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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(B) Heading southwards, and drinking the dark potion before heading out.

(Also, for those who have never played Nethack, the color coating on the potions is just for flavor, so just because it's called a dark potion doesn't mean it's necessarily evil. Though it could be some bad kind of potion after all. :p)

"I say we head south myself, because I can hear water down there and surely there's something of interest down there," Elena said, deciding to drink the dark colored potion she still had in her pack.

As Elena drew the bottle out of her pack and uncorked it, Sophia looked on with a mix of curiosity and a little worry as the bust angel pulled it up to her lips. Tilting her head back as she brought the bottle up to her lips, Elena downed the liquid inside, which tasted slightly of alcohol of some sort, though what kind she couldn't place right off. As soon as she had downed the last drop, she felt an immense energy course through her body, though it was soon discharged into the ground as her body was already at full strength. The bottle now empty, she stuffed it back into her pack for the moment, thinking maybe that since she'd wasted the obviously helpful potion by drinking it now, she might at least be able to fill the bottle with some water since they were heading down the tunnel towards the running water.

[The potion was a potion of Energy Regain. Which replenishes 1d8 + magic modifier Pw/SE, but since Elena was already at full, she gets nothing.]

"Well that was... a little bit of a letdown really, I wish I hadn't drank the thing now," Elena said to Sophia, who gave a small laugh.

"That's the risk in this place from what I've been able to tell. Just about anything helpful that I managed to get was used quickly and before I needed it," Sophia said, speaking from experience it seemed.

Moving on through the southern tunnel, the girls soon found themselves in a quite large chamber with an underground stream flowing through it, though the current wasn't overly strong. The water was crystal clear though, looking as clean as it could possibly be really. They could see many little fish swimming around in the water, though nothing large enough to pose them a problem other than being annoying if they decided to nibble on them anywhere to see what they were. As they neared the shore, Elena and Sophia both noticed what appeared to be an old skeleton, with several of the bones broken on it. From the looks of it, it was once a woman, as there was a quite sexy looking swimsuit next to the very old corpse and the bone structure was that of a human woman.

"I guess the poor thing got hurt and lost down here, I hope that she didn't suffer," Sophia said, kissing her index and middle fingers on her right hand and then tapping them to the forehead of the skeleton.

"I hope so too, but from the way some of these bones are broken Sophia, I'd say she probably did unfortunately," Elena said sadly, a look of pity in her eyes as she did the same as Sophia and said a little blessing for the long since dead girl.

Other than that, there was little else in the room aside from the stream, which ran out from a cavern that was filled with water far too much for them to wade through and be able to breathe, and it also flowed through into another cavern that was much the same, and there was no other path to follow other than those, save the one leading back up from where they came. It would be hard, especially for Elena, to try and wade into the water and try to make her way through the cavern a ways to see where it might lead, so it might be best to head on back and try the northern path.

What should they do now?

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 39/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion
5. an unidentified iron helm

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe (+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat (+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)
4. an emerald ring on her right ring finger. (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it does yet.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Quest items: Portal orb (Instantly opens a portal back to the sanctuary to get a better rest.)

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 67 points
CP level 0 - 85 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Sophia's stuff:
Sophia's current stats:
HP: 26/26, Pw: 28/28, PP: 0/30, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:

Equipment being worn: Nothing really, but she has clothing now

Sophia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Willpower: 10 (+1 to all Willpower rolls)
Magic: 9
Health: 10 (+1 to all Health rolls)

XP level 4 – 99 points
CP level 1 – 69 points

Sophia's skills and powers:
Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs only 10 Pw for Sophia to use, because she's more proficient with fire magics)
Infernal rebuke – deals 1d6 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit, and can target up to two targets at once. (costs 8 Pw to use)
Fireball – deals 3d6 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit and causes 5 ongoing fire dmg, can target up to 3 targets at once. (costs 18 Pw to use)
(Passive) Sophia's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.
(Passive) Sophia is a succubus, succubi have a mostly selective fertility in which they can choose not to become pregnant if they wish, however sometimes it may not work for them and they'll end up getting knocked up anyway. (When choosing to not get knocked up, they get a +15 to on their pregnancy rolls to keep from it, though they can also choose to get knocked up and get a +15 to get knocked up.)


(A) - Head on back and take the northern path, taking the sexy bikini.

(B) - Head on back and take the northern path, leaving the sexy bikini.

(C) - Take a dip in the stream and relax for a few minutes. (Will be an increased risk of rolling for a random enemy attack, but could turn into some sexy fun time with Sophia since they'd both be naked. :p)

(D) - Other.

(If they take the bikini, specify which if either of them puts it on.)
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Sophia wears the bikini...for a little while anyway...more like models it before seducing Elena...
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C hehehe is there really a choice here Mind? Sophie models Bikini.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

What kind of a dumb ass would like to vote for something else than C?
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Sophia wears the bikini...for a little while anyway...more like models it before seducing Elena...

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Sophia wears the bikini...for a little while anyway...more like models it before seducing Elena...

I rather like this idea, but they're both reasonably clean already, so I'm going to vote A - Sophia models the bikini, but doesn't drag Elena into the stream.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Sophia wears the bikini...for a little while anyway...more like models it before seducing Elena...

Um, need I say more? +1
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C. Whatever comes out, it will be fun times for us :p
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(C) the choice I knew you all would take. :p

(Sorry it took me so long with that one, wanted to make it a good smex scene though and all and add to the story some more.)

"Hey that thing's cute though... but... well I hate taking something from a dead person, but she won't be needing it any more, and besides, I can feel magic in it somewhat," Sophia said as she spotted the swimsuit laying next to the skeleton, reaching down and picking it up to look at it more closely.

"Well I suppose it is quite cute, and it isn't doing her any good any longer," Elena agreed, though a little less enthusiastic than Sophia was.

Sophia took the bikini, then slipped her robes off, where Elena saw her gorgeous body as the succubus undressed herself. As soon as Sophia had her clothes off, she took the bikini and started putting it on... however as she was doing so, she noticed that Elena was staring at her quite intently, the young angel's gaze unable to be torn away from her companion's body. Sophia smirked and twisted her body around to the left, causing her breasts to sway back and forth slightly as Elena got a good view of her butt, her eyes following Sophia. Then Sophia went the opposite direction, watching Elena's eyes following her in the other direction. She started grinning as she twirled around, her tail brushing across the crotch of Elena's robes, making the young angel gasp as her eyes momentarily went wide.

"Come on Elena, let's get you down in this water for a couple of minutes so that you can maybe start thinking with this head up here, rather than this head down here," Sophia said to Elena, reaching out and caressing the top of Elena's head and then pointing down between Elena's legs at her "other" head.

Before Elena could really even make a reply of any kind in protest, Sophia had Elena stripped out of her robes and underclothes, leaving her naked as the day she was born. Sophia then took Elena's hand with her own, while wrapping her tail around Elena's already hard and throbbing member, gently pulling on both and guiding her over to the water, helping her to sit down in it. The water was cool, yet not really all that cold Elena found as Sophia helped her down into it, then Sophia went back over and grabbed the bikini and while Elena watched her do so, she put it on. Sophia had her back turned while she slipped the bikini onto herself, smiling over her shoulder at Elena as she bent over with her butt facing Elena, so that all Elena got for the view was Sophia's ass and her slit.

"You like what you see sweetie?" Sophia asked Elena as she slipped the bikini bottoms on, covering the view from Elena's eyes.

Elena shook her head a little bit as soon as the view was gone, trying to tear her eyes away from Sophia's body. "Y-Yeah Sophia... I do. I can't help it though, you've got such a gorgeous body," Elena stammered, trying to look away.

Sophia however, being all playful like she was, walked back over to the water's edge and with her tail she gently pulled Elena's face back around to look at her, where Sophia spun around again. Elena's eyes followed her once again, the young angel mesmerized by Sophia's perfect curvy body as Sophia eased herself down into the water with Elena, where she slipped over into Elena's lap, her breasts laying against the top of Elena's own breasts. Elena stared up at Sophia with lust filled eyes, watching as Sophia licked her lips with a slightly hungry look in her eyes. As she sat there staring up at the young succubus, Elena suddenly felt her member beginning to ache and burn with need suddenly, as if someone had set a fire in her loins. She wasn't sure why it suddenly began aching and burning in such a way, because though it had already been twitching a bit, indicating she was ready for going further with this, it hadn't been aching quite that badly yet.

"Oh Elena you poor thing you. This must hurt a lot," Sophia said in a low sultry voice, grinding her butt back against Elena's cock, which was laying perfectly between her butt cheeks as Sophia sat between Elena and it.

Elena nodded her head at Sophia's words, a needy look on her face. Elena's mind was almost on autopilot as she sat there, her body quickly growing hotter and hornier as they sat there. Before Elena could think of anything else to do, or rather before her mind clicked and made her do so, Sophia leaned down and pressed her lips against Elena's, sliding her tongue easily into Elena's mouth where they began wrestling and vying for dominance with the other. As they sat there indulging in one another with their kisses, Elena's hands were wandering along with Sophia's, the young angel's hands quickly moving around to grasp Sophia's perfectly heart shaped ass, where she squeezed and lifted her up out of the water, spreading her own wings out to their fullest as she stared into Sophia's eyes with her own lust filled eyes for a few moments, just holding Sophia in her arms while she stood there.

"Gods Sophia... I can't hold it back any longer. I've been wanting to fuck you since I met you yesterday Sophia. My penis... it's aching and burning so bad right now... aching for you," Elena said, her primal instincts guiding her body and her words as she stepped out of the little stream, setting Sophia down on the ground where their robes were laying, spread out a few moments before by Sophia when she bent over for Elena, making them a little bed of sorts to do this on.

"And I've been eying you since yesterday myself cutie. Just the thought of that magnificent thing inside me..." Sophia replied, her whole body shivering a bit as she cooed softly before she continued, "Gods it gives me shivers up my spine just thinking about it inside of me. And the fact that you're an angel and I'm a devil makes the thought of it even naughtier."

Elena didn't wait any longer and dove in, voraciously kissing Sophia like a sex starved slut. Elena raised Sophia's legs and yanked her bikini bottoms off, while Sophia quickly slipped her top off, exposing her breasts to the cool dungeon air, her nipples already rock hard right along with Elena's own nipples and cock. "You're really horny aren't you Elena?" Sophia asked, a naughty smile on her face. When Elena quickly nodded her head to let Sophia know that yes she was extremely horny, Sophia giggled softly. "Good, then that means it worked. I used some of my essence on you to make sure you got horny here, that way I could take care of it all right here and now since we're out here again, that way you don't go getting all horny for some monster or another bunch of corrupted girls like those two yesterday. And... because I want you too," Sophia continued, whispering her last sentence in Elena's ear all sexy like as she reached down with her tail, coiling it around Elena's member and guiding it into her already moist folds. Elena was going to say something back to Sophia, however her voice caught in her throat as Sophia's tail brushed and then coiled around her member, causing her to be unable to say anything about Sophia using her inherent succubus essence to force lust on her. But did she really want to speak out against it? At this point not really, as her loins ached and burned for release.

Elena let out a whimpered moan as she entered Sophia in the missionary position, trying to hold her voice in so that Sophia didn't think her just a sex crazed slut, but Sophia seemed intent on drawing out her moans as she expertly squeezed her pussy muscles around Elena's length, making Elena let out a louder and lewder moan of pleasure as she sank down onto Sophia for a moment. Sophia kissed Elena again on the lips, with Elena returning the kiss just as she began thrusting in and out of Sophia. There was nothing in the room really to dampen the sounds of their lovemaking, save the steady quiet flow of the water behind them, which didn't really do much to dampen them, the wet schlicking and sloshing sounds of Elena's hot hard meat grinding into Sophia's tight wet folds easily heard over the water. Their moans though were louder still, Elena's mind totally lost to the lust that had been put there by Sophia apparently that she was now eagerly moaning and squealing with almost every thrust now into Sophia. Sophia meanwhile wrapped her legs around Elena, locking them together and keeping her from fully pulling out of her tight snatch as it constantly tried to milk Elena dry.

Elena however had no intentions of pulling completely out of Sophia, unless it was to simply change positions, but this one was good enough for now. They went on for a couple of minutes, their sweet moans filling the cavernous room as they pretty much just rutted with one another, Elena's wings going more and more limp as she thrust into Sophia, her body getting more and more relaxed as time went on. In between Elena's moans, there was one loud cute squeal of pleasure as Sophia moved her tail around, where it struck out into Elena's exposed pussy like a scorpion's stinger, her eyes going wide as she felt it penetrate her.

After that, Elena didn't last for very much longer and soon her cock was trembling deep inside of Sophia, who when she felt it doing so cooed softly and kissed Elena's neck. "It's okay Elena, go ahead and finish inside. I can choose whether or not to have babies, so don't worry and cum inside me as much as you want," Sophia whispered in Elena's ear, though she did leave out the part about her choosing where it only works most of the time, so that Elena wouldn't pull out and waste it all.

Elena's instincts drove her to pound into Sophia even harder, the young angel slamming down until their pelvises were knocking into each other and her cock head was poking against Sophia's womb with every thrust. Then... the damn burst inside of Elena and her flood gates opened as she slammed down one last time into Sophia with her wings stretching out to their fullest behind her, letting out a lewd moan followed by a pleasant sigh as the last of her seed spurted out and into Sophia's pussy, which was clamped down around Elena's length and milking every drop out. Sophia seemed to have gotten her's too, as she was panting with her eyes rolled up in her head, her arms and legs still wrapped around Elena and holding her tightly to her.

"Oh gods Sophia... t-that felt... so good," Elena panted, her head laying on Sophia's heaving chest.

"Y-Yeah it did. B-But I'm still horny as hell and I know you are too because you're still hard as a rock. I want more of that magnificent cock," Sophia panted back to Elena, kissing her on top of the head.

Sophia rolled Elena over so that she was now on top, where she didn't even give Elena time to recover from her first orgasm before working her on into the next one. the young succubus began bouncing up and down on Elena, who merely reached out and grabbed hold of Sophia's hips and held on for dear life. Sophia rode Elena hard, her pussy constricting Elena's length again as Elena just closed her eyes and relaxed, allowing Sophia to do all of the work here, as she seemed like she wanted to do so after all and Elena didn't want to take away any of her enthusiasm, because she was feeling great herself. The two managed to hold out against the pleasure for a good three or four minutes on their second round, with Elena reaching up and groping Sophia's breasts and pinching her hard nipples, which caused Sophia's body to arch back as she came again, her folds clamping down around Elena again and forcing her to climax with her, the room filled with their lewd moans once more.

This time it was Sophia's turn to fall over on top of Elena, who caught her and lay her head down on her breasts this time, simply holding her as they lay there quietly, basking in the pleasant aftermath of their sex. As they lay there, they kissed, nuzzled, and cuddled each other, giggling and cooing as they did so.

"Wow... that was a great show you two. really sexy," a woman's voice said, coming from the stream.

Elena and Sophia both let out a gasp and looked over to the stream, disentangling themselves from one another. Elena reached out for her staff and Sophia quickly rose to one knee, one hand outstretched and pointing at the stream. When they both had their eyes on the stream, they saw a woman resting herself at the edge facing them both with a smile on her face. Elena and Sophia exchanged glances and then looked back to the woman.

"W-Who are you? What are you doing here?" Elena asked hesitantly, aiming her staff at the girl for a moment before the girl suddenly raised herself up and out of the water, pulling herself up onto the edge where they saw a long tail fin, showing that the girl was a .

"Hmm... well I'm Kara, and I was just passing by on my way out, noticed you two fucking like rabbits and decided to stop to watch the show. I mean you both looked like you were enjoying yourselves and all, so you know. But this place is pretty dangerous from what I've seen, so you should be careful about what you do out in the open like that," the mermaid girl said after heaving herself up onto the shore, introducing herself as her tail fin flopping around a couple of times before it slowly shifted form into two long human like legs, which she then used to stand up as she looked at the two. It dawned on Elena that Kara wasn't just a mere mermaid, but one of the Ningyo shifters, or mermaid shifters as they are commonly called on Midgar and in Celestia and most other places she'd been to before.

Sophia sank back into a much more relaxed stance, where Elena followed quickly after seeing the young succubus do so. It finally clicked in Elena's mind what Kara had said about passing by on her way out, which meant that she had to know a way out of this place through the waters. She immediately brightened up a bit, thinking that maybe she could give this girl a message to give to someone on the outside, so that she could maybe get some help from any fellow angels from her home or something. "So Kara, you know a way out?" Elena asked, making certain first before she asked her to do carry a message out for her.

"Yes I do, I've come in here before, looking for random treasures in the waters and in the rooms I find, some others of my kind that live in the town not far from here do the same thing. It''s dangerous yeah, but hey, it's a living that we can do much easier than most others, as we can breathe underwater and stuff," Kara said, shrugging her shoulders as she explained why she was in there to them, amazingly enough not staring at Elena's still semi hard erection.

"Can you... take a message out for me then Kara? To someone that can then get word to Celestia for me?" Elena asked hopefully, then when Kara nodded and replied that yes she could, Elena almost let out a shout of joy, but barely held it in as she continued, giving the message she wanted taken. "I need you to tell someone to get word to Celestia and tell them that Elena Raecus needs high priestess Micirra to perform a sending to her so that she can speak with her. Can you do that for me?" Elena then said, giving the message to Kara, who nodded her head.

"Yeah I can do that. I take it that you're Elena then huh," Kara said, to which Elena nodded this time.

"Yeah I'm Elena, and this is Sophia. I need to let the high priestess know that I'm having trouble down here, at least more so than I originally anticipated anyway. But I have gotten a bit of help since I came in and got trapped in here at least," Elena said, glancing over to Sophia and smiling.

"Yeah sure, I can do that. It could be a while though before I get out and back to my home of course, so don't be waiting around here for me to do so and stuff," Kara said, glancing down finally at Elena's nude body.

When Elena followed Kara's gaze down, it finally dawned on her that she was still wearing nothing at all. Elena let out a little "Eek!" as she threw her hands over herself, but she couldn't cover everything and as she blushed and stumbled around trying to grab her robe from the floor to cover herself with, Sophia and Kara couldn't help but giggle at her. "Thank you miss Kara, I'm Sophia by the way. Also if it isn't too much trouble, see if you can have word sent to my home as well and let my mom know that I'm okay. She lives in Hespera down in the Netherworld, just ask around for high priestess of Sehanine there, Rose Lotus is her name, get word to her to do pretty much the same thing for Sophia Lotus that Elena's high priestess is doing for her," Sophia said.

"Alrighty then, I guess I should be hurrying off if I'm supposed to take messages for you and all. I'll have messages sent to both of them as soon as possible for you, just try and not get captured alright. Because some of my people that come in here aren't fast enough to evade the aquatic monsters that are around," Kara said, diving back into the water where Elena and Sophia watched her legs changing back into the tail fin like a mermaid's. Kara waved bye to them and splashed off back upstream apparently heading out.

"Well this is the first good news I've had since coming in here, other than meeting up with you and the others that is I mean," Elena said, looking much relieved after both the sex, and Kara taking their messages off.

"Yeah, I hope she can make it out at least to get our messages out and all," Sophia said, nodding her head as she grabbed her robes and shook the dirt off of them, where she then glanced at Elena and then back to the water. "Maybe we should get cleaned off first before we move on," Sophia suggested, pointing at Elena's still semi hard erection that was poking against her robes that she held in front of her body to cover herself a bit with.

"Yeah... I guess we should, so we aren't all sweaty and sticky and stuff," Elena agreed, setting her robes to the side and easing back down into the water, where Sophia quickly joined her and they then washed each other off as quickly as possible before getting back out and letting their bodies dry a bit before redressing themselves and preparing to leave, with Sophia slipping the bikini back under her robes also.

Where should they go now?

(Also, Elena did not get Sophia knocked up, as the pregnancy roll failed, so no baby with the two of them... yet anyway. :p)

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 39/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine and feeling great after that sex

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion
5. an unidentified iron helm

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe (+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat (+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)
4. an emerald ring on her right ring finger. (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it does yet.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Quest items: Portal orb (Instantly opens a portal back to the sanctuary to get a better rest.)

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 67 points
CP level 0 - 85 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Sophia's stuff:
Sophia's current stats:
HP: 26/26, Pw: 28/28, PP: 0/30, Status: fine and feeling great after that sex

Inventory and equipment:

Equipment being worn: Nothing really, but she has clothing now

Sophia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Willpower: 10 (+1 to all Willpower rolls)
Magic: 9
Health: 10 (+1 to all Health rolls)

XP level 4 – 99 points
CP level 1 – 69 points

Sophia's skills and powers:
Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs only 10 Pw for Sophia to use, because she's more proficient with fire magics)
Infernal rebuke – deals 1d6 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit, and can target up to two targets at once. (costs 8 Pw to use)
Fireball – deals 3d6 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit and causes 5 ongoing fire dmg, can target up to 3 targets at once. (costs 18 Pw to use)
(Passive) Sophia's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.
(Passive) Sophia is a succubus, succubi have a mostly selective fertility in which they can choose not to become pregnant if they wish, however sometimes it may not work for them and they'll end up getting knocked up anyway. (When choosing to not get knocked up, they get a +15 to on their pregnancy rolls to keep from it, though they can also choose to get knocked up and get a +15 to get knocked up.)


(A) - Head on back north and then through the northern path.

(B) - Head back to the sanctuary, though don't know why considering they just came out not long ago.

(C) - Other.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, not much else of a choice.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Well that is why I always put the "Other" choice in, so that you all can come up with your own choices and such. If you do that, then I'll do my best to come up with a good update from it.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. gotta move that gear up
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.
