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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Look for clothes and check how Mia's doing, haven't talked to her much lately, see how soon she'll be ready to come back out.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(A) Rest up a bit until the next morning.

Before Elena went on to bed, Sophia came up as she was coming out of the bathroom, ready and for bed. "Hey, Elena. I'm going to try and perform a sending to my mother, to let her know where I'm at and stuff. Maybe she can use the teleportation circle out in the main hall and come into this place, and maybe give us a way out... just in case and stuff you know. What do you think?" Sophia said to Elena.

"Hmm... if you think that it'll get through and everything to her then go right ahead. Any extra help we can get would be very useful in here," Elena replied, nodding her head, thinking that maybe Sophia's mother could perhaps take the children at the very least if she could get through the barriers around this place, so they would be safe. With that, Elena lay back on the bed while Sophia left the room to perform the sending she intended on doing, falling asleep before Sophia even got back to lay down as well.


The next morning, Elena woke with Sophia and Mia snuggled up to either side of her, and she herself was laying on her back, Mia on her left and Sophia on her right. It was good Elena thought to herself that her kind could pull their wings in and make them vestigial like the succubi could, made sleeping with others a lot easier, as they didn't need to worry about crumpling each others wings any. Leaning over and kissing both girls on the cheeks, Elena smiled and wriggled out from between the two carefully, trying to keep from waking them, however they awoke before she could get completely out.

"Elena sweetie, where you going? Come back to bed," Mia mumbled sleepily, grabbing at Elena's hand.

"Yeah come on and lay back down and rest some more, after yesterday I think we deserve it," Sophia added, pinching Elena's butt, making the young angel give a little eek as she jumped a bit.

Elena smiled at them and decided to lay back down with them, where they both cuddled back up to her and dozed back off. However, just as Elena was about to doze back off with them, the bedroom door flew open and in the doorway stood another succubus, with Brandi behind her looking around her into the room, obviously confused about who she was and why she was here. Elena raised up in the bed, letting the covers fall from her breasts, while Mia partially raised up from where she'd been laying next to Elena, while Julie snoozed on and Sophia stirred slightly in her doze. The succubus had dark pink hair that was almost red, large G-cup breasts even larger than Sophia's F-cups, yet their size didn't seem to bother her any. She wore a skimpy little suit that had a top that barely covered her breasts, long beautiful and slender legs, a perfectly sculpted body with curves in all the right places, and in the face she resembled Sophia quite a bit, the only true differences between the two was that this succubus had breasts a size larger or so, her wings were a bit bigger, she had the curled horns on her head where Sophia had no horns at all, she was a couple of inches taller than Sophia, and she was obviously more powerful just from the looks of her. The succubus walked into the room and over to the bed, where Sophia's eyes suddenly flew open upon hearing the footsteps.

( ), save she's got succubus wings and a top covering her breasts of the same color as the rest of what little clothing she's wearing in the pic.

Sophia and the other succubus stared at each other for a few tense moments as Sophia raised up and pulled the covers down, revealing her nude body, and Elena's as well, the young angel turning a little bit to hide her nakedness from the other succubus and blushing a little. Suddenly though, Sophia jumped off the bed and at the other succubus, wrapping her arms around her. "Mommy, you actually got my message yesterday, thank the gods you did," Sophia squealed as she hugged the other succubus, revealing that it was her mother.

"Oh thank heavens you're alright Sophia, I was so worried about you when you left so suddenly without even telling me where you'd gone," the succubus said, kissing Sophia on both of her cheeks, then she turned to look down at Elena where she lay on the bed, licking her lips a bit as she spotted the beautiful nude futanari angel. "And who might this lovely little morsel be Sophia dear? She's absolutely gorgeous," the succubus said, releasing Sophia from her hug and eying Elena with a quite... hungry look in her eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that. Mom, this is Elena, and the drow girl over there is Mia, and the nymph is Julie," Sophia said, introducing her friends to her mother, gesturing to each in turn. "This girls is my mother, Hazel," Sophia went on to say, introducing her mother to the girls.

"Well now, you'll need to tell me all of what has happened since you left dear," Hazel said to her daughter.


Sophia had launched into a long explanation that lasted for at least an hour, with Julie waking up not too long into it, so they had to stop and tell her what happened and who Hazel was before Sophia could continue. Sophia told Hazel all of what had happened to her on her journey up until she met Elena, where she then told her what all had happened after she met her and the others a couple of days before. "I see... so you were raped and Elena here rescued you. Oh my poor baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you," Hazel said, hugging Sophia again tightly, tears forming in her eyes at what all Sophia had told her had happened to her up until now. Hazel turned to Elena and smiled at her. "Thank you young one, for rescuing my daughter and helping her out. And for satisfying her, as she seems to have taken quite a liking to you from the looks of it and all," Hazel said to Elena, making Elena blush profusely and turn her head away in embarrassment.

"Y-Yeah I uh... I have been," Elena said in a low voice, nearly a whisper, but loud enough for everyone to hear still.

"Mom, don't ask dirty questions like that about your own daughter, besides, it's none of your business that we've been having sex... I mean," Sophia said, puffing her cheeks out, though when she was finishing her sentence, she blushed as well and looked down.

"Oh Sophia dear, I don't care about that, in fact I'm quite pleased with your decision. Elena is obviously more than enough to satisfy you... well to some degree at least. I mean she's very well endowed and... she's an angel to boot. (sighs pleasantly)... I'm so glad you found yourself a good lover Sophia," Hazel said with a giggle, nodding approvingly at Elena, obviously liking Sophia's choice in Elena. "And you two, you're both beautiful and I hope you don't mind sharing Elena with my daughter, because once a succubus from the Netherworld chooses someone that we wish to be with, well... let's just say that we don't like letting go," Hazel added to Mia and Julie, winking at them both and smiling.

Elena and Sophia both blushed some more, but a more cute blush than anything, while Mia and Julie looked at each other then back to Hazel. "Well, I honestly don't care, so long as Elena stays with me and loves me too, because I want our baby Celine to be able to grow up with her papa. Besides, many of my ancestors had more than one lover, it's almost a common thing for our families to do so," Mia said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't mind either lady Hazel, for the same reasons as Mia really," Julie said, nodding her head seriously.

"Good good girls. Now then, let us get a bite to eat, I haven't had any breakfast yet myself so I'm starving," Hazel said, gesturing for them all to follow as she left the room, not really caring that they'd just woke up and hadn't even done any of their morning business yet in the bathroom.

"One thing I forgot to mention about my mom. She's been almost constantly trying to find me... what she calls a suitable lover. Been telling me for a while now that every succubus needs a good lover to keep them well fed and satisfied, every time she brings someone new to meet me though I just don't like them. But you Elena I really like, unlike any of those that mom tried to set me up with in the past," Sophia said, blushing a bit as she finished.

"Oh it's alright Sophia, let's just go on and get a bite to eat, I'm the same as your mom, starving," Elena said, caressing Sophia's cheek as she got up off the bed, then quickly sat back down, blushing as she realized that she still had no clothes on around her and had only had a towel around her the night before after getting back. The door opened again a few moments later, with Brandi coming inside.

"Hey Sophia, your mom brought a whole box full of clothes, said they were some of yours from home. Do you all want me to bring you some in for you?" Brandi said when she poked her head in, to which Sophia and Elena both almost jumped for joy at her words.

"Yes Brandi, please bring some of them in here. I'm about the same size as Sophia is, so some of them should fit me," Elena said quickly before Sophia even had the chance to speak, then she glanced over at Sophia with a hopeful look on her face. "If that's okay I mean," Elena added.

Sophia told her of course she didn't mind, so Brandi rushed out and soon brought back several outfits and robes and such. Most if not all of it was skimpy clothing of some sort much like what Hazel was wearing, but at least it was something to wear so she wasn't totally naked, though they were quite lewd looking. Sophia picked out a white outfit that was just like Hazel's in all but color save that it had a little skirt with it that hung halfway down her thighs which would at least hide her member some, telling Elena that it was what they called succubus garb, and that she thought that she'd look good in it, where Mia and Julie agreed with her and said they'd like to see Elena in it. Seeing as how there was little enough in the way of clothing that wasn't so revealing and that all the girls wished to see her wear it, Elena sighed and nodded her head, telling Sophia that alright she'd wear it. Sophia smiled and giggled as she began helping Elena into the skimpy little outfit, which barely hid her member, with Elena feeling a bit embarrassed about wearing it, but accepting it anyway, as she wanted at least something to cover herself with.

With that, they went on out to get some breakfast ready once they had done all of their morning business in the bathroom. Brandi had cooked breakfast, with Hazel helping her to do so while the girls all got ready for the day. When they all got in there to eat, Hazel looked over and smiled. "Ah there you girls are, I was wondering where you'd gone. Brandi here is a very good cook, and those other two girls... Kyra and Sylvia, I can tell that they've been corrupted a lot, and Brandi has been too. I was thinking of taking them with me when I leave, back to Hespera so they could be purified in the holy water pools," Hazel said when they all arrived, glancing over at Brandi and the other two where they sat awaiting breakfast.

"I was honestly quite surprised when you showed up mom, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be able to break through the barriers here," Sophia said as she sat down.

"Yes, it was tough, but this place here is a safe place inside this terrible dungeon. So the barrier was weaker around it, which allowed me to break through into here. This sanctuary here isn't quite hallowed ground per se, but it's close to it," Hazel said, setting a platter of bacon and a platter of sausages down on the table for them while Brandi set down a bowl full of biscuits and a platter full of potatoes. "I'm a lot stronger than Sophia is and a lot more versed on arcane magics, so I can punch through stronger barriers than Sophia can," Hazel added, as if that answered everything for them.

They sat there and ate their breakfast after that, making idle chitchat with one another as Hazel got to know everyone around the table a little better, the older succubus thanking them all for helping her daughter. After a while though, Hazel asked the question that Elena was probably asking herself at this point. What were they going to do now? They had a means of getting out of the dungeon now at any time, so were they going to take it now or attempt to continue purging this place of evil?

"Um... miss Hazel, when you leave... well hopefully much later on I mean, can you take the babies with you too? I don't want them to grow up in a place like this, always at risk of being taken from us. I know Hespera is safe and all, and that succubi can be very good wetnurses for babies, when the need arises at least I mean," Elena asked Hazel, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Of course I can dear, but I think I'll stay for a little while at least. Have no worries about that, they'll be safe in Hespera, if you decide to stay in here at least that is," Hazel replied, easing Elena's heart a bit, as Mia and Julie both thanked her for agreeing to take the children.


(A) - Head back out after breakfast.

(B) - Stay in for a little while and then go back out after lunch or something. (Will likely result in smut of some sort with someone.)

(C) - Other.

(I had planned on Sophia's mother coming in ever since introducing Sophia into the story, to give a reason to move the children out of the dungeon to keep them safe so questions wouldn't be asked about them and stuff. ;) )
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A wonderful idea!

B. ALL of the smut!

B. Mother/daughter succubus smut, do it. Give Sophia a sister and make Hazel a grandmother.

Holy shit! This! All of this! So much pregnancy!
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. Mother/daughter succubus smut, do it. Give Sophia a sister and make Hazel a grandmother.
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B Just make sure not to get Mia pregnant so we can have a full party.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.


At this rate we are making it a Goal to try and fuck everyone with a Name aren't we?
And I am going to laugh if we Do Overpower Hazel's Pregancy Resist. That and if we DO have a Mother/Sister thing its going to quickly become a Orgy.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. I like the direction everyone's thoughts are going.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C- give the children to the succubus and go with all of the party. Monster pregnacy is much more interesting. (woooooorms;P)
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(B) all the smut... and other things too of course. :D

"Oh well that's good miss Hazel, because we can't abandon our mission here, I mean I was tasked with coming here to eradicate the evil within this place myself," Elena said to Hazel with a determined look on her face. "I... I would like it if you took our children home with you to Hespera when you actually do go miss Hazel, because I don't want to risk their lives too," Elena added about the children, to which the others nodded their agreement.

"Like I already said Elena, of course I can take them, have no worries about that. But I wish that you would come with me when I do leave, I don't want to leave you and one of my daughters in this place, but it's not my decision to make, you're both grown women and all," Hazel replied, though she didn't look as if she liked it very much, but didn't have much choice in the matter.

Elena sat there after that, smiling at Hazel, thanking her for understanding their want to stay there. They finished up with breakfast, where Brandi cleaned up the dishes for them, Kyra and Sylvia both went off to look for a book to read from the bookshelves in the study. While the three of them went off, Hazel glanced over at Elena and winked, making Elena blush a little bit as the older succubus stood up and came over to her, where she took her hand and gently pulled on her, to stand her up as she led her towards the bedroom. Sophia of course noticed what her mother was doing and stood up quickly, followed by Mia, Julie got up as well, however she didn't seem quite as concerned about anything as Sophia and Mia did.

"Mom, where do you think you're going with Elena?" Sophia called after her mother as Hazel and Elena got to the bedroom door.

"Hmm... oh I'm going to make sure that she's... good enough for you is all Sophia, don't worry, I won't hurt her. Though she may be a little sore afterwards if she's as good as you make her out to be," Hazel said nonchalantly, to which Sophia looked more than a little angry as she stomped down the hall after them to the bedroom, with Mia right behind her.

By the time they got to the doorway, Hazel had already whisked Elena over onto the bed and had undressed her once more, leaving her naked as the day she was born, where she was about to lower her breasts around Elena's already hard and erect member. "M-Mom! What do you think you're doing?" Sophia cried angrily as she entered the bedroom, her eyes wide.

"Well I already told you sweetie, I'm seeing just how good she is and all," Hazel said as her huge tits descended down around Elena's member, enveloping it between the older succubus' soft breasts that just held it perfectly. Hazel began sliding her breasts up and down Elena's shaft, the amount of pleasure nearly unbearable to the young angel it felt so good. Sophia rushed over to the bed and looked about to pull Hazel off when her mother glanced over her shoulder at Sophia. "Come here Sophia, I'm not going to hurt her. I'm going to teach you some things, better ways of pleasing her and making her feel good," Hazel went on to say, smiling at Sophia.

Sophia still looked quite suspicious at her mother, but didn't try and pull her away from Elena, where Hazel then gestured for her and Mia both to come close and watch, while Julie in the meantime said that she was going to check on the children in their little room next door. Elena for her part was nearly back in the heavens she'd left to come into this horrible dungeon, the feeling of being wrapped up in Hazel's breasts like that was magnificent. Sophia watched her mother carefully, to make sure she did nothing to Elena, while Mia did the same thing really, but during their watch, Hazel showed them how to better please Elena, to make her squeal and moan more and they soon forgot about making sure that Hazel did nothing to Elena that they didn't want her to and were up closer, watching how she was squeezing her breasts around Elena's length and making the young angel shiver with pleasure, seeming to greatly enjoy every second of it.

"You see, someone that's as inexperienced with sex as Elena is needs lots of good loving from you girls. See how much she's loving the attention we're giving her," Hazel said idly as she stimulated Elena's erection perfectly, leaving a twitching and throbbing mess, though she didn't allow Elena to go over the brink and beyond just yet and held her back, releasing the young angel's member from her breasts and letting her cool down a little bit, which left Elena whimpering for her to finish. "Oh Elena dear it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to squeeze out every drop that I can from this beautiful magnificent thing here. So go ahead and don't hold back okay, you know you don't want to," Hazel cooed in Elena's ear as Sophia and Mia watched the older succubus completely seduce Elena right before their eyes, emitting some of her succubus pheromone like essence and directing it right into Elena's face, where the already greatly aroused young angel breathed it in and became even more horny.

Elena pawed at Hazel to make her feel good, which Hazel was all to happy to do as she mounted Elena's length as the horny young angel sat there, allowing Hazel to do whatever really. Hazel lowered herself down and soon had Elena moaning lewdly as she began bouncing up and down, while Sophia and Mia watched a little apprehensively as Sophia's mother had sex with their beloved Elena, but she didn't seem to be hurting her or anything, and Elena seemed to be enjoying it, so they just kept watching Hazel's technique and her hands as they roamed across Elena's body, gently caressing Elena's most sensitive places as her tail wormed its way around and slowly parted Elena's folds as it slipped inside of her drooling pussy. Hazel rode Elena hard and fast, driving the young angel closer and closer to orgasm with every second as she pulled Elena's face and smushed it in between her breasts. Soon enough though, Hazel was rewarded for her efforts with Elena tilting her head back and letting out a lewd squeal of ecstasy as Elena reached her peak and spurted her load into Hazel's depths, filling the older succubus with her warm seed.

"Oh Elena dear... so much... you might have even gotten this old succubus knocked up. You hear that Sophia, you may have a new little sister soon, hmhm," Hazel cooed, giggling as she finished. Her words made Sophia blush like mad, as well as Elena when she finally realized what Hazel had said. "Oh you two, I'm just teasing you. Now Sophia, I want you to have some fun with Elena here and show me what you learned and what you can do alright," Hazel added after a few moments as she got off of Elena, a lewd wet slurping sound coming from her crotch as she lifted off of Elena, followed by a soft wet pop, to which Sophia blushed beet red and nodded.

Sophia looked more than a little embarrassed about this, but she undressed anyway and took her mother's place on top of Elena, sinking down onto Elena's still fully erect and twitching shaft, which caused Elena's body to shudder as she moaned softly. Elena gave a submissive little whine as Sophia began bouncing just as her mother did, her tight wet folds squeezing and massaging Elena's length, trying to milk out her seed. Elena simply lay there and let Sophia do as she wished, as the succubus essence that Hazel had blasted her with earlier was still burning through her veins at the moment, keeping her horny as hell. Sophia's rhythmic motions soon had Elena a quivering mess, and it was very easy to tell there was love in her motions as well. It didn't take long, before Elena reached her climax again, filling Sophia with her seed this time around as she lay there, the wave of pleasure washing over her like a tide.

(Elena amazingly didn't knock up either succubus. So no preggers of both mother and daughter by the same angel futa. We'll have to try again later perhaps. XD)

"Well Sophia, I can tell that you love Elena, just from the way your hips were moving for her. It was beautiful to see sweetie. I'm glad that you seem to have found someone that you like and or love enough to have like this. Now hurry up and make me some grandbabies you two, I want grandbabies, after you get out of here of course," Hazel said with a giggle, though she got very serious when she mentioned wanting grandchildren and gave the two a look that said she wasn't kidding in the least bit and expected grandchildren.

"T-Thanks mom, a-and I guess we can get to that after we get out of here... maybe," Sophia said quietly, her face red with embarrassment as she nodded her head.

"Good, now that we have that out of the way, Elena welcome to my family... well unofficially anyway. When you all get out of here you two can get married and we'll go so you can meet Sophia's sisters," Hazel said, giving Elena a kiss on the lips and a hug as the young angel lay there on the bed, still recovering from her climaxes that both Hazel and Sophia had given her.

Elena glanced over at Mia, who didn't seem horny really, and like she'd really been watching and learning how to better please Elena. Mia smiled at her when she noticed Elena looking. "Are you okay Elena? They didn't go too hard or anything did they?" Mia asked in a worried tone.

"No of course not Mia, I'm just fine. Though I could use a drink now, and... maybe a nap afterwards," Elena replied, reaching over for the pitcher of water on their bedside table and a glass, which she filled with water and drank it down.

"Now Elena dear, get you some rest and we'll wake you for lunch, then you girls can go back out there into the dark spooky dungeon and fight all sorts of monsters and whatnot, hmhm," Hazel said with that giggle of her's as she got up and left the room after patting Elena's now soft and flaccid member, making her coo softly.

Mia and Sophia glanced over at each other and agreed that Elena needed some rest after that, and so they both kissed her on lips and told her to rest some and they'd wake her for lunch, with Sophia saying she needed to speak with her mother about some things. Elena nodded to them and did as they suggested, rolling over on her side where she closed her eyes and was soon sound asleep again.


A while later the girls came in and woke Elena back up, telling her that lunch was ready, and so she got up and washed her face and everything and followed them back out, feeling much more rested than before. "Okay girls, I'm ready to go back out... if either of you are now," Elena said, a determined look on her face as she finished eating lunch.

"Well I'm feeling a bit better now, though I'm worried about leaving Celine here without me," Mia said, stretching as she finished with lunch also.

"Well of course I'm going out with you Elena," Sophia added, making their group three that were going out this time around... at least that's what it was shaping up to look like anyway.

"Don't worry about Celine any at all Mia, I'll be staying here for a little while just in case I'm needed for anything. So don't you girls worry about a thing alright, I'll keep the children safe and if you need me, just use that orb okay," Hazel said, reassuring Mia that Celine would be alright while she was gone and if they needed some help to just call for her and she'd be there.

(So now, do you all want to take Mia and Sophia out with Elena? I figured I'd just put in some dialogue and stuff leading up to them heading out again, to save time and stuff, just so you all know.)


(A) - Head back out with just Mia.

(B) - Head back out with just Sophia.

(C) - Head back out with both Mia and Sophia.

(D) - Other.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.


Darn, guess we'll just have to try to knock them both up later... ;)

EDIT: So, if I re-read the intro correctly, boosting our health stat will increase our chances of impregnating/being impregnated, correct?
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Foiled again! C
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. gang on the move
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. The more the merrier.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Does anyone think otherwise?