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The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

The girls feel a little less aroused now, well, still aroused quite a bit, but it appears to be wearing off.

Of course, this is shortly followed by a scream from the woods, as Caitlyn is ambushed! Rushing there, the party see's Caitlyn almost tied up entirely already, a thief with her over his shoulder and about to make off with her.

Thief 2/2 HP (Will flee next round)

Moira 6/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/10 AP (Tied, can't attack, -4 to escaping)
Lynne 7/10 AP
Sanae 5/10 AP
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn, in her impaired state, saw the thief much too late to do anything about him. He swiftly knocked her to the ground and tied her hands behind her back. The man let out a sinister laugh as he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, preparing to run off in the direction he came. She was almost too aroused to even try to do anything about it, but she wiggled and squirmed in an attempt to at least force her way to the ground. Maybe she could stall until her friends arrived. If they were even coming... HELP! HELLLLLPPPPPP!!! she screamed at the top of her lungs, praying that the other three would save her.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Being the closest one to Caitlyn, Lynne was the first to reach the clearing. Confronted with the thief trying to haul her friend away, she yells in confused and angry voice. "What are you doing?! Let her go!" Not waiting for a response, a dozen or so daggerlike icicles formed and fired themselves at the thief.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's feline ears perk up in alarm as Caitlyn cries for help, springing up to her feet and pulling Moira along as she darts at the thief as fast as she can... panting heavily, as the feel of the air washing over her bare skin... her panties getting quite wet. She growls though, grasping the dead severed tentacles that were clinging to her and Moira, and throwing the entire mass at Caitlyn and her captor. It hasn't been dead for long, and it's still coated in that arousing slime.. hoping to tangle the thief up and leave him as fuzzy-headed as they are...
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira struggled to her feet with Sanae's help, and then grabbing her axe did her best sprint after the would-be kidnapper.

"Hey, stop, bring her back!" She tried to get close enough to smack the thief with her axe, but even the motion of running in her current state was threatening to put her over the edge.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

5 vs 1 | 9 vs 9 | 15 vs 2
Although the group is still quite aroused at the encounter with the tentacles and the flower, they manage to focus themselves long enough to save their friend, the thief never even stood a chance as all the attacks land dead on target. Caitlyn landing with a small oomph on the ground, still tied.

Although the arousal is fading fairly quickly, everyone is still somewhat aroused.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn landed on the ground with a thud and rolled away frantically, not quite registering that the thief was dead for a time. Finally, she glanced over at the man's corpse and saw that he was quite dead, and ceased her efforts to get away. Of course, she was still lying on the ground with her arms bound behind her back, her dress fairly well shredded about her waist and her panties still soaked through. She waited for one of the others to free her, unable to do much else.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne rushed over to where Caitlyn had rolled to, clearly worried. The lingering effects of the flower were tamped down by concern for her friend, as she barely noticed the state of Caitlyn's clothing as she knelt next to her to free her. "Hold on, I'll get you loose." Lacking a cutting implement, she began to pull apart the individual knots the man had tied, which thankfully seemed to have been done in a hurry and came undone relatively easy. As she worked, she glanced over at the corpse of the would-be thief. So even though it's multiplayer, the game will still separate us if it can.. That would have been really bad, especially for her. Finishing the last of the knots, she stepped backwards and outstretched a hand to her friend.
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Thanks Caitlyn said as she took her hand, allowing the girl to help her up. She blushed shyly, averting her eyes from her mostly naked friends. She was still aroused, but able to control herself this time. She idly rubbed her hands as she looked down at her breastplate, now entirely for show as the tentacles had eaten away at it, and at her ruined dress, as most of her midriff was exposed and the bottom half was held on only by a few strands. Suddenly she got a little bit angry as she remembered her situation. Why didn't you guys tell me it was this sort of game, anyway? she asked as she crossed her arms.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae sighs in relief as the thief falls, and Caitlyn is freed... then blinks at the girls reactions, her ears twitching as she looks down at herself. She blushes a deep red, not only down to just a pair of panties, but with a very noticeable wet spot in the front too!

She yelps, covering herself, "D...Don't ask me! I didn't know it was this kind of game!"
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne raised her eyebrows in shock at the question. "You guys didn't know? I thought that you guys knew that.." Her question trailed off while she paused for a moment in thought. Abruptly turning to Moira, her normally calm voice was unable to completely mask her anger. "I thought that they knew what this was.. How did you invite them without telling them?"
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira, though breathing heavy, turns up her chin and crosses her arms defensively, turning her head skywards with a noble air, as though she were above these sordid accusations.

"Hey, the girls on my team said it was really fun on the low difficulty and when I made my inquiry to the company, they said that the multiplayer would be on the lowest settings."

She then glanced at Sanae and Caitlyn. "It was supposed to be a funny surprise for you two... but don't get all high and mighty with me. You've both confessed to me on separate occasions that you liked the "idea" of these sorts of things. I know you both read those dirty mangas with the large monsters fucking the heroines silly, don't try to deny it. This was something we could all experience together and have a laugh about. It's not supposed to be rough at all..."
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's eyes went wide at Moira's words directed at her, "H..Hey! That's not true!" She says indignantly... which is rather cute coming from her as she's crouched down, trying to cover herself.

"B..Besides! You're the one who lent me those mangas out of your own collection, Moira!" she stammers out, not really realizing that it doesn't help her cause any!
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn turned bright red, thoroughly embarrassed. That's... that doesn't... that doesn't mean I want it to actually happen to me.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

"I still think you should have told them." Lynne replied. The accusatory tone in her voice all but evaporated at this point, as she didn't really want to pick a fight in here. Also, she was worried about what else Moira would feel like divulging if this kept up.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

A small box appears in the air, a solid green line upon a static background, as Max's voice is hear, an audio call, it seems he cut out the video, but the girls probably don't mind!

"Girls, the techs have just finished the design on a new type of monster, and we'd like you to test it out for us, it's a multi player only monster. If you look around, you'll spot a shed nearby, it should be in there." he finishes.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn jumped as she heard Max, having forgotten for the moment that there were people on the outside watching them. She wasn't quite sure she still wanted to play this game, and certainly didn't want to "test" a new monster, but still, she waited to see how her friends reacted. She would probably go along with them, even if it was against her better judgment...
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae blushes, looking at herself... barely any clothes, no armor... still has her sword though. She looks quite unsure about this as well, "W..what kind of monster?"
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

"I.. I'd like to continue playing. We should check out the shed." Lynne said sheepishly, watching her companions for any sort of response. The voice reminding her that this was indeed being recorded made her subconsciously cover herself.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira walked over to Caitlyn and put a hand on her shoulder. "Eh, look... if you really don't like this at all, we'll quit after the next monster. Honestly, I thought you'd find it a little bit of fun, but if I was wrong, well, then I'm sorry. I promise I'll try not to let anything happen to you in this computer world, and nothing at all is happening to your body in the real world - it's all in you're head - okay?"

She patted her younger friend and then looked around at the ether where Max' voice and come from.

"Okay, we'll try one more monster I guess. But make sure the settings are on low, I think we'd appreciate being eased into this."