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The Gardens

Re: The Gardens

A slight frown would cross Enigma's visage upon finding her attempts at shifting her cat-eared quarry's clothes resisted, finding it more difficult than she anticipated to do so while maintaining a steady hold. Nevertheless, as she continued to make small talk with Maya, the necromancer would opt to try again.

"That's the entire point dear~ To make you reach a peak first rather than me."

((Shift clothes again))
Re: The Gardens

Whilst her uncooperative interference helped to keep Enigma out of her panties, it had thus far failed to have much success on changing the tides of their embrace. None the less, there weren't any other options right now, so she struggled on against the necromancers deceptively good grip. This time attempting to use the pairings weight to tip them both over sideways.

Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 40/52, PP = 53, EP = 93/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold
Initiative: Enigma = 20, Maya = 18

Grapple: 16 + 36 = 52 vs 42 = 6 + 36. Maya's clothing has been shifted.

Grapple: 20 + 36 = 56 vs 38 = 2 + 36. Maya fails to escape.

Plant interference: Nope.
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 36/52, PP = 53, EP = 89/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Clothing Shifted
Re: The Gardens

Her dress hoisted to her shoulders and tucked out of the way, Maya murmurs a frustrated little sound followed by a subdued mewl as she feels the slender elven fingers slip into her panties and remove them. Whilst she tries to close her legs and bar her opponent in play any access, the position she had been put into prevented such efforts. With the tender goal bared to her, Enigma would quickly be able to assess that the half-daemon was already wet in anticipation. Perhaps a weakness of Maya's for enjoying this game so much. Resolving not to give in so easily, she continues to struggle and do all she could against the arousing situation. Competitive fear and excitement in her eyes as she did so.

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Re: The Gardens

Clothing shifted out of the way...next was...how did Lanai do it? Verbal teasing and gentle strokes? Perhaps a nip to the ear?... Yes...that would have to do. While her fingers moved to gently brush against Maya's already moistened flower, Enigma would position her head close to one of her quarry's cat-like ear, whispering softly...sensually into it, before opting to suckle on its tip...perhaps to provide a bit of extra stimulation.

"My my~...So eager already... Perfect~..."
Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 36/52, PP = 53, EP = 89/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Clothing Shifted
General note: Normally, all grapple actions (removing clothes, foreplay, etc.) would be one grapple roll. However, as per apparent preference, I'm doing it in two for the purposes of further rolls for this battle unless one of the combatants wants to go back to the standard single roll.

Initiative: Enigma = 18, Maya = 16

Grapple: 7 + 36 = 43 vs 37 = 1 + 36. Enigma wins.
Pleasure: 3 + 9 + 4 = 16 - 15 = 1.
Damage: 5.

Grapple: 11 + 36 = 47 vs 49 = 13 + 36. Maya escapes.

Plant Interference: Yes.
Entangling Vines: Join Group Grapple
Attack: 10 + 32 = 42 vs 46. Miss, apparently.
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 32/52, PP = 53, EP = 85/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20
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Re: The Gardens

A short series of gasps issue out from Maya as Enigma begins to work on the girl. The nibbling on the ear seems to get a particular response as Maya tenses up momentarily before weakening her resolve for just a second. It doesn't last long however, the cat ear being shook from it's captor, and the girl making another surge of effort to free herself. "I'm not going down for you that easily!" Maya exclaims with a laugh at her minor victory, finally managing to unbalance the stable hold and break it into a more open state. This does come with the added effect of moving the pair a tiny bit closer to the vines, one of which attempts to grab out at them. Only managing a stretched light brush against the grappler's sides however, it retreats back to hover ominously. "I think you have far too much clothes for this game. Lets take them off before you get them sweaty. <3"

((Shift clothing would make more sense, but Maya wants them gone. Can't argue.))
Re: The Gardens

Perhaps it had been the appearance of the vines that had unnerved her or her focus on imitating the images of faux past experiences and lovers that had made her loosen her grip. Either way, with the new threat to her plans, Enigma found herself in to much of a haste reestablish her plans...opting to simply continue her attempts at pleasuring the girl... Moving the hand that had once been used to hold her still to try kneading her chest perhaps, in hopes that would be a bit more effective than her earlier attempt. That said though, having a love for banter to some extent she found herself still trading dialogue even when events were shifting against her favor...

"Is that so dear?~... I must apologize yet again for my choice of style... at a later point that is~..."

Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start.
Enigma: HP = 32/52, PP = 53, EP = 85/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20
Initiative: Enigma = 19, Maya = 12

Grapple: 6 + 36 = 42 vs 55 = 19 + 36. Maya wins.

Grapple: 2 + 36 = 38 vs 33 = 1 + 36 - 4. Enigma wins.

Entangling Vines: Join Group Grapple
Attack: 16 + 32 = 48 vs 46. It's in the grapple.
Stats, round one end
Enigma: HP = 28/52, PP = 53, EP = 81/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Round Two: Rolls!
Initiative: Enigma = 5, Maya = 20
Changing the Grapple stuff for clarification.
Maya's Grapple: 17 + 36 - 4 = 49 vs 42 = 6 + 36. Maya wins. Enigma's clothing is removed.

Enigma's Grapple: 3 + 36 = 39 vs 55 = 19 + 36. Maya wins.

According to rule of coin flip, the plant attempts a submission hold against Maya.
Vine Grapple: 1 + 32 = 33 vs 42 = 6 + 36. Maya wins.
Stats, round two end.
Enigma: HP = 24/52, PP = 53, EP = 77/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
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Re: The Gardens

Artfully avoiding further pleasures from her partner, Maya with a bit off effort eventually finds the secret to getting rid of those robes. Some mobile grappling and well timed pulls see them out of the way. The intruding vine managing to snake it's way into the tussle attempting to wrap around and hoist Maya at one point during her efforts, though passing it a robe proving effective enough at distracting it. "See isn't this better?" she purrs, hugging her body up tightly against Enigma's now, as roaming hands snake round and seek out sensitive spots.
Re: The Gardens

Whereas Enigma had accounted for Maya's movements as to keeping her robe on, the elf had not anticipated the interference of the vines...Nor the daemon-child's craftiness in making use of them, when her robe was so deftly attached to one of the powerful vines and snatched away by them. Not the most optimal situation to be in...but, even then, the elf couldn't help but smile even as fingers began to roam her body... This girl, so crafty with such an unaged soul...she was "wonderful"~...

"So devious dear~... Though this is indeed...not unpleasant~..."

Not to be undone however, Enigma too would roam her hands across her..."opponent"'s body, intent on truly playing the game to its fullest now...

Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 24/52, PP = 53, EP = 77/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Initiative: Enigma = 16, Maya = 9

Enigma's Grapple: 16 + 36 = 52 vs 54 = 18 + 36. Maya wins.

Maya's Grapple: 8 + 36 = 44 vs 41 = 5 + 36. Maya wins.
Pleasure: 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 - 20 = 0.
Damage: 8.

Entangling Vines: Coin flip says that it tries to put Maya in a submission hold again.
Grapple: 7 + 32 = 39 vs 48 = 12 + 36. Maya wins.
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 20/52, PP = 53, EP = 73/109, EHP = 16/24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Re: The Gardens

It was easy to tell from her warmly lit face, that Maya was very much enjoying herself in this unexpected competition, rolling intimately on the grass with a stranger. Or new friend perhaps? That would be nice. She felt like she could tell from Enigma's face and mannerisms also, even as difficult to read as they were, that the elf would be finding it hard to resist much longer. Leaning her head down she begins to lick and kiss at her partners shoulder and neck line. A bit on the face, or further down, wherever she could reach. Fingers meanwhile sneaking round behind, find their prize and begin gliding across and into Enigma's nether lips.

((Foreplay. Also, Maya is getting cocky and having too much fun, thus disable resistance reduction on any PP for this round.))
Re: The Gardens

Indeed, brow furrowed with sweat, and the toils of infusing energy in such a self destructive way, Enigma was beginning to find the proposition of...concession, appealing perhaps. Yet there was a part of her still, that refused to allow herself be made "sport of" so easily... Even if this was hardly her expertise. Thus as she felt fingers dance at her netherlips...she too, would try to return such a favor, if only to make a show of resilience still.

Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 20/52, PP = 53, EP = 73/109, EHP = 16/24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Initiative: Enigma = 20, Maya = 14

Enigma's Grapple: 10 + 36 = 46 vs 56 = 20 + 36. Maya wins.

Maya's Grapple: 16 + 36 = 52 vs 43 = 7 + 36. Maya wins.
Pleasure: 7 + 6 + 4 = 17 - 20 = 0.
Damage: 6.

Entangling Vines: Gets tired of its lot in life and attempts to penetrate Maya, according to the roll chart I made for this.
Grapple: 11 + 32 = 43 vs 44 = 8 + 36. Maya wins...this time!
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 16/52, PP = 53, EP = 69/109, EHP = 10/24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Re: The Gardens

Feeling a snaking plant tendril slide purposefully up her leg, Maya quickly juts her hips out of the way and manages to move a leg to temporarily pin the vine against the floor. The thing would likely squirm out of that soon enough though. The motion also making things difficult for Enigma however. Whilst Maya had been able to maintain a dominant role toward the latter half of this fight, she had to commend her partner on the feat of mental resistance that had become evident. "You know... if you relax, it will feel better~" she teases, sliding her fingers in and out with trained rhythm and caress. Her twin tails gently snaking and tickling across the wanders skin.

((More foreplay! Also like before, Maya's not putting any effort into mental resistance, thus disable resistance reduction on any PP for this round and ongoing unless the tables turn somehow.))
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Re: The Gardens

Although as impressive as that mental resistance was, the toil it took on the elf gradually became more and more evident as time went on...At the rate things were going, Enigma felt as if she was going to pass out in exhaustion, before she succumbed to pleasure.

"...Perhaps you're right dear. It is getting wearisome being so...uptight."

Taking the advice she had been given, oddly enough, it would be then that the elf would opt to abandon her forcible discarding of the sensations her body was beginning to experience from Maya's advances...instead, turning focus more on the spirit of the competition...or in other words, making her opponent experience ecstasy.

((Foreplay, abandon all mental resistance to avoid taking HP damage from it :X))
Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 16/52, PP = 53, EP = 69/109, EHP = 10/24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 50/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Initiative: Enigma = 16, Maya = 4

Enigma's Grapple: 6 vs 1. Same modifier. Enigma wins.
Pleasure: 5 + 9 + 4 = 18.

Maya's Grapple: 1 vs 4. Same modifier. Enigma wins.

Entangling Vines: Penetrate Enigma.
Grapple: 8 + 32 = 40 vs 47 = 11 + 36. Enigma wins.
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 12/52, PP = 53, EP = 65/109, EHP = 10/24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 53/58 PP = 32/51, EP =105, Status = Grappled, Clothing Shifted
Entangling Vines: HP = 20, Status = Grappled, :3
Re: The Gardens

Seeming very pleased about her suggestion being taken and Enigma loosening up beneath her, Maya responds with a red faced grin and leaning in to kiss the woman full on the lips. The competitive side to things seeming to take a back seat in her priorities for a moment, as she lets down her guard. Partially breaking the kiss at one point to pass a gasping moan.

((A dreary short post, but the show must go on. Need to make the mysterious elf cream. Test that "what if" theory.))
Re: The Gardens

Keeping a firm foot on the vine as it tries to snake its way into her, and pinning it to the forest ground, Enigma opts to push her advantage as much she can upon managing to incite a moan out of Maya... Using the momentum to shift the two so that the cat-eared daemon child was on the ground...locking her lips to the latter once again...moving her fingers in and out...

She could feel her magic slowly bleeding her physical strength dry...thus if she was to have any hopes of winning this, now was not the time for hesistation, nor passivity.

((Foreplay again, no resistance))