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The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae stays behind the others, rather shyly, watching Moira in particular as she follows. She draws her sword slowly, blinking at how real it feels... testing the balance a little.

"H..have any of you played a game like this before?"
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

The party figures out a marching order, moving themselves towards the ruins. As they arrive near the entrance, one of them notices something hanging from a nearby tree, giving a warning to the rest of the party, they all manage to avoid as it attempted to trap them before they were aware.

Tendrils: 6/6 HP
Moira 5/5 0/10
Caitlyn 5/5 0/10
Lynne 5/5 0/10
Sanae 5/5 0/10
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's cat-ears perk up, tilting forward as she steps back, looking up at the tendrils hanging from above... they look harmless enough... like vines. She holds her sword ready though...

"Are you sure?..."
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira hefts her axe. "No, Sanae, I've never played it before, but I've heard a few girls on my volleyball team tried it out... they said it got good reviews. Only one girl... Ashley I think her name was... didn't like it. Everyone else did. I guess we'll just have to find out?"

When the tendrils dropped, Moira was not caught off guard. Grinning at this first challenge, she decided to put all her weight into one big cleave, trying to show no fear in front of her friends as she waded into combat.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne stumbled backwards a bit before regaining her bearings, almost falling over as she hopped away from the lunging tendrils. Seeing Sanae holding back, she answers in a slightly exasperated tone "Of course they're enemies! Haven't you watched... They're enemies, alright?" Not seeing the base of where they were coming from, she raised her hand and focused her magic into a beam. Without a good target, she just aimed it at individual tendrils to try and freeze them solid.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

It was almost lucky that Caitlyn had allowed herself to get so far behind the others; otherwise she most certainly would have been caught off guard by the strange vine-like enemy they faced. She drew her sword and carefully made her way forward. I don't really know how these games work, but we have at least one magic user, so we probably need to keep that thing from getting too close to her. She watched as Moira assaulted the thing, and resolved herself to follow, though her run was perhaps a little bit slower than she would have liked. She had never been the most athletic of people. Still, she reached the tendrils and brought down her sword with all the might she could muster, hopefully connecting with her target.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

19 vs 13 | 12 vs 19 | 1 vs 14 | 16 vs 10
11 vs 4 | 5 vs 13

The party presses forth in an assault. Moira giving a leaping slash as she manages to server a large number of the tendrils, Lynne following with a blast that went wide. The tendrils lashed forward, grabbing Moira, as Lynne managed to get herself out of the way.

The two sword users moved forward, Sanae almost tripping over herself, just managing to avoid ending up in the tendrils grasp, as Caitlyn managed to land a solid hit, chopping more of the tendrils, though not quite the ones grappling her friend.

Tendrils: 4/6 HP
Moira 4/5 0/10
Caitlyn 5/5 0/10
Lynne 5/5 0/10
Sanae 5/5 0/10
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!


Sanae's voice shouted out as the tentacle grabbed at her friend's arm. She crouched down, her sleek muscles coiling tightly before she launches herself forward, chest heaving as she aims to plant a foot on Moira's shoulder, getting enough of a boost to leap up and swing her sword where it'll cut through as many of the tendrils as possible... also making sure to swing down at the tentacle around Moira's arm as she came back down from the leap.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

That's.. not good. Lynne thought as the tendrils wrapped around Moira. Frustrated by how hard it had been to hit the individual tentacles as they flailed around, she changed tactics and aimed the beam in between Moira and where ever they were coming from. She slowly swept the beam of cold across the length of the grappling tendrils, hoping to force them to let go or be frozen. If she wasn't able to freeze any of them again, she was going to need to think of something else.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira tugs fiercely at the tendrils attempting to grab her and hacks viciously about her, ignoring grace for the moment and concentrating completely on offense.

This thing was going down!

Vaguely she heard Sanae shout with concern and jump to her aid, but she was too busy laying about her to take anything else in.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn smiled when she saw the damage she was able to do; maybe she was going to be good at this game. The thing grabbing Moira brought her back to reality, though, and she brought her sword up in a strong vertical slash against the vine-like tendrils she had just cut, hoping to sever more of them.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

7 vs 10 | 7 vs 16 | 7 vs 10 | 4 vs 1
9 vs 4 | 13 vs 16

The battle moves forward as everyone but Sanae fails to land meaningful hit. However, she was unable to free Moira before Moira had started to feel aroused, the warm slime coating the vine eating away at her clothes.

And of course, the tendrils had tried to entangle the rest of the party, though they had just lost their grip on Moira. Lynne found herself grabbed as tendrils came from behind her, grabbing her and wrapping themselves around. The slime started to eat slowly through her clothes too.

Tendrils: 3/6 HP

Moira 4/5 FP 1/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Disheartened just a bit by her failure to hit the tendrils, she extended her attack by twirling about and slashing at them as she went. Either she would look quite graceful doing it, or rather quite stupid as she struck at nothing but air.
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

When her beam failed to connect long enough to do anything meaningful again, Lynne paused momentarily while she considered what she would do next. I don't think I can actually freeze these.. but it would be hard to hit them with icicles too.. I need a blade or something made of ice to shoot at them.. In her contemplation, she completely failed to notice the tentacles sneaking up on her.

Startled by them suddenly latching onto her, she let out a surprised shout. "H-hey! Let go of me!" Completely abandoning her normal cool demeanor, she started flailing about wildly trying to pull away from the tendrils. She also abandoned her strategy from before, instead wildly shooting icicles at any tentacle that she could line up with her hands.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae shifts, leaping and weaving from side to side, crouching low as icicles start to fly... as if she didn't have to worry enough about dodging the tentacles to begin with! Not that she can really blame Lynne so much, but still...

She launches herself forward, charging straight at the tentacle-creature, twirling her blade up above her head, hoping that'll be enough to keep more of those tendrils from coming at her, then plants her feet, leaping up and swinging her sword over her head, hoping to sever the tentacles that are attacking Lynne close to their base, while staying far enough away from the flying icicles!
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

"Hnngg?!" Moira looked down at her waist where the tentacles grappled around her and saw that her clothes were disintegrating. More troubling however was the growing feeling that was blossoming inside her. Thoughts that should not have crossed her mind began to bubble to the surface and threatened to distract her from striking out at the tentacles.

Shaking off the distraction as best she could she continued to hack at the tentacles with her axe, a weapon that she was still getting used to wielding.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

2 vs 5 | 1 vs 7 | 14 vs 16 | 19 vs 21
6 vs 19 | 18 vs 7

Lynne's flailing fails to help her as the tendrils more painfully constrict around her, starting to lightly reveal her undergarments under the robes. Moira manages to avoid the counter attack on her even though she fails to cut a single one of the members. Caitlyn and Sanae also fail to be helpful, the tentacles hard to hit as is, without the distracting thoughts going through their minds.

Wait...why does everyone feel warm? Lynne manages to catch eye of something, but before she can point it out, a tendril enters her mouth.

Tendrils: 3/6 HP

Moira 4/5 FP 2/10 AP
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 1/10 AP
Lynne 3/5 FP 2/10 AP
Sanae 5/5 FP 1/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn was starting to get very frustrated with herself as she kept failing to hit the tendrils, always feeling just a bit off-balance as she swung her sword. A little bit more worrisome was the fact that she was starting to get distracted from the task at hand, dirty thoughts forming in her mind. She shook her head as if to shake the thoughts from it, not quite sure where they were coming from, and she lunged at the vines in an attempt to get closer to the base of them, hoping the things would find it harder to dodge her that way.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae growls, weaving and making her way back to Moira, her eyes narrowing as she picks out a particular mass of tentacles that her friend is targeting... darting off to the side, and leaping to attack the same tentacle from another angle, hoping to cut it as it tries to avoid Moira's axe.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira begins to pant and feels an unexplained wetness begin to form under her legs.

"Does anyone else... ennngh... feel that?" she asks in a few stuttered gasps as she keeps hacking with one hand while her other one darts inbetween her legs and begins to grind against her nethers in an effort to satisfy the growing desire.