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The Forgotten Castle

Re: The Forgotten Castle

Everyone wants to run and hide, but we've already seen that they can be killed so why not stand our ground. Barricade the door with the beds and everything else moveable and leave just a bare crack in the door. Stabbing any and everything that pokes its head through, if you start to get overwhelmed smash the lantern over the bed barrier and make our escape then. With how much they seem to detest light and fire it should buy plenty of time to fond another choke point to continue thinning their numbers.
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Re: The Forgotten Castle

Everyone wants to run and hide, but we've already seen that they can be killed so why not stand our ground. Barricade the door with the beds and everything else moveable and leave just a bare crack in the door. Stabbing any and everything that pokes its head through, if you start to get overwhelmed smash the lantern over the bed barrier and make our escape then. With how much they seem to detest light and fire it should buy plenty of tone to fond another choke point to continue thinning their numbers.

I agree with this plan and the thoughts behind it!
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Frowning at the swaying corpse, Rynn decided to avoid it as much as she could. She glanced over her shoulder towards the door she had just entered through, hearing the sounds of crashing metal and screeching monsters. She might not have much time.

Kicking the table she had found the lantern upon against the door, hoping to buy herself precious seconds when the beasts decided to break through, the knight began to look about the room.

Chests of old musty clothing sitting at the foot of beds covered with moth eaten sheets. Some old lockets, rusted utensils and daggers, and other odds and ends were scattered about, but Rynn couldn't find anything of use beneath the glow of her lantern, until she spotted the spine of a book poking out from under one of the pillows.

Throwing a glance towards the body in the middle of the room, she pulled the book out, waiting to be screamed at, but no ghosts appeared, and the corpse simply continued to hang by its neck.

Opening the book, she found it to be some kind of journal. One of the servant's must have owned it. The pages were yellow and brittle, and most of the writing had faded. As Rynn flipped through the small notebook, some of the pages fluttering to the ground as they simply slipped out from the bindings, she discovered by piecing together what she could read, that this castle had once belonged to some kind of sorceress.

What her affiliations or motives were, Rynn could not guess, though her servants seemed to love her. Something had certainly happened here, and it involved the arrival of the ghouls, but there simply wasn't enough information before her to figure it out.

She tossed the book back onto the bed, getting all she could out of it. She started making her way towards the kitchen, when she noticed something hanging from the back of the hanging body's belt. A small ring with two keys upon it.

Rynn glanced at her blade. The keys would be helpful, but she didn't need another creature hunting her through the castle if it didn't want to give those things up, and she could use her sword to break through most of the doors around. They were old enough... but then she wouldn't have that barrier behind her.

A) Take the keys and move on
B) Leave the keys and move on
C) Stay and rest awhile
Re: The Forgotten Castle


Could be she runs across a door she can't break through, or the keys belong to some other lock she may not have an easy answer for. It's better to have than not, in this case.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Erm, A even though I fully expect taking things from a hanging corpse to not end particularly well. The reward outweighs the risk.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Biting her lip and holding her breath, Rynn tentatively stepped forward after carefully setting the lantern upon the ground. Raising her blade, the small candle encased by glass glinting off the steel, she pressed her weapon against the body before her. Ready to push up and under ribs, she slowly let out her breath, not sure how this was going to play out.

A crash against the door startled her as her hand was reaching outwards. She let a curse out under her breath, and chided herself for her fear. Whatever was to happen would happen of regardless how quickly she moved. She snatched the key ring from the body, snapping his belt loop with the sharp tug.

Nothing happened, and Rynn clipped they keys to her own belt before grasping the lantern once more. Far as she could tell, nothing else awaited her in this room. As another crash sounded against the doorway, she slipped through into the kitchen, ignoring the skeleton impaled to the table.

Almost immediately she began to work at lighting a fire within the fireplace, tossing the plates of rotten food to the side in order to get at the table holding them up.

With light and heat warming the reek of the kitchen, she looked around and considered her options.

A) Go East to the Dining Hall
B) Examine the unexplored door to the East
C) Stay awhile and listen
D) Head back out into the main hall and make a dash upstairs
Re: The Forgotten Castle

C! Deckard Cain demands it!
Re: The Forgotten Castle

C. Nothing worse than panicking in this situation.