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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

The reaction. His tail went straight as the shaft of an arrow. His ears perked up at full attention. His eyes were wide to the point of nearly bulging out. After she released him, a hand came and sealed itself completely over his lips, while he stared at her in shock, listening to her speak, and watching her leave.

"Well, you look violated now." Capri said, as if trying to look at the bright side.
Re: Competition (Azure)

There’s a brief little hum from Azure once she’s out of the bed and heading into the kitchen, peeking around for the merrow. “Can I steal some more milk, Francis? If you couldn’t tell from the noise in the other room.” Provided she gets the okay from the other woman, she’ll fill up another cup and ease back into the other room, pausing just before she gets into the doorway to maybe eavesdrop on any ranting she might interrupt if she were to just waltz right in. If Zidane’s still in shock, she’ll simply head over to his side of the bed and get him propped up so that he can drink unaided but he’s not going to spill it all over the place. After that, it's a matter of her curling back up into the bed with Capri, taking care to give Zidane his space.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I can tell a lot of things from the other room, my dear." Francis announced with a nod. "For one, it seems kitten wants out, and is getting out." she said with a double nod. If Azure were to check, she'd find Zidane attempting to escape out of the window.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure lets out a bit of a sigh and whirls around. "Zidane, get back to bed. You're just going to aggravate your injuries if you do that." There's a pause. "I promise. No more surprises like that." She will slither over to try and urge him back into the room rather than tumbling out of the window, though the one thing she won't do is pull him tail to keep him from getting away from her.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Zidane turned to face her with an expression of anger that was mixed with a blush, her kiss having left an impression. "I feel fine! So buzz off!" he replied, before dexterously jumping out of the window to the outside, and running along the rope railing of a wooden bridge like an acrobat on a tightrope, bypassing a few citizens of undine's temple, a woman with magical blue hair and a man with fins on the sides of his face, before seemingly heading to one of the many open holes up high, likely to get some air.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Zidane!" As he goes, she lets out a soft sigh. Climbing isn't exactly one of Azure's strong points. Possible, but not something that she likes to do. She will head outside to watch after him, making sure his injuries don't act up and cause him to misjudge something that he might normally be able to do. After that, it's a matter of her sitting rather quietly, keeping an eye out for him. It's not quite as though she has other things to do, especially since Capri's not exactly feeling amorous either.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure would find Zidane safely making it to his destination, and out of her view. But before he did, he'd check some ways ahead to see where Azure was, likely to see if she was chasing him. Upon seeing her watching him from afar, he stared back at her for a moment, before making his way ahead at a more casual pace.

"You won't give chase?" Francis inquired casually, with her usual tone, full of mirth, words that flowed from smiling lips. "Here's your milk~" she giggled, giving Azure the glass of milk she wanted.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"He needs time to cool down and he needs it away from me," Azure replies, chuckling softly as she takes the glass from the other woman. "I pushed." She sighs again. "I know I ought to chase him down, but at the same time, I don't want him to feel trapped, not like with his former mistress." She'll chuckle and sigh. "So difficult, men, sometimes."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I know just what you mean." Francis nodded. "Despite all his huff and puff, Zidane likely enjoyed that kiss. I get the feeling he'll be approaching you next. Likely with some intent of 'revenge' of a sort." She giggled.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, he has threatened to kill Ragna in his sleep, so likely a good chance that's when he'll try and exact his revenge." She chuckles a little. "Looks like we can save this for later." She'll pass the glass of milk back to Francis. "Now if I could only find a way to help Capri understand." She sighs. "I understand his jealousy, at least I think I do. I suppose it's a matter of letting actions speak louder than words when the situation arises."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, you are doing everything required to make someone jealous." Francis reminded Azure. "Though I do agree with Capri, one man is difficult, but how challenging is many?" Francis inquired. "Although, who knows if it's only men you're after?" Francis said suggestively, coiling one arm around Azure's own in a playfully intimate manner before letting go soon enough so as not to provoke negative reactions, at least none too strong.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, to be honest, the idea hadn't really crossed my mind until they all brought it up." She laughs a little. "Guess being around a group of men comes with some per-conceived notions, huh? Of course, once the idea was there..." She trails off with a bit of a grin. Her shoulders roll in a bit of a shrug at the notion of one versus many. "Like I told Capri. I've never tried. And I'd like to think that just because I might be dividing my attention it doesn't mean that my affection is any less for any of them." She sighs. "Just...listening to the group of them. There's more that they need than just help with that batch of women and the jobs. If I can help, then I want to. Like helping Capri with his book. They've got their own goals in mind. It isn't just about me."

She'll bump shoulders with the other woman, not bothered by the contact, though it's clear that's not the sort of attention she's angling for at this particular moment, nor likely in the immediate future. Too much on her mind, though there is a quiet, "Who knows?" in response to the light tease.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Francis seemed to get the idea behind Azure's words, before she simply took the milk back, looking a little dejected. Not so much due to Azure's reply, but due to her not wanting the milk she had prepared. "I milked it from my own breast too." She announced, revealing what Zidane was drinking before. "I wonder if Capri will want it~" she said aloud, walking with a smile back into the house.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Given the mood that he's in right now, likely not, I'm afraid." Azure will boost up and follow Francis back into the house. She doesn't discourage the merrow from offering it any further than that, but she doesn't exactly encourage her, either. She will slither over to Capri, though, gently wrapping her arms around one of his own. "Looks like you weren't too far off the mark, sweetness," she says with a soft chuckle, likely speaking of Zidane's departure.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Does that mean you're giving up?" Capri inquired simply. He seemed to be holding his breath on the matter, not truly seeming to feel Azure was more going to go one way more than the other in regards to her attempts to acquire her harem. That's not to say he didn't wish for one more than the other, but he seemed ready for either answer.

Meanwhile, Francis looked a little mopey that no one wanted her milk. Capri seemed to want it at first, but didn't when he seemed to pick up on how Azure felt about it. He didn't seem to understand the reason, but he understood that she didn't want him to.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I'd have to have been actively trying in order to give up, I suppose," is her reply. "Just...you were right about being a little too forward." She sighs. "I just hope Zidane doesn't get himself hurt because I was feeling impulsive."

She doesn't necessarily discourage Capri from the milk, it's just a matter of not quite wanting to hit him with another dose of culture shock just yet. If Francis is truly unhappy, Azure will take it to try and boost the merrow's spirits. "You know, you've been most gracious, Francis. Thank you." Azure will slip closer to her, actually giving the other mamono a peck on the cheek as she frees the glass from her hold, slipping back to Capri's side after that.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I don't mean to support your ideals, but Zidane seemed more flustered than put off by you. He doesn't seem very used to female contact, directly anyway." Capri explained. "He'll likely be unable to forget that kiss you struck him with for a while." he theorized. "Though..." He pinched her cheek, pulling on it until her face looked somewhat stretched and amusing. "On that note, you've a lot of nerve, doing that in front of me." He said, his stare giving it's own scolding before he let her cheek go, only stinging slightly.

Since Azure took the honors, the snake would end up being the one to down the milk. It was highly sweet, and quite tasty, if one didn't mind the slight fishy taste from it. Though that may not be a surprise, given that it came from a fish. "You're most welcome, Azure!" Francis replied. "You may kiss me suddenly whenever you want, I won't complain!" She announced, looking between them.

"... You're talking to Azure, right?" Capri asked, noticing her looking at him in halves.

"Does it matter~?" she cooed.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure makes a face after Capri pinches her cheek, but she's not all that put off by it. "Well, from what he said, trust is a big thing with him. I mean, the girl he was with before treated him badly. I'd like for him to see that I'm not like her. Impulsive, maybe, but not cruel." She will titter a little, though, as he chastises her for the kiss in front of him, wrapping her arms lightly around his neck and leaning in to give him one of his own, this one deeper than the one she planted on Zidane, there being a touch of want in the kiss, but not lust. It's something to convey her desire for him without being overwhelming. "Better?" she asks with a little smile.

Resting her cheek against Capri's shoulder, she'll smile over at Francis at her announcement about the kisses. "I'd better not make too much of a habit of it. Someone might get jealous." She'll rub a hand against Capri's chest. She also doesn't seem too terribly put off by the conversation. She trusts Capri and his sensibilities. If he were to stray, she doesn't think it will be far, or for long, though she keeps that to herself. She will though, give him a little poke in the chest with a finger. "Though don't you go using Francis to get back at me for Zidane's kiss. It's not nice to her," comes out in a playful, pouty-bossy tone. She's clearly teasing him, having a feeling the suggestion might fluster him some.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri didn't fight the kiss, not exactly, but he didn't act like it was the cure for his sudden desire to pinch Azure's cheek in scolding. He didn't repeat the cheek pinching act, but she didn't seem to cure the cause of it with her prolonged kiss. Instead, she got a reply. "You taste like cat." he said flatly, and with a huff. Though he didn't remove himself from the conversation. "Your problem firsthand is not any habit of the sort relating to kissing, but your habit of obeying your whims. Just kissing him like that was entirely impulsive, from an observer's point of view. And the only reason I won't go to Francis to show you what it's like to be on the receiving end of jealousy is due to the fact that she seems just as fickle as you are. I don't want to involve myself intimately with more than one whimsical woman at a time, as just one is already pushing my limit of acceptability." he stated, before leaning back, a bit distracted by Azure leaning on him and rubbing him affectionately. "I'm not one without an open mind. I saw one of those... Like you, I suppose, with multiple partners appearing rather comfortable about it. But while knowing my background enough to know better, you were audacious enough to kiss another in front of me... I hope you're satisfied." he finalized with a 'hmph'.

Meanwhile, silently, Francis was watching the scene with a crescent shaped grin, a most amused smile to say the least. She was also, perhaps mysteriously so, blushing while watching, as if excited.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure lets out a bit of a snort. "I don't even want to know how you know what cat tastes like." She'll slip away from Capri and settle on the bed, the action seeming a little "heavy." She's not exactly sulking, but her body language is pretty clear that her mood is darkening some. "I'd say you have a right to get upset if," there's a pause, "if it meant anything when I kissed Zidane. It was impulsive and more meant in jest than anything else." Her attention drifts away from him, settling anywhere else in the room but him. "Suppose it's a good thing we're having this conversation now. You're getting to see how I am and vice-versa."