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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, maybe regular good sex will stave off any jealousy on Mia's part. Although this would mean that we can get some seriously huge encounters. MOAR AOE!


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, maybe regular good sex will stave off any jealousy on Mia's part. Although this would mean that we can get some seriously huge encounters. MOAR AOE!
Yea next lvl up we seriously need an AOE spell to help kill things as we lug around our harem...


Jungle Girl
Aug 11, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A sounds good to me.


Jungle Girl
Jul 18, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Get the carriage boys and girls, im jumping on this bandwagon! A


Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

100% A and maybe wait for Mia to have her baby before leaving if we can? i am curious to see if it is an angel, dark elf, or...both?
good smut is good


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

An Idea occurs to me, Elena being an angel is a figure of religious significance and should have the ability to officiate marriages. As such she should inaugurate her harem by performing her own marriage ceremony to Mia and Julie so her children aren't born out of wedlock. It would be a terrible thing if some mean old monster could say that her children are bastards and it just happens to be true. I think that Elena would want to be a good Daddy.

Brandi could be the Bridesmaid and flower girl, or a third wife if she wants in on this too.

Also the weding reception could be an orgy.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(A) Accept her offer. (Sorry for the late update folks, had some real life issues that made me a bit depressed.)

(Elena likely won't take Brandi on as an actual lover as she's Julie's and apparently now Elena's servant as well, but she may join in on some of their... fun at times. Though she will not cause any more CP gain to them unless she gets corrupted some more again.)

"Y-Yeah sure... I accept your proposal, err... offer," Elena said, blushing at the thought of having herself a harem and from saying proposal instead of offer, which made it sound like they were getting married or something. She had to admit that even though Julie pretty much raped her the night before, she greatly enjoyed it.

Elena felt something pressed against her belly and looked down under the covers and saw Mia's belly, which was quite large now and she looked nearly six or seven months pregnant. Elena then felt Julie press herself up behind her as the nymph nuzzled against her neck, prompting Elena to look over her shoulder at her where she saw Julie's belly which was also bulging quite around the same as Mia's. Upon seeing this, Elena could no longer think of her penis as a curse and instead saw it as a blessing while she started idly caressing Mia's bulging belly that was even now holding her child inside. Mia giggled softly in her sleep and squirmed around a little while Elena caressed her belly, apparently being quite ticklish. Mia opened her eyes after a few seconds and looked up Elena and gave her an affectionate smile as she nuzzled her face against Elena's chest.

Morning hon... or whenever it is. W-Where are we? Last night is all... fuzzy and stuff, I remember me and you having lots of fun...” Mia said sleepily, trailing off for a few moments, finally after a few seconds it finally seemed to click in her head and she remembered what happened the night before and jumped up in the bed to see the Julie behind Elena and Brandi behind herself, Mia actually looked like she was about to punch the nymph before Elena stopped her.

Mia it's okay, they won't hurt us, I promise,” Elena said to her friend, trying to calm her down.

W-What the... but... she raped you Elena,” Mia sputtered out, pointing at Julie, only calming down enough so she didn't punch Julie or Brandi.

I know Mia, believe me I know. But Julie here has offered to help us out in this awful place. Look it's complicated, so let me explain okay,” Elena said to Mia, still attempting to calm her friend down some.

Alright Elena, I trust you, so if you trust her, then I guess I can too.... But I don't want this one here behind me to stick her thing in me again, or I may have to yank it off, Elena's is the only one I want,” Mia said, looking pointedly at Julie when she sat the second part as she calmed some what.

I understand young Mia, we shall tell her and you wouldn't have to do anything to make you uncomfortable so please calm down. I hope we can all become good friends with each other, as we'll be seeing each other every day pretty much from now on. I hope you don't mind sharing your beloved Elena here with me though,” Julie said to Mia, nodding her head to the young drow to let her know she wouldn't try to make her do anything she was uncomfortable with.

Julie then raised up in the bed and got out, then walked around and shook Brandi enough to wake her, where she whispered something to her and she too got up, then they both left the room with Julie waving at the two while she shut the door behind her. As they left Mia noticed Julie's belly and her eyes went wide as her gaze followed the nymph as she left. When they were gone, Mia gave Elena a look as if saying go ahead and tell me what's going on.

Okay Mia, she made me an offer. She said that she'd let us stay here with them until we either found a better place in here, which she said there were quite a few and we just had to find them, or until we finished up with what we were doing. But she wants to be my lover along with you in exchange she said, because you're both pregnant... by me,” Elena said, blushing red as blood as she finished speaking.

Mia's eyes went wide and she shook her head disbelievingly, then Elena pulled the covers down so Mia could see her own belly, which looked about six to seven months pregnant. Mia's eyes went even wider then before at the sight of her own belly like that. She rubbed her hand across her belly for a moment, as if checking to see if it was an illusion of some sort, only to find that it was indeed really there. She glanced back over to Elena after a moment but didn't speak and just stared at her, as if thinking about what to say.

I... do you love me Elena?” Mia said after a whole minute, looking as if that was all she cared about.

Well of course I do Mia, I wouldn't have you here with me now if I didn't love you,” Elena replied, looking as if it were a stupid question to ask.

Do you love her?” Mia then asked.

I... I do, some at least. I mean she is carrying my child within her after all... I hope that doesn't make you mad at me Mia. But I... it felt really good and I can't not admit that... um...” Elena admitted, looking a little embarrassed as she abruptly shut her mouth when she admitted a little more than she intended to, Mia saw she also looked very worried that she would hate her as well.

Mia stared at her for a moment or two before breaking into a smile and fits of giggles. Elena stared back at her a little dumfounded at Mia's reaction.

You're... (giggles)... you're a nympho Elena. You're a little nympho angel and you can't help but enjoy sex because it feels so good,” Mia said, giggling so hard she was rolling on the bed.

I... I am not a nympho, don't call me that Mia,” Elena said, puffing her cheeks out.

It's okay my little nympho Elena, I love you all the same. And... (sigh)... I don't mind if Julie is your lover too, I don't care how many lovers you have as long as you love me. I mean with this thing right here (Mia grabs Elena's member) and you being a nympho like you are, you'd probably need a whole harem to satisfy you anyway, but I have no problems with that, as long as you remember who your first lover was okay,” Mia said, smiling at Elena, who started squirming a little when Mia grabbed hold of her baby making tool.

Mia... don't grab it like that, you know what'll happen, and... thanks for understanding,” Elena whined, giving a pitiful look to Mia, who merely smiled again and let her go. Elena then leaned up and kissed her on the lips with Mia accepting it with open arms pretty much.

So now... is Julie going to be going with us or what? I'd say since we're both pregnant like this we can't really go out without risking the babies being hurt. And a dungeon like this isn't really a good place to have a baby in the first place, but beggars can't be choosers you know. Maybe we can find others to help us out,” Mia said after they broke their kiss, smiling and idly rubbing her belly while sitting there on the bed next to Elena.

I believe I can answer that for you Mia,” Julie said as she reentered the room with actual clothes on... well it was only a pair of loincloths to cover her chest and genitals, but it still covered them more so than she was the day before when they met. When they both glanced over at her, she continued speaking, “I would rather not go out myself if I can help it, I'm not a true fighter honestly, I mean I can seduce people well enough, but if I'm going to be your lover Elena, then I doubt you'd want me just having sex with everything that came along. Anyway though come you two, Brandi is cooking some breakfast for us. I apologize, but we don't have a lot in the way of supplies, so we took some of your food rations to make the breakfast,

The two told Julie they didn't mind about the food as they got up and followed the her out to another room that had a small table where they could eat. When they sat down Brandi brought out some food on a couple of plates a couple of minutes later and they ate. When they got through eating Brandi gathered the dishes without speaking and took them off to clean them.

Well now... Elena dear, will you be leaving now that you've rested up?” Julie asked the young angel.

I... I don't know yet if I or we should, you know. I suppose though that Mia wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant if we get raped at least though, that's one bright side to it at least, but what if the baby gets hurt or something, I... I just don't know if we should risk it,” Elena said, thinking about if they should go or stay and wait for Mia to have her baby first.

Well I'm ready when you are Elena, I may be pregnant, but I can still fight just as good as I could. I'll just be a little weighted down is all, I pretty sure I'd be just fine Elena,” Mia said when Elena stated her worries about leaving out with Mia still pregnant.

What should Elena do?

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 39/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 12 points
CP level 0 - 45 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Mia's stuff:
Mia's current stats
HP: 16/16, SE: 16/16, PP: 0/18, AC: 3/3, status: fine, and pregnant by Elena for ??? turns

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations

Equipment being worn:
1. Light scale mail (Gives +2 AC to the wearer.)
2. +0 Oilskin cloak(Gives the wearer +1 AC and +2 to evade grabs, increases by +1 to both per enchantment point.

Mia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 10(+1 to all strength rolls)
Speed: 12(+2 to all speed rolls)
Willpower: 7
Magic: 6
Health: 6

XP level 3 – 80 points
CP level 0 – 71 points

Mia's skills:
Mia is dual wielding her Elven longsword and the unidentified dagger Elena gave her. Basic attack with her +0 Elven longsword – weapon dmg is 1d8 +2 +str (Mia's weapon cannot be enchanted past a +2), Basic attack with her dagger is 1d4 +0 +str (Currently unidentified so she doesn't know any other properties)

1. Slice and dice – deals 1W + strength & speed modifier dmg. (costs 5 SE to use)
2. Deep cut: deals 1W + strength modifier dmg, and causes 5 ongoing dmg, (costs 10 SE to use)
3. Perfect balance (passive skill): Mia gains +2 evasion and cannot be unbalanced.


(A) – Head on out with Mia.

(B) – Head on out without Mia, leaving her behind to keep her safe.

(C) – Head out and ask Julie to go with you.

(D) – Head out while asking Mia and Julie both to go with you.

(For (C) and (D) I'll make a roll to see if they can persuade Julie to go out with them, while Brandi stays behind. Brandi cannot go out, as she's too corrupted to risk going out. Also don't worry about them leaving like this and some or all of the others staying behind, for I have a plan on that regardless of who goes out with Elena.)


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A: no one else than Mia. Julie has our child and she will have to raise it.


Actually, I want to change to B. I'm tired of easy fights (I hope that when we'll be alone, they'll be harder).
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I'd like to go with E, wait for the babies to be born, then head out. If I can't have that, then I'll go with B. No need to risk the unborn child.
[Edit] Likewise.
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Mystic Girl
Dec 14, 2010
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B The monsters might have a fighting chance now :p Tell her to follow after whenever shes 'unburdened' with Julie as well, or at least try and send some kind of message that we should return.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B The monsters might have a fighting chance now :p Tell her to follow after whenever shes 'unburdened' with Julie as well, or at least try and send some kind of message that we should return.
Sadly i agree as it is Mia would get raped every time now for the sake of future harem... err party members we should leave her here if we can figure out the time we slept we can roughly estimate the baby's arrival.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A - Through Elena should keep knocking Mia up!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I'd like to go with E, wait for the babies to be born, then head out. If I can't have that, then I'll go with B. No need to risk the unborn child.


Sex Demon
Oct 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B The monsters might have a fighting chance now :p Tell her to follow after whenever shes 'unburdened' with Julie as well, or at least try and send some kind of message that we should return.
I agree with this.
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Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I'd like to go with E, wait for the babies to be born, then head out. If I can't have that, then I'll go with B. No need to risk the unborn child.
I agree with this as well. But I also have a question, how has Julie been in the dungeon so long without getting knocked up until now? If she knows of some type of birth control we should probably get that info.