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The Forgotten Castle


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
This is my first attempt at an CYOA, though I have a few written works around this here forum. This is a corruption based story, though of course whether or not the character is corrupted is up to the voting audience. The story is also within a fantasy setting, if that is to your liking.

I will try to update weekly, unless there is a lack of votes that require more time, or an onslaught of votes to push me quicker.

It is still my story though, so while options may at times seem stifled compared to others, this is to ensure I keep my interest and keep the story flowing, also flowing logically. I won't give options that would upset me if chosen, or don't make sense to the character. Still, I hope you enjoy.

The Forgotten Castle

The night sky did not show any stars tonight, with dark clouds hanging high in the heavens blocking out any natural light save the occasional flash of lightning that forked down to the earth, followed shortly by the loud clap of thunder. Torrents of rain pelted the world below, and Rynn grumbled as she rode along a hardly seen path through the forest.

Her sodden cloak dripped around her, no longer protecting her from the weather, and she felt her form shivering with the brutal chill of the wind. Winter was coming fast upon the land, and its bite was already felt this night.

As a free knight of the kingdom, she was expected in the city of Torlassa within the week to join the coming campaign. Her armour rattled in the saddle bags hanging from her horses flanks, doubtlessly needing her attention to ensure it was not rusting.

Another flash of lightning lit the sky, and through a gap in the trees she saw the outline of an old castle just off the path. She did not know of any lords in the area, so doubtlessly it was one of the abandoned forts from generations past. The storm was only worsening, and the path was treacherous enough without the mud and lack of any notable light. If she continued on the horse would doubtlessly break a leg, and that would put her behind even more. She steered off towards the castle.

It stood in a clearing, surrounded by thick forest, only a small crumbling stone wall protecting it. In another flash, Rynn spotted the iron gates that led within the courtyard, both of them rusted and fallen in. Quickly she made her way to the front gate, not getting a good look at the courtyard as she dismounted.

She managed to find a small stable just beside the main gates of the structure, and she quickly tied her horse beneath the miraculously still intact thatch roof. Stroking its mane, and leaving her saddlebags upon it after grabbing a few select items from within, she pushed open the doors and stepped into the lobby of the castle, the smell of must and rotting wood flooding her nostrils. Closing the doors behind her Rynn found herself in the dark. Her first order of business was lighting a torch from materials taken from her own belongings.

With the flickering flame in hand she held it up. The lobby was mostly devoid of anything, save two crumbling statues whose features were too worn to determine what they had once been. Brushing a strand of blonde hair that had fallen free of its pony-tail, Rynn looked up the stairs that started between the twin statues, noting how it broke off into two directions against the back wall to lead further up to the second floor. On the ground floor there were doors towards the east and west, both closed and intact. To the north, behind the staircase were another set of doors.

"A fire might be a good idea," she muttered to herself, still shivering in her sodden tunic and breeches, but she would have to find firewood somewhere.

Standing there, she considered her options:

A) Stay where she was for the night
B) Explore to the West
C) Explore to the East
D) Explore to the North
E) Go upstairs

Inventory: Sword, flint, torch
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Re: The Forgotten Castle

D. Head north, The places kitchens are probably near the central ground floor, and is more likely to have an intact fireplace/stove and a supply of nearby dry wood, also there should be lots of nearby shelving or even furniture from a nearby dinning room to barricade our-self in with or use as more firewood.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Beat me to it, D sounds good, for much of the same options listed XD
Re: The Forgotten Castle

E. Up up and away we go! Stoked you decided to do this, read some of your other works and I am already a fan!

D as well. If this place is as rotting and sodden as it seems, going up the wooden stairs sounds bad. (with or without armor on... hehe)

Outvoted already *sigh* and outlogic-ed as well...

Changing vote to D
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Re: The Forgotten Castle

D! I'm hungry...
Re: The Forgotten Castle

D as well. If this place is as rotting and sodden as it seems, going up the wooden stairs sounds bad. (with or without armor on... hehe)
Re: The Forgotten Castle

(Give her the) D.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

I choose you, D! FOR THE BANDWAGGON!
Re: The Forgotten Castle

D - Might as well just cement the vote and start building upon it. Unless there is a rash of voters against D, D's the most likely vote to succeed.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

"To the north then," Rynn muttered to the shadows lingering in the corners of the room, if only to give some sound other than the crashing rain and occasional clap of thunder.

Holding the torch before her, illuminating her path with the flickering flames that danced in the corner of her eye, pushing the darkness away from her, casting itself against the hard stone walls that looked as if they'd seen much better days in generations long forgotten and dismissed.

The door though seemed, off. Standing before it Rynn stared at it, before realizing that it was in good repair, the wood hard and devoid of the rot that has seemingly settled in most elsewhere in this place. Frowning, Rynn reached out regardless and pulled it open, and the creaking hinges told her that the door was not that new after all.

Stepping into the new room, Rynn gagged slightly, raising a hand to her nostrils.

The room was a kitchen, and a decently sized one at that. Tables easily walked around dominated the centre of the room where the servants would have worked on the meals. A long iron basin for filthy dishes was along the eastern wall, now empty of anything, though something unrecognizable was on a plate beside it, flies buzzing around what must have one day been something edible. Turning away from the revolting sight brought some ovens into view, and even a pair of fire places for stews and spitted boar. Both were long unused, filled with old ashes, but the one on the left still seemed to have some recoverable wood within.

Rynn stepped towards it, and noticed a glint catch in the torchlight. Turning her eyes she saw a skeleton on one of the central tables, sprawled out across it, arm long since fallen off to the floor. A rusted knife was embedded in the wooden surface, nestled between bleached ribs.

A flash of lightning caused white blue light to flare through the windows, and when the following clap of thunder sounded outside Rynn could hear the terrified whinny of her horse in the stable. Rynn ignored the beast and looked down at the table, noting blood stains that seemed much to recent to be from the corpse before her, yet there was no other body, or signs of struggle.

"Weird," she muttered to herself, finally taking stock of the exits. Two doors along the western wall, two along the south, both leading back to the lobby, and only one to the east. There was also the usable wood in the fireplace. She'd considered just lighting it up in here, but the stench from whatever was rotting in the corner wouldn't let her get any sleep.

Rynn paused, forearm over her nose, and considered her options.

A) Take the firewood and return to the lobby.
B) Take the south western door and explore further
C) Take the north western door and explore further
D) Take the eastern door and explore further
Re: The Forgotten Castle

A. Bring the wood back to the lobby, then we can check the rest of the place for safety.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

E - Light the fireplace to see what is causing the stench. After all if its a rotting corpse and recently fresh then it means this place has some sort of monster in it.

On second thought - A - But use one of the lighted logs to come back to the kitchen to see what the stench is. If its just raw sewage from decomposing food then that means this place won't be too bad. If its recent poop, a decomposing body, or some sort of monstrocity then were in trouble.
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Re: The Forgotten Castle


Both entrances West are probably a dinning room, which would likely contain a hearth fire, east is probably a store room/servents quarters