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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

Her teasings, trailing a finger along his body, began to draw some excitement from him, which she'd feel growing underneath her. He squirmed slightly, his chest rising and falling faster as Azure did well to work him up. Rather than reveal more of his excitement than that, his body tensed, trying to endure the building lust. It was when Azure leaned in, and put her mouth to his ear did she get a rather sudden gasp from him. As if she hit a magic button, she felt his manhood harden completely underneath her, his mental fortitude broken with her little attack on his ear. "... Capri..." he replied to her. "My name is Capri..."
Re: Competition (Azure)

He can feel the delighted smile against him as she finds something he so obviously enjoys. Laying a kiss against the shell of his ear, she then trails her tongue along the curve of it, following that with a quick flick against it as well. Her fingers continue to roam, too, now more at his hips and between his legs, fingertips up and down his length while she keeps up the attention at his ear.

"Azure," she murmurs, letting her lips brush against his ear as she introduces herself to him. She'll probably have to repeat herself later, but for now, it gave her a chance to hum against his ear.
Re: Competition (Azure)

As her wet, long tongue licked along his ear, Azure felt him squirm underneath her, stimulating her sensitive underside of her body. When her tongue flicked off, he let out a moan as her teasing was stirring him up quite a bit, and in more ways than one. By the time she had his length in her hand, he was already twitching excitedly, and moaning as he was forced to suffer her teasing. "A... Azure," he gasped, calling out her name. "You're torturing me..." he announced, his voice seeping in lust as everything Azure did seemed to add to his lust when all the lust he had already had nowhere to go, causing him to squirm with need.
Re: Competition (Azure)

She presses her lips against his ear again, letting them part as she traces another line along the shell of it, fingers playing against him with a little more firmness than the teasing touch she'd been using before. "Just this is torture for you?" There's a faint purr in her voice as she starts to leave kisses along his jaw, the side of his neck, and just under his collarbone. "I wonder what you'd think if I were really trying."

Easing back, she slides down the length of his body, exhaling hot breaths as she does so, until she can settle her cleavage around his length, reclining there so that her arms scrunch her in somewhat. From there, she'll start subtly shifting her body, stroking the length of him while he's caught between her breasts like that. Adding to it, she'll bow her head and let her tongue flick against the head of him when she can manage to reach it. Most of the time, too, her eyes will be turned up, watching him and his reaction to her attention.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The man's length twitched as much as he did from her attention. He shuddered as she gave him a series of wet kisses down to his collarbone. His eyes looked down to her as she moved down, until his length began to slip between her breasts. He put one hand to his forehead as he let out a moan, his legs twisting for a moment as her soft flesh enveloped his lower half. When her tongue flicked out and teased at the tip of his length poking out from between her breasts, Azure felt his hips buck slightly as she heard him groan. "Stop..." he pleaded with only a whisper. Though it didn't sound like he wanted her to just back away. He already seemed so wound up and aroused, full of lust that has nowhere to go while being forced to endure Azure's teasing. The look on his face was of a mixture of sexual bliss and frustration as he lifted his head and looked down at her, their eyes meeting for a moment before he'd moan and let his head fall back, able to do nothing but remain as Azure's toy to do with as she pleases, no matter how much she teased him. His length was even leaking pre-cum from how badly he needed release.
Re: Competition (Azure)

There is a brief pause in Azure's attentions as she hears Capri's plea, her golden eyes turned up to him, finding something pleasurable in his frustration. Watching the tension build in him tightens a knot of something that makes her lower half start to thrash, though at the moment, it's faint. What runs through her mind, watching him and what they're doing is a thrill that he is hers, and while there might be some slight possessiveness there, that isn't the core of it. That doesn't stop her, however, from wanting to be the one to make him feel even better.

Sliding down a little further, her breasts are replaced by a hand and the warmth of her mouth wraps around him, tongue swirling around the head, flicking at the droplets on the very tip, using that to help slick as she begins to ease deeper, taking care to keep a hand on his hip to help keep him from bucking too sharply and disturbing her rhythm. He might also feel the shift of her body against him, the writhe of her lower half as she listens to him, feels the tension building. It's an exercise in restraint for her as well, to hold back from simply screwing him and being done with it. Drawing it out will make it even better, at least that's what she's hoping.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Switching from chest to tongue and mouth, the man's expression was clear that he was bracing himself, knowing that his stimulation was only going to get worse, and it did. When Azure wrapped her tongue around his tip, Azure drew out a pleasured moan from the man, his hips twitching, held down by her hands, pinning him so that he won't make any uncomfortable movements for her. He made no voice to plea but he still moaned in such a way that clearly described how he felt having Azure use her mouth on him. She was using her mouth in just such a way that would only excite him, not bring him truly closer to climax. More and more excitement she filled him with, to the point where he was clearly going mad with lust. His fingers curled in and out, as did his toes, while twitching and squirming slightly. One of his hands slowly lifted, shaking in the air as if he wanted to make it grab at Azure, but a great hesitation held him back, possibly for fear of the snake woman's wrath.

In the end, the hand went to his own face, his fingers squeezing where they found themselves, hiding his expression as he leaned back, his outward moans muffled into his palm as he tried to endure the Hell of Pleasure that Azure had him trapped in.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Golden eyes cast upward, Azure watches the tension and the pleasure that are building on Capri's face, further encouraged by what she sees, that causing delighted purrs to rumble against him. As she makes to take him in deeper, the purrs turn into encouraging groans, her suckles and swirls growing a touch firmer. The hand that was helping her slips further down, starting to massage and stroke at his sac to only add to the sensations, intending on keeping this up until he's broken over that last peak of ecstasy.
Re: Competition (Azure)

As she moaned and purred, the vibrations from her voice seemed to do him in further. His hips squirmed, more furiously with each passing second. It was so obvious that she was working him towards a climax that would shatter his mind. When she grabbed his sac, and massaged it with her fingers, he gave an immediate start, looking down at her with wide eyes. "No...!" he exclaimed, his body tensing from her grabbing his sensitive balls. It only took a second longer and he became more submissive than he ever had been. He was completely still while she handled his most delicate area. His submission led to the inevitable much faster, as Azure would feel his lower half twitch but a few times, a warning that he was about to reach his peak. Wherever Azure chose to be or what she chose to do, the man would cum, regardless of how she'd choose to receive his climax.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Given the emphatic protest, her eyes flick up to watch him briefly, a check to make certain that it was simply her driving him out if his mind and not a true want for her to stop. Letting her eyes slip closed again, Capri might catch her own sounds of delight as she works to finish him off, soft little groans that continue to roll in the back of her throat and over him. When she does work him to release, there's a slight almost start to her when she feels him, though she quickly recovers, swallowing what she's managed to milk from him, her hand assisting in that task as it moves back up to his shaft, coaxing his release a little further along.

Once she's certain he's done, she pushes up again, stretching out to lie beside him, her head pillowed on her own elbow but close to his shoulder, watching him, her lower half draped casually over his knees and further down, her fingers lazily tracing at his chest as she watches him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Panting, sweating, and exhausted, Azure seemed to have taken quite a lot out of him as her fingers slid along his sweaty body. In the shade, it was not the heat of the sun that made him so hot, but Azure herself. The warmth he emitted was also quite alluring to the reptilian girl for obvious reasons. One of her first instincts, which could be easily suppressed, was to wrap around him once more and use his body for warmth.

"This is... My life now...?" he asked aloud. "With you...?" He turned his head to look at Azure directly. It was true, if Azure willed it, but he just seemed to be unable to imagine how his life had taken such a turn.
Re: Competition (Azure)

She will indulge in that side of her and curl up a little closer, letting their body heat build as they lie there together. One of her arms will slip around his waist as she nuzzles closer to him, though her coils remain loose enough.

"With me," she replies with a smile, a hand coming up to toy lightly with the ends of his hair. "I'll admit, it might take some getting used to, having someone else around my home again, but I hope it'll be nice. It's...been a little lonely."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The man blinked, as if confused. "That is the reason you... If you don't mind me describing it this way... Attacked me? Because you were lonely?" he asked. Even though the loneliness that a mamono can feel is one no human could understand, this much Azure would know.
Re: Competition (Azure)

There's a pause and she seems to be thinking on how best to answer him. "In truth? It started out as instinct, but when you were worried about being exiled," she gives him a faint smile, "I couldn't do that to you. As I said, I'd be the reason, so it's only fair I own up to it. And," she drolls, eyes lidding as she looks at him, "I hope we come to be pleasant company for each other."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The man chuckled nervously as Azure explained herself. He managed a smile, seeming like a kind of man who could get used to change quickly. "Ah, I see... Well, at least I will be in the care of someone kind, I suppose."

"Though, now that I think about it... Wasn't there a harpy with you who helped rescue us?" he asked.

"That'd be me." the siren announced, sitting casually in a tree, on a tree branch. Who knows how long she was up there, but she was clearly there without Azure knowing. "I didn't want to disturb since you seemed to be having fun~" she giggled. "Good news though, I got my gold! I just wanted to come back and say thanks! You were kinda the reason I found out the gold was fake, after all! On that topic." She lifted a bag in her talon. "I think a wedding could easily be paid for with but one of these coins."

The siren was so generously announcing that she would pay for Azure to hire a Sea Bishop to marry Azure to her newfound mate. The added bonus of marriage is that the husband is shaped via magic to suit the wife's desires, creating their dream husband, at least in appearance. Though mental affects apply somewhat too, they still have their free will.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"You suppose?" Azure arches a brow at Capri for that remark, though her smile clearly shows that she's teasing him.

The lamia lets out a little noise as she hears the siren's voice, twisting around to look up at her. The other woman's remark told her that while she may not have been there long, she was there long enough.

"So, I guess something good came out of our little meeting after all. And you were cross." Azure puts on a playful pout, though it eases into a smile as the siren thanks her. At the mention of the sea bishop, she blinks, not quite having thought of that. She doesn't answer right away, mouth opening and closing as she thinks about it. "Well, I suppose it's only fair Capri knows what he's getting into with that." Something she'd quietly resolved was to be honest with him. If he was going to be a mate, after all, it wouldn't do to have secrets.
Re: Competition (Azure)

After knowing all of the details, he seemed to think. "Bound to you forever... By my soul?" he asked aloud. "And a tattoo as well... We'll both have the same one?" He hummed. At first, having his soul tampered with didn't seem to settle well with him, but it became clear to him that such was a practice done often enough among mamono that it'd be strange to Azure surely if he refused. That, and being bound to her would be better than the alternative, if one had to truly despise the idea of being with her, which he clearly did not.

"I suppose that isn't too bad?" he said, before catching himself. 'I suppose' he believed was a word she may not like to hear from him. So, he corrected himself. "That isn't bad." he announced.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"As I'll be bound to you." She seems pleased that he's accepting of this, something that isn't outright stated but something that he can see in her expression and other body language. His correction of his phrase makes her laugh softly. "Seems we'll also be learning how to get along with one another."

Rolling away from him, she stretches, gathering up her things and giving him time to dress himself again. Granted, where they were headed, they wouldn't be needing them overmuch, but it was getting there.

"Don't suppose you know if there's a stream or anything nearby?" she asks of the harpy. Otherwise, they'd likely have to wait until they reached the shore before cleaning up.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I just came from cleaning myself." the blue harpy announced, before pointing with her wing. "It's that way. I'll show you! And if you don't mind, get a closer look at your catch~" she giggled. Harpies often shared their catch, while lamia were often extremely jealous types. Another reason among many that the two races didn't get along. Harpies would try to 'share' with married men among lamia communities, and things would go downhill from there.

After announcing, she began to fly slowly, ready to escort them to the river, which wasn't far. Just over the hill. It was calm, and steady. Nothing else was in sight, allowing for a relaxing bath.
Re: Competition (Azure)

There was no getting around the harpy taking a peek, that much Azure quietly explained to Capri while the trio headed for the river. Still, she kept her fingers twined with his while they followed, a bit of subtle possessiveness, but present none-the-less, assurance to him that she wasn't about to let the siren do more than that. What might help is her assisting her husband-to-be in cleaning up, encouraging him to return the favor, something that she can nicely tell the harpy to "butt out" while it's going on if she gets too insistent. In the meantime, she wasn't about to pass up her own opportunity to examine and explore the body of her husband-to-be.