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The Effect of Smileys


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
It's surprising how much a smiley can change the intent of a post. For example,

"Fuck you, man. I hate you."
goes into
"Fuck you man. :D I hate you. :p"

Re: The Effect of Smileys

Indeed. I always use them to make sure people know I'm kidding on instant messengers, otherwise I have to go through a long monologue on why I'm not actually going to do whatever it is I said I was gonna do.
Re: The Effect of Smileys

But that's the fun of the conversation! Making people guess whether you were joking if you really did kidnap and boil a baby alive!
Re: The Effect of Smileys

But that's the fun of the conversation! Making people guess whether you were joking if you really did kidnap and boil a baby alive!

Why the hell would you joke about that? You're using my accomplishments as a joke?
Re: The Effect of Smileys

You mean like this?

This is a very interesting topic -_-
Re: The Effect of Smileys

You are all such nice people.:mad:
Re: The Effect of Smileys

I know. It's so much more helpful to have smilies when you're joking. I also enjoy tags to help communicate how i feel xD
Re: The Effect of Smileys

Similies can be quite useful as long as you only use the correct ones. :eek:
Re: The Effect of Smileys

Wait, we're talking about similes now? :confused:
Re: The Effect of Smileys

When...Weren't we?*Puts on sunglasses* :cool: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Re: The Effect of Smileys

Wow, really?


(You knew it was just a matter of time before someone would link this one)
Re: The Effect of Smileys
