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The Dividing Line - Station


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May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Dog. Right." Talen spared a quick glance over his shoulder at the person trailing behind them, then got back to business. "First things first, we should check for any damage to the sensor arrays. Feel like going for a walk?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Ko resigns to just quietly huff inside her helmet, and departs the other two to head off towards the living quarters. She didn't really expect many of the rooms to be that distinct from one another, but if one did stand out as worth grabbing more than the others, she supposed it was worth doing a quick check of what was on offer.

Kars simply begins moving so to get on with his own current chore. Setting his own purposeful walking pace, knowing that the military cyborg would easily keep up with whatever speed he went at. Although it certainly was a respectable speed for someone his size, and for someone who spent most of their time in space more so. "Yeah. There'll be both the main long distance arrays, and all the little relay sensors around the hull to check on. Most of the little ones should be fine though, so shouldn't take too long." He answers. Having never taken his suit off since the life support came back on anyway, he was plenty ready to go for a space walk.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Once everybody had filed out of ComCen, Nadia slumped forward, suddenly feeling exhausted. She supported herself on her arms and stared out of the window, down onto Viridis' lush surface. "It'll be hell getting them all to work together." Remembering how Draven had stormed after Fletch, she groaned. But it had to be done. With a few motions, she pulled up the security footage. No sound, but it wasn't necessary. Behind her veil, Nadia's features hardened, and her hands curled into fists. Why, that little-

"Commander, this is Draven. When you have a few free moments, I'd like to request a short meeting between the two of us. The fewer people know of what I wish to talk to you about, the better for all of us in the long run."
"I imagine," Nadia replied in a cold tone. "I am on my way. Time to tear you a new one," she growled as she stepped rounded the desk and headed for the door.
Nodding quietly, Fletch trotted over to the indicated panel and took out a mechanical screwdriver. Turning it up to sonic, he undid the panel's screws and caught them with practiced ease. Producing a diagnosis tool from his working pants, the large man connected it to a few wires. With a heavy breath, Fletch sat back on his heels and let it do its work.
With Vlado working on stars know what and the tool taking its time, the silence in the room slowly started to get more and more unbearable. Fletch could hear the quiet, distant hum of electricity from the shield generators and reactors. A stray hair escaped from under his cap, and he reached up to tuck it back. A bead of sweat ran down his cheek and trickled into his beard. Finally, Fletch could not take it anymore. "I don't, you know? I don't blame you." With a sigh he stood up and turned towards Caitlin. "Not any more than I blame Draven, or Nadia, or... or myself." If I wasn't such a mental cripple, this would not have happened. "I blame that thing. I blame the bugs." I blame the Directorate for setting us up.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

By the time Nadia got to the hangar and got within sight of Draven's ship, things had gotten even worse for the Ingrali. As she drew close enough to see inside his ship and enter it, she could see another Ingrali on the screen, who had apparently said something that had Draven absolutely furious if his body tone was anything to go by. She caught a sudden "Over my dead body will you or anyone else start an incursion. I will handle this myself, stay the fuck out of their galaxy, and keep your goddamn poisons undeveloped. If I so much as see a shred of evidence to indicate you've disobeyed and potentially started a treaty violation of a dozen accounts, I will personally rip the head from your shoulders. Draven OUT!"

He swiftly severed the link, and before Nadia could say something, one of his fists slammed down HARD onto the back of the seat in front of him, and for a few seconds, his entire body distorted, rippling and becoming something less than solid. It almost seemed to melt and become ... fog like, before suddenly regaining form. He muttered to himself, though he had no idea Nadia could hear him.

"Son of a bitch ... gonna have to warn them about that soon as Nadia gets here. Ain't this just a fun filled day."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

All the threats, forgotten. All the angry speeches, gone. Nadia stood there, mouth agape, trying and completely and utterly failing to try and understand what she just saw. Her mind was racing, trying to come up with any kind of explanation. What in the world did she just witness? Nadia was shell shocked, rocked to her core. "What. The hell. Was that?" Slowly, despite every primal instinct within her screaming to run, she stepped into the room. "What. The hell. Are you?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven whipped around so fast Nadia might swear he generated a wind gust of 50 knots, looking at her with a stunned look before genuine fear flashed in his eyes. A flick of a button closed the doors to the ship, and he spoke very low, and quietly.

"We're shape-shifters, all of us. Before I go any further, I'd like to ... request that you not tell anyone of what you now know about us. If word got out the Ingrali were shapeshifters to the Ashotur or Nnyarthall ... if they ever found a way to neutralize our species and take our ships, our technology, it would mean the end of everything you or I still know and hold dear."

Slowly, he sagged into his chair, and he was silent for a long moment before he looked up to her.

"We assume the forms of a race that can pass as something ... understandable when we encounter another species, usually anyway. I chose this form before meeting with your people for it's physicality, it's durability and such. Unfortunately we also assume a few of the ... weaker points of the shape we take, in this case anger issues. Our natural form ... well, I guess there's no harm in showing you now ... I warn you, what you are about to see ... it won't sit well with your, dare I say, primitive ideas of how life exists."

To that, he allowed his body to completely melt away, and assumed his natural shape. It resembled nothing short of literal walking black mist, with a pair of glowing red eyes. When he spoke, his voice was the same tone it had been with in the command center, an almost raspy sound, but clearly the same voice.

"This is our natural form. Perhaps you can see why we choose not to use it around humans and more humanoid life forms? Only a small handful know what we truly are. It's not something we divulge easily, and most who discover what we are, they are sworn to secrecy, or if in battle, we end their lives. In fact, it is because of someone who knew what I was that I am even here in your galaxy. Let me show you something else."

He pressed a button on the panel next to him, and a holographic display showing a series of genetic codes flashed up. She might not know exactly what the intention of said code was per se, but she'd be able to recognize it for what it was with the clearly marked engineered parts in it's structure. What she was looking at was a biological weapon engineered. Specifically with Nnyarthall bio-coding.

"The bugs as you call them, they used it at the height of our war with them. The first planet they hit with it was my home. I was unaffected by it being able to shift the toxins out of my body. Allison and the other humans however weren't so lucky."

He broke off again, a flash in his eyes indicating that whoever this Allison was, she'd been someone extremely close to him, something confirmed a moment later.

"She didn't die immediately, rather he body was consumed from the inside out, a necrotic flesh eating disease you might call it. It was a slow, and painful death for her, she died in my arms, and there was nothing I could do to save her life, or anyone else on that world. It wasn't long before THEY came, to clean up the bodies and claim the world as their own, but they didn't stop there. They defiled the remains, those blasted fish heads actually having the gall to tear off limbs from the bodies, including hers and chew on them in celebration. None of them who stepped foot on that world ever left it again when I was finished. Allison was the only person who didn't care what I was, who ... cared for me despite knowing I was the walking definition of insanity. They took her life, I took theirs. Until we discovered their kind existed here. My people have not forgotten what they did, and there are some amongst us who wish to return the favor as you might say. Some of us wish to use a bio-weapon of our own to rid your galaxy of their existence once and for all. I will not allow that."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

With a groan, Nadia closed her eyes as Draven transformed. Her brow furrowed, and her hands started trembling. "P... Please don't. Don't do that. Don't. Please shift back. Please." She started wringing her hands. No force in the galaxy could force her to open her eyes again until Draven assumed a form that her mind could more easily comprehend.

Nadia breathed in. Breathed out. Breathed in. Breathed out. Deep, long breaths designed to calm her down. Helped her concentrate. Focus. Block things out. "And that is why you were so pissed at Fletch. Which!" She raised a slender hand, one finger extended. "We're still going to talk about. Don't think I've forgotten. But this..." She sighed and straightened her back. "I guess this takes precedence." She laughed, humourlessly. "That's putting it lightly. You've backed me into a rough spot here, Draven. I can't report this to the Alliance. I get that. But they HAVE to know about the bioweapon... Oh shit, wait." Nadia shook her head, starting to panic once more. "If your people release it... the Telarin. The Telarin are genetically almost identical to the Nnyarthall. They're like half-brothers at this point." She reached up to run her hands through her hair and almost stripped off her hood. "They'd kill them all. They'd doom us." Frantically tugging her hood back down, she started her breathing exercise again. She had to keep control. Had to.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

There was a small pause and then Draven spoke.

"I've taken a human form for you for now, I'll return to the other form once I have to leave the ship. And yes. I admit, I went to far, part of that is the drawback to being in the form I was in, it's more difficult to control certain impulses. In due time I'll apologize to him, and I do apologize to you. That will not happen again. I intend to ask Caitlin to begin research on the Nnyarthall bio weapon, hopefully she can find a way to counter-act it in case they try to use it here."

He stopped as she mentioned the Telarin, and slowly he nodded.

"I know that, and they know that. Many don't care that it would kill them, they would rather the collateral than risk missing a single enemy. However, it isn't their call. As long as I live, they won't dare use it or put it into production. I can promise you that my stance will NOT change on that, the loss of the Telarin would completely destroy the balance in your galaxy, not to mention the use of a bio-weapon in and by itself disgusts me. I agree the rest of the Juris Alliance must know of the bio-weapon, but yes, I must respectfully beg of you not to reveal what I am to them. I ... will provide everything I know of the other bio-weapon to your alliance as well as Caitlin in the hopes that if it ever did come to my death sparking an attack, you'll have an anti-toxin for the Telarin at least."

He fell silent, standing up before he spoke again.

"There is more that your alliance needs to know. I had hoped to send a direct message to the general however that hasn't worked out. Were you aware the Nnyarthall and Ashotur were experimenting with wormhole drive technology? Six years ago they used it, and ended up in our galaxy. We've since been able to determine off the Nnyarthall wreckage we could recover that their ultimate plan seemed to be to use the technology to open a wormhole and send their fleet directly to a specific set of coordinates. It was through those coordinates that we discovered the human world, Earth. Thirty Five thousand of their ships ended up in our galaxy, and after three years of a bloody war, we were victorious, but not without major losses. Over seven trillion human lives were lost, six entire worlds of humans, and the star system that the Nnyarthall and Ashotur claimed for themselves. The final blow came three years ago, when we made the decision to detonate the star in their solar system. I believe your term would be an artificial super-nova. I'm concerned they may try to use that technology again, if it survived your Project N.O.V.A."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Nodding quietly, Fletch trotted over to the indicated panel and took out a mechanical screwdriver. Turning it up to sonic, he undid the panel's screws and caught them with practiced ease. Producing a diagnosis tool from his working pants, the large man connected it to a few wires. With a heavy breath, Fletch sat back on his heels and let it do its work.
With Vlado working on stars know what and the tool taking its time, the silence in the room slowly started to get more and more unbearable. Fletch could hear the quiet, distant hum of electricity from the shield generators and reactors. A stray hair escaped from under his cap, and he reached up to tuck it back. A bead of sweat ran down his cheek and trickled into his beard. Finally, Fletch could not take it anymore. "I don't, you know? I don't blame you." With a sigh he stood up and turned towards Caitlin. "Not any more than I blame Draven, or Nadia, or... or myself." If I wasn't such a mental cripple, this would not have happened. "I blame that thing. I blame the bugs." I blame the Directorate for setting us up.
The silence didn't bother Caitlin. In fact, she preferred it. less distractions for her work, and everyone working silently generally meant that no-one needed help or additional instructions. Perhaps some music would help, though. Something classical, light. Strings, fiddle maybe, or piano. Something like-

Fletch was talking. Shaking her head slightly, she answered, running over his speech as she started, her expression changing from a passive smile to a pained look as she realized what he was talking about. "Hmm? Ah. I do. If I was watching for hostiles properly, I would have been at the Concordance's controls in time to put my ship between it and Maria's. The few seconds to make contact with Albert first slowed the process." She said simply, meeting his gaze evenly.


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Ko resigns to just quietly huff inside her helmet, and departs the other two to head off towards the living quarters. She didn't really expect many of the rooms to be that distinct from one another, but if one did stand out as worth grabbing more than the others, she supposed it was worth doing a quick check of what was on offer.

Kars simply begins moving so to get on with his own current chore. Setting his own purposeful walking pace, knowing that the military cyborg would easily keep up with whatever speed he went at. Although it certainly was a respectable speed for someone his size, and for someone who spent most of their time in space more so. "Yeah. There'll be both the main long distance arrays, and all the little relay sensors around the hull to check on. Most of the little ones should be fine though, so shouldn't take too long." He answers. Having never taken his suit off since the life support came back on anyway, he was plenty ready to go for a space walk.
"Good. I'll need to grab my rebreather from the drop shuttle. Won't take too long, get started on the smaller sensors. I'll catch up." Talen broke away from Kars and started towards the hangar. "Reno? How is everything coming along?"

"All systems are green, Captain. I was just about to initiate a sensor ping."

"All right, tell me if you find anything. Talen out."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Righto then." Kars answers, pausing just a second, before heading off again. "These people. Trusting a little bubble of air so much..." he comments quietly to himself a ways further on. "The wrong kinds of people like to take advantage of that."

Reaching one of the outer airlocks, he heads on out and begins checking over the minor sensors. With little hops and tiny thrusts he travels between them quite quickly around the circular station, the checks themselves being very simple for these ones. Any that didn't pass, or looked suspicious or obviously damaged he'd note down as ones that needed returning to later.

((@Rule. For Ko and the living quarters, is there actually anything noteworthy enough to know about them, or should I just say she finds and picks one?))
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

((The living quarters are all aligned one central corridor, pointing outwards, away from the station. Kind of a prison block, but a lot more comfy and private. Other than that, they're mostly identical. There are single and double rooms.))

Fletch grunted and shuffled his feet. Well great, now he looked like an ass. That'd teach him to assume. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I'll just get back to it," he grumbled into his beard awkwardly, turning back and squatting before the diagnosis tool again. Mentally, he cursed himself for bringing this up. Picking at scabs would always leave scars, nobody knew this better than him. On the other hand, it sometimes was necessary to clean out an infection... The big man pondered things for a while further while he worked, manually testing the connections and checking the cables.
"Great. Wormholes. Out of all the things..." Nadia groaned and leaned against the door, nervously fiddling with the hem of her sleeves. "So yes, they need to know about that as well." She groaned and pushed herself off. "Okay look, I understand where you're coming from. Fletch touched a sore spot that he had no idea was there. But you have to make yourself one thing perfectly clear." She stepped closer and stared his form's eyes. "You are the ONLY one of your species that we have ever met - and, likely, ever will. That means whether you like it or not, your actions, your words speak for every single one of your kind. And if you keep on bullying people - both with your physical strength and technical superiority - it IS going to reflect back on them. Negatively. Do you want your species to be known as cruel brutes?" She relented, creating distance between them with a step. "You're an ambassador. Start acting like it." The Garik sighed and stretched. "Now if there's nothing else, I'll have to fill in Finster on what he needs to be filled in on."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven was silent for a LONG moment before nodding.

"Perfectly understood. I'll see to it things are smooth from here on out, or as smooth as I can make them without certain outside nasties who shall not be named right now fucking with us. Can't control them unfortunately. If the general wishes to speak with me about any of what I know regarding our mutual enemy, I'd be more than happy to chat with him, in person or otherwise, just let me know. While you brief him, I'll see about getting the ball rolling on finding a means of neutralizing both bio-weapons."

He returned back to his previous form again, shifting with such ease and speed that Nadia couldn't even tell if he had to go into natural form for even a second to do so. It was probably for the best for her in the long run. He handed her a datapad with what he'd shown her, copies of it stored in English interestingly enough, and then after she left, he'd activate his comm, calling out to Caitlin over a frequency audible by anyone in the area she was in.

"Doctor Hall this is Draven. I'm on my way down there to give you some materials to work with, which will need to take precedence over anything else right now. We need to try and find a means of neutralizing a pair of biological weapons, one of which ... is Nnyarthall in origin. I'll explain the rest of the other details when I get there, but can you meet me in the medical lab please?"

((Note for you Rule: Fletch should be able to hear that. I'll leave it up to you on if Fletch stays put or not, though at some point Draven probably will seek him out to apologize.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The scientist gave a short nod. “It‘s fine. Let me or Vlado know if you need anything.“ she said simply, her gaze returning to her datapad.

Hmm, Fletch didn‘t seem pleased by her announcement. She hardly expected happy, but Caitlin figured that taking the guilt onto herself might have allayed his own somewhat. That didn‘t seem the case. Maybe she should-

Her datapad buzzed, Draven‘s voice coming in clear over the frequency. “I‘m in the medbay now. And i resent your assumtion that your own business is more important than mine.“ she sent back, her tone sounding almost petulant.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

On his way down to the Armory, a stray thought came to Krell's mind. Caitlin was supposed to help him make some kind of biosuit. He decided against wasting time in a mostly empty armory, and instead opted to go and see her. However, he encountered a problem when he went to enter. The door was at least wide enough for his massive frame to fit, but he misjudged the height, bonking his head and stumbling back when he did so. "Damn Terran doors. If it ain't one thing it's another." he says, gripping the top of the frame and ducking into the med-bay.

"Hey. You said something about needing samples of some kind for that suit you were making me, didn't you?" the Pan Kor says, his stomps through the hallway and incident with the doorway alerting the scientist long before he actually approached her.


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen caught up with Kars rather quickly. Or, at least, he would have. Turns out the station was really big, and finding a single person on its hull was a difficult task. Especially when you forgot to establish a rendezvous point. He also hadn't expected Kars to work so efficiently. Talen asked Reno to help locate him, and made his way over, acting as if he knew exactly where Kars was the whole time.

"You move quickly for someone so... Compact. I like that. What's left to look over?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

There was a brief pause, and then Draven's voice came back over the speakers.

"I'm sorry, perhaps I didn't make it clear this isn't coming from me, it's from the command itself. What I'm bringing to you could very well be used to wipe all ALL of the human race, as well as the Telarin and every other major species that opposes the Ashotur and Nnyarthall. If you'd prefer your entire species becomes extinct ... well, I'd rather you not. I'll be there in three minutes. I'm sending you a few things now over a data connection."

A few moments later, Caitlin would get a series of data streams showing the first bio-weapon. It was definitely Nnyarthall in nature, and from what she could make off of the limited info there, it seemed to be some kind of necrotic virus, and a very potent one at that. From the details on it in Draven's message, it seemed it could kill an entire planet in only a couple of hours.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Caitlin perked up when she heard the solid thunk of the pan kor attempting entry. “Odd, never happens to me.“ She said, wondering if Krell would catch the humour. Seems everyone wanted her attention today. “Ah yes, the samples. I have Draven on the way to show me something, so we‘ll have to be quick.“ she said, pointing to one of the surgical beds. “Strip, and lay down. This won‘t take long, but it‘s likely going to be rather painful. I don‘t think we have any Pan Kor sized straps, so you‘ll have to do your best to remain still.“


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell stomps his way over to the indicated bed, the whole thing groaning as he sits down and begins working at getting his armor off. "The pants don;t come off easy. Which is probably a good thing." he says, both of his gauntlets hissing and popping open along a line near the palms of his hands, and pulling them off one at a time. His armor was a bit more..........Complicated. It required a series of latches and straps be undone, which took well over five minutes, before he slid one of his arms through the heavy torso piece, then slipped out of it and stretched, a lightweight space-worthy suit underneath to allow him to survive in space.

"Damn it feels good to get my hump out of that thing. It may look comfortable, but damn if it doesn't itch." he says, stretching his arms and straightening out somewhat, though he soon returned to his slouch. With a bit of difficulty, he managed to open the seam down the front, pulling his arms out and letting the suit fall back off of him and hang from his waist. "Whenever you're ready." he says, laying back and grasping the edge of the bed to support his awkward frame.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

A few minutes before Krell finished getting undressed and set up, Draven came into the main lab, immediately heading in the opposite direction to one of the interface panels. He didn't seem to have noticed anyone there, including Caitlin herself, seeming ... distracted.