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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Ragna chuckled, "What an ominous statement~" Ragna said, though didn't sound too intimidated, assuming Azure knew all too well the opponent she'd face if she wanted to act upon the conversation they just had.

Zwei meanwhile shook his head at Azure. "No. I accepted your gift as-is. If I did not want it, I would not have accepted it." He said, before smiling a little. "The truth is, you were quite close to my true favorite color. It is in fact the color of silver."

"Not to be confused with white and gray." Ragna chimed in.

"That's why Zwei likes to wear chains sometimes!" Marth also chimed in.

A bit more walking, the conversation slowly died down into nothing with a mixture of light conversation between the boys. Seemed like Marth was the most talkative, with Zidane the second runner up, the two talking quite a bit with exchanging topics. They talked about clothes, with Zidane suggesting Marth wear more than robes, and Marth saying that it's better than Zidane, whose butt was always on full view. "If you got it, flaunt it." Zidane said, apparently quite aware that he had an attractive body. "Until you look delicious to a certain snake." Ragna added. Zidane said to that, "By that logic, Zwei will get it first, I mean he's always almost half naked!" Zidane argued. "Cept Zwei will be exceptionally better at handling his potential violators than you will, kitten." Ragna contested. Zidane griped to himself for a time.

Then night fell. The rain was still coming down, and sleeping would be difficult. "We won't be able to fucking sleep like this!" Zidane snapped with a curse. Marth looked to be thinking of a solution. "I-I think I can create a dome over our head of some kind!" he said. "Well you can't make it out of ice!" Ragna argued.

That's when Claire looked back. "How about Crystal?" she inquired with a smile, before lifting one hand up. In a feat of incredible power, they saw crystal seem to pour from Claire's hand and form a dome around the group, the feat lasting all of ten seconds, before they were suddenly inside...

"... An igloo?" Zidane inquired as if it were a joke of some kind. Though it was spacey, and allowed them to not worry about the rain at least. Marth looked on in awe. The sheer difference in power and skill between himself and Claire left no contest with Claire as the clear victor. Marth had a small expression that said he felt sub-par in comparison.

"I don't like to think myself a useless escortee. This should help you all out immensely, yes?" she inquired.

"Yes indeed." Ragna replied, setting his things down. "Marth, can you dry this place out so we can sleep comfortably here?" Ragna inquired, before Marth slowly nodded. "Y-yeah..." he said, looking at Azure for just a moment. Being the one who supposedly might teach her magic, he seemed rather ashamed to be considered any sort of teacher after looking so mediocre a moment ago.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Oh yes, be afraid. Be very afraid," Azure says with a chuckle, just continuing the teasing with the half-demon.

"I'm glad you like it, then," she says with a smile, chuckling softly at Ragna's words and covering up a more hearty laugh at Marth's with a bit of a cough.

She lets their banter go, not intruding on it and finding it amusing in its own right. As the rain persists and they're starting to need a camp, she'll start looking around for somewhere suitable, stopping as Marth makes the suggestion about the shelter.

"More than suitable. Thank you very much, Claire." As Ragna makes the suggestion on doing something with the ground, Azure will glance around, taking in the construction of the shelter. "Maybe if you could dry the ground in some way, Marth?" she suggests. "With heat? Or perhaps, well, I'm not all that familiar with the magic you can cast, but another layer of ground on top of the wet one? That would give us somewhere comfortable or as close to comfortable as the ground gets," she chuckles.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"With it this wet, he'll probably just make thick mud." Zidane said to the contrary of Azure's idea.

Marth seemed to think for a moment, before Claire leaned in and whispered something to him. Her proximity made him flush a bit and shy away, but he nodded regardless. "I think I can do that." he said, before looking to everyone. "Everyone will have to step outside for a moment." he said, waiting for everyone to leave the iglo before gradually materializing a layer of solid wood along the floor of the igloo and the outside a bit too, taking into account any weight they put on it will cause the ground to lift and result in muddy ground coming in and getting all over their things. It was a minor thing to worry about, but Marth seemed to deem it important with his design. The result was a circle of woven wood as a base, with a crystal igloo sitting on top.

"Well, we stand out." Ragna stated, before being the first to dip his head and walk in in, put his boots near the entrance, and shake off his coat before getting settled inside. "It's kinda rough being on such hard flooring, but at least we're out of the rain." he said.

Zwei and Zidane followed suit, doing as Ragna did before getting settled. "Whatever, I just wanna get some sleep." Zidane shrugged, the first to get out his sleeping bag. Marth was soon to follow, unless Azure stopped him. The last to get in would be Claire, though she'd ask someone to wipe her down due to how soaked she was, and her non-absorbent body would get everything wet.

At that notion though, the four boys were silent. The idea of wiping out the naked crystal woman sat in the air, and the only one that didn't adopt an awkward expression was Zwei, who didn't seem to care too much for the implications of her request. Unless Azure offered to do it, Zwei would offer to dry her, stoically so.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Better idea, then," Azure will compliment upon seeing what Marth creates with his magic and Claire's suggestion. She doesn't stop him, although he does get a compliment for a job well done. For a moment, she contemplates making a remark to Ragna's comment but decides against it.

If the notion of wiping Claire down seems to bother them, even with Zwei's stoic expression, Azure will offer to take up the task, making a playful suggestion that Claire return the favor regarding her tail, since scales aren't known for their absorbency either and she's got a lot of them.

Despite Claire's assurances that she's not fragile, Azure will be careful, but thorough, in her attentions. She doesn't seem bothered by anything potentially intimate, treating such spots with the same care as, say, an arm or Claire's back. In fact, the other woman might hear the lamia humming softly while she takes care of things.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire returned the favor as the two diligently wiped each other down, though Claire took a moment to appreciate Azure's underscales, which brought about a pleasurable sensation while the rag she was using wiped along her flesh and muscle. "You certainly have a well-formed muscle structure." Claire compliments her. "The skin looks clean too, without scars and the usual marks one might see on a lamia." Claire noted, referring to the habit many of her kind had to receive wounds due to various reasons, either battling over a mate or fighting invaders and prey. Claire hadn't looked at all of Azure's tail though, so she could very well be proven wrong if Azure happened to live a more thrilling lifestyle.

"That reminds me." Capri spoke up. "Azure, do you know how to fight?" he inquired, and the question seemed good enough to catch every other boy's interest as well. "I mean, you can obviously handle yourself, but... Have you ever practiced combat?" he asked while settling himself onto his sleeping bag.

Zidane grinned. "Yeah, that's a good question. How much can we depend on you, really? Will you run if things prove too much for us because you're scared and can't fight?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire might catch quiet little purrs from the lamia at her attention, but she's not getting too worked up.

"You might say I've been lucky in that regard," Azure will answer with regard to Claire's comments. "I've gotten into a few scrapes but nothing that's left any permanent damage. Except for that one." She'll point out a spot on her tail. "Over-zealous sister and a pair of shears. Was an accident, though." She'll shake her head with a chuckle.

Her attention shifts to Zidane as he follows up with Capri's question. "Truthfully? I prefer not to fight, if I can help it. Or I suppose the better answer is 'if it can be avoided.' Have I ever had any type of formal training with regard to combat? No. I usually tend to improvise as the situation calls for it." She grows a little quiet, given the second half of Zidane's question. "I won't abandon you. That's not to say I wouldn't withdraw rather than get overwhelmed. That's just tactics. And the same goes for you. Running away from a fight is a viable choice if the odds are against you." She chuckles. "That sounds bad. Cowardly." A sigh. "What I'm getting at is that I will fight with and for all of you. I just prefer to fight smarter, not harder."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire giggled as well as she listened to the short story, "Isn't it dangerous though? To be out here in the company of fine young men, surely your combat prowess will be tested by dangerous folk." she suggested.

Zidane meanwhile looked a little disappointed. "We've trained a great deal in comparison. Francis said you'd be able to help us deal with things we normally wouldn't be able to do. But I wonder if you could even beat us in a fight?"

"That does raise a question though." Ragna added. "You gave some sound advice when we first met, but you don't even got any weapons or the like. What if we need you to do more than think? Could you have fought that lizard warrior from before? Could you have won?" he inquired, everyone curious about the capabilities of their manager.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"It already has been. Thankfully, it was a short fight." That comes out more as a mutter than anything else.

"All depends on the type of fight, I suppose. All of you at once, I'll admit, probably not. One-on-one or pairs, we'd have to see. Hence the 'smarter, not harder.'" As he questions whether or not she'd have been able to beat the lizardwoman, she'll stop for a little bit and think. "Well, she certainly was impressive. To be honest, I couldn't say one way or the other. Ego dictates that I say 'yes' to that. If it were just her, probably. I likely wouldn't get away without getting hurt myself but probably. All four or even one other and her, probably not, given what I know they're capable of. Just her, I think so."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

The boys looked doubtful, but amazed that Azure thought she could take the warrior given how overwhelming she was to fight. "She was no pushover, and it was obvious she takes fighting very seriously." Ragna commented. "She lives for the fight. You must think you've got tits of steel if you think you have an edge over her."

Zidane tapped Ragna's shoulder with the back of his hand. "We'll find out if she's bluffing sooner rather than later." he said, almost sounding excited to see Azure put under a stress test.

Marth slowly chimed in his opinion. "Uh... I kind of favor her method of fighting... I mean, just because someone is more skilled than you doesn't mean you automatically lose." he offered.

Zwei nodded. "If combat can be won before it starts, it's still a victory."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure will incline her head toward Zwei, sort of a "that about sums it up" gesture. She also gives Marth a bit of a smile, the gesture widening a bit as she addresses Ragna.

"She may be the more skilled fighter, but there's a lot of things that you have to take into account during a fight. Pretty sure you know that. Besides, I never said it'd be a overwhelming win. Just that I think I could."

She does frown a little, though, at Zidane's remark. "I, for one, hope you don't. Not that I'm not willing to mix things up but I'd rather get Claire to Waymeet without complication. Go looking for a fight and it'll certainly find you."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Hoping is one thing, but reality is another." Zidane replied. "In our profession, we get into trouble all the time. Part of it's in the job description, to help people with their problems. Sometimes that problem is a particular mamono roughing people up." he stated.

"I noticed how you were all well armed." Capri said. "You expect combat that much?"

Zwei nodded. "Some mamono are ruthless. We must be vigilant and ready to fight back."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure will start to curl up for the evening, settling down as the conversation progresses. "Let me hope," she teases Zidane. "Keeps me in a better mood." She is taking his words to heart, it's just that it's late and the conversation shouldn't be so heavy.

"Weapons help even the score for those that don't have fang and claw. Magic, too. You'd be surprised at how a well-placed knife or properly timed spell can turn the tide of a fight. I'm still going to hope for no trouble." She yawns. "I certainly won't be surprised when it doesn't happen, but for now I can pretend." She yawns again and frowns. "Anyone going to stay up for a bit and watch the door? We do kind of stick out, as you said. And we can take shifts, of course."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

No one gave a reply to Azure, but no one seemed to disagree either.

"I'll take first shift." Zidane offered. Everyone else seemed fine with that, and came to terms who would be waking up whom. Azure was free to either sleep and wait for her turn, or take her shift with Zidane for whatever reason. If she took her shift with his, she'd be free to talk with him as she willed. Otherwise, it'd be a simple night until morning.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Despite professing the need for sleep, some time into Zidane's watch, he'll likely catch a gleam of greenish-gold alternating between keeping attention on him and the door. There's a little bit of shifting, enough that he knows she's awake and not just settling back down again. There's also the very subtle back and forth twitch of her tail-tip, which probably means something's going on in that head of hers, maybe.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Zidane laid on his front, watching the door while his tail went back and forth like the dial of a grandfather clock. The rain filled the silence in the air, creating a somber peaceful background noise to listen to as everyone goes to sleep. Marth's nose was making a most quiet squeak as he slept. Almost impossible to hear unless one made no noise and listened. Ragna's breathing was heavy, and Zwei made no noise at all, sleeping with his back to the floor and his hands folded over his torso as if ready for his funeral. Capri slept in a sprawled out fashion, much like someone who only ever had a bed to themselves and needed not to share room, and Claire slept with one arm over her belly. She did not breathe, rather it just seemed as if she turned herself off to conserve energy.

As she looked at Zidane, and back to the door again, the cat would glance her way. Their eyes would meet for a moment before he looked away, back to the door. An air of discomfort loomed over Zidane, as he looked again, noting her eyes were not closed. "... Do you want something or what?" he whispered to her, her looks in his direction drawing a reaction.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

The motion of his tail might draw Azure's attention, too, but it seems the werecat himself is more what holds her gaze. Her eyes will occasionally trail around the room to the others but they're not moving much so back to him it is.

"Do you really think that I'd run away, Zidane? I know you don't have a lot to judge my character by, but from what you've seen so far, you think that?" She doesn't seem troubled by the question, just curious.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Zidane looked back at her as she asked her question, before he narrowed his eyes and looked back to the door. "You don't know who we are, nor we you. You have no reason to help us. And I don't think any woman is trustworthy until proven otherwise." he stated his honest opinion. Then, he looked back at her. "Well, I guess you have one reason." he said, his cheeks flushed a bit as he recalled something, before seeming to find it too much to keep looking at her as he refocused on the door.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Very true. We did get sort of tossed together, didn't we? Although I suppose after things were said and done, you could have told me you weren't interested in working together." Her lips quirk just a little. "But I guess you're used to folks who don't really take 'no thanks' as a suggestion, huh?" She lets out a sigh. "I acted impulsively before and I saw how it made you feel, Zidane. In order for us to work together, there does have to be that trust. I don't want to break it again. I want you to be able to rely on me and I, you."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"You have no clue how it made me feel." he said with a distant sigh. While it was criticizing Azure some more, it didn't have that much of a feel of condemning her. Rather, his reaction and expression were masked, as if trying to keep her in the dark on the matter. "Besides, you already have him," he gestured at Capri, who was sleeping soundly. "Forget about me, how do you think he felt when you did that? Right in front of him no less. You're terrible." he declared.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Oh, I was right and proper chastised for it. Actually, it was what he and I were talking about before you woke up and thought we were doing inappropriate things near your unconscious self." She settles down again, chin resting on her crossed arms. "Is that why you think I'm doing this, Zidane?" She boosts up a little. "That I'm helping you because I want something," she pauses, considering her words, "physical from the four of you? That I expect something from you for my help?" Her brow furrows a little.