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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Much as I am a sensible man, the Sheriff is right. The only solution to a rogue mage has to be death. Though, honestly, if she was willing to change her ways I'd say let her come with us and escape the noose." Michael says, both of his hands sliding into the pockets of his pants, and looking over at Lani. "So, how have you been, girl? Last we saw each other, I was stumbling off for a drink in Chander. Then I heard about this bandit problem and flew off to handle it myself." he says, smirking at the prospect of traveling with the demoness again, his wings buzzing to reflect his joy at finding her again, not putting too much thought into the Natalia situation. She was a mage, and mages couldn't be trusted to keep themselves out of trouble unless supervised, in his eyes.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Lani felt more disheartened as Michael's words echoed Malcolm's, condemning Natalia to death for her actions. And sure, she had shared their opinion at one point, but now all she felt was pity and guilt, and what she had put Natalia through was payback enough. And though Michael had suggested giving Natalia a second chance Lani it felt more as an afterthought to her, and given Malcolm was the law of this area she didn't expect it to hold much weight.

Though as the conversation turned to her activities once the two had separated in Chander Lani perked up somewhat. "Well... after we parted I bumped into Vanilla," She gestured to the half catgirl-half nymph. "After doing some shopping and taking some contracts with the sheriff. We did one of them, went out and killed a bunch of demon spiders, and bonded along the way. We even rescued some townswomen that had been kidnapped by the head spider, and even saved an angel! And afterwards... we went back to Vanilla's, and y'know... We had sex." Lani's face grew bright red at that admission, and she giggled childishly and uncontrollably. "But it wasn't like usual! S-she... Vanilla, she took my virginity. She had the penis this time, and put it in me! And the morning after Fido arrived. Mother sent him to check up on me, and then... we had sex as well." Again, at the mention of Fido's name she gestured to the giant demonic hound. "But then, the bandits attacked the town and we barely managed to survive. And then all of this happened."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

Accepting the situation with the bandit mage, Malcolm whistled and two people grabbed Natalie, trying her up again and dragging her to a horse. She winced visibly as she was put onto it, the first real reaction she'd had, but she made no complaint on the ride back to Chander. With their coin retrieved, Malcolm paid Lani the reward for the bounty, 200 denarii, before putting a collar on Natalia and throwing her in a cell.

Both Lani and Michael were now free to do as they wished, with Vanilla staying in Chander to look after things and rebuild her destroyed home.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Michael keeps a wary eye on Natalia the entire trip back to the town, his guns always within arms reach the whole trip until she's in irons and in a cell, before rejoining Lani and looking the demoness over.

"So. What did you have in mind next, Lani? I figure I should come along with you since there's all of nothing left for me to do these days." he says to the demoness, his hands resting on his hips, though he does take a moment to regard the runty hellhound, Fido, beside her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Natalia's sentence was disappointing enough for Lani, but after Vanilla deciding to stay in Chander to rebuild everything that had been destroyed in the bandit raid the young demoness was positively saddened. They had only been friends for several days but they had shared so many special memories and bonded so well that Lani had believed they'd be together for a long time, but obviously that wasn't meant to be. Though a part of her understood Vanilla's reasons, it was the half nymph's home after all. If something happened to Eleanor's ranch she would certainly stay behind to make sure it was safe again. But at least Michael had joined up with her again so she wouldn't be travelling alone.

"Well, I still plan on heading to Acheron, so I guess that's where I'll eventually be going, but now? Who knows, y'know. There's probably plenty of places between here and there. Though I do need to make sure Fido leaves safely with our other pups first."

"Mmmm, I guess we should at least find somewhere to stay for the night and then leave early in the morning," Lani would suggest once they had arrived back in Chander and collected her pay as well as collecting up the remainder of her pups.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

Fido was far from runty, though Michael would see the small one of the litter than Lani had elected to keep with her all too soon as she collected the pups she had birthed, many of them now larger significantly. They pawed at her chest, hungering for milk, as she gathered them up.

There weren't many places to stay in Chander, the tavern having been hit in the bandit raid and torn apart and many of the other buildings damaged, but they could take a newly abandoned building to rest in for the day or try to get a room at the battered tavern.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

With her pups collected up and night slowly approaching Lani was quick to point out one of the deserted buildings that skirted the edge of Chander, suggesting it as their shelter for the night before they set off in the morning. Once the two of them had come to an agreement on where they'd stay Lani would enter quickly and secure an area for herself, Fido, and their 'children'.

Though upon seeing her pups paw and whine at her for food the young demoness would remove her hoodie and unbutton her shirt, baring her breasts for her pups to feed from, allowing Rex to go first before letting the rest have their fill. During the mildly arousing feeding session Lani would explain to Fido of her intentions for tomorrow; to set off towards Acheron with Michael and Rex, whilst Fido set off back to the farm with the remainder of their pups. Once she had finished talking to the great beast she'd make no additional comments, though would happily talk to Michael should he address her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Michael agrees on the building Lani points out, buzzing his way over and finding a corner to sit down in. "So what's with all the little buggers, Lani? You get yourself in trouble with a hellhound while I was getting the shit kicked out of me by those bandits?" the waspman asks, resting an arm on his right knee as he relaxes against what remains of the corner he's sitting in. "Or did I miss something about your past?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Um... well, you're half right," Lani began, and buttoned her shirt back up once the pups had had their fill. "Fido, he tracked me here because my mom told him to, and found me at Vanilla's after I had spent the night with her. That's the cat girl that was with us back at the bandit camp. And well, one thing led to another, and after she had told me about her times having sex with animals she summoned it convinced me to at least try having sex with Fido, so I did! And it felt really good, he was really rough and dominating but it didn't hurt much at all. And then I had all these puppies! I don't know if I'd do it again, not so soon anyway, but I can see why other people like it."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Wait, your mother sent that sucker to you?" Michael asks, looking down at all the hellhound pups. "Least we'll have a guard dog to keep watch while we sleep. Speaking of, you still headed to Acheron? I'm about done with this little town, to be honest, and still kind of interested in seeing how badly it's been ruined by now." the wasp-man says, his wings buzzing as he lifts off the ground and floats a few inches up, looking rather pleased that he's free from being trapped on the ground.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Mmmm, yup! I'm still on my way there. I wanna see what the city of demons is like during my travels!" The young half demon exclaimed happily, energetically throwing her arms up in excitement. Though at the mention of Acheron potentially being in ruins Lani's happiness turned to disappointment as she frowned. "Wh-what? Acheron's in ruins? That can't be right, I really need to go there!"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Well, I heard that when the gate opened and the demons poured in, the city was razed to the ground. I have no idea how well it's fared up until now." Michael says, showing just how disconnected from world events he's been since the Gate opened. "Why do you need to go there, anyway?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"'When the demons poured in..?'" Lani repeated, a confused expression etched into her young features. Though a second later that confusion was replaced with realisation and the half demon's face lit up as she realised the waspman's error. "Oh, no, you silly, you're thinking of Artmirst! Acheron was built AFTER the demons had attacked it. Or so I've heard from the merchants that come to the farm."

"Oh, I just wanna visit it. See what became of my mother's home town. See what the demon city is like. Y'know, the usually travelling stuff."
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

The waspman nods as he listens to Labni. "Yeah, Artmirst. I was just outside the city when the demons came through and hell broke loose. The resulting corruption, well...I used to be a simple Badarian." he says, shaking hios head. "Mostly going because I'm bored, and interested in seeing if anyone I know from back then is still alive." he says, more curiosity in his voice than anything. "Speaking of, shouldn't we be getting underway before we have to spend the night in this dusty little town?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"It's gonna be a long days travel tomorrow and we've been through a lot today. We're gonna need our rest if we want to be ready for whatever we meet on our way to Acheron, and my lil' boys here need their rest too. Don't you boys~?" Lani took Fido's head under an arm and Rex under the other and hugged them close to her. "'sides, I won't be seeing Fido and the rest of the pups for a long while, I think, and it'd be nice to spend the night with them.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Yeah. We do need a bit of rest. Wait, can't we just fly? Not like it's going to be THAT hard of a road, is it?" the wasp-man asks, looking at all the hellhounds. "Just...So long as those things don't bite. I've seen dogs try to catch and eat bugs that got into their house..." he says, shuddering at the thought.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

The hellhounds would collectively jockey for position on Lani's chest, each of them trying to feed, and if she hadn't let Rex get his fill first the runt would have been kicked and clawed back by his siblings and left to feed left, when all others had had their fill. Fido watched the spectacle impassively, and once all the pups had their fill the increasingly large young hellhounds all settled down around her. The two would be able to settle in corners of the sheriff's place as they saw fit, resting through the night as their wounds healed and their stamina returned. When they awoke, the sun would be beating down upon the still devastated town, but people were already putting their lives back together despite the tragedy that had hit.

Michael and Lani could pack and be ready to go at their leisure, but it would only get hotter as the day wore on. They would have to figure out which direction they wanted to go, however, knowing only that Acheron was somewhere to the Southeast. There was a dirt road going South that had once been well traveled and well maintained, the road among the dry plains going along an old trade route, but they could also go straight East, over the dunes, and get to the more temperate areas of Badaria more directly if they preferred.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Well, sure, we could fly, but that'd be more effort than just walking," Lani reasoned. "And don't you worry, only Rex'll be coming with us, Fido'll be taking the rest back with him tomorrow."

With their plans made and her pups fed and sleeping around her Lani spent some of the night awake, training the young Rex for several hours before she too decided to finally get some sleep. And once morning came, and the two of them finally woke up, Lani most likely around mid morning, she'd suggest taking the path well travelled. It'd be slower going, sure, but she would reason it would most likely be the safer option.

Infuse Companion ritual - 240 denarii + 8 hours = 32exp
Talents bought; Stealthy, 2x Hard to Hit, Quick
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about a pack of hellhounds following us around." the wasp-man says as he settles in for the night, sleeping rather comfortably, and only buzzing himself awake when Lani began to stir in the morning, his wings flitting at different speeds as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. When suggested they take the well-traveled path, he nods, stretching out the sores from his captivity, opting to follow her lead.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Mmm, good mornin'~!" Lani greeted Michael sleepily as the two woke, a loud yawn escaping the young half demon as she sorted her hair out and cleaned herself up. Whilst collecting her gear up ready for their travels she'd get Fido and the rest of the pups ready for leaving, bidding them fair well and a safe journey, and promises of seeing them again eventually.

Once her goodbyes to the hellhounds were concluded with she'd track down sheriff Malcolm and thank him for everything he's done for her, and wish him and his town a quick recovery, and to thank Vanilla for her for sticking with Lani and being her friend.

"Right, are you ready to set off?" Lani asked the waspman cheerfully once her business in Chander had been concluded with, and securing her bag she'd set off out of the desert town and onto the well-travelled road to Acheron, humming happily with Rex padding around her feet.