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The EGG Bestiary

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Share your weird & wonderful created monsters here. Putting 64's core creatures here for reference first

<Name> | <Hit Points> | <Base Offensive Power> | <Base Defensive Power>
Effects & Description
Slimes | d6 HP | +0 | +0
Slimes look like somewhat translucent blobs of a semi-liquid state. It is well know that slimes are breathable, which tends to be little comfort to their victims, when being deeply throat fucked. The standard types are a blue-green in color, other colors exist, and they tend to be more powerful.

Slimes tend to be very rough on their victims, though some are gentle

When a slime hits, the target is engulfed. An engulfed target has a 30% chance of becoming more aroused each turn. They also take penalties as defined below. It takes a single successful attack, or escape roll to escape.

Rounds Engulfed | Penalties
1                 -1 to Attacks
2                 -2 to Attacks
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Slime has +2 to hit
4                 Can't Attack, -4 to escapes, Slime has +2 to hit
5                 Can't Attack, -5 to escapes, Slime Auto-Hits.
Rope Demons | d6 HP | +1 | +0
Rope Demons look somewhat humanoid in shape, though more deformed, and made of rope coils. They have long whip like arms, which are used to capture and entangle a victim, they tend to have large amounts of rope coils spread in their dens.

Rope demons tend to be gentle with victims.

A Rope Demon attacks using its whip like arms. When a rope demon hits its target, the target becomes entangled. An entangled target takes penalties as below.

Any time a character rolls a 1 in combat with a rope demon, they become entangled by a nearby coil of ropes, suffering the below effects.

Rounds Entangled | Effects
1                 -1 to Attacks, 10% Chance of Arousal
2                 -2 to Attacks, 15% Chance of Arousal
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Demon has +2 to hit, 30% Chance of Arousal
4                 Can't Attack, -4 to escapes, Demon has +2 to hit, 40% Chance of Arousal
5                 Target is Bound and unable to fight.
Tentacles | d8 HP | +0 | +1
Tentacles are very common enemies, tough and hard to hit, they waver and attempt to grab their victims. They come in many colors.

Tentacles emit a slick slime that dissolves clothes and arouses when in contact with the skin. Any tentacle who hits its target grapples the target, a grappled target takes a -2 penalty to attacks, but they can try and escape at no penalty. They also have a 50% chance of being aroused every turn while held.
Lust Lily | 0 HP | N/A | N/A
A lust lily isn't so much a monster as a pest. Releasing aphoristic like spores, this flowers tend to make any female nearby filled with lust and arousal. They also tend to be hard to spot, there's only a 25% that a character will spot one each round. They increase AP by 1 each round that a character is in a nearby vicinity.
Shadow Possession Box | d12 HP or Victim (see text) | +0 | +1
This isn't so much a monster per say, but more of a hijacking of another person. Although it only possesses males. When a victim is taken, it uses either the victims HP or the roll of a d12, whichever is higher. It also uses it's victim traits for attack and defense.

It tends to be no more rough than the person it possesses, though it has different ways to claim it's victim.
Wrap Demons | d10 HP | +1 | +1
Wrap demons are much like rope demons, though are still quite different in many ways. They tend to be effectively large amounts of bandages held together by a spirit, generally a perverted one. It tries to encase itself around it's victim. Generally when they take too much damage, they either try to escape or dissipate.

They grab hold of a victim when they hit in combat, refer to the following table.
Rounds Held | Penalties
1                 -1 to Attacks
2                 -2 to Attacks
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes
4                 Victim Mummified, unable to participate in combat

And now for the ones I've used

Body Sphere | d8+3 HP | +1 | +1

A body sphere is a ball-shaped mass of at least 20 male bodies fused to single form. When a group of men die and have a particularly strong will and sexual frustration, their bodies sometimes form into a body sphere. The sphere's material bodies seek release from their frustration and attack any woman they see with a storm of grappling hands and a powerful aphrodisiac they produce. Even though they can spew this liquid some 15 feet, it isn't as potent when sprayed on someone. Most spheres prefer to feed it mouth-to-mouth to the unfortunate victim. Spheres have no interest in men, usually running them over with their mass or tearing them to pieces with their considerable strenght. When they've secured a woman, the sphere proceeds to satisfying its desires. After satisfying it's needs, the sphere melts away into a fleshy pink puddle and the bodies can rest in peace

Spheres most commonly form in old tombs, where groups of servants might've been buried along with their masters. But any site where men die in mass can produce a sphere. Most of these creatures are about 6 to 9 feet in diameter, but rumors abound of a gargantuan specimen formed from a small army of men

Spheres have the special aphrodisiac attack, causing 1 point of AP when sprayed onto a victim, and 2 points from direct feeding. They also gain a +2 bonus on grapples due to their many, many arms

Fishman | d6+2 HP | +0 | +0

Think Creature from the Black Lagoon with more fish-like looks and a spiny crest on its back and you've got a fishman. Male fishmen are agressive hunters, seeking food and female humanoids to plant their seed into. Fishmen attack with their claws, tearing clothing off girls in a savage fury before trying to subdue them. Fishmen prefer to impregnate their victims in the water, keeping the captured girl tightly in their embrace as they pound away

Fishmen can be found in practically any sweetwater areas

Spinal Parasite | d4 | +0 | +2

A thoroughly evil creature, a parasite resembles a spider about the size of a small dog. Its legs resemble fingers, and a long tail emerges from its rear end. The most disturbing thing about these creatures however, is their ability to control other creatures. By attaching itself to another being and injecting its controlling tendrils into a creature's spine, it can take over their body. They use men to wreak as much havoc as possible before the body dies, while females are used as hosts for breeding offspring.

Parasites take control over other beings by doing 2 succesfull grapples in succession. Once in control, any magical damage dealt to a parasite is also transferred to the host

Will update when I introduce new critters


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The EGG Bestiary

Just going to list the ones I've used thus far, with the stats coming as I recall them. (serves me right not to write them down).

Dragon (template): A dragon is a large reptilian creature with leathery wings capable of flight, natural scaled armor, and naturally enhanced weaponry in the form of claws, teeth, and its legendary breath weapons. All dragons have a d10 worth of life per level, with a minimum of 10 health for the first level (representing the fact that even hatchlings are strong and fearsome monsters, fresh from the egg.) There are many different breeds of dragon, each with their own particular quirks, temperaments, and preferred tactics, but some attributes are seen in all dragons. All of them are to some extent, magic resistant, which makes them the bane of mages and explains why most famous dragon slayers are knights using sword and lance against them. Depending on the dragon and its level (age), there can be anywhere from a 10%-100% chance that magic will fail. This does not apply to the most basic of magic attacks, such as the energy bolt attack common to all mages, it only pertains to magic spells.

A dragon's breath attack can often affect multiple opponents. It is notoriously deadly, doing as much FP damage in one hit equal to the Dragon's level plus one, however, once used, it takes the dragon's level + 2 rounds to be usable again. As such, dragons usually prefer to use it immediately as a shock tactic, so that they can use it again at the earliest opportunity. Some breath weapons sacrifice damage for auxillary effects. Breath weapons are noticable as they charge up, thus opponents who have the ability to notice the dragon before its attack gain a +1 dodge bonus to avoid the breath weapon.

Dragons, due to their natural weaponry and armor are considered to have +1 to attack and +1 to defense for each level they possess.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The EGG Bestiary

I'll just put stats I use here, since it seems I need to come up with my own all the time.

Living Crystal
d12 HP | +5 | -2
The crystal looks like about a football sized piece of transparent quartz. They are alive, and if disturbed magically or otherwise, they'll send arousing images to everyone present. Their attacks deal 1 AP + 1 for every 5 it beats the defense. AP doesn't cause penalty to defending against this form of attack. They will keep sending these images until all targets are out of range or unconscious. The attack's range is about 30 meters or until blocked by reasonably thick barrier of stone, solid ground or other such material.

Displacer Beast
d6 HP | +0 | +0, 20%/50% chance for a successful melee/ranged attack to miss.
These creatures look like large felines with two long feelers growing from their shoulders. However, these are no ordinary animals, for light around them bends in strange ways, making it look like they were standing a little to the side from the spot where they are.

Tentacle Bear(thanks a lot, Tiffanian)
3d6 | +3 | +2
It's a bear. With tentacles. Unless outnumbered(or against males), it uses it's tentacles simply to grapple the target and tries to force it into submission without hurting them and leaves if it's too hurt. Once the victim is secured, it usually lifts her on it's back and walks around while raping her.
Rounds Entangled | Effects
1                 -1 to Attacks, 10% Chance of Arousal
2                 -2 to Attacks, 15% Chance of Arousal
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Bear has +2 to hit, 30% Chance of Arousal
4                 Can't Attack, -4 to escapes, Bear has +2 to hit, 40% Chance of Arousal
5                 Target is Bound and unable to fight.

HP 1 | +0 | +0
Weak monsters created from human corpses that attack in groups. They are animated magically and depending on the animating magic they may have strange qualities. Usually encountered in groups, but the group size can be anything from as few as 4 to a horde with dozen members or even more. Even larger groups are rare, but not unheard of and every few centuries a talented necromancers tries to create an entire army for usually nefarious purposes, resulting in many small hordes and some larger ones, ranging from several dozen to a hundred or more.

Giant Ants
HP 1 | +0 | +0 Queen HP 2 | +1 | +1
Giant ants are rarely seen in cool climates. They are typically found in packs on 1 queen and 3-12 soldiers. Their typical tactic is for one of the soldiers to attack the victim by first biting and then using its stinger to inject aphrodisiac(+2 AP with a hit) while the other soldiers spray more of the aphrodisiac to the air(+1 AP with a hit), where it'll hopefully get into the victim and for queen to enter the fight only when the soldiers have been defeated or the victim falls, to deliver its eggs into her.

Living Carpet
Living carpets are strange creatures speculated to be of demonic origin. As the name implies, they are carpets animated by some kind of life force. During summer they mostly hibernate, although one will still snatch a suitable prey, and during fall and winter they become more active, hunting people for their clothes, the fabric of which they need to grow larger. It is not known why they rape people: there are speculations that it is a distraction from their clothes disappearing, or perhaps part of their mating rituals.

Vibrofish(idea courtesy of smokefish)
HP 1 | +1 | +5(+2 when attached)
These small fishes are often found in marshes and shallow lakes and pools. Hard to spot, they're generally inoffensive, but they have tendency to stick on human skin and start to vibrate, often causing rapid arousal of the victim. They generally appear in small schools of up to dozen individuals, though larger ones aren't unheard of.
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RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: The EGG Bestiary

I'll just put stats I use here, since it seems I need to come up with my own all the time.

Living Crystal | d12 HP | +5 | -2
The crystal looks like about a football sized piece of transparent quartz. They are alive, and if disturbed magically or otherwise, they'll send arousing images to everyone present. Their attacks deal 1 AP + 1 for every 5 it beats the defense. AP doesn't cause penalty to defending against this form of attack. They will keep sending these images until all targets are out of range or unconscious. The attack's range is about 30 meters or until blocked by reasonably thick barrier of stone, solid ground or other such material.
Or suitibly, a thin sheet of lead.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The EGG Bestiary

Since I do things a little differently I'll have to use a different form here, but yeah. I don't use dice to determine HP, so that's up to you to decide. I will include the name of the enemy, the skills that they have, and other notes.

Web Shot Expertise: +X Attack, +0 Defense
Enemies hit with a Web Shot get -2 Attack and -1 Escape per hit. On the third hit Attack is no longer an option, and the 4th hit incapacitates the player.

These are small, glass cannon spiders whose primary advantage is numbers and their ability to interfere with the opponent's attack capabilities.

Spiders who have grown freakishly large often live in dark areas, spinning huge, durable webs in which to trap unwary passerby. Unsettlingly, they often live very near to settlements, as abandoned buildings make perfectly suitable habitats for these creatures. While the majority of their prey is simply eaten in the same way normal spiders feed, every so often they must breed. Males are used to fertilize the many millions of eggsacks inside of the particularly giant female spiders, while females are made to take the eggs into womb, bowels, and sometimes even stomach via long, thick ovipositors. The eggs hatch within them, and the baby spiders crawl out of their "mother" ready to face the world.

Plant Trap
Aphrodisiac Pollen, +3 AP when the trap is triggered, +1 AP each turn after that
Tentacle Expertise: +X Attack, +(X+1) Defense

Enemies intended to be fairly frail HP-wise, trying to stall for time until the PC throws themselves into their vines willingly.

Sometimes, when a chest is left out long enough, a plant will take root inside of it, waiting for a host to spread its seeds to. When the chest is opened, they shoot a concentrated burst of aphrodisiac pollen into the air and attempt to drag the opener into the chest with it. If successful, it will fill the unwary victim with dozens of seeds the size of a walnut and then let them go, to spread the seeds gradually over the course of a few days or even months depending on the amount of seeds taken.

Giant Wasps
Stinger Expertise: +(X+1) Attack, +X Defense
Enemies stung will also gain 2 AP

Each point of HP is a different wasp.

In some parts of the world wasps have grown to enormous sizes. These wasps fight viciously to defend their hive, though sometimes when a female wanders along they look to increase the hive's manpower... When their enemy is defeated, the venom of their stingers reveals a second purpose in addition to its aphrodisiac qualities: it works to paralyze the victim. When the victim is unable to move, the wasps implant eggs into them via ovipositors that extend from their abdomens. The eggs are expelled still intact, for the larva to hatch out afterwards.

Claw Expertise: +X Attack, +X Defense
+1 to Attack for each Wolf present above the first.

Wolves most often hunt in packs, though sometimes a solitary wolf will wander out, usually a frustrated or injured one who is low in the pecking order. While they normally kill with the intention to eat, some wolves would rather make puppies.

Living Pools
A living pool appears to be a pool of water, though on further inspection it really is a pool of water. It is, however, magically alive. While some of them rather enjoy being bathed in (likely due to the fact that they experience pleasure whenever something is moving inside of them), others are understandably annoyed if they are used to clean the filth off of someone. The latter tend to let their subject get comfortable inside them before jamming hardened pillars of water deep into the victim's lower holes, preventing them from escaping by the sheer depth of penetration, and then proceeds to fuck them painfully as punishment for soiling the pool.

A mimic is a symbiotic relationship between a tentacle beast and a slime, living within a chest. In their younger years, mimics are feral and dangerous, though as they age they become more and more intelligent, typically becoming more docile as a result. At first they are separate beings with different personalities, but they merge as time goes on, either the tentacle or the slime becoming "dominant." They also gain in magical talent, most often becoming masters of time magic, and all of them have the ability to make the space inside of their chest infinite. They feed on human fluids, most often sex fluids, and are often willing to trade magical knowledge for a meal, or for breeding. They are often very skilled lovers, and as such they are often kept by those who find them. When it comes time for a mimic to have children they cover the woman who is to birth the child in a cocoon of hardened cum, which the new mimic will have to eat through before going off to find a chest of its own.

Slime Manipulation Expertise: +(X+Y) Attack, +(X+Z) Defense
Grapple Expertise Level 1 (Hits give -1 to attack successively, up til level 3, which gives a -3 to Escape with no chance of attack, and level 4 incapacitates the character. Being hit stops the progression)
Aphrodisiac Level 1: Whenever the character is in contact with the slime, roll a d4. If the result comes up 4, the character gains 1 AP.

Slimes are common all over the world, in many forms. The color of the slime is influenced by its surroundings more than anything. Much like mimics, slimes are very long lived, and gain in intelligence and magical prowess as they age. Unlike mimics, the kind of magic they become proficient in depends on their environment (desert slimes tend to be better at fire magic, slimes who live in darkness tend to be able to manipulate the darkness, etc.). At the mid-point of their development they tend to begin taking on human forms (mostly feminine, for whatever reason), and begin to speak human language.

More to come.
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Dec 1, 2010
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Re: The EGG Bestiary

Hello, first post ever, decided to do something good, had an idea about a beast that I couldn't get out of my mind for 2 days so I wrote it all down. Though I would share it with everyone. If you do use it throw me a link to the thread, would like to see how the fight goes.


Slimelit | d5 | +0 | +2
Slimelit's are small slimes the size of a baseball, often in groups of 4-5 or more (not very common to go more then that), health role determines the highest HP, all other Slimelit's are less then that. +2 to base Def as they are hard to hit and take double damage to fire attacks (light and to much heat)

They like dark, warm and wet places, usually found in caves but are known to live in cooler places. Women that find Slimelit's in cave describe them as a small, cute (shivering if cold) version of a slime, and may taking piety on them. They are usually non aggressive unless you are hotter then there surroundings.

They can not attack directly, but rather prefer to raise there target's AP to 10 afap. Slimelit's raise there target's AP by going inside them (vag, ass, mouth, breast) taking 3 turns to enter if naked and 2 to exit (target must focus to force them out taking them out of combat) slimelit's can't engulf like there slime cousins but instead restrain each limb per Slimelit. Slimelit's can dissolve clothing slowly, taking 2 turns to dissolve 1 artical of clothing (except blue slime's, see note for detail)

Slimelit's come in many different colors each having there own ability. (see color for more info). If they manage to enter a target and win the fight, all remaining Slimelit's will enter the host and live there forming a symbiotic state of life depending on the host for warmth moistness and food. In return they will give there life up to protect the host forming "Slime Armor" on the hosts body (does not dissolve clothing. see more detail under slime armor) they also have the ability to "see" heat.

Slime Armor
Slime armor only happens before combat or during combat, each slime forms a part of the armor emerging from the place they are protecting. 1 for each breast, 1 for vag, and 2 for ass forming a slime bikini. each part of armor has the same health points as the slime and only protect if the host is hit in that spot (ex target takes 3 pts to left breast, left breast Slimelit dies and 1 point taken to host) the host may carry more then 5 Slimelit's but every 2 Slimelit's at or over 7 will lower the hosts defense by 1. deploying the slime's takes 1 turn and 2 ap per 5 Slimelit's (6 will take 2 turns) if all Slimelit's die during combat then the host will lose all benefits that the slimes offer. If exposed to sunlight or any type of sunlight the slimes HP will be lowered by 50% rounded down. Slimelit's can also communicate with the host (although primitively) through the hosts nerve cells (must be inside the host to communicate)

Blue Slimelit's have the ability to dissolve 1 artical of clothing per turn. Usually aiming for the vag. They will enter the ass or mouth if needed but prefer to enter the vag.

Green Slimelit's have the ability to fuse with other Slimelits, 1 green and 1-2 of any other color will form a bigger Slimelit, adding all the Hp points (not the defense) and effects into one. Slimemight's form when 2 greens and 4 of any other color form and act like there slime cousin except they can turn into the Slimelit's they were formed into and are colored with the parts they are formed with.

Red Slimelit's will attach to the breasts suck milk, and enter causing the breasts to inflate by 1 cup size, only 2 reds per breast

Pink Slimelit's will enter through the mouth and are the only Slimelit's that can actually do damage, by making them selves un-breathable, they get in the targets mouth and nose and stop the air ways making host not able to breath, if the host gets startled and breaths in when it attaches to the face, has a 30% chance of going in the mouth and into the throat where it will solidify there. pinks are only wild and will turn red when they are "tamed"

White Slimelit's do nothing, but are extremely rare

any other colors that the GM puts out will be his/hers to do what ever they want

all Slimelights can change color at the hosts will.
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