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The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Max's kind gentle voice is head again. "Thanks girls, this one's a bit different though, but you'll see anyways, and don't worry, the settings are still on low."

The girls make their way to the shed, and inside. Wandering for a little while, it's not that large, and they wonder where the monster is...until a mass of tentacles falls on top of Lynne's head. Before she can react, the tendrils have wrapped around her, tightening, the slimly appendages make her feel very warm, as she drops wand, or staff, or whatever focus item she had. Before the rest of the party can react, the tendrils have lined up to invade her.

Holding Tentacles: 5/5 HP

Moira 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Held: Can't Attack, can't escape. About to be fucked, must rely on party to save.)
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

O-okay... Caitlyn said, blushing and looking down as Moira patted her head. She's right, it's only a game, none of this is actually happening. But still... I at least wish the others weren't here. This is going to be so embarrassing... She sighed audibly as she followed the others into the shed.

The ball of tentacles falling onto Lynne's head startled her, and she let out a scream of surprise. She saw that the thing was bound tightly around her friend, preparing to violate her. I... I'm not good enough with this sword to cut the tentacles without cutting Lynne... This left her with only one choice; she ran up to Lynne and grabbed one of the tentacles, pulling as hard as she could.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae growls, likewise finding herself unable to use her sword.... she tries to latch onto Lynne's back and pull the creature off of her!
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

As soon as the tentacles latched onto her, Lynne instinctively tried to pull away from them like she had with the others. After a brief moment of struggling, she quickly found that the tentacles weren't budging at all. For some reason, these seemed much stronger than the other ones. ...multiplayer only... Realizing why she couldn't move at all, she stopped pulling against them.

"H-help me, I can't move."

She blushed as she could feel the familiar warmth from the slime, this time being spread directly on her skin. Her blush deepened as she looked down and saw the tentacles taking position between her legs. Completely unable to do anything else, she simply watched at them as they lined themselves up.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Had she not just been assaulted by a similar creature minutes before, the sight of a mass of tentacles suddenly dumping down on the petite figure of Lynne would have made Moira burst out with laughter. As it was, she simply noted that she would tease her friend about it later - after she helped stop the things from doing to Lynne what Moira had often imagined happening to herself in a day dream.

She saw her other friends run to free Lynne without using their weapons, but Moira felt certain that every moment not taking the chance to attack the thing would bring more chance of them all being meat on a hook.

She took her axe and deliberately attacked the outlying tentacles, wanting to hurt the beast without slashing too near to the other girls.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

19 vs 11 | 10 vs 19 | 10 vs 13
-2 vs 10 | 3 vs 5

The girls rush forward to try and help Lynne, however only Moira makes any real progress, cutting off a limb or two. The other girls are startled and back up when the tendrils try to grab them too.

However, since the girls were unable to fully remove the intruding members, Lynne finds herself now penetrated, her panties moved aside by the tendrils, as they enter her pussy, another one lining up at her ass and starting to prod, a third preparing to enter her mouth.

Holding Tentacles: 4/5 HP

Moira 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Held: Can't Attack, can't escape. Being fucked, must rely on party to save.)
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne gasped a little as the tentacles pressed into her. She could feel it as the warming sensation from the slime spread everywhere that they touched her, especially between her legs. The prodding at her rear prompted her to start struggling against the tentacles again, but her body was still too tightly held. Still unable to do anything, she looked helplessly at her friends as they tried to free her. Becoming increasingly aware that everything that was happening to her was in clear view of her friends, she closed her eyes in embarrassment. Why me...?! Her fantasies had never included an audience.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn fell backwards, landing on the shed floor with a hard thump as her frantic attempts to pull the tentacles off Lynne failed miserably. She looked on, horrified, as the thing began to violate her friend, and quickly diverted her eyes in embarrassment. Moira seemed to be having greater effect fighting the tentacles farther from Lynne, so Caitlyn drew her sword and began to hack at them. Sorry Lynne, I can't get you free... she thought, the game disquieting her quite a bit.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's ears turn red as she blushes, seeing Lynne violated in such a way... then she hisses, stepping back and swinging her sword at the tendrils that reach out towards her!..
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira taunted the tentacles with each cleave that tore one asunder.

"Yeah, how do you like getting fucked up?" "Ouch, that won't be growing back!" "Hah! And another one!"

Vaguely, Moira was aware of Lynne's penetration, and a part of her felt embarrassed for the blushing girl, but she knew that she was already doing her best to free her by distracting and punishing the beast.

"We'll have you out of there soon, Lynne," she said reassuringly to her friend. "Though it looks like you're kinda liking it.~" She couldn't resist the tease, after all, Lynne was a cutie, and even more so when she was embarrassed. A feeling of longing stole into Moira's mind, and she imagined herself sliding into that writhing nest of slithering tentacles and kissing Lynne deeply while helping the tentacles get the little ice queen off.

Shaking away the thought, she hewed again at a stray tentacle, hoping that the monster's AI might have some sense of self-preservation and pause its assault on Lynne to confront the three attackers.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

15 vs 20 | 14 vs 6 | 2 vs 12
3 vs 14 | 2 vs 15

The tendrils enter Lynne fully now, fucking her in the ass and one entering her mouth as she starts to feel really aroused by the whole thing, the two below alternating their thrusts and rubbing against each other. Even as her friend try to hack the things away, she can't help but climax herself, going to her knees.

Her friends are trying very hard, the tentacles only interested in their target, though they make feeble grabbing attempts at Moira and Caitlyn, both of them having injured it recently.
Holding Tentacles: 3/5 HP

Moira 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Held: Can't Attack, can't escape. Being fucked, must rely on party to save.)
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira catches herself staring at Lynne's honeyhole as her friend emits a loud, indulgent moan, muffled by the slimy tentacle sliding in and out of her throat. The red head licked her lips and felt her own pussy begin to moisten at the sight of her friend's forced orgasm.

Moira returned to the matter at hand, and yelled encouragingly as Caitlyn sliced off a good chunk of the monster with her sword. Moira continued to battle the beast and wear it down with her axe.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn gave a cry of satisfaction as she cleaved one of the tentacles off the main body, the feeling of slicing something with a sword so visceral and fulfilling in this game. She blushed a bit as Moira shouted her encouragement at her, and redoubled her efforts to kill the tentacles, trying to ignore the sounds Lynne made as she was fucked silly.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

When the other two tentacles began pumping into her, Lynne couldn't help but start moaning, with most of the sound being muffled by the one in her mouth. She continued to keep her eyes shut out of embarrassment while she listened to her own sounds, and hearing them only seemed to turn her on even more. It didn't take long for her to feel an orgasm building up, as the way the tentacles were working together in alternation quickly overwhelmed her. Her whole body trembled and a long stifled cry made its way past the tendril in her mouth. Her legs suddenly feeling weak, she collapsed to her knees. Little moans continued to fill the room as the tentacles didn't appear to be finished yet.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae takes a step back, watching the tendrils warily.... eyes wide as she sees and hears Lynne's reaction to them violating her cutely curved body. She circles around cautiously... taking a step forward and trying to cut off another one of the tendrils when she sees an opening.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

1 vs 16 counter | 15 vs 11 | 12 vs 4
0 vs 13 | 3 vs 12

Ciatlyn and Sanae both mange to land hits on the tentacles, Moira getting tripped up and missing, the tentacles grabbing her hands and pulling her forward into the tangle, she lands on her knees next to Lynne, the tentacles forcing her hands onto Lynnes breasts, though they don't directly have anything to do with the groping that follows.

Lynne continues to be ravished in all three holes, and she can't help but climax again, and she feels as though the tentacles might do so next round, inside her, as the tentacle in her mouth withdraws to wrap Moira close to her.
Holding Tentacles: 1/5 HP

Moira 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Grabbed: Can't Attack, Can Escape (-5 to check). Will be fucked next round)
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Held: Can't Attack, can't escape. Being fucked, must rely on party to save.)
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Maybe I'm actually getting good at this Caitlyn thought as she managed to land a good hit on the tentacles, trying her level best to ignore Lynne's cries as she came, and the fact that Moira had been pulled into the thing, but in the back of her mind the fear of being pulled in too grew. She slashed at the tentacles again, hoping to prevent that fate from befalling her.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira moaned and stopped struggling, instead doing all she could to tease and pleasure Lynne while she had the excuse. She gave off a few feeble bucks to simulate effort, but really she had given in to the hope of these things penetrating her and wrapping herself and Lynne close enough so that she could taste Lynne's sweet body as it was wracked with pleasure.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne kept up her string of muffled cries as the tentacles continued to have their way with her. It only seemed like a few moments before her body shook as she started to cum again. Noticing the tentacles speeding up as they started to draw closer to their own climax, she started to subconsciously do her best to pleasure the one in her mouth.

She started to close her eyes again, only to be interrupted by the sudden feeling of a pair of hands being pressed against her chest. Opening her eyes in surprise, she gave Moira a unsure look as she felt her friends hands gently caressing her breasts. When the tendril left her mouth to pull the pair close together, Lynne leaned into it as best she could, hoping the monster would allow them to get close enough to taste each other.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's eyes widen, at first with anger as the tentacles wrap around Moira... then with a shocked embarrassment, seeing her friend practically grind against Lynne.

She hesitates briefly, "M..Moira?" she stammers out, her face turning a beet red... then she tenses, gaze darting to the side as she sees those tentacles move again. She growls, darting in, swinging her sword across at the creature again!