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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

Francis leaned forward, and extended a finger to tickle Azure's nose. "Let's just say that if I'm wrong, it will be the first time." She announced, sounding off as someone extremely confident in their judgement of character. Meanwhile, Capri curled up and snuggled closer to Azure. His level of spoiled was going off the charts.
Re: Competition (Azure)

For now, Azure doesn't mind spoiling him. She's got a lot on her mind and if something this simple were keeping him happy, it was a bit of a blessing. At the tickle, the lamia wrinkles her nose, her eyes crossing a little, which is odd, given their serpentine nature. "So, what do I have to do? Or what would I have to do?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I take it that means you're accepting." Francis giggled. "All you have to do is lead and direct. That's what comes with the job description anyway. Other than that, you're free to do as you please, whatever you feel will bring you and your group closer to success. And speaking of groups... The reason why I brought this up is due to the fact that there is a group of men who rose up in Atlantis, wanting to help with the effort to aid those who suffer as a result of the conflicts at sea. However, no one wants anything to do with a bunch of men, as it goes unsaid, but they think men aren't fit for the tasks we mamono are. All you have to do, Azure, is prove them wrong." Francis announced. "Do you think you can lead them?" Francis inquired with a sly smile.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Take it as I'm curious," she interjects, but lets the other woman continue. Listening to her, and letting her fingers continue to play through the hair of the man lounging against her, the wheels were already starting to turn. While it was true that men didn't exactly have a lot of the same abilities as the mamono, they weren't completely useless. That was something her mother had taught her. Given a chance, and sometimes motivation, they just might surprise you.

Those thoughts had her smiling down at Capri. Here he was, a scholar, caught up in a situation beyond his control, and yet, she'd convinced him to stay with her. She wasn't entirely sure what she would have done if he'd refused, but it wasn't something that she had to think about. He was hers and she was very happy for that.

"I suppose it can't hurt to try," she finally remarks, looking back up at the Merrow. "Can't do any worse than if they were to be left to their own devices, right?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Francis simply gave a bow to Azure as her answer. "I'll be happy to show you to your new crew whenever you are ready." She announced, sounding rather merry, or perhaps excited, before making to take their plates and heading off to wash them. The water of Undine's temple was interesting in that it never seemed to allow any impurities. Even the scraps on the plates that go into the water are easily removed and pushed away, as if Undine's influence was so powerful in this domain that it was like a perfect haven for the creatures of the sea.

"Are you doing this simply out of interest?" Capri suddenly inquired. "It's not like you discussed what rewards awaited you for leading this group... Or perhaps the men themselves will be your reward?" Capri asked, a tiny hint of jealousy on his tone, but interest otherwise. It seemed he was more interested to see how the double standard was flipped here. A man eager to lead a group of women would no doubt have interests in the pretty ladies in his company. In the mamono world, Capri wondered if the same applied here, but in reverse?
Re: Competition (Azure)

Reward? Azure blinked. She hadn't even considered that aspect of things. "Just...interest, I suppose," she returned. Though Capri did bring up an interesting point. She was certain they'd like it if she did this charitably, but some compensation would be nice. Something to discuss with Francis, though perhaps not with Capri around, given his tone.

Still, she meant what she'd said about being honest with him. "I might look for something in return for doing this. What," she added with a slight smile, "I don't know,yet, though. Might have to see how much trouble this is going to be."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri stared up at Azure, not speaking a word, even remaining silent some time after he listened to her. Then, he let out a sigh. "Francis' ideas that praise you as some kind of great woman would mean that you would be great in both good ways and bad, I suppose." He said, seeming a little let down. "I won't throw a fit, I'm in new lands, but I will say this... If you mess around with any of those other men, you're an awful pervert." Capri announced, declaring Azure a pervert if she entertained herself with other men. Still, he seemed rather open minded about it, even if he wasn't happy, obviously. The look he gave her wasn't angry or upset. Rather, he looked a bit lonely, as if Azure would forsake him to give attention to another. Though that expression, Azure would be able to tell that Capri enjoyed being with her, and didn't have an interest in their time coming to an end.

Whenever Francis was ready to depart, it was a simple venture through Undine's Temple in order to meet with the group she will be in charge of. Francis would reveal along the way that the group was of four members, though technically five now with the addition of Capri. The group had their own 'barracks' of a sort, a rather run down and low budget rectangular building with only the basic foundations of a building. Walls, roof, door, and a floor. The rest of it was empty, and filled with various clutter that the men obviously used often. Simple rolled beds were about the floor without organization, mind one that was neatly rolled and tucked away in the corner. There was a punching bag that was actively being used as Azure would discover it. A well kept series of books stacked together was near the neat corner, and several of them were being read at once. In the middle of the room, the final two of the four were actively engaged in sparring. One fought with a large sword that Azure would see amazonians often using, and the other fought with a pair of short swords with interesting designs.

The first she saw was a rather tall and tough looking man who looked to be of amazonian descent. He had their height, white hair, and their strength as well, though it was clear his gender watered down that strength somewhat. His strikes against the sandbag made it sway quite a bit, but an amazon's kick would split it in half.

"His name is Zwei," Francis announced. "He is proficient at martial combat."

The second she saw was a rather weak yet refined young man. All the books he read were entirely magical in nature, and he constantly switched between different books, as if referencing them constantly. "All of these spells require so much power... Isn't there anything a normal man can use?" the youth complained, seeming to be at a loss.

"His name is Marth," said Francis. "He is a frail boy who took on magic to make up for his lack physical abilities."

The last two she saw was a white haired man in a red coat with a large sword, and a smaller, more agile looking man with two short swords. They were both grinning, and going at each other with enthusiasm. They were using real weapons, and swinging at one another without hesitation, putting the heat of combat onto the other. The larger man was always waiting to build up momentum before making a wide swing to cover as much space as possible and thus make it hard to dodge, and yet the smaller man, who was revealed to have a cat's tail, easily would make acrobatic flips and maneuvers to escape while unleashing a torrent of quick slashes to keep the larger man blocking, and thus away from building up too much momentum. In combat, the larger man seemed more practical and effective, tough with lots of stamina, while the smaller, adept at surviving, didn't seem like he would win. Rather, he seemed better in place using his abilities for other purposes than simply winning a fight.

"The man wearing the red coat is Ragna, and the little quick fellow is Zidane," Francis introduced the last of the two, before gesturing to Azure herself. Her voice called out to them, and they all turned their heads towards Francis, and then Azure, looking at her with confused eyes. "Gentlemen, this is your new captain. Her name is Azure, and she plans on showing you all respect if you do her the same favor. This is your only chance to prove all the naysayers wrong. Don't begin by finding reasons to give Azure here a hard time." Francis lectured them. And it was true. The moment they heard from Francis that Azure was to be their leader, they looked at her with contempt. They clearly didn't want a female leader. They were a group to set out and prove to women that they could function just as well, if not better than a female unit.

They looked at Azure, not so much with aggressive glances that scorned her, so much as while keeping themselves braced. They were seeming to expect Azure to treat them poorly because they were men.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure let Capri have his say and though the words were on the harsh side, they were honest. It was true. He was in a new land and he did have quite a bit to learn yet of mamono culture. Still, she wanted to feel out this group of men that Francis was assigning to her before even considering bedding any of them, or ‘messing around’ as Capri put it. That wasn’t why she agreed to work with them.

Brushing fingertips along Capri’s cheek, she caught his jaw, tipping it up, and leaned in, pressing her lips rather warmly to his. “I made you a promise, Capri. I have no intentions on breaking it,” she tells him softly. “Let’s just take things as they come, all right?”

Before they head out, she would like to freshen up a little, not wanting to look disheveled in front of the men that she’s going to be in charge of. Aside from that, she’s willing to follow Francis through the temple to where her new charges await.

The few minutes of study she has before Francis calls them to attention gives her an idea of where their strengths might lie, although there might be other skills that they possess that weren’t readily apparent. Not to mention there was always the potential for weaknesses as well. The two that were sparring proved that.

Uncrossing her arms, Azure slides herself a little closer, putting herself slightly between her two friends and the other four. “Francis tells me that the four of you are trying to make a difference,” she begins with a smile, casual, so as not to flash her fangs at them. “I’m here to help with that.” Her gaze moves to each of them, not a rake, but an even stare that meets their eyes. “So, why don’t we start with discussing what you’ve done so far and what you’re looking to do. You lot are a little more versed in the conflict than I am, so let’s address the issues you've run into."
Re: Competition (Azure)

At her first words, Ragna, the man with one red eye, immediately interjects. "We are trying to make a difference on how everyone views men like us, damn right!" he announced, and with a rather hot headed attitude. "How we gonna make that point with a mamono like you leading us!?" He criticized her.

Zidane shruged after Ragna spoke, though he spoke to Azure, not Ragna. "We're always trying to take whatever jobs that become available, but there's a group that's always getting in the way. They keep challenging us and wagering for the job, and keep beating us and humiliating us." The cat-eared man announced.

"Sexually..." Marth added with shame. Everyone else seemed rather shamed about it too. The prizes were apparently the job itself from this other group, and obedience from the group Azure inherited.

Zwei, who was punching the bag once more after conversations began, continued training on his target even as he spoke to Azure. "Even if you are strong... If we defeated them with you helping the fight, then we would still be looked down upon."

Zwei placed his hand against the bag, stopping it's swinging motion, before looking directly at Azure. "We can do nothing until we stop their mocking us... And with our inferior power... What do you plan to do?" Zwei asked Azure with a level headed tone.

"They always get us into one on one fights..." Marth informed Azure. "Their group is just like ours... Though none of us are stronger than them. Zidane loses to their shinobi, Zwei loses to the amazon, Ragna loses to the lizardkin, and I don't stand a chance against that witch..." Marth sighed sadly.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Because it's your actions that are going to prove your worth, not your gender, nor the fact that you're working with me." Slithering a little further into the room, Azure keeps her distance from the four men, not feeling she's reached that level of interaction with them. She finds somewhere to settle and relaxes just a bit. "The biggest hurdle is going to be to get people to look at what you're doing, not who is doing it."

She listens to them lament about the other group, taking in their reactions to the wager, a little surprised that Ragna wasn't fuming more about it, since he seemed to have a bit of a temper to him.

"Then we find a way to help you beat them without my direct intervention." She pauses, thoughtful. "They make the wager and the prize is obvious, but do they set the terms of the challenge? Or is it simply a free-for-all?" She twists around again, reclining her arms on her tail while she thinks. "Do they insist on the one-on-one fights or is it simply something that happens? Because if that's the case, I've already got ideas."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"It's a brawl, basically," Ragna replies. "Whichever team has a member standing wins. Both sides just end up fighting who they feel comfortable with."

Marth is still reading his books as he speaks, timidly looking up at Azure while doing so. "It's them who are always taking the lead, and confronting us, so we just end up like that..." Marth sighed. "I've been so low on energy lately because that witch always takes my energy..."

"Stop letting her push you around, Marth!" Zidane criticized the bookworm of their group.

"I can't do anything against her!" Marth complained, before the two broke into an argument, blaming one another for being unable to stop the women harassing them.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure listens to Ragna’s explanation, taking in the information, though her gaze flicks back and forth as the two start bickering. Bringing fingers to her lips, she lets out a whistle to get their attention. She doesn’t speak again until she has it.

"Thank you. Well, the way I see it, you need to either fight whomever you’re *not* comfortable with or you need to start teaming up with one another more often. If you fight the same opponents, they learn how you think and can use that against you. Marth gets worn out fighting the witch but I doubt she’d be able to stand up to, say, Zwei knocking her around for very long. Or if their shinobi is too fast for Zidane, a little ice magic from Marth might slow her down.” She regards each of them for a moment. “You’ve fought your counterparts, several times, from the sound of things, and it’s not working. Fight together. Protect one another. If you haven’t before, maybe that’s something we’ll spend some time working on.”
Re: Competition (Azure)

Zidane and Marth went quiet upon her whistle. They looked angry, and at her following words, Zwei seemed to simply lower his head in thought, while Marth looked doubtful. Zwei spoke up after Azure was finished. "It is my belief that an apprentice wizard like Marth engaging a shinobi... Might not end well." Zwei announced.

Marth looked hopeless. "Sorry... I can't weave as fast as everyone else... All my magics take a lot of preparation."

Capri tapped Azure's shoulder. "Didn't Ragna seem more suited to fighting a fast opponent? Like Zidane? He might be able to handle the Shinobi woman." he suggested.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure inclines her head at Capri's words. "My ideas were just examples, but he's right. Just watching the two of you," she indicates Zidane and Ragna, "it was clear that Ragna was going to outlast Zidane. Might hold true for their shinobi, especially if she fights similar to the manner in which Zidane does. Zidane's quick strikes might be good for dodging an amazon's blows and Zwei might be able to at least match a lizardkin. As for Marth engaging someone other than the witch, maybe let her think you're aiming your magic at her when you're instead targeting another of your opponents. If I'm wrong in my thinking, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm not particularly versed in magic." She glances between the four of them again. "Pairing off as you have, you've admitted, has lead to disaster. What's the worst that could happen if you try something different? Just one of you needs to remain standing to win, right? While a complete victory would be ideal, any victory would be a good start."

While she's talking, she casually lets her arm slip around Capri's waist, sort of leaning her upper half against him while she talks to the others. At some point, more introductions are going to be needed, but the business with the other team seems to be what is on the table first and foremost. Formalities later.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Marth seemed to take on an aura of doom when Azure had him right where he was before, facing the witch. "The witch is capable of countering magic as well as casting it." Zwei revealed. "If we are to go through with your plan, she would quickly defeat Marth, and become our problem next."

Ragna shook his head as well. "That lizard woman is arguably the most dangerous foe out of all four of them. I fought her myself, and she uses both power and magic to power her blade. Were it a simple swordplay, we'd be even, but she powers her blade with magic. Zwei would likely get hit by this impact spell she does, swinging her blade and blowing you away. Zwei ain't gettin' close to that to land a punch... And Zidane is a close range fighter."

Zwei nodded. "My opponent, the amazon, is a powerful grappler. If she grabbed Zidane, he would be helpless."

"We need to play with strengths and weaknesses to beat the other team." Capri noted. "Ragna is a superb all-round fighter it seems. He could probably handle all but the witch, who would likely cast a spell to ensure he can't get close. Zwei looks tough, but only uses his limbs to fight. He needs an opponent who he can beat in a match of strength while they still need to get close to him to fight effectively. Zidane seems quick, but not really good in a fight. His evasive abilities seem top notch. Perhaps he can be a distraction for his opponent, and allow his comrades to defeat their opponents and assist him? And then there's Marth... His magic is weak, so the best thing we can do is put him against someone who knows nothing about magic."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure listens, taking in what they have to say about the mamono and their tactics, as well as what Capri adds to the conversation.

"Well, you've sort of offered up a solution in your explanation," she says after a moment or two of thought. "That is, if Marth is capable of duplicating the spell that keeps opponents at bay. If he can hold off the amazon, who needs to get close, then that gives the three of you time to take on the others or him more time to cast spells that can deal with her. A double-team might be good for the witch and the lizardess, if they can only target one opponent at a time with their magics. They'd have to decide which of you were the bigger threat, leaving them exposed to the other. Ragna seems the best to deal with the shinobi, but if she needs to get in close, like Zidane, then Zwei might have just as much a chance against her. A good grapple might just take her out of the fight."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Soooo..." Zidane put a hand to his chin in thought.

"I am fighting the shinobi it seems." Zwei announced.

"And I'm against the amazon..." Marth hummed, nervous about his chances.

"Who the hell are we fighting?" asked Ragna.
"Who the hell are we fighting?" asked Zidane.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, you've fought the lizardess, Ragna. Think you could take her down with Zidane's help?" Azure arches a brow at him. "If not, I'd say get the witch out of the fight early, then the four of you can take her on together, if you're still up and kicking, that is."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Ragna clicked his tongue, before putting his blade over his shoulder and letting it click, latching onto something on his back. "Alright. Zidane, occupy the lizard."

Zidane laughed. "Like you can take on the witch."

Ragna grinned. "You're right, I can't." He replied, drawing a frown from Zidane, before he looked to Marth. "Marth, enchant my blade. Make it flash bright." he commanded of his fellow fighter. Marth looked hesitant, but the weak wizard did as he was asked. Magic poured into Ragna's heavy weapon, and Marth instructed him that the sword will cast a bright light in one direction in front of him if he strikes the back of the blade with his hand. "Now, I can fight the witch." Ragna announced.

"By what? Shining a light at her?" Zidane sighed.

"Marth was always complaining about how he couldn't concentrate, and thus couldn't cast spells." Ragna rationalized. "Must be annoying to have someone flash bright lights in your eyes, right?" he said with a grin.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"All about changing tactics and using what you know about the other opponents." Azure smiles slightly, quietly hoping that at least one of them succeeds using the new plan, though pleased that they had quite a bit of input in helping her devise the plan. It'd help them in their feelings that they were doing this without much help from her.

"That settled for the moment, I've been a bit remiss." Capri feels her hand rub back and forth at the small of his back. "The one who's been offering up ideas along with me here is Capri, my..." Here she'll pause, pondering what title to give him. He's not her husband yet. He's more than simply a mate. "Partner," she settles on. It implies a relationship without formal commitment and also hints at the equality they have in their relationship.