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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia's eyebrows raise slightly in the shadow. "You are travelling with this man, and you don't know his full name? Hm. Curious." After a moment she shrugs. "Yes, sure, send him over."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

She chuckled, "My parents never even knew his name." She clicked in the frequency for her ship's "kitchen" "Mr. Williams? Can you head over to the canteen? The directions are still on the cargo carts, and i need to get back to the medical bay."

"Yes Miss Krysta. I'll be there momentarily."

She grinned, "And there we go. Thank you Nadia!" and she hurried out of the room and back to the Medical Bay.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

After a bit, Draven made his way to the Command Center, carrying what would SEEM like half of his ship's stuff with him, even though it wasn't all that much. The easy part would be setting up the A.I. The tough part would be getting Nadia to agree to holographic projectors to be installed, unless there were already some in place, at which point things became very easy again. He didn't see her around the area, and so he camped in one spot, waiting for her. In the meantime, he set everything down in a neat pile, then shifted back to just his natural form.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia enters Command and stops for a moment. "Oh dear, did you take apart somebody's ship?", she asks with a giggle
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He chuckles and replies, "well technically my own, but no. These are just some spare parts floating around. Most of it is needed if we need to set up holo-emitters. I figured if we're making an A.I based off of you that is going to defer to you on major decisions, it might be best if it can physically speak to you rather than having to use the station speakers. So holo-emitters are the best bet to install throughout the station for that."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia tilts her head under her hood. "So they're like a comm link? Umm. . . yeah sure, why not. Is the AI going to have a form of itself? What I mean is, if they're calling up my office and the AI answers, what are they going to see?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Essentially yes, only they will have both audio and visual, similar to my own ship's subspace transmitter, only it won't really need to travel that far. In essence, I can hook the entire program up and link it to respond back or send out calls of it's own."

He paused for a moment, not sure how exactly she might take this and then added, "actually I was thinking they would see and hear a holographic representation of you. Since the A.I. is going to be based off of your input, and should react how you normally would, I think it's appropriate that anyone seeing it would see you. Of course it would be notably a hologram, this station for all it's advancements I doubt would be able to handle the full power of one of our holo-emitters. Let's just say I don't want to risk running one at full solid power and frying out the main systems since it wasn't designed to run at full power with non-Ingrali technology interfaces."

He stops, realizing some of this might be beyond her. "Sorry, in simplistic terms, anyone talking to it will see and hear you, although it will be semi-see through to indicate it is not really you."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Alright then! What do you need?" Nadia listens intently, trying to figure out the techspeak.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Basically I need your input on how the A.I should react in various situations, and then I'll need to encode samples of you speaking into the program so it has a vocal pattern. Can't speak with your voice if it doesn't have a sample. Physical appearance I'll just use how you appear now in front of me for that, rather than try to customize it. Once everything is programmed, I'll start installing the emitters for it in strategic places so it can be seen and heard anywhere in the station."

((I figure they should go over how the A.I would react in situations where it can handle on it's own, and when to defer to the real Nadia. I don't see the need for us to clutter the thread with massive amounts of chatter, we can just assume they take some time and she inputs as he builds around that. WIll wait on a post for confirmation on that from you.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Some time passes.

Nadia leans back and exhales heavily. "Well, I think that should about do it. . . Should we turn it on? See if it works?" In between Nadia had to go into the darkened Commander's office to get herself digitalized without the protective equipment on, and she had to give several voice samples. Naturally, she's eager to see if the work paid off.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven nods after placing the last emitter in the room into place. "Yep, in one moment, adding a little something in there too."

He adds a large line of coding into the A.I, and then finalizes the program. Anticipating her question, he adds, "I've included a script for all the languages known to the Ingrali in it's database. In the unlikely event that we have a problem with translations, we can bring that into play. The entire station now has a copied download of the entire Ingrali language matrix, from our own right down to every language we have ever dechipered and added. Off hand I'd guess that is around four thousand different languages, but it might be more or less."

He then switches the emitter online, and an image of Nadia appears in front of them, giving them a standard greeting and asking how she can be of assistance.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia grins under her hood. "That's neat. So, tell me about you." The hologram turns towards Nadia and nods. "Certainly. My name Is Avia, short for Advanced Virtual Intelligence Assistant. I have been programmed by Draven Neros, and my image is based off Commander Nadia Hrrrthu." She even pronounces it correctly - hard and rolling r, t and h separated. "I am to take over minor administrative tasks. Major decisions are to be deferred to the Commander. Is that enough?", she asks with a slight smile.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven smiles slightly as Avia answers Nadia, obviously pleased with how things worked out. He even seemed slightly surprised that Avia was functioning so smoothly, as if he hadn't expected just how well the interfacing with The Dividing Line's systems had truly gone.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia grins as she turns towards Draven. "Good work! Is everything working okay?" She nods towards the machines.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Everything is running smoothly yes, even better than I had hoped it would. It shouldn't take me long to set up the other emitters, if you want me to go set them up now?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Sure. That'll be all", she adds towards Avia, who nods and disappears.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Very well, this shouldn't take much more than another hour now that I have done it once already. Your welcome to join me with each room, or I can just come back here and let you know when it is all done."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia tilts her head, thinking for a moment. "No, I think I'll head over to the quarters and get some sleep. Now that Avia can take over. . ." The Garik stretches a bit. "Everybody's been up a while already."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Indeed we have been. Alright, sleep well then, I will let you know when this is all done, once you have woken on your own that is."

He bows slightly, then heads off into the rest of that station to install the holo-emitters.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven seemingly arrives before Nadia did to the Command Center, and waits off in one corner, remaining in natural form for her.