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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Yeah, okay. Please do that. Nadia's voice sounds strained somehow. What Umbral can't know is that the bright lights start to get through Nadia's suit. She is about 5 minutes away from getting a severe headache.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Umbral merely nods once, before leaving to go run the cable.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

((Er I might be wrong, but the last I remember is Cyrus was there in the medical bay and armed as well.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

((Yeah, he is.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

((But Nadia isn't aware of that, I believe.))

The Garik sighs as Umbral leaves. With a push on a button all the lights in the office go off. The shuffling of clothes can be heard as Nadia takes off the hood and the mask.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Zachery Roland steps out of the elevator, and looks around the room for a moment, before heading for the darkened Commander's office.

((Just giving Nadia a chance to react to his presence.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Burning suns and stars... Come in!" Nadia has donned the hood of her catsuit and the metal mask again, yet only a dim light is activated when Zachery enters.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Zachery enters the room, completely unfazed with the low level lighting. "Apologies for any inconviences, but Doctor Rosario instructed me to report to whoever was in command when I was released. Part of those instructions were to explain myself, if needed."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia points at a chair in front of her desk. "You don't have to explain your nature, Zachery. We have acquired the data from Experimentation."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Zachery nods, then sits. "I also was further instructed to support the Directorate in whatever capacity was needed at the time. That is pretty much why I'm even in existance."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia nods and leans backwards, fingers folded. "Well, our team is a bit short on true fighters right now. Several of our independent contractors will probably stay on the station more often than not. As such we could need a man of your... skills."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Zachery nods, then pauses to consider something. "Understood. I should give warning, though. The armor project was never fully completed. Other things took precidence, and there were only two variants of the planned seven that were developed. Those two, furthermore, were only in testing phases, and never completed."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia nods. "Fair enough. However, I am about to make a very important call, and I'll need to be alone for that. Why don't you go around the station and meet the others? It's going to be a lot more crowded here in a few days."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Understood." Zachery stands up and leaves.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven steps into the command center, pausing only long enough to say aloud, "Draven, reporting as ordered." He then moves into the actual center, trying to figure out if he should sit somewhere, or just stand.

((This will be my last post for a few hours, I am in desperate need of sleep.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Zachery steps in, then moves around the room to a point where he can watch all of the entrances and exits of the room.

Umbral merely finds an area of the room that isn't covered in control panels, and leans up against it.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Thall steps into Command and crosses his arms. The Commander's office remains dark.

((Up and running, people.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Vance walks in, his arms crossed and a smile on his face "Vance, here and waiting as ordered" he says, looking at the people already in Command "Not a lot of room in here"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Senkek walks in holding some metal sheets and accompanied by a small spider like robot with its innards exposed. I'm here and I'll be listening, but don't expect me to watch. I want to get a casing on at least this bot since you stopped me before I could make a group of them.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Kars steps into the room without much anouncement. Simply walking to the front of the group so he can be seen amongst the giants around him, and briefly raising his hand in a loose wave. Then standing in a fairly relaxed stance with arms crossed.