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The H-Page

Re: The H-Page

I must say, I do admire your work, good sir.
Also, what form of pad are you using...? Would these be scanned, or some other bit of technology?
Re: The H-Page

Thanks, these were drawn with my graphic tablet, its a Trust TB-6300. They were drawn in the program 'Easy Paint Tool SAI', though the gardevoir one was touched up in Photoshop CS1, I did her eye in that.
Re: The H-Page

Re: The H-Page

Uh...can I help you?
Re: The H-Page

Thanks, these were drawn with my graphic tablet, its a Trust TB-6300. They were drawn in the program 'Easy Paint Tool SAI', though the gardevoir one was touched up in Photoshop CS1, I did her eye in that.

this annoys me because i has a bigger tablet but smaller talent
Re: The H-Page

Holy shit, this place still exists?

@Azure: I've got a new tablet now, bigger and touch-screeny, new PC too, unfortunately I haven't been able to use either since I got them because I don't have the room to set them up. Should do soon though, once I've moved into my apartment. Will have some new stuff up a bit after that.
Re: The H-Page

Looking good but mannequins will be mannequins. Take your time to finish something. I don't doubt you'll impress us. =3
Re: The H-Page

hurrays ^^ i'm still finding it hard to come up with proper concepts for pictures or if i can then i cant get my lines right
Re: The H-Page

Very nice, I wish there is a Hentai drawing generator. Would be very nice to compile quick massive amounts of CG :rolleyes: