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The Dark Magnate


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: The Dark Magnate


Well, with that description of what we'd be doing with the girls up above...

I'll vote 4. Use the Ritual of Eyes to turn missus agile into an agent. As to the other six... well, all we know about 'em is they're female and virgin. Burning imps to make 'em Broodmothers isn't terribly valuable, but burning imps to make 'em Dark Magicians is worse. "Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear", after all.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: The Dark Magnate

Rehagamon merely smiled at that. Her tears gave her eyes a beautiful sparkle, and the smell of her sweat stimulated him. It would be terrible waste to not have her around, but if having a powerful man holding her down made her afraid for her life then she wasn't suitable as a lover. He had a better idea anyway.

He leaned down an whispered into her ear, "I don't want to kill you." He let go of her arms and raised up into a squat, still looming over her.

She took the opportunity to scramble to the nearby pillar, and hid behind it. She poked her head out the other side, revealing only one green eye and looked directly into his. "You're... you're not going to eat me?" she asked, her voice still trembling.

He stood up to his full height and chuckled, "Not even a nibble."

"Then, you'll let me go?" she whined, hiding her face behind the pillar again.

"No," he replied flatly, still smiling. "You're lovely, so I'm going to keep you." She whimpered again. "Tell me, are you one of the slaves the imps bought?"
"No. I wasn't."
"Were taken from your home then?"

"No..." she answered again, as he took a few silent steps towards up to the pillar.

"So you were the one they found sleeping in a ditch. That's no place for a princess," he said a little softly.

"I'm not a princess," she replied almost defiantly. She then yelped and jumped to the side as something poked her in the rear. She saw a long appendage coming around the pillar, the demon's tail, wiggling in the air a couple of times before disappearing. She then turned and saw the Demon Lord's face at eye level with hers, smiling mischievously at her around the other side. She reared back a couple of steps, finding the wall behind her.

"What were you doing there? That doesn't sound very comfortable."

She looked down at the ground, tears welling up again. "I didn't have anywhere else to go" she said, almost whispering. "It was dry, and nobody ever goes up the mountain, so I thought I'd be alone."

Rehagamon's smile left his face. He didn't care much for the girl's life experience. But in the context of getting her loyalty, he had to consider her feelings into the equation. He never experienced sadness, being a demon, but the concept wasn't beyond his comprehension.

"So, you have nowhere to go. What's wrong with staying here?" he asked. She turned her head to the side and took a step, following the wall. "I'm more than happy to keep you fed and safe here, though not without some conditions."

She looked back at the demon, wary. Entering a pact with a demon means losing your soul, the legends said. And demons are cunning creatures that will make the agreements entirely in their favor without your knowledge. "You can't have my soul."

Rehagamon chuckled again. "I don't want your soul. Promise. I just want you to do some leg work, and to accept a boon from me."

"Leg work?" she asked.

"You're very fast. I want to make use of your mobility."

She looked right into his eyes, still on the verge of tears, but not entirely sad. "You're offering me food and shelter, in exchange for some work. What kind of work?"

"I want you to go places and look around." "Go where?" "I don't know. It's been a long time since I've been alive, and many things have no doubt changed. That's why I want someone to go places and take in the sights."

She looked away for a second, still considering. "Food and shelter, and I just go places and look around? That doesn't sound too bad."

"You're forgetting about the boon I'm giving you," he reminded her. She looked back at him as he went on. "We go back into that room, and I perform a ritual on you. It won't hurt you or take your soul away. It is just something I do for my surveyors."

She bit her lip at that. She didn't believe in magic until imps captured her. They kept going on about how she'll be sacrificed to resurrect Rehagamon, but that turned out to be false, since the ritual to do was finished when the knights came in. She was still upset that they died, but the Demon Lord himself didn't give her the impression that he was evil, aside from his freakish tail and horns, and massive height and... But his offer seemed too mundane to be dangerous. A safe place to live in exchange for work and some ritual. It was the same thing as any feudal lord would offer a servant, only instead of a demon casting magic spells, a priest would bless their agreement.

"All right," she agreed, "I'll work for you. But I want my things back. The imps took everything away when they put me in this outfit."

"Agreed, then. I am Rehagamon, Demon Lord."

"Ema Sheppard."

Rehagamon held out his hand towards the broken doors back to the altar room. "After you, my dear."

She nodded and began walking back down the hallway, the large demon keeping pace. She took a glance back every few steps, and he took the opportunity to admire the sway of her hips when she wasn't looking.

Gaznit, the Elder Imp was kneeling next to the broken down doors of the altar room, waiting for its master. "My lord. The room is prepared for the rituals, and the prisoners are ready." It looked up and noticed the girl stepping over the wooden planks nervously, the Demon Lord right behind her. "Master? This girl?"

"She has agreed to work for me. We will be performing the Ritual of Eyes on her first, then we will work on the others."

"As you wish, master."

Ema turned back and faced the demon lord. "What are you going to do with them?" she asked nervously.

"Don't question your master, human!" snarled Gaznit.

  1. Drop the subject and carry on. It doesn't concern her.
  2. Don't exactly reveal what's going to happen to the other prisoners, but try not to lie.
  3. Tell Ema exactly what's going on. They're going to be transformed into Broodmothers or Dark Magicians, depending on how he feels.

  • Gaznit is doing his job. Ema works for us now, and if it doesn't concern her she doesn't need to know until she witnesses it.
  • Gaznit is over steping his bounds. Tell him off. We want Ema to be separate from the imp hierarchy.
  • Gaznit is being a prick. Slap him. We want Ema to know she's worth more than him.
  • Gaznit is the one that's being insolent. But he's very useful. Execute some other random imp as an example.


Rehagamon has recruited Ema Sheppard as an employee.

Also, everyone who votes on the "Dat Ass" poll in Experimental Fate that doesn't get the option they voted for, gets a free extra vote coupon they can use at any time down the line in this C.Y.O.A.

First person to tell me how to fix that sentence will get their vote counted twice on the above poll.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Dark Magnate

Let's not pussyfoot around our new henchie. We want to appear as an authority figure, not someone who tries to bend over backwards for our minions.

Gaznit is currently our most capable trustworthy minion, it's probably best not to demean him too much. Maybe.


Also, Digimon AND Mass Effect? I like where this game's goin'.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Dark Magnate

2B. Gaznit may has a point, but we don't want to scare the girl off before she's converted. Thus, treat her right, at least until the ritual.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Dark Magnate

2 and BEEEEES.... oh I mean B


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Dark Magnate

The Demon Lord glared at his minion. "Gaznit. Shut up. I just said this woman would be working for me, not you. You do not have authority over her, understand?"

He waited for the now sniveling imp to finish apologizing before turning back the said human. "I require servants, agents and minions. Those six girls are not suitable for any of that as they are. Coming into adulthood undernourished has stunted them, so I'm going to bring them back up to par with some magic." He then smiled at the girl curious girl. "You have no need to worry about them, and it is time for you ritual. Go sit on the altar."

Some time while they had been out of the room, the altar had risen back out of the red stone circle of the floor beneath. The imps had taken the opportunity to clean up the mess of their fallen brethren and the knights, removing the bodies and whipping up the spilt blood. The altar itself was a table carved and polished from white marble, contrasting with the dull gray stone of the walls ceiling and floor.

Ema nervously followed the Demon Lord's instruction, as five imps stood around the altar's circle. They hummed softly, completely out of tune with each other, but steadily finding a common note and humming it together. Then Rehagamon stepped up to a circle, anther imp flanking him. His eyes became glowing mist as he chanted a few unnatural words, then grabbed the imp by the nape of the neck.

Ema's eyes went wide at the display, and he locked his now swirling vision on her. He heard he scream when the imp the greater demon was holding suddenly dissolved into a glowing mist as well, and then engulfed her. He was barely aware of the imps around them as they drew their daggers and began chanting infernal hymns. He could feel her fear, to a limited extent, the bond her was creating with her forming rapidly. But he knew that there was no escape for her at this point. The ritual was overwhelming the woman, keeping her eyes fixed on him as he stepped towards her, chanting rhythmically in time with each stride. He stopped when he was right up against her, and performed the final movement by touching his forehead with his index and middle finger with one hand, and her forehead with the other. The five imps started to waver, dizzy from the strain of using their full magical potential.

Then the Rehagamon's eyes became normal again, the glow and the mist disappearing. He could feel Ema's panicked emotions, and saw her scrambling off the altar. "What was that? What did you?" she asked, frantic. Why can I feel where you are? she didn't ask aloud.

He chuckled. "The Ritual of Eyes creates a connection between us," he said to her. When I open my mind to you, you can direct thoughts to me, he didn't say to her. The imps were trying their best to stifle their chuckles.

She wailed. Get out of my head! "You said you wouldn't hurt me!"

"You're not hurt at all." Actually, there's no downside for you. You don't realize the advantages this gives us, you and I. You don't realized the benefits.

"I don't want you whispering in my ear! You didn't say this would happen! Unmake this!"

Rehagamon rushed forward and loomed over her, scarring her into backing into the wall. He was still smiling. "I won't be using this to corrupt you, only speak to you over the great distances I will have you will travel for me. I have to concentrate on this bond to maintain the connection, and managing your every action and giving you constant instruction on how to live and behave are a waste of time." He put his hands on her shoulders, and spoke a little calmer. "Now, calm down, Ema." He nodded to one of the dizzy imps. "This minion will take you to your things, then a bed for you to rest in. Go relax. Tomorrow, you'll begin working."

She nodded, still shivering, looking at him with a mix of fear and loathing, then turned and followed the imp he assigned to help her out of the altar room.

Gaznit stepped forward. "Impressive, Master," the imp said in its raspy voice. "You tricked her into becoming a minion for life, instead of a simple pawn for as long as you had her loyalty."

Rehagamon sighed. The imp didn't understand that he still needed her loyalty to get the most benefit from her. At least he was brown nosing.

"Shall we continue with the other ritual, Master?" Gaznit then inquired.

The Demon Lord turned back to the Altar, watching the imps shove the other six girls into a line out side the red stone circle for his viewing. He pondered for a second. The girls were scrawny, he just knew his assets consisted of little more than what he had witnesses so far, and he was feeling drained. He would have to carefully consider what to do next.


Vote game. Only six people get to vote, and the coupons are not valid in this case. There's six girls, and each poster gets to pick what Rehagamon does with one of them.

  1. Ritual of Fertility: Maker the girl an Imp Broodmother. She'll produce imp eggs four times faster than imps do on their own. It'll also increase her constitution, giving her a resistance to disease and physical hardship.
  2. Ritual of Power: Give the girl spell casting, making her a Dark Magician Girl. At first she'll be no better than an imp, only being able to help with rituals and stuff. But with training she'll be something a lot more powerful. Growing up undernourished and likely uneducated has stunted her intelligence, so it'll be a long road to drag her down before she'll make a powerful minion. Good news is that she'll be extremely grateful at the chance to become something powerful.
  3. Drink her blood: She's week and feeble, but a few drops of her blood will give us enough energy to continue performing rituals on the other girls. That, and scared girls are full of adrenalines and dopamines, which will give us a nice high.
  4. Nap Time: Keep the girl around as a maid, like what most peasant girls are use for. Pass on transforming her today. We're a little low on energy, and could use some relaxation. Magic is hard work.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dark Magnate

I say 1 for girl 1!


Mar 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Dark Magnate

3; running out of energy in the middle of things would be... embarrasing. Seeing three others go before her should make the girl all the more terrified.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Dark Magnate

1. We need an army. Lets make the cruddy and ugly girls broodmothers.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Dark Magnate

Diagasvesle's and KakkaHousu's votes don't count since they don't know how to count. :p

Gonna mix up the order for literary effect. The results are 2 Imp Broodmothers, 2 Dark Magicians, and 2 untransformed maids, of which one will donate blood to Rehagamon.


Rehagamon pointed to one of the prisoners. "Yes," he said. "We'll start with her."

The girl was a shivering wreck as she was dragged to the altar and tied down. The anther set of imps arranged themselves around the altar, along with the Demon Lord. He chanted again, followed by the imps. The words were different, though those unfamiliar with the rituals wouldn't know that. As with Ema, one of the six demons became a glowing mist that engulfed the girl on the altar. To complete the ritual, Rehagamon stepped forward and tapped each of her hips twice. Then the glow faded, at which point the girl began complaining about her itching head and stomach. Rehagamon performed the same ritual again on another girl, who spent the whole time on the altar begging to be released.

The Demon Lord turned to the Elder Imp and said, "Two new Brood Mothers. Make sure they are comfortable and keep them healthy."

"Of course, my lord," replied the creature.

Rehagamon then walked up to the latest girl brought to the altar, who was shaking as much as the other two before her. She was staring at the ground he put his large hands on her tiny shoulders. She looked up, clearly as curious as she was frightened. "You'll will not be transformed," he whispered to her. She visibly calmed. Until he tore open her gown, exposing her shoulders. "I'm going to take drink some blood." His strength wasn't what it could be.

The girl's eyes widened in shock for a moment before she started screaming. Rehagamon leaned down and ran his lips over her her left shoulder, occasionally licking and brushing his teeth against her exposed skin, as if looking for the right spot. "No! Please!" she begged frantically, "I don't wanna die." She gasped as he reared back and opened his mouth wide, exposing his sharp white teeth, before he dropped back to her shoulder, sinking his teeth into her flesh. She screamed, and he pulled his teeth out of her. He kept his mouth around the wounds and sucked, drawing the blood out a bit faster than it was bleeding. The girl's cries filled his ear as he fed, and he could feel some of his power returning. It would be short lived, but it would last long enough.

After a moment, Rehagamon pulled back from the bite, trying to savor the sweet and coppery taste, but finding it lacking in the sustenance a healthier girl would give him. He took a little but of magic and concentrated on the wound, putting a hand over it as he did. He had lost much of his knowledge and power since his death, but he knew he could easily manage to clot the wounds and help her heal without infection. He held on to her a bit longer still, licking up the blood from her shoulder and his hand. Took particular pride in noting that he didn't stain her gown at all. "You're delightful," he said to the drained girl in his grip, almost teasingly. She whimpered softly, dizzy from the lack of blood. "I think I'll feed from you again." He then turned to the imps. "Take her away and give her food and rest. Prepare another girl for a ritual."

In but a moment, the drained girl was replaced with a yet undealt with prisoner, and Rehagamon was chanting a third set of infernal words. Another imps was turned into energy and flown into the girl as the Demon Lord tapped her head then her chest near her heart. The same was done to another girl, and then both were taken away, complaining of headaches and numb fingers.

The Demon Lord turned to the last girl, and did a mental count. He gave her a thorough look over as she was dragged up to the altar before he shook his head. "We'll not be transforming her," he said, and delighted at how she paled even further. She probably thought he'd feed off of her. "Give her a cloth and bucket, and assign her to cleaning. There's still a mess, despite your attempts to fix it." He chuckled as the girl nearly fainted from relief.

Rehagamon took a moment to stretch as the imps continued with their work. All of them had taken the opportunity to supervise the human in cleaning the blood stains for the adventurers, after providing her with four buckets of soapy water and over a dozen rags.

The Demon Lord could feel the night approaching, and considered it best to take a rest soon. Still, there was time to do something...

  1. Have a chat with Gaznit about the status of our cult and business.
  2. Go talk with Ema Sheppard. She's under some distress at being able to feel our presence and having a telepathic connection.
  3. Spend some time with the Brood Mothers. We wouldn't want them to feel too abused, despite hijacking their reproductive system...
  4. Give the Dark Magician Girls a lecture. They have a bright future ahead of them with all the magical potential we've given them, and it would be good for them to understand that.
  5. Pester the imps. We are bored!
  6. Talk to the maid servant. Getting on her good side would make a more loyal servant should we transform her later. That, and it would get the imps to stop giving her such a hard time.
  7. Talk to the girl we took blood from earlier. She might not be up for much talking, but giving her some positive attention would encourage her to forgive us. Eventually...
  8. Take a walk around the facility. Besides the altar room and the hallway to it, we have no idea what this place is like.


Top two options voted for, I will write.

First person who gets me a link that streams Vandread outside of the US gets two votes. I would prefer it if the stream wasn't hosted by Megavideo, but if that's all that's available then so be it.
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