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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri rolled over like a limp doll when Azure unraveled herself from around him. "I feel as if I escaped the touch of death... It's a unique feeling, so there is good in that." he chuckled nervously.
Re: Competition (Azure)

She shifts to her side as best as she's able, tucking an arm under her cheek as she gazes over at him. "I am sorry," she murmurs, letting her other hand trail lightly up and down his arm. "I got carried away. I'd ask if you didn't think the experience was too terrifying, but likening it to the touch of death, well..." She chuckles. It's clear she's not upset, at least not with him for the remark. There's concern there, especially since she cares for him and it seems like the last thing that she'd want to do is see him hurt, especially during something so wonderful.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri shook his head nervously. "Oh, no!" he said at her reaction. "Rather, what they say is quite true! A mind deprived of oxygen has heightened senses, so despite all that, it felt good! Really good!" he announced, trying to cover up any dust he unsettled with those words.
Re: Competition (Azure)

His quick defense gets a laugh out of her, a touch, perhaps, of being startled in it, but it seems she's at ease. "You liked that, then?" She licks her lips, nibbling on the lower one. "Still, I'd...feel better knowing you'd be all right, even if we did get carried away. I'd like for us to visit with one of the bishops, after some food and rest, of course."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri seemed nervous when she brought up the topic of a bishop. For a mamono, sure it was nothing. They weren't affected at all, but for the man, they changed a lot to better suit their wives. "A bishop, you say..." he visibly gulped upon hearing that. "It's... Well, perhaps we shouldn't rush? It's marriage, after all."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"A marriage that will let others know that you and I are mates. It might not deter some of the more...enthusiastic among us, but it will give you a measure of security." She pushes herself up, rolling slightly to bring herself closer to him, particularly her lips close to his ear. "Not to mention it will help you keep up with me." He can feel the grin on her lips. "So that pleasure you so enjoyed? You'll be able to feel more." Her fingers trail idly up his chest while she whispers to him. There's another faint giggle. "Think of it as another way to experience our culture. What better information to put in your book than first-hand knowledge?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri trembled as Azure got close and began whispering in his ear, shaken with arousal from her lustful approaches. When she finished her temptations by putting the idea of more book material in his head, Capri let out a sigh of resignation. "You are the devil," he said to her flatly. "I'll... Put some thought into it. A little time is all I ask for," he pleaded with the snake mistress as if at her mercy, which wasn't far from the truth given the way she was assertively stimulating him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

That earns him another giggle, though she does ease off just a little, not wanting to wear him out so soon after their first time together. "All right," she murmurs, bowing her head and kissing his shoulder. "A little time." And though she will continue to let her fingers roam, her touch isn't quite as seductive as it was, meant more to soothe and relax than arouse for the time being.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Francis would return from the odd looking Atlantian kitchen she had in her home, with grilled fish and other assorted small creatures that try to sneak in and defile or drink from Undine's water. "I'm not too keen on the tastes of lamia, but I understand that you enjoy the skin of your prey, so I found morsels that had particularly delicious flesh~" Francis announced, which was normal for any other mamono, but left Capri with a bit of flush missing from his face upon hearing a mamono speak in such ways regarding flesh and prey. It was hard for humans to tell the difference between prey and sexual interest in the eyes of a mamono, as most of their kind tend to treat both in the same manner.

Then, he suddenly remembered himself. "Oh, thank you very much for the food, and for such a kind of pay... You are being far too kind to us, if only we could repay-"

Capri was immediately shushed by a single finger from Francis, followed by a 'shush' from the pink mermaid. "Do not go down that road, young Capri. I would be keen on taking advantage of your self-indulged debt, and in front of your wife-to-be no less. She would never forgive me of my trespass~" she said with regards to Azure, giving her a small glance.

Capri submitted to Francis and withdrew his desire to repay her as he went to the cooked food on the table in the dining room, taking a seat casually. "I will become a horrible person if I allow myself to become spoiled while holding the knowledge that I am desirable to assertive women. The moment I start forgetting that I am a man, and begin slipping into this kind of indulgence is an event I wish to avoid."

"Don't be so reserved. You'll give Azure a headache!" Francis chuckled.

"I will be whatever Azure wants me to be once we're married, as per your customs. I want to be myself for now, reserved as I may be." Capri said firmly.

"You're already being selfish, well done~" Francis teased him, only fishing a sigh from Capri in response, before he began digging into his food after giving a slight gesture of thanks.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure rubs the small of Capri's back in a soothing manner, given he seems to pale at the other girl's words. "Thank you very much. Your hospitality is certainly appreciated," she says by her own way of thanks.

Given he's already gotten a lecture from the other mamono, she doesn't see a reason to elaborate on Capri's desire to dig himself into a debt. If nothing else, she keeps quiet on the matter while Francis is in the room, not having a want to cause him further embarrassment at getting another lesson in how his free words could get him into trouble. A generous soul, her husband-to-be. She'd have to make certain others didn't take advantage of that fact.

She'll accept the plate from Francis with a thanks and situate herself so that she can eat easily. At Capri's dismay, she leans forward and lays a kiss on his shoulder.

"Since I want a husband who isn't afraid to speak his mind, you're not going to lose your free will, sweet," she murmurs to him. "I want a partner, not a slave."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Pay no mind to it at all, dear," Francis waved off Azure's thanks just as she had Capri's desire to repay her. "It's no dent in my resources,"

As Azure began to rub his back, Capri would arch his back like a cat and groan in a display that he appreciated the sensation. Her mention preference for a partner over a slave would provoke him to suddenly lay down and relax his head upon her scales, using them as a pillow. "Then, as your partner, I want to be a little more selfish and claim your lap as my pillow." He announced.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Good to know," Azure remarks to the other girl with a bit of a smile.

The smile grows as she seems to find another favorite place to touch Capri. His actions actually garner a laugh from her and she'll shift a little, making it so she does seem to actually have a lap, or something close to it. "First time I've ever actually heard that I have one of those," she chuckles. She sets the plate down on the bed beside her and nibbles a little at what Francis has given her, idly combing her fingers through Capri's hair in the meantime.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri let out a chuckle, smiling comfortably for the first time since coming into Francis' house. "A lap is something comfy when you rest your head on it. I find that what I rest my head on now more than qualifies. Your lap is simply different than most." He stated firmly.

Some time would pass like this, everyone seeming to be comfortable. Though, once the peace got boring, Francis decided to open the doorway to something perhaps exciting. "Azure... Would you perhaps be interested in Undine?" she inquired. "You see, Atlantis is facing a rebellion right now, and the seas have become quite dangerous for humans. Innocent people and mamono are being caught in this conflict, and Undine made it her objective to save them, and try to make peace." Francis smiled as if she already expected Azure to be intelligent enough to know where she was going with this. "Would you like to help us?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"If it works for you, I'm not going to argue." Azure continues to scratch her fingers through Capri's hair while the two of them relax and she nibbles on her dinner, resisting the urge to nibble on him again.

At the news of the trouble, Francis gets a couple of blinks from the lamia. There'd been whispers, certainly, but to outright admit there was strife going on? Not that her fellow mamono weren't always clashing over one thing or another, but rebellion? This was rather heavy. Still, hadn't she already liberated some folks from the dark elves? Keep that up and she'd be a regular freedom fighter. Azure almost chuckled at that thought. She didn't really consider herself a fighter, though, and to get involved in something like that... Not to mention she had Capri to consider now, too.

It wouldn't hurt to learn, though. Something her parents had instilled in her. "Help how?" That seemed the question most likely to get her the answers she needed.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, that all depends on your skills that you have to offer. We could use just about anyone. People who can heal the wounded, those good with weapons or combat, cooking, truly anything that will benefit a society at war will be useful here. So, on those grounds, you can help however you think you can." Francis giggled.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The answer moves Azure to silence for several minutes and the hand in Capri's hair goes from a casual comb to something slow, barely moving, actually, while she thinks. He can feel a little bit of tension in her, even if it might not be readily apparent to the other woman.

"I'm not exactly sure I have the skills to help out," she finally states, it being a simple enough response. "I mean, I can take care of myself, so there's whatever goes along with that, but I'm not really a healer, nor do I consider myself much of a fighter. I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't just be in the way." Seems that she might want to help, it's just that she doesn't exactly see how she can.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, you seem to be a sound decision maker, from what I've seen. Why not a leader?" Francis suggested. "We are surprisingly short on good leaders. Decision making itself is a powerful, if overlooked, talent." she winked at the lamia.
Re: Competition (Azure)

That actually gets a blurt of a laugh out of the red-head, something that might startle Capri, since it shakes her whole body for a brief second. "Me? Lead? I'm just...Nobody here knows me except for Robyn and we're not exactly on the best of terms. Well, and you, but it's more like I know you, not the other way around." She shakes her head a little. "I can't imagine them just...letting me be in charge of...something out of the blue."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"You may be surprised that it takes a good leader not to consider the same out of the people whom she leads. Many leaders hold no faith nor value in who they command. I feel you won't make that common mistake, which puts you above the norm. That's my opinion, anyway." Francis waved her hand. Meanwhile, Capri was rubbing Azure's hand like a puppy wanting more pet time. He seemed rather happy, and spoiled.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Without even thinking about it, she starts brushing her hand through Capri's hair again, letting her fingers brush near his neck and shoulders as well. "And...how much would your opinion count on...making me leader? A leader," she corrects. Obviously this was a group effort. At least she wasn't packing up and making ready to leave. She was at least willing to hear the other woman out.