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The Colony

Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

"You're coming with me," She said, pointing at Circe, "And we're activating the node. Simmons, may I please have one of my clips back?" The commander turned to the mechanic, taking a clip for her pistol.

"C'mon, you useless hunk of synthetics. I want to get moving."
Re: The Colony

Circe stood up straight, as though she had been slapped. "Yes sir!" She said cooly and saluted. Though she wanted to correct the commander, even slug her in the face, she was a soldier, and Cassie was her superior officer.
Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

Commander Winters lead Circe towards the sensor node, waiting until they were out of ear shot. Her jaw was set, her eyes locked straight ahead.
"They got her body right."
Re: The Colony

Circe blinked and looked at the commander with some confusion. "Commander?" Circe still wasn't bothering to cover herself, a battle could erupt at any moment and she needed to focus on her duties as a soldier first. Modesty could wait.
Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

"Viola's body," She said, "The bitch that created you abominations got you down to the very last molecule it seems... Not too surprising, what can be done with genetic engineering," She said, gesturing to herself, "Not her personality."

Cassie came to the small bunker where the sensor node was located, reaching up and climbing atop it.
Re: The Colony

"It takes a lifetime to form a real personality." Circe said, as though reading from a text book. "Besides, if I were too close to Viola's personality, I'd be a traitor."
Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

"If you had her personality you'd understand that the truth told by the majority may not be the absolute truth," She murmured, looking down at the Viola Gynoid. The Commander's eyes softened for a second as she paused near the sensor node, her lips turning down into a frown.

"...There's nothing of Viola left in you, Circe. If there was, you'd understand everything I was talking about."
Re: The Colony

Circe looked up at Cassie, a bit warmer than before, then turned away, scanning the area for a possible ambush. "I'm sorry Cassie, I'm just a soldier." She said, mainly to herself, but the keen eared rabbit might pick it up.
Re: The Colony

Laina stretched and yawned as she watched the commander and Circe walk away. "I guess the Commander really wanted to settle whatever score she has with Circe. Strange that we didn't really get any orders, looks like we're stuck waiting around here until they get back. Might as well use the opportunity to see if there's anything around here worth saving, maybe the orcs had something worth hanging on to."

She starts going from orc body to orc body, checking them for anything that looked to be of use. Every so often, she throws back a nervous glance at the hulking orc still standing amidst them. "Can't believe they're keeping that thing around. What are they going to do with him once we're done here? Surely they don't think we can bring him back to the base, right?"

(I hope I didn't miss what I was supposed to be doing now. Search dead orcs for useful stuffs.)
Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

Commander Winters paused a little longer, looking down at Circe. A smile crept across her lips for a second, murmuring something along the lines of 'Maybe I'm wrong', before she began to turn on the Sensor Node.

Laina went through the orc's possessions as she went, humming a bit as she did. She found plenty of those odd chips, but only found a single pistol from the orcs in working order. There were two clips with it: a Pink colored one and a green colored one.

Laina picks up an Orc Pistol (1 Damage, 8 rounds, 1 pink clip, 1 green clip).
Re: The Colony

"Hmm, I wish they would have kept better care of their weapons.. Sad to see things allowed to fall apart like this. On second thought though, I think I'm quite alright with them bringing weapons on the verge of being scrap metal to their fights with us. Not sure if this pistol is going to be much help, but maybe somebody at the base will be interested in learning more about their weapons." Laina mused, as she put the orc pistol securely away.

"I wonder if there's anything useful in those buildings by the assembly point, since it looks like we still have time to kill here."

(If I have MP for searching those buildings, I guess I'll do that.)
Re: The Colony

Jenn pauses for a moment, blankly, looking first at the discs, then at the Orc, then back at the discs. Examining the disks closely, she shakes her head a little and looks up with a smile.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Orc," she says. "I just wish I knew what these things are, and how to properly communicate with you." She pauses and, a little hesitantly, bows slightly.

She returns to the coins, toying with them gently and twists the toe of her boot on the ground.

"So, uh, guys? Does anyone uh, know why Mr. Orc is helpin' us?"
Re: The Colony

(i take it not every black line is a wall? merely a point where two areas are sepeated for exploration? also whats the limit for movement per action?)

*pulling her pistol out and holding it at the ready she lead the first step of this tiny little adventure stepping out into the hallway and scanning about carefully. she didnt want to walk into an enemy right off the bat unprepared.*

(so step through door into hallwall.)
Re: The Colony

"I'm not a robot, nor am I an AI. Please, Cassidy, I've given you proper credentials to pass by anyone here at Firelight if they decide to look into you.. Just hope they haven't read the news lately. As for the Commander, I have no idea where she is; she could be halfway across the Galaxy and having a fun night at Azure for all I know.

"...Speaking of which, I'm sure she'd love to meet you. Again, that is."

"Come -on-, you know I actually have some serious credentials of my own, -Mom-.. Intergalactic genius and all that?"

Still keeping up the fuzzy ditz persona, just for the benefit of everyone else in the courtyard.. folk who were doubtless drawing great amusement at the Asari's expense.

"And I've been -out- of the news. Ever since the last fire they -claim- I started - which, by the way, was a total exaggeration -, I've been a good girl! It's not my fault some over-zealous Enforcer sent killer robots after me! As for the Commander.."

A conspiratory grin spreads across the Asari's features, fingers drumming together in her best evil-impression.

"So... Azure, eh..? So she likes Asari? I'm sure I could use that to get into the lab-... wait."

Persona dropped, and the Asari grabs at her earpiece in what could be real shock.

"What do you mean, -Again-? Oh Goddess.."

Swiftly, covering up.

"Tell me she's not that dour woman who put a credit chip in my.. you know, last time the Marines put.. you-know-what in my coffee, is she..?"
Re: The Colony

"Okay. I'll wait a little while then, but if that node isn't activated soon maybe we should go look for them." Ashley replies into her headset. Then, she turns and goes to the mess hall, wanting to have a rest in case something happened.

(Wait to regen EP. I won't have enough time to post this week to go do much else.)
Re: The Colony

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

Laina's Scavenge Rolls:
Gunpowder: 3
Metal: 1
Plastic: 2
Rubber: 2
Chemicals: 3

((Uhm... So you basically got the same rolls as before. Freaky.))

As Laina went off to scavenge the buildings, the large orc looked down at Jenn, tilting his head.

"I don't think it can understand us," Mechanic Simmons said. One of the civilians was standing next to her, watching as the Orc began to adjust his armor.

"Uhm... What's it doing?" He asked. Unclipping his armor, the creature took off his rather heavy vest, pushing it down onto Jenn's shoulders. It was definitely made for extended periods of combat she found, especially as he tightened the straps holding it in place, making sure it would fit her comfortably. He was careful to take off the padding on his arms and legs, attaching it to Jenn thoughtfully as he went about - not seeming to mind the fact he had to loop some straps between her legs, caring little (or not really understanding) the idea of personal space. She could feel his hands heavily petting along the inside of her thighs... or maybe it was just Jenn's imagination as he checked the buckles; she didn't know. Looking down at her, he let out a grunt, patted her on the shoulder, then turned and walked away.

"...That was kinda hot," Mechanic Simmons murmured, checking Jenn's new armor. (Jenn has gained Orc Heavy Armor with 20 Durability. This has replaced her Light Armor.)

Just then, Cassie pressed the button to reactivate the sensor, Kiera's network expanding. Mechanic Simmons let out a sigh as Laina came back with some more materials, everyone's little virtual HUD lighting up as they were reattached to the network.

"Oh good... I'm glad Kiera's not dead yet," The Mechanic said with a small smile.

Chapter One - Rabbits Can Kick Ass Too
Or: The Humans Fight Back

Broadcast across all available areas from Commander Winters to: Reya, Circe, Laina, Jenn, Kalica, Cassidy and Ashley.

"Attention to all available forces in the area: This is Commander Cassandra Winters of Firelight Base. It's been a week since Titan was attacked by a force of unknown strength and origin. While our forces remain divided, yet not defeated, I am taking it upon Firelight Base to bolster our forces and strike at the enemy that has come to menace us. If you are hearing this, we are still strong, and, standing together as the Alliance wishes us to; as we have learned: There is no enemy that can stand against us while we stand all stand as one.

If you are hearing this, proceed towards Firelight Base. There we will wait, plotting and ready to destroy our enemy."

Two Miles Southwest of Firelight: Alliance Assembly Point, Sensor Node; Circe, Anne, Laina, Jennifer, Commander Winters

Commander Winters terminated her radio uplink to anyone within Kiera's network, jumping down from the sensor tower as she landed next to Circe. Holding her pistol at the ready, she began to move back towards the group, keeping her eyes straight ahead as she spoke to Circe.

"What did you call me after I chastised you?"

Firelight Base: Courtyard; Cassidy, Ashley, Hali, Theresa and Kyle

"Oh yes, that's right," Kiera said over Cassidy's headset. She wasn't quite able to respond to the Asari's panic, since the Commander had cut her off before the VI could come up with something, "She said she had met the 'infamous Cassidy Mri'Lori' back when she was on loan to the Anthropology Department. She never told me what exactly happened..."

((Also, here might be a good time to mention it... If you want more of a backstory and characters from it, please speak up. If you want backstories with some of the important staff at Firelight, just let me know.))
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Re: The Colony

Jenn says absolutely nothing as the Orc suits her up, though she does blush brightly and fidget every time he comes near something important. When he finishes and pats her on the shoulder, she smiles at him and nods, murmuring words of thanks, a light blush spread across her cheeks.

She watches him walk away, not really sure why she was just given the Orc's armor, but thankful nonetheless. Testing the armor's maneuverability out, she stretches, reaching down to her toes, placing her hands on her hips and leaning forward and backward, and then twisting her torso from side to side. It seems quite a bit more sturdy, she notes. Jenn stands there quietly, eyes a little unfocused for a second, eying the Orc.

At the mechanic's words, Jenn jumps. "I-it was, um... He, uh, h-he just doesn't know our c-customs, that's all," she says in the general direction of the mechanic. Turning to focus properly on Mechanic Simmons, she asks, "Do you know why he just... just gave me his armor like that? I've got no, uh, clue..." Jenn squirms ever so slightly as she speaks.

Hearing the Commander, she listens attentively, feeling slightly energized by the words, and then turns her eyes toward the group of people waiting on the commander. She nervously rocks back and forth on her feet.

"Um, is everyone capable of coming back to Firelight? I can, uh, provide assistance if we've got any wounded, though, whew, I'd like to try and fix up those who need it at the base if possible," she calls out. She idly rubs her legs together, feeling some of the straps pressed up against her body.

She stops and hums to herself quietly. Maybe the VI could help her figure out why that Orc was so friendly, especially given the general nastiness the others had exhibited.

"Hey, Kiera? I, uh, assume you can hear me now. O-one of the Orcs saved me and then, well, sorta just gave me his armor. D'you have any idea why? And could, uh, someone study this suit to, er, possibly make better armor back at Firelight?" she asks, squirming again.
Re: The Colony

Circe nodded as the commander addressed everyone. As the two walked back towards the others, Circe also kept her gaze in front of her. "I apologise for the informality, Commander, I'm not sure why I said that."

Approaching the rest of the group, Circe eyed Jenn's new armor with a small amount of suspicion. "Where did she get that? It looks like the orc's armor. And where's that green freak at anyway?"
Re: The Colony

Emerging from a nearby building with a bag full of salvaged junk over her shoulder, Laina happily makes her way to back to the others. Anything she could get her hands on for keeping the base going was good news. That coupled with their newly found Commander taking them back to the base has Laina in a bizarrely cheerful mood.

"Hey guys! You wouldn't believe how much useful stuff a person keeps in their.. Wait, what happened to big and ugly? Did it run off? I hope so, that would make how this mission turned out more or less ideal."
Re: The Colony

(*pokepokes the silth* just a heads up you mighta missed my last post Silth)