ass, she would reach into her gap and begin slowly working her fiery pussy with the soap and wash, cleaning every inch of the herm for her mistresses' inspection.

She would then work her way down Diana's long toned legs, picking her feet up to get every little toe and her soles before snaking back around to her front and applying the same treatment to her impressive dick, She would lick up and down her meaty shaft and give the head tentative little licks before soaping the healthy member up thoroughly. When it looked like Diana was about to come, she would stop her ministrations and reply in a sing song voice, "Time for the rinse~" She would then run the nozzle all over Diana's body, the hot water, feeling like heaven to her body, the beads of water cascading down every curve, nook and cranny. Then she would rub Diana's ass gently before replying "Last but not least is the flush. Don't worry, I've cleaned out several women and slaves under Mistress Lilitifa's orders. I'll be gentle and it'll be one of the best feelings you ever had~" She would then slowly and gently insert a thin nozzle into Diana's back door, and a small stream of warm water would flood into her bowels. "Okay, Diana. All you need to do is squat down on the floor here, and relax. The water will come out naturally." If Diana complied, she would feel an alien but altogether pleasurable sensation come over her as the water would slowly leak out of bowels and through her bumhole, pouring out onto the tile. Once it was all finished Maya would pry her butt cheeks open gently once more and take a good sniff of her anus, "Ahh~ Just like roses~ Mistress will love it!" She would then give Ynissa the same treatment, but bowing out of the enema if she objected. Once all three were finished washing, the trio would find a set of lingerie and bathrobes for them wear to out to waiting succubi in the main room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Watching Lilitifa stroking Maya's cock so openly, was arousing Diana even more, and a bead of her pre formed on her tip, ready to leak down her length that was now hard as a rock. When Ynissa whispered to her, and the succubi basically told them that they could hear them whispering, Diana blushed and glanced to Ynissa. "S-She's right about that. Pandora likely knows I'm here by now. I... I think we can trust them, for now at least. I mean, they could have easily turned me over to Pandora, because if they work for her, they know about the curses that Pandora laid upon me, a-and my herm family members too. T-They were the same curses, just mine is the most... p-potent of them all," Diana told Ynissa, panting slightly as she finished eating, her cheeks pink with arousal.

Diana moved to the baths after that, to get freshened up some, before she buried her cock inside of the lovely succubi. "A-Alright Maya, thank you. I appreciate it, and yes it does feel good," Diana said, sighing softly as she felt Maya's hands on her body.

Diana giggled ticklishly as she felt Maya's hands across her waist, and when her breasts were groped and kneaded around a bit, Diana cooed lewdly, especially when her nipples were tweaked a bit, forming two beads of milk upon both. Maya didn't need to tell Diana to relax any, as she had already done so, almost completely actually. When she was maneuvered around by Maya, so the other herm girl could do as she wished, Diana gasped as her eyes went wide at the new sensation. Nobody had ever licked her asshole before. They had tickled it with feathers and tentacles, they had probed it deeply with cocks and tentacles as well, and they had fingered it, and even on some occasions Pandora had had some of her underlings pump eggs into it, along with Diana's pussy, but she had never actually had it licked before.

As soon as she felt Maya stop licking her, her asshole having loosened up quite a bit thanks to that, Diana moaned aloud as she felt two fingers enter her. Her ass admittedly, was already fairly loose, thanks to Pandora's constant sexual torture of her body every day. But this just felt simply amazing, more loving, and sensual. When she felt Maya's fingers move to her pussy, Diana's cock jerked a bit and her balls trembled against Maya's hand as she fingered her slit, which was leaking her juices heavily.

Diana let Maya go until her body was almost literally on fire, and her cock was about to burst, her balls trembling, her cock twitching like mad, and her seed aching to come out. But Maya backed off just enough to keep her from cumming, and Diana whimpered softly at this, but didn't stop it from happening. "W-Wait, what? W-What are you doing? I... eep!" Diana began saying, tensing up a bit as she felt something new entering her asshole, and then she gasped as she felt the water entering her.

Diana sat down on the shower floor and tried to think of just how good it'll feel when she was fucking the succubi in the next few minutes, and when her mind had gotten her to the point of climax in her daydream, the whole ordeal was done, and she didn't need to worry about it anymore, as Maya told her she smelled like roses, which made her blush a bit. Diana relaxed a bit while Ynissa was also washed up, though Diana let her friend decide on whether or not she got the cleansing she had gotten. After they had finished up in the baths, Diana sighed softly and walked back into the bedroom, wearing nothing but a towel around her body, and one around her hair.

"Miss Lilitifa, I'm ready, f-for all of you. Please... h-hurry, my balls are aching so much. They're so full," Diana panted softly as she walked over towards the bed, and dropped her towel to reveal her painfully hard cock as it twitched and throbbed with need.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Fufufu~ Patience makes the heart grow fonder, sweet Diana~ I savor the anticipation, even as a succubus. The waiting... the anticipation.. the need and desperation of a partner... I like to let it build... to a feverish, if not maddening level. That way when the time for the main event comes, the lust and desire erupt into the most mind blowing sex imaginable... Like a volcano, non? Now then, please be a dear and come over to me and let me and my sisters inspect you both." If Diana and Ynissa would comply with Lilitifa's request, she would order Diana to spin around slowly in a circle, before having her face away from her. She would then gently grasp her full ass, before spreading her round ass cheeks apart to see her freshly cleaned rosebud. "Mmmm~ Roses, Maya is such a good slave... Knowing exactly what I like..." She said sniffing Diana's anus gently before gently spreading her legs open and pushing on her back to bend her over. "Mmmm~ Such a lovely view... A nice healthy shaft, puckering ass, heavy balls, and sweet cunny... Pandora really is too... ravenous. She doesn't know how to saver a treat you..." She would coo before gently grasping Diana's throbbing dick and pumping it slowly as well as finger her drooling pussy and probe her clean ass hole with her serpentine tongue.

Meanwhile, Maya would take Ynissa over to Elanna and Jessa, the two of them having the young woman present herself to them, stroking both sides gently as turned around for them. Once they were finished they would lie Ynissa down on a luxurious comfy long cushion, Jessa spreading Ynissa's legs open wide before going down on her pussy, lapping at the wet folds, occasionally sticking her fingers and tongue into her holes. Every once in a while her tongue or fingers would dip into her asshole, or her fingers would toy with her throbbing clit. Meanwhile, Elanna would proceed to make out heavy with Ynissa, her eternally trained tongue easily dominating the unskilled one of the innocent farm girl. Her tongue would tickle her uvula, tonsils and drag along her teeth. When she would break to let the young woman breathe, she would lick and nibble on her earlobes, neck and back while also fondling her shapely breasts, drawing out lewd and need filled coos from the woman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Lilitifa speak of letting the desire build even more, was almost maddening to Diana, her cock already throbbing like mad, and her balls trembling and aching with need. Diana nodded to Ynissa and gently took her hand, leading her over to the trio of succubi, where Diana did as Lilitifa wanted and did a little twirl to show off her beautiful body. "Y-Yeah, Pandora's not a succubus, s-so she doesn't know how to truly... t-treat a herm like me. A-At least that's what many of the other succubi who took me all the time said, building me up with m-my cock ring on, a-and then releasing me when they were ready for me to cum," Diana said softly as Lilitifa began gently pumping her shaft, a bead of pre already forming on her tip.

Ynissa meanwhile followed Maya over to the other two, letting herself be led over to them, and giving them a twirl like Diana had done. As soon as they had gotten the looks they desired of Ynissa, the young human was laid down on a large cushion, her legs spread wide, and Ynissa couldn't help but moan aloud despite having been so tense before about all this, as it just felt so good. It didn't take the pair of succubi long to really break down Ynissa's defenses, her moans filling the room as she was teased all over.

Lilitifa and the others, would be able to easily notice the scent of Ynissa's wet folds, coupled with her moans, were making Diana's cock throb and tremble more in Lilitifa's hands, as her eyes glazed over completely with lust. "M-Miss Lilitifa... m-my bag over there. It... it has m-my cock ring in it, t-that Pandora made me wear. I-If you wish to put it on me t-to build me up more," Diana said, unsure why she mentioned it, until she remembered how weak she was to succubi thanks to the curse, and how hard it was to resist them and letting them toy with her mind and body.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Hmmhmmhmm~ Don't fret over that sweets~ A good succubus always comes prepared ~" she continued before putting Diana's head into her mouth, her serpentine tongue lulling over and around the purple bulb and greedily ducking the ore cum down. "Mmmm~ So sweet~" she cooed before licking up and down her meaty shaft, stopping to suckle on her heavy quivering balls a little bit before sliding down to her wet, musky pussy and puckering anus; and repeating the process two or three times. Meanwhile Elanna and Jessa were continuing the ministration to Ynissa, the two gently picking Ynissa up by her legs holding her upside down while playing with her pussy and ass hole and licking up and down her legs and thighs. All the while Maya would come up and present her futa dick to the young woman, "Miss Ynissa... Would you please suck me off? I've been pent up this whole time too ~" the other herm in the room cooed.

Back with Diana and Lilitifa the elder succubus would gently place her own cock ring over Diana's futa dick, "Now then... I think that's enough foreplay for you for now... Let's see if you can return the favor? I want you to eat out my ass and pussy. If you can get me to near bursting, I'll take that cock ring off and we can really fuck..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Feeling the head of her shaft being pulled into Lilitifa's mouth, and the feel of her balls being sucked on made Diana's body go limp in Lilitifa's arms. "O-Oh please, it... it feels so good. P-Please let me cum," Diana whined, her cock trembling in Lilitifa's mouth and hands.

Ynissa moaned softly as well when the other two succubi hefted her legs up into the air and held her up in a pile driving position, though they didn't pile drive her of course. Her own lusts building too great to resist, Ynissa found her mouth opening when Maya presented her cock to Ynissa, and she took it in her mouth and sucked eagerly on it, while the other two succubi licked her pussy and ass.

"Y-Yes mistress," Diana said softly, the words escaping her mouth before she could stop them, where a heavy blush appeared on her cheeks as she went down on Lilitifa and began eating her out, starting with her pussy first, with her middle finger slipping up to Lilitifa's ass and sliding inside to tease her there too, and she did her best to drive the succubus wild with pleasure, being very experienced in doing this for succubi did have its perks, Diana thought to herself, as she kept going.