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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

Visiting a doctor, a mermaid with blue hair named Sapphire, Azure would notice the mermaid was staring through a pair of binoculars through a window at someone as she and Zidane came in. "I see you with those women, you lech... I'll tell Kala everything, even a fib if I have to, you son-of-a..." She was about to curse, before she noticed she hat patients. Turning about, they'd see the blue haired, blue eyed mermaid's front. She was using a pair of human legs with fishy scales on them in order to walk on land, and they had fins going up from her heels to the back of her knee. Her dress gave away her name, which simply read, 'Dr. Sapphire'

"Ah, sorry! Can I help you?" she'd ask. Inspecting Zidane, she'd announce that he would turn out alright if he got plenty of rest. Though that crummy place he was staying at before wouldn't do, he'd need one of Francis' bed to get a few good nights rest to recover from his injuries.

Speaking with him, Zidane seemed taken aback slightly. "Well... Perhaps not with somebody. Most women are just..." He hesitated when he had to think about who he was talking to. "... So stupid," he said it right to her, and didn't seem to regret it. "The only ones I'd really see myself anywhere near are always intolerable and either obnoxious or just plain cruel. The nice ones... I don't know. I feel like a 'nice' girl just gets pushed around a lot. Not really reliable, you know? Can't see myself having a romance with someone who just agrees with everything you say."

When they would arrive at Francis', the Merrow would clap her hands and smile as Azure would come in with Capri and Zidane. "You brought home a kitty!" she said with glee.

"I'M NOT A HOUSECAT!" Zidane exclaimed at her, before wincing in pain.

"I'll make you some nice milk, good for a kitty!" Francis announced, heading to her kitchen.

"Like I said..." Zidane said, exhausted.

Francis turned her head back to look at him. "You don't want milk?"

Zidane went silent for a moment. "... I'd like some milk."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure seems amused at the doctor's name for obvious reasons and she'll file away the information overheard for the time being, but she doesn't bother to question her about it, as it's not really her business. She also finds the look of the mermaid rather interesting and, well, the mermaid herself, given that she was impersonating one for a while. She'll thank the doctor for her diagnosis, already considering what she might do to move all of the boys out of their ramshackle place and into something a little more accommodating. Might be difficult, though, as she's not entirely sure how willing other mamono are to board men that want to be left alone. It'll probably cost them a bit to get a better place, but now that they have the possibility of taking on jobs, that might help.

She doesn't seem offended by his statement about women, quietly hoping that he doesn't seem to think that way about her, at least since he hasn't known her for very long. "Well, here's hoping we can keep the obnoxious ones away and there is a difference between 'nice' and 'pushover,' I'll say that much at least. For now, though, our main concern is getting you into bed to rest."

At Francis' exuberance, Azure will shake her head a little. "Francis, don't antagonize him, please. He's recovering from a fight." She'll follow the merrow into her kitchen, taking the drink from her once it's ready in order to bring it back to Zidane. In the meantime, she leans in the doorway, watching her. "I hate putting you out like this. I know what you said, but I've got Zidane and his friends to watch out for right now. Know of anywhere I might get lodging for the six of us, even temporarily, that will be reasonable but can handle all of us?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Francis seemed to accept her scolding, content that she had a little fun, before putting a finger to her lower lip in thought. "If money is not an issue, then I know of a place, indeed... But given I know of how you came here, money would be a rather large issue. I think the best course of action would be fixing up the abandoned building they're living to make it more comfortable. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can think of."

Zidane would accept the drink, though would strain to lean over the bed and drink it himself. Francis would smile at the sight, seeming to get an idea of being a sexy caretaker, if Azure didn't take the honors herself.
Re: Competition (Azure)

She'll leave things go with Francis, especially if it seems she's gotten it out of her system. "I've got some, but you're right. It's certainly not going to last. And if I'm going to consider doing anything to that house, well, it's their house first, so I'll speak with them about it. Can't think of why they'd turn down an opportunity to make it better though, excepting that it came from me and not the sweat of their own brow."

Azure will also settle with Zidane, aiding but not babying him and seeing that he gets the milk without straining himself or spilling it. "Doctor's orders are that you're to take it easy," she'll state, then give him a little giggle. "Just pretend you're already in that big house of yours and you've got someone to dote on your whims, hmm?" It's a playful little tease, meant more to help him relax and allow himself to be pampered for the time being.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Zidane would accept the help from Azure, albeit reluctantly. Without spilling it, she'd have to hold the cup and help tip it back with his guidance. After taking two sips, he leaned back into the bed, looking rather pleased with the milk. "If you made any improvements, I'd personally be happy to receive them as a gift." he said. "... As long as those gifts don't come with attachments. An obligation to receive snake hugs is out of the question. It's never happened to me, but it looks painful."
Re: Competition (Azure)

She'll let him settle, though if he seems inclined for more, she'll help him up again and give him some more sips, as he's comfortable doing so. She inclines her head a little as he mentions making improvements. "Something we can discuss with the others at length, but what would you be interested in? Better sleeping arrangements, I think, might be at the top of the list. Something a little more comfortable?" As he mentions snake hugs being painful, she scrunches up in a little bit of a pout. "I'm perfectly capable of hugging someone without constricting them. I do have two normal arms, you know. I'm not a marilith." She's not exactly sulking, but that might have gotten her more than "pet snake" from earlier.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"A what?" Zidane inquired with confusion. Francis spoke up to answer that Azure was talking about a mamono with six arms and a snake body. "Okay, that's worse, but..." Seeing Azure pout, he rolled his eyes. "I guess you can give kinder hugs, but I won't be convinced that you don't like constricting things. That's like saying cats don't like catnip. For your information, I love it, and so do all cats. It's the best thing ever since milk." he announced, taking another sip with Azure's aid.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure will nod. "Probably distantly related to lamia in some way, if stories hold true. Or, well, since they're older, we're probably related to them." She'll wrinkle her nose at Zidane a little. "I'd be lying if I were to try and convince you otherwise, but," and there's a pause, "I promise, Zidane. No squeezing. At least with the waist down. And I usually don't hug unless I know someone really well and as has been pointed out to me, I'm not there with you yet." That little bit about catnip, however, is filed away for later use. Might make a good gift--or bribe--in the future.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Yet?" Zidane inquired with a raised brow. Eyes of suspicion was cast at Azure, analyzing her for criminal intent. "I'm watching you, sneaky snake." Zidane revealed, earning an amused giggle from Francis as she went about washing dishes.

"If you're willing to take a loan, there is a Tanuki in town you could borrow from. Don't be late on your payment though, or she'll take Zidane as payment." Francis suggested.

"Don't you dare use me as insurance." Zidane warned Azure.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure giggles as well, flicking her tongue at Zidane with the whole "sneaky snake" thing. "I'd like for us to at least try and be more than," pause, "business partners, Zidane. I'd like to get to a point where you, and the others, trust me. Maybe even friends. And friends, I think, can hug each other without anything else behind it. That's the 'yet.'"

Francis gets her attention as she mentions the Tanuki, frowning a little. At Zidane's comment, she unconsciously reaches over and gives his hand squeeze. "You're not mine to barter with, Zidane. None of you are. We'll see if we can't come up with an alternative before we go the moneylender route."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Zidane's ears curl back in distrust when listening to Azure clarify. "Yeah, yeah..." he said, sounding like he didn't buy it one bit. Her flicking her tongue seemed to shake him up a little. This allowed Azure to take his hand without him showing his claws. Her following assurance didn't seem to comfort him, but it would clearly become something he'd hold her to.

A few more moments of comfort, Zidane drinking most of his milk and relaxing into the bed, before Azure found herself comforting a sleeping cat in her hands.

"That was a magical thing to witness indeed!" Francis giggled, smiling at Azure while speaking quietly. "Zidane distrusts women especially, and yet you managed to get him to fall asleep while in your hands. I must say~" Francis bumped Azure with her elbow. "You looked like quite the maneater~" she said, half jokingly, and half not, before getting serious. "It seems that you will do fine as their leader."

Having been lounging around the house, Capri would nod as well. "Yes, quite the maneater." he acknowledged, though he seemed rather sore about the recognized opinion regarding Azure's way with men.

"Hoo?" Francis hummed in response to Capri, though she didn't say anything, merely giggling at him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Given what Metal had inferred about the aftermath's of the boy's fights with the mamono, not to mention their own stories, Azure wasn't about to put them in a position where they didn't have a say in what happened to them, at least not if she could help it, anyway. They had their job they could do. Hopefully that would bring in some coin. Plus, she did have some from her split with Robin after they'd taken the money from the dark elves. Of course, some of that was to go toward a certain ceremony, if another certain someone would agree to it.

She'll relax on the bed with Zidane, her fingers gently combing through his hair or carefully along his back or arm, just doing her best to keep him relaxed and sleeping. "I want them to know they can trust me," she replies, speaking softly so as not to rouse the neko. "That I'm not helping them because I want something out of them."

Azure will shuffle around a little, making room on the bed for Capri to join the two of them, if he's inclined. The invitation comes with her outstretched hand. "Come talk to me, love." It's clear she can tell something's bothering him and if it's not cleared up, chances are it will probably turn bitter and fester, not something that she wants to happen.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri gave a tired response, before standing, and coming to Azure's side on the bed. "I know that I know nothing. I can see myself being equally kind to a fair lady in distress while under your circumstances... In my old world." he said carefully, before looking up at her. "But while thinking of that, I still do not feel comfortable. I saw a dark elf with two handsome lovers, and she showed off both of them like trophies. So, while I was griping... I was thinking of myself in such a position. The more successful you become, the more reasonable it would be for you to have multiple lovers. Human nobles where I come from are no different. I saw something similar in a tavern once, a handsome man with two beautiful women as his side, groping them in public while leaving me astonished that they didn't mind it at all." Capri said, looking light headed as the things others did left him bewildered.

He sighed, before taking her hand. "I haven't forgotten my dream, and I won't let any issues of love get in the way of it... But I still don't want to feel lonely while you direct your ambition to some other." He looked to Zidane. "And you cannot lie to me on that account. Ambition burns in your eyes. I can see it. Life isn't perfect, and I might not be able to keep you in a bubble with me, just the two of us, but I want to always know that you're on my side. Even if I can't selfishly keep you to myself, I want you there to help me create the world's greatest informational book that will cure the ignorance of everyone."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"That is not true," she chides very gently as he says he knows nothing. "You're simply looking at this from a different perspective. That doesn't reflect ignorance." She lets him speak his mind, her hand stilling in Zidane's hair as she listens, gently chaffing his hand when she finally does speak. "You're not a trophy, Capri. You're my partner. Although you are very handsome and certain to make others jealous, that is not why you're by my side."

A gentle smile curls at her lips. "I would be honored to help you with your book, Capri. And don't look at these four as...rivals. Think of what you can learn from them, too. Or what you can learn while I'm working with them. And, perhaps, we can convince them to help you as well. It might take a lot of work convincing Ragna," she adds with a grin. "But," and there's a pause, "think of it as our bubble getting bigger." She'll bring his hand to her lips, laying a light kiss against the back of it. "I don't expect you to be comfortable with this situation right away, even if all it is," there's another pause, "right now is business." Seems she's not exactly denying his accusations, but she's also not about to try anything, not when things are so tenuous. "You weren't born here and you didn't grow up here." She continues to lay kisses against his skin, there being the slight drag of her lips as she does so. "I will do my best to remember that, if you do, too." Seems they're both going to have to get over the 'culture shock' if this is going to work.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri shrugged, "I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about you." he said specifically, looking right at her. "I never thought you were a bad person exactly, but I'll be damned if you aren't a pervert." He announced, sounding rather firm in that opinion. "But whether I like it or not, you dragged me into this world. You're all I've got so that I do not sink... I'll have to see how faithful you are one way or another. I mean no offense either, I'm just saying... Even if I hated it, it'd be stupid to try and just run off. I'm with you for better or worse, lest I end up falling into someone like Francis' arms, and reenact all of these... Paintings... With her." he said, looking to one of Francis and a tan skinned man making love upsidedown underwater. Francis seemed equally thrilled about the upside down adventure and the sex.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"It's part of who I am, Capri. You call it 'perverted' and I, and quite a few here, call it 'normal.'" There's no anger in her tone, nor sadness, just gentle explanation. "I made my promise to you. I intend to keep it." Her thumb plays gently back and forth across the back of his hand. "I will watch out for you. Help you," she seems to mean with his book by the gentle smile. "Even share pleasure with you. I don't want you to be miserable." She's quiet a moment, considering him. "Are you afraid?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"... P-perverted is still perverted, even if it's normal to be so." Capri immediately replied with a stutter and a fluster. In his jealousy, he was still searching for a bad guy, and the one who seemed most well off from the situation made the best bad guy. But regardless, he looked rather subdued when she began assuring him that she wouldn't forgot about her promise to aid him. But then the question hit. Afraid? Capri blinked at that. He seemed uncertain. "What do you mean? Afraid? Why... I mean, I've no idea where I am, how I'd get out if I needed to, nor how much danger I'd be in all alone here, where men are made into victims. I suppose you could say I'm worried."
Re: Competition (Azure)

She still holds onto his hand, that soothing brush of her thumb idly sweeping back and forth. "While you're with me, Capri, I won't let anyone abuse you, not so long as it's in my power to prevent it. Give it time, and you'll learn the land, maybe even more than some of the rest of us, given you want to know so much about it." She smiles at him, then the expression grows a little softer. "I won't coddle you. Or smother you. But let me take care of you, Capri, while you focus on completing your dream." She brings his hand to her lips again, laying a kiss against his knuckles.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri would visibly swallow a lump in his throat as Azure decided to be somewhat appealing. Capri took extra notice that she was doing all of this with Zidane right behind her, making him extra flustered, especially when she kissed his knuckles. "Y-yes of course..." he nodded. "But..." Capri suddenly responded by wrapping his arms around Azure, eyes focused as he took some of the initiative that Azure had been dictating for some time now. "Be honest with me. Tell me you aren't interested in intimacies with... At the very least, with him." he gestured to the sleeping Zidane.
Re: Competition (Azure)

She lets out a very soft sound, maybe a purr, as he wraps his arms around her. Her response is to brush her fingers lightly against his back, just moving them in small circles. Her eyes shift a little to side at his question, not avoiding the answer but more like she's trying to look at the nekomata behind her. When they trail back, she brings a finger up, just lightly trailing it through the ends of his hair, following the curve around his ear, but not touching it. "The thought's there," she will admit. "But Zidane won't have me and I won't force the issue. Does it bother you? My attraction to other men?"