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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Sienna accepts the hand and gives it a thorough squeeze. "Hmm, interesting. Bones, tendons and everything", she murmurs.
"My name is Sienna Murray. I'm apparently the only other person with a medical background here on this station."
Still keeping a grip on Draven's hand she reaches up and pokes his arm, making a hmmphing noise. "Those don't look too strong to me, though."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"What's this about medical experience?" Caitlin asks as she rolls in on her wheelchair, datapad on her lap. She stops by the group and picks up the pad, typing on it as she continued. "Morning Krysta, Draven..." Her hand on the datapad stops, and she looks up to the newcomer. "...And I'm pretty sure I haven't met you, I'm Caitlin." She says with a smile, holding out her hand in greeting.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta's answering smile is like the sun coming up when she sees Caitlin, "Good morning!"

Then she grins at Sienna. "Hey Mistman. Show her the Bentari."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Did someone say Bentari?" Vance says as his head pokes in the door "I was coming for a checkup and overheard you all talking." he says, his full body coming into view from besides the door "I see Draven is here as well." he says, putting a fist through the mistman's body "I still don't get how you can even exist." he says, moving the fist around
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven shrugs at Vance. "Beats me, we just do. There comes a point in time where you defy all logical explanation, and you just say to heck with finding out why, the most important thing being you ARE."

He nods to Krysta, and then Sienna would start to notice the mist of his body begin to ripple some, the physical appearance changing quickly. Adfter less than thirty seconds, she had gone from staring at a creature of mist to a towering behemoth of an alien. One that looked like it was capable of bench pressing a small truck, if not heavier. When he spoke, it was unmistakably the same voice.

"So Sienna Murray, think this would be solid enough?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Once again, you make me want to punch you." Vance says, chuckling as he notices the new girl "Hey. No one told me I was going to have to explain my story again." he says, pushing past the Ingrali/Bentari and waving to Sienna "Hi. I'm Vance Igerson. The resident biological freak. At your service." the human says, a smile on his face as he bows his head slightly to Sienna
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"So many new faces", the nurse says with a smile as she goes to shake the hands of Caitlin and Vance. "Hello, I'm Sienna Murray, and I'll be helping Krysta from now on."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin shook her hand absent mindedly before wandering off to her lab, mumbling to herself and typing on her datapad.

"Sienna, Sienna..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta smiled, "You'll have to forgive Caitlin, she's a bit absentminded sometimes." Then she turned to Vance, "You are late." she prodded the middle of his chest hard, "There is a schedule for a reason and when people are late it throws everything, including the paperwork, off."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"So too are unneeded interruptions I believe. Allow me to let you all get back to work, I am off to conduct some research."

He turns, and unless stopped, would leave the room.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Meet me in the hanger bay later today. I want to go toe to toe with you in your Bentari form for once." Vance says, waving as Draven exits the medical bay "I'm only late because I made a stop to see if I could have a visit with sharkman." he says, shrugging his shoulders and looking over at the new girl, then back to Krysta "Have you informed her of my, erm, 'Condition', yet?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She eyed him, "Is Pkaric alright? I don't want to have to fix where people have tried to have 'Fun' with him." Then she rubbed her forehead, "No, I figured it should be best to hear the problem straight from you, so if you'll go sit on the table there please..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I don't know what Pkaric's situation is. He's under guard tighter than.......What was that place back on Earth? Fort Knox? I can't remember. Ancient history's never been my specialty." Vance says, sitting down on a table with a smile on his face "Think of it this way, Sienna: I have three times the strength of a normal human, three times the endurance, and my reflexes are enhanced. But, the price is, I burn through calories real quick, which is why I eat a lot of food most of the time." he says, holding up his left hand in front of his face and clenching the fingers into a fist "I've been trying to make it easier to live my life, trying to undo some of the damage that was done when my father made me into this alleged 'Super Soldier'. I think I screwed up somewhere, because whenever I fight, my heart-rate exceeds that of a normal human's capacity. My skin takes on a slight red tint, and my body temperature shoots up to a hundred one. From my understanding, it's quite dangerous." he says, his smile fading to a frown as he speaks. "I need to have checkups all the time to make sure that I haven't injured anything." he says, hopping down from the table and laughing slightly "Sorry. I told you I go into detail on these thing. Anyway, let's get started on the checkup, shall we, doctor?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Back on the table..." she said absently, "You're supposed to stay there."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin went into her lab and immediately started up the 3D display, getting straight to work.

She had been working on the spore's genetic code for almost the entire week straight, but had made only a little progress. It was like having to re-learn everything, an entire second half of her science had appeared out of nowhere. She couldn't be happier.

Once the people had started arriving, someone had been assigned to her room without anyone realizing it. Nobody noticed for two nights, until Krysta had to kick her out of the lab one night and sent her to bed again. She was out of her chair and sitting on the bed before either of the two realized the other was there. After figuring out what had happened the day after, Caitlin had simply relinquished the room and had a pillow and blanket in one of the cupboards in the lab, though she hadn't used them yet.

Calling up the display, Caitlin decided on a change of pace and moved on to a chromosome she hadn't examined yet, starting her usual tests and examining it by eye in the meanwhile.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yes, Ma'am." Vance says, sitting back on the table and sighing "At least having nothing to do here is better than spending a day traveling around in that stinky old ship." he says, then forces a smile "You have no idea how hard it is to get the smell of sweat out of a tiny cockpit."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta grinned, "Gives you something to do while we're here eh?" Then she turned to Sienna, "Would you mind getting him checked over, i have to find the medical file I compiled for him."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Sure thing." Sienna pulls out a pair of latex gloves and snaps them against her skin. "Take off your shirt, please."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance nods, then takes his coat off of his shoulders and then pulls his shirt off of his upper body, revealing his muscular chest and stomach "We haven't even been on a date, and you've already got my shirt off." he says, a smirk on his face
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Oh please. A Credit for every time. . ." Sienna murmurs as she starts to feel along Vance's left arm, slowly working up to his shoulder. "Looks good so far."