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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri chuckles a little when she mentions his radar. "I just wanted to meet a celebrity of sorts." he replied. "He's a genius inventor, renowned all over. So, I suppose everyone wants to meet him. A lot of people don't care though, normal people and the like." he said, indicating Azure's indifference. "The people who do care are those who want to use inventors, and other inventors. I imagine he doesn't get a whole lot of good company with his status... Which would explain a lot."

"He seems really stressed." Marth said from the back. "Though... Important people are often stressed, I guess." he shrugged.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Well, if people are putting pressure on him to make more weapons and he doesn't want to, that could cause quite a bit of stress. Hopefully the wine will help with that, even if it's not a favored type," she adds with a chuckle. "Who knows, maybe sometime in the future, we'll have a chance to meet him again. But, we've got our own jobs to do for now. Want us to see you home, Marth?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri raises a brow at Azure. "Not on your radar, and yet you already have thoughts on seeing him again?" Capri said with a joking accusation. "A perfect present for me will be a leash." he said, and then Marth snorted, holding back a laugh. "N-no! Not in that way! Shut it, Marth!" Capri snapped with embarrassment.

Then, when Marth was asked, he'd stutter a bit. "A-ah, no! I can go the rest of the way on my own. Thank you though." he said, ready to head off on his own. Capri looked a little wary. Marth may have strong magics, but he did look on the frail side. Leaving him alone would likely feel like abandoning a puppy.
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Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Aye, for you," she teases back, making a face at him. "That could be arranged, you know," she says, amusement showing at the corners of her eyes as he teases about wanting the leash and it's clear she's insinuating that he'd be the one with the collar around his neck.

As Marth heads off, she shares a look with Capri and slowly begins following the young mage, clearly giving him his distance, but keeping him in sight just in case anyone decides to give him trouble.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Even if it was just teasing, Capri seemed to give Azure a most stern look in response. "That will not be arranged." he said with emphasis on his refusal of the idea, before leaning in so that the conversation will only be shared between the two of them. "I've often got just enough of you wrapped around me as is. We don't need to bind me in excess, yes?" he whispered to her.

Then, Capri looked a bit oddly at her first, but didn't refuse the idea of following after Marth. He was a bit confused, and Azure was free to explain, but wouldn't voice anything.

As they followed Marth, the young mage would approach a building not where he and the others lived, but a shop of some kind. He did so without too much worry of who was following him as he went inside.

"Some kind of book store?" Capri wondered, pointing out the odd language that neither he nor Azure would recognize next to the symbol of what appeared to be a square object with scribbles designed on it, hence his thoughts that it was a store for written works.
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Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Hi refusal gets a throaty laugh out the lamia, but she smiles, nuzzling him a little as he leans in to whisper to her. "No," comes out rather gently. "Though I'm glad you're not afraid of that 'just enough.'" There's the soft ghost of her lips against that soft spot behind his ear before she draws away to continue after Marth.

She doesn't seem to offer up much explanation as she trails after the young wizard. Capri's likely astute enough to figure out that she'd just wanting to keep an eye on him, especially after the events today with the elven woman. She'll take in the shop curiously after he enters, easing a little closer if there are windows.

"Could be. Could be a shop for spells or other arcane things. Could be something else entirely." Marth was a wizard, after all. This might be where he comes to study.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Getting closer to see inside the windows, Azure would spot that Marth had entered indeed a bookstore of sorts, but the books weren't made of paper. Instead, they were all made of rocks with unknown letters engraved into their covers. The mamono over the counter could be spotted as well, a sahuagin.

"Not the ideal shopkeeper." Capri said in regards to the sahuagin. Having someone who couldn't speak a single word provide customer service was supposedly a bit of a stretch. Marth seemed to have taken an interest in what was written, and didn't seem too likely to leave anytime soon.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Eh, she might not need to talk to be able to point out where someone needs to go." That does strike her as a bit odd. And, well, she's also curious about Marth's magic. "Time to do a silly thing. I hope he doesn't mind too much." She'll give Capri's hand a squeeze and head carefully into the shop. Lamia tails and bookshelves make for somewhat cramped quarters at times, so she does her best to be careful. Whether the other man follows her is up to him, but she's heading in to see what Marth is studying.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Coming into the store, Azure would find greeting from the sahuagin in the form of the fish making a gesture with her fin. Her silence caused Marth to remain unalert as to Azure's presence. Standing between two long bookshelves, Marth seemed to be intently looking at a particular stone book with interest. So much in fact that there was a blush on his cheeks, hinting that what he was reading was exciting in some way. But he'd catch Azure out of the corner of his eye soon after she entered the shop, causing him to give a start and put the stone book behind his back.

"Azure! W-why did you follow me!?" Marth inquired, actually looking upset, as well as guilty. "I said I'd be fine! Have a 'little' faith in me!" he demanded in a scolding manner, though his tone and stance were both defensive. He didn't seem to want Azure to know what he was reading.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She's curious as to what might cause such a reaction in the young mage but given his fluster, she doesn't think it wise to ask. "I'm sorry, Marth." She keeps her attention on him rather than the 'book' itself, not wanting to fluster him further. "With everything that's happened today, I just wanted to be sure that you got back to the house all right. The detour made me curious." Her gaze flicks around the shelves. "Is this a shop tailored for mages?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Marth didn't look too happy about her reasons. "I'm not a helpless kid. I don't need your supervision!" Marth announced harshly, before looking like he wanted to leave outright, but he had to pay for his book. He stepped up to the counter and the sahuagin lifted her weapon to point at one of the prices listed above her head. Apparently Marth made a most expensive purchase, which he quickly handed out.

"This shop is run by Atlantian scholars. Many scholars are weavers as well, so if you want to call it that, then do so." he said quickly, before taking his book back from the sahuagin after paying for it and hurrying along. "Don't follow me anymore!" he announced to Azure, before aiming to leave.

Meanwhile, Capri hummed, having taken a moment to glance at the book. "I don't know much Atlantian, but that one character was the symbol for 'dream'. I wonder if Marth is studying dreams?" Capri pondered.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure wisely keeps to herself that the "Not helpless kid" was getting molested earlier and passed out from the drugs in his system, but given that Marth was on a tear, she lets him go, not interfering with the purchase, either. "See you tomorrow," she says by way of parting, given Claire will be waiting for them.

She bids the shopkeeper have a good day as well, heading back out, as she's not a fan of the claustrophobic feel of the shelves. "Could be studying dreams or he could be looking to learn how to manipulate them," she says with a sly smile. "Go walking around in people's heads. See what drives them."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"He seemed to be overreacting a bit. Likely, it's a personal issue he has." Capri offered his two cents. "He might have nightmares when he sleeps, perhaps?" he suggested with a shrug. "But even then, that sounds too normal. It's clearly something he's shy or ashamed about... and I don't think it's what you're thinking." Capri said investigating Azure's pervy tone.

Marth could be seen walking off in the distance. Again, he didn't seem to be heading home. He seemed to be heading for the shore below, a rather relaxing and vacant location. "He's just not going home, is he?" Capri chuckled. "No wonder Ragna tries to look after him. Here," he tapped on Azure's shoulder. "I'll go tell Ragna to keep an eye on him. You go home. If Marth sees you again I feel that'll ruin any 'chances' you'll have." he said with an emphasis on the last part, not forgetting that Azure had her eyes on him.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

From the cant of Azure's head, she hadn't considered that third option, though she is taking the suggestion just as seriously as the ones she came up with. At his shooting down her ideas, she just grins at him and gives him a soft laugh in reply.

"That's not why I'm keeping an eye on him, but you're right. It might upset him if he thinks I'm trying to coddle him." She'll lean in and give Capri a light kiss near the corner of his mouth. "You just be careful, too, all right? I've already had one rescue today. I don't need to perform another. See you at Francis' place?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Yeah, though don't be too surprised if I move in with the boys if I decide to escape you." he said with a chuckle, though he didn't sound serious at all, just teasing.

And then, after Capri left, Azure would be alone for a time, before there came a sudden, familiar voice not belonging to that of a friend. "Look who's all alone!" announced the voice, before Metal stepped out from the side of a building. From behind, Azure would also hear the steps of the shinobi girl, and tall warrior woman. The only one lacking was the lizard girl. Otherwise, Azure would find herself surrounded by Metal and the two members of her crew.

Metal, grinning wide, put her fists together and cracked her knuckles. "I'm sick of seeing your face around the temple. Time for you to leave, and go slither into some hole in the ground, snake." Metal announced aggressively, apparently looking for a fight.

"You took away my favorite little playmates." said the warrior woman. "I bet you'll taste good if I fry you over a spit." the muscular woman announced.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"If you can stand the sight of Zwei sleeping nude," she teases back, watching him go with some fondness.

The lamia's eyes narrow as she catches sight of the witch, not surprised that the lizard girl isn't with the other three. She didn't seem to have the same demeanor as her compatriots. She pays attention to the other two as well, taking care to not let herself be surrounded by the trio, not to mention taking stock of what might be around. Though it wasn't exactly the bravest of actions, ducking into a shop for cover wasn't above the realm of possibility as she highly doubted a shopkeeper would take too kindly to a brawl taking place in the store.

"Well, given I'm leaving tomorrow, you're going to get your wish, witch. You're just too damn impatient," Azure replied drolly. "And maybe if you'd been nicer, they'd be more inclined to play." Her main thing is paying attention to Metal, not wanting the witch to be able to get any of her spells off. If she catches sight of that, the other girl is going to find herself muffled rather quickly.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"No, you see... You're the only one who's leaving. The men stay so we can reeducate them into remembering why they have no spine." Metal replied as Azure looked around. The building to her side was a personal home, with no one seemingly inside. Though given a skull on display, it seemed likely to be a witches home.

"It doesn't look like you're too willing to run. A shame that this beautiful temple will be ruined by your blood." The shinobi said to Azure, drawing two short and thin blades, while the warrior woman took out a large axe. Metal meanwhile mounted her staff between her legs, her feet leaving the ground as it began to levitate.

"Let's see how much lip we get from those manwhores after they see you at my feet!" Metal growled.

The shinobi was the first to strike, rushing in and leaping high into the air, taking out her kunai and throwing them, half a dozen small daggers suddenly thrown Azure's way while Metal looked to acquire a vantage point from above with which to pummel Azure with magic. Meanwhile, the warrior woman seemed to be interested in staying behind Azure, as if waiting for a good moment.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure snorts. "You think they're going to lick your boots after they kicked your asses already?"

Metal seemed the type to not really care if her compatriots got caught in the crossfire. Likewise with the Amazon, but the axe she could dodge. In theory. Magic was an entirely different story. Plus, if Metal got too far off the ground, that would give her way too much of an advantage in this fight.

Dodging the throwing knives as best she could, Azure curled tight for an instant and then sprang up, wrapping her arms and the upper portion of her tail around the witch, intending to bring her crashing back down to the ground where the snake could better keep her under control. The trick was allowing enough of her tail to constrict Metal, working to make the witch lose consciousness, while keeping enough of it free to keep the other two at bay and give herself enough mobility to dodge, if they decided to start hacking at her with those sharp things of theirs. Plus there was also the option of bouncing Metal's head off of the walkway. She couldn't imagine all that pounding would be good for her concentration.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Moving after Metal, three kunai found themselves stuck into Azure's flesh as she collided into Metal, wrapping around the witch and hitting her head against the ground. The warrior jumped in, bringing her axe overhead, and nearly cleaved Azure's tail off, her axe slamming into the ground as Azure got out of the way. The shinobi soon landed as well, before her balance was shaken by the island giving way to a large crack. "Whoops!" the warrior exclaimed.

"You fucking idiot!" Metal snapped, before the woman's strength caused a fraction of the island to snap off, and all four women to fall from the stone pillar island to the sea below. Thankfully, the citizens below were on duty. The large stone fragments were caught by sudden upward streams, and made to fall slowly and settle below, while the four women were caught by the soft and squishy bodies of the jellyfish sea slimes.

"No more fighting!" the sea slime said from behind Azure, before the lamia found herself stung by paralyzing venom, the same as Metal and the others. They were all separated, and Azure was brought away, to a nearby shore, where Francis and Capri were waiting to receive her. Capri and Francis would take Azure's limp form into their arms as the sea slime girl gave a salute. "Pirupi gives you a warning. Do not fight! If we catch you fighting again, you'll go to prison!" The sea slime announced, before diving back into the water.

"What happened, Azure? You were fighting!?" Capri exclaimed with worry, while Azure felt herself quickly recovering from the sea slime's sting, able to fully move again after a few minutes.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

The free-fall is enough for her to let go of Metal before they land and the venom is enough to help take the edge off of the slices from the kunai, at least temporarily. Despite not being able to answer, she takes note of, firstly, the lack of a chance to defend her actions and two, the double-standard that obviously didn't keep the boys safe from the repeated conflicts with the other women. Apparently the key was to fight well above the jellygirls. Just because she's paralyzed doesn't mean she can't listen. Or think.

"Ow," is the first thing that comes out once the paralytic wears off, easing her tail around to see if the knives are still there or, at the very least, to see about getting the wounds covered up. "Mmm. Metal and two of the others ambushed me...up there." She looks up to the cracked island, nodding her chin in that direction. "Wanted me out of the way to go after the others again."