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The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Thall tilts his head. "Or maybe he interrogated humans. Now? I'm not sure. Somebody has to stay here and take care of the Ashotur in case he needs something - food or water. I figure this is what I'll do for a few hours until somebody comes and takes the next shift. Kind of crappy, but it'll have to be done."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

He considers this for a moment then says, "that is true. Actually, an idea crossed my mind on something regarding gathering information from him. It's dependent on if we can fool his translator device, or if we can get a basis on their language though. What do you think of possibly fooling him into believing there is another Ashotur here?"

There is a strange grin on his face, not unlike those a predator would wear.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Thall looks at Draven for a while. "Are you looking for a way to get that showdown? Because depending how far this goes you may have to catch him again", he says.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Draven pauses for a moment, having not looked at it in that way. "It depends really. If he believes it to be another of his kind, I may be able to get what we want out of him without having to leave his side. I'll admit, it is quite risky, and may not even work. Right now though, he has no idea what I really am, or what I can do. If we can use that at all to our advantage to shed some light on what he was doing here, we may not have much of a choice. Unless you have another idea on how to get him to talk, I'm afraid that right now this is the only thing I can come up with."

He shakes his head for a moment more. "Though I wonder how he'll react to seeing another of his kind here suddenly. That is the only wildcard I can't account for."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Thall keeps his head tilted. "I don't know. We should at least give him some time. Let doubt sink in. We have time."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Draven nods slowly. "Agreed. Alright then, shall I go inform Nadia that our guest has been shown to the proper facilities for you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Thall nods again. "Yeah, please. And don't forget to tell her to send somebody down for replacement later. Just not Vance."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Agreed. Holler if ya need anything."

He turned and left the room quickly, wanting to get away from here for at least a little bit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin leaves the elevator two floors up from the main level, fish and water still on her lap, looking around for Thall.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

In this moment, Thall turns around a corner and almost bumps into Caitlin. "Whoa. Hey there. I figure you're the replacement? I don't think we have met before. . ." He shoulders a heavy-looking rifle and reaches out a hand. "My name is Thall."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin shakes Thall's hand and replies with a smile. "Hi, I'm Caitlin, and yep, I'm the replacement, brought him some fish sticks and everything!" She holds up the breaded fish fillets and gallon of water. "So where are we going? I haven't been on this level before..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Right this way." The Telarin leads Caitlin down some corridors to Security. They enter the corridor with the cells, only one of them occupied at the moment. Thall steps up to Pkaric's cell and activates the comm device. "Back against the wall." After making sure the Ashotur obeys Thall swipes a card he found through a slit in the device, and the cell opens. Pointing the rifle at Pkaric he nods at Caitlin.
The Ashotur lets her eyes wander over the human. "What, you want me to be guarded by HER? She can't even run away when I break out." "Shut it."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"How rude!" Caitlin exclaims as she sets the food and water down for him, and backs out of the cell. "You and I are going to have a nice long chat while I'm here, mister." She turns to Thall once he turns the field back on. "So what exactly is the job description here?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

The Ashotur hisses, amused. "I tremble in fear." Thall sighs and locks the cell again before responding. "You're basically meant to keep an eye on him and bring him food and water. There's a toilet in there, and the containment field turns opaque when he uses it." As Thall looks over to Pkaric he sees him filling his hands with water and rubbing it over his skin.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Alright, I can do that. What if he tries to get out?" Caitlin asks, settling herself in the security room beside the intercom to Pkaric's cell.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"If he tries to get out, you shoot him." Thall points into the guard's room. "I checked, and all the weapons in there are set to stun. He may need two hits, though."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Alright, I think I can manage that, go do your thing, I should be fine here." Caitlin says to Thall, and then rummages through said security locker for something she can lay across her lap to point in the general area of the cells. She then does so, reclines in her wheelchair, and pulls out her datapad.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Thall nods and walks off, looking forward to finally get some rest.
He's barely out the door when Pkaric speaks. "Hey! What the abyss is this", he asks and waves the breaded fish around.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin reaches up and activates the intercom without looking up from her datapad. "Somehow I knew you'd prefer it raw... Call it a new experience, you might like it. So tell me, what was your homeworld like? There isn't much about it in the database."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I can't talk and eat at the same time." With that the Ashotur removes the mouthpiece that allows him to speak and starts ripping chunks out of the fried fish, barely taking time to chew before swallowing. His face is unreadable as always, but from the way he tears into the rest one could think he likes it.